• Published 13th Jun 2017
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The Guardian From Afar 2: Hateful Vengeance - LukeTheMercenary

William is now Scootaloo's father, but some ponies disagree with an alien adopting a pony...and a certain mare will go as far as she can to make sure the two get seperated.

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The Guardian From Afar 2: Hateful Vengeance

Life was great. It had been six months since I adopted Scootaloo, and ponies have accepted me very well into their society. Remember when I told you how the ponies reacted to me when I first came? Well, it’s much different now. After adopting Scootaloo, I was seen almost like any other pony in town.

Speaking of Scootaloo, her life had been improving as well! Now that she has a parent, I am able to help her with her homework and help her study for tests. Sure, I am not the smartest guy in the world. My father home-schooled me, so I only could recall what he had taught. Still, it seems to be working.

After I take her to school, I have time to myself. Now, five hundred bits could only last for so long...so I had to get a job somewhere. I ended up selling my services to anypony willing to hire me. I grew up as a hard worker, so I was willing to do just about any form of back-breaking work. Ponyville didn’t usually offer me many jobs...but there was a farm nearby that was always willing to hire. Sweet Apple Acres was the name of that place, and this was where I met Applejack. Ironically, Applejack was the older sister of one of Scootaloo’s closest friends, Apple Bloom.

Applejack was a friendly mare, as well as a fellow country person- er...pony. The main thing that made us different was that I was a hunter, and she was a farmer. However, that doesn’t mean that I have no experience in farming. My father had a small vegetable garden, and I tended to it when he died. Anyways, Applejack usually had me harvest apples, help her brother chop wood, as well as other tasks that involved caring for the crops. While the work was hard, it paid well. I was able to actually KEEP my home this time.

However, a certain event changed my life forever...and I’m not sure if I will ever forget it.

One day, I was outside the schoolhouse. It was nearing the end of the school day, and was waiting to pick up Scootaloo. Applejack approached me from behind, and got my attention.

“Howdy there, Will!” Applejack said, happily, “Ya did a nice job out there today!”

I wiped some sweat off my forehead, “Yeah. I hope I did, I had to climb the trees to harvest! I swear to god, the branch snapped!”

“Is that why you screamed like a scared filly?” Applejack asked, smirking.

“I don’t exactly have wings to save me if I fall.”

“Neither do I, but I don’t even need to climb. I buck the trees.”

“I can’t. Me kicking the trees is like sucker-punching a boulder.”

“Maybe you should work out a little more.”

Applejack finished that sentence with a mischievous grin. It took me a second to process what she just said.

“Oh, now you’re asking for it.” I said, cracking my knuckles.

I quickly turned around and grabbed her hat. I then ran away from her with the hat in hand.

“Oh no, ya don’t!” Applejack laughed as she chased me.

Holding her trademark hat in my hand, I beat feet away from the country mare. Now...one thing that I easily forget about these ponies: They have four legs and are naturally fast...and since AJ is a farmer, she is very strong. It didn’t take long for her to catch up to me and tackle me to the ground. A cloud of dirt and dust surrounded us as we wrestled on the ground for the hat. Again, she is strong. She pinned me on the ground, forgetting about the hat.

“Give up!” Applejack laughed.

“No!” I responded while struggling.

“Okay then...” Applejack then began tickling me. “How ‘bout now?”


AJ gets up, dusts herself off, and placed her hat back on.

“That’s what I thought. Now get up, Will,” Applejack said, offering her hoof to help me up.

I grabbed it and pulled myself up.

“You win this round,” I said, “But this isn’t over...”

“What...was that?” a voice asked.

We turned around to see Scootaloo, Sweetie Belle, and Apple Bloom staring at us with confused looks on their faces.

“Oh, just horsing around.” I responded.

Suddenly, Pinkie Pie appeared out of nowhere with a drum and a cymbal. She played the classic “Ba Dum, Tss” noise before disappearing just as quickly as she came. I had gotten used to this, as I quickly learned to never question Pinkie Pie.

I cleared my throat and dusted myself off, “Anyways...Scoots, I gotta go to the market to pick up some things. Want to come with?”

“Actually, can my friends and I go play a little?” Scootaloo asked.

"As long as you play where I can see you."

"Okay, Dad."

"What about you, AJ? Wanna come with?"

"Actually, I gotta go run my own booth at the market. If ya come by, that'd be nice." Applejack responded.

"I will. Let's go, kids!"

We arrived at the market. Ponyville was busy that day, as it usually was on Sundays. Don't ask why, I still don't know to this day. Anyways, I headed for my usual stop. I was a regular at some of the booths, but the one that I visited the most (besides AJ's booth) is Filthy Rich's booth. I met him a few weeks after officially adopting Scootaloo. Since our daughters were friends with each other, we were going to have to meet eventually. He is a business pony, and I've heard he has large businesses all over Equestria. Ponyville is where he lived, and he was usually seen at his large booth selling things. Depending on the time of year, he sells something with varying purpose. His prices were decent, so I usually went to his booth. We became good friends, and he sometimes hired me to do things for him. Mainly delivering things to the residents of Ponyville.

I wish his wife was as admirable as he was.

Remember when I told you all that Diamond Tiara was rude because her mother was...well...a bitch? Well, I thought she was irritating from a distance...but to talk to her...it was a test for my patience. She DID NOT like me. She knew about the time I shot DT's tiara off her head. Diamond forgave me, but her mother didn't. After she yelled and threatened me, I learned why her name was "Spoiled Rich."

Anyways, I approached Filthy Rich's booth and gave him a smile and a wave.

"Hey! What's up, Rich?" I asked.

"Ah, Will! It's good to see you again!" Filthy responded with a smile.

"I hope there's any Zap Apple Jam left...Scoots loves that stuff."

"Well, I knew you'd say that," Filthy said while reaching behind the counter, "because I reserved one last jar just for you!"

"Awesome, thanks! How much do I owe you?"

"Three bits, please."

I handed him the money and held the jar in my hands.

"She'll be happy about this. Thanks again!"

"Come back soon, Will!"

I placed the jar in my bag and headed for Applejack's booth. I wanted to pick up some food, and I did promise that I'd drop by. However, I stopped in my tracks when I felt a cold stare on me. Normally, I'd brush that off...but I trusted my gut instinct, and looked to my left. There, I saw Spoiled Rich giving me this creepy glare. Oh great. And I was in such a good mood, too. I thought. I didn't want to have an argument at this time of day. I took in some air, exhaled, and approached her.

"Excuse me, Mrs. Rich," I asked, "It is impolite to stare. Is there an issue?"

"Yes...and I am looking at it," she responded, coldly.

Oh, so THAT'S the way she wants to play. Okay then.

"Jeez, somepony has been taking some bitchy pills."

"You'd best be watching your attitude, ape," she started, "Or I'll find a way to make your life MISERABLE."

I sighed. There were ponies in the town who had referred to me as an "ape" before, but coming from her...I could feel my fists clenching from my loss of patience. However, she proceeded to rant.

"I know what you are: a MENACE. Don't think I have forgotten what you did to my daughter's tiara! You had no right to do such a thing!" Spoiled said, stomping her hoof.

"That was years ago, and it got fixed!" I responded.

"Not to mention," she continued, "The fact that you are unfit to be a parent! Scootaloo is a pony and you're a..."


"Yes! A human! If you're not a pony, you shouldn't be raising a foal!"

"That's odd coming from the mare who got stood up by her own daughter. Listen to me, Spoiled. I may have only been a parent for six months now, but even I know that you're an awful one. I'm almost certain that a praying mantis would make a better parent than you, and they eat their young."

That must've gotten to her...because her face turned red, and I saw a big vein bulge in her forehead. I know that she's a pony, but...that was inhuman.

"You need help," I said before walking away.

I left that scene without a word. I didn't want to get into conflict with her, mainly because she was the wife of a friend of mine.

I walked for ten minutes until finally reaching Applejack's booth. I approached and gave her a smile. She returned the smile, and we had a conversation. We mainly talked about what we were going to do the next day for work, and the crusaders were playing nearby. I then decided to bring us the odd incident with Spoiled that I had earlier.

"Yeah...that crazy bitch Spoiled Rich tried stirring up trouble with me," I said.

"What did she do?" AJ asked.

"Tried accusing me of being a "menace" and crap like that."

"Well, that ain't too nice."

"Yeah, and I don't know why she would! She claims to be mad about the tiara incident, but that happened years ago. Plus, I personally fixed her tiara when I became an official citizen."

"Well...have ya ever thought that maybe there's a personal reason b'hind it?"

"Why would there? I've never done anything to make her upset. Sure I don't like her, but I'm not the kind of guy who purposely stirs up trouble with others."

"I'm not sure what ta tell ya, Will."

"Well, I guess we can just shrug it off. I'm not gonna let some rich mare bother me in my life."

We chatted for a little while longer. After our conversation, I purchased food from her, put it in my backpack, and called for Scootaloo.

"Scoots, it's time to go home!" I said.

"But Dad, can't we play for a little while longer?" she asked.

"I have to clean the house, and I don't feel comfy leaving you alone."

Applejack chuckled from behind me, "Don't worry, Sugarcube. I'll keep my eyes on them. Go ahead and do what ya gotta do."

"Heh...thanks, AJ."

"Wait!" Scootaloo yelled.

"Hm?" I asked.

Scootaloo then ran to me, and jumped into my arms. I smiled and returned her hug, before she jumped back down again.

"I'll see you later, Dad." she said.

I ruffled her mane, "Come home soon, Scoots. I love you."

"I love you too, Dad."

"Aww, isn't that sweet? Where's mah hug?" Applejack finished that question with a smirk.

I too smirked and approached her. She raised an eyebrow...and before she could realize what was happening, I gave her a big hug.

"Hey! What're you do-" She started, before stopping.

I didn't notice, but I was hugging her for ten seconds before the crusaders all said, "Awwwww!" in unison. I immediately let go and took a step back.

"Look! Applejack is blushing!" Sweetie Belle said.

"Applejack has a crush on William!" Apple Bloom yelled.

I covered my eyes and wished I could hide behind my hair like Fluttershy does. I looked over to Applejack, who was hiding behind her hat.

"Yeah, yeah. I gotta get home. You kids have fun," I said before heading back to my house.

While I was walking away, I heard the crusaders chanting an infamous song, "Will and Applejack sitting in a tree, K.I.S.S.I.N.G.!"


Spoiled Rich was sitting at the dining table. There was a glass of water in front of her with a straw sticking out. She took a sip, and exhaled. She was still peeved about what happened that morning.

"That ape," she mumbled, "That nasty, ugly, BRAINLESS ape telling me that I'm the bad parent! He's not the one with the money and the house that I have!"

She took another sip from her water before ranting about other things that made her angry.

"And that Scootaloo! She changed my daughter! Thanks to her, Diamond is not going to be as successful as my husband! She'll likely be working on a farm, or something like that!" she said while pounding her hoof into the table.

One of her servants approached her. The servant was a unicorn mare, and she was holding a tray with a red pill on it.

"Mistress Rich," the servant said with a refined voice, "Your daily medicine."

Spoiled Rich used to take therapy for her anger issues. He prescribed her tranquilizers to take on a daily basis to ease her temper. It worked, but her hatred would stay. If she was mad at someone, the medicine would only remove the anger...but her hatred for that pony stayed. Like they always say: anger makes you stupid, so with the anger away...she would be able to rationally figure out a way to make that pony's life miserable. This was the only reason why she agreed to take the medicine.

After taking her pill, she felt the calmness run through her body.

"Thank you," she said to her servant, "You may leave now."

The mare smiled and left the room. Now that the anger was gone, she was able to come up with a thorough plan.

"Let's see," she started, "Nopony, or human, talks to me like that and gets away with it. How can I make him pay?"

She then thought of a plan. A despicable idea. Her lips curled into a grin that unmistakably looked like the Grinch's.

"Oh, William," she said, "You're going to regret crossing me."\


"Ah! Perfect!" I said as I admired the work that I did.

I finally managed to clean my house in only two hours. I guess now is a good time to give you a basic description of my house. It was near the outskirts of the town, and you could see the mountains and cliffs that surrounded Ponyville if you stood on the porch. It was two stories tall, and had flowers growing around it. On the first floor, there was a well-furnished living room, a kitchen, and a dining room. On the second floor, there was my bedroom, Scootaloo's bedroom, and the bathroom. Nothing special, really.

Cleaning the house wasn't too difficult. I tend to be a rather organized person, and I don't like to leave something unfinished...so when I see a mess, I clean it. Scootaloo on the other hand, she's not exactly the best at cleaning and organizing. That's okay with me, though. Anyways, I walked into my room and wondered what to do. I looked around for something to occupy myself with, but there wasn't much to offer. There was the "Daring Do" books that Rainbow let me read, but I already finished those. I should return those soon. I thought. I looked at the jigsaw puzzle on the shelf. Nah, I already solved that one. I thought.

My eyes suddenly caught sight of something black leaning against the wall next to my bed. I walked up to the long object and kneeled beside it. It was my father's rifle. The same rifle that I used to watch over Scootaloo. Ever since I adopted her, I hardly touched it. There was really no point in doing so. I still kept it next to my bed, and that's where it remained for six months. During that time, it gathered a surprisingly large amount of dust. I pulled out a duster and began cleaning the surface of the gun. I wish I could say that it was shiny when I finished, but it wasn't. There were various scratches and a few dents on the outside, but those were always there. I looked in the drawer next to my bed, and saw what was left of the rubber ammo, and some of the real ammunition that I took with me. I'm not sure if I mentioned this, but I DID take real .50 BMG ammunition with me...I just never used it. I hid the real bullets all over the house in case of an emergency. It's better to be safe than it is to be sorry.

I picked up the rifle and pulled back the chambering mechanism. It still worked as well as it always did, but no bullet came out. This was because the magazine was in the drawer next to my bed, loaded with REAL bullets and ready for an emergency.

Still, I doubted that I would ever need to use the rifle ever again.

That night...

Spoiled Rich was with a servant at the Everfree forest clearing, her servant holding a lantern in his mouth.

"Follow me, we have to go inside." Spoiled said, motioning her servant to follow.

"Mistress Rich, why must we go into the Everfree...at night?" the servant asked.

"We are here because William claimed he camped here when he first came. Maybe we can find something to use against him...to PROVE that he's a fiend. This might also hurt that brat Scootaloo a little as well..."


They both walked into the forest and looked around. They looked to the left, and saw nothing. They looked to the right, and saw a large pile of what seemed to be junk.

"Over here! Now!" Spoiled yelled as she dashed toward the area.

Her servant stood next to her, and helped light the area. Around her, she saw various random objects. There were a few old sheets in the dirt that had bugs crawling on them, and the remains of a makeshift tent were loosely hanging from a few branches. There were various empty cans, bottles, and jars lying on the ground. Then there were objects that she recognized: a tarnished watch from Time Turner's clock shop, a cracked cider jug from Sweet Apple acres, and a crushed pastry box from Sugarcube Corner.

"Perfect! This is exactly what we need." Spoiled said.

"What do we do now?" the servant asked.

"Grab these items and place them in the bag. We will need them."

"Of course."

Two days later...

Scootaloo and I were eating breakfast that morning. She was eating some pancakes that I made at home, topped with maple syrup. I was eating fried eggs, homemade hash browns, and some fish that I caught with my hands at the nearby river. I know what you're thinking, and no: ponies don't mind the fact that I'm an omnivore. In fact, the only meat I eat in Equestria is fish...which ponies were okay with. Anyways, I just took a sip from my coffee when I heard a knock at the door. I set my mug down and opened the door. I saw a cross-eyed mare standing at the door, a mail bag on her side.

"Hi, Derpy!" I said.

"Hi, Will! I got your mail here!" she said enthusiastically as she handed me a letter.

"You sure it's MY mail this time?"

"I'm sure!"

"Okay," I chuckled and took the mail, "Thanks, Derpy!"

"See ya later, Willie!"

Derpy left and I shut the door. While I walked back to the table, I examined the envelope. It seemed to come from town hall, which made me raise an eyebrow. I sat down at the table and opened the envelope. I pulled out the piece of paper and read it.

To Mr. William Ross

City hall of Ponyville has received information that you have committed theft. This letter is to tell you that you are expected to be at city hall by 4:00 PM today, or be punished for your alleged crimes.

Signed, Mayor Mare.

It was a short letter, but those few sentences were enough to make me furious. Who the FUCK ratted me out?! I thought.

"Scootaloo, you're going to stay home today." I said.

"Why, Daddy?" Scootaloo asked.

"Someone says that I committed crimes. I have to meet at town hall today at 4:00 this afternoon."

"What did you do?"



"Listen. You'll know later. Just come with me to town hall if you really want to know, okay?"


The time before we had to go to Town Hall was nerve-wrecking. I was literally shaking in my boots, and Scootaloo didn't look any less nervous. All I could do until then was wait...

At 4:00 PM...

Town Hall was set up for the occasion. It was set up like a court, but different. There was a single chair that faced the whole room at the far end, two tables in front of it, and there were many benches behind them. Mayor Mare sat in the chair at the far end, William stood at the table at the right, and Spoiled Rich stood at the table at the left. Everypony else sat on the wooden benches behind them.

"Thank you all for coming. Today we will discuss the accusation made about Mr. Ross. Now, Mrs. Rich...could you please explain why you accused William of theft?" Mayor Mare asked.

"Certainly," Spoiled started, "When William first arrived here, he had set up a camp in the Everfree forest. That wasn't too much of a problem, but what he had there raised some questions for me. Apparently, he had these objects left at the camp. Since he was hiding for a long time, it was only logical that he stole them."

"Could you please bring them up here?"


Spoiled Rich trotted up to Mayor Mare and set the sack of objects in front of her. She opened the objects and examined them. She nodded and looked at William.

"William, is it true that you illegally obtained these objects?" Mayor Mare asked, raising an eyebrow.

William hesitated, before responding, "Yes."

The crowd gasped. Spoiled Rich smirked in satisfaction.

"Mr. Ross! I'm surprised! You don't seem to have that kind of personality." Mayor Mare said, her eyes widening, "Why did you do it?"

William looked at Scootaloo, who was tearing up. He looked back at Mayor Mare, and began speaking.

"I guess I should tell you from the beginning," William started.

Twenty minutes later...

"I had no choice," I said, "I needed some of these objects. I was scared and in an unknown place."

I told her everything. From me being chased out, to my actions up until meeting Scootaloo in person. I turned around and looked at the ponies behind us. Some of them were wiping tears form their eyes. I looked back at Mayor Mare who seemed to be deep in thought. I heard a growl near me, and I looked around to see Spoiled Rich trying to contain her anger.

"Mayor Mare! Forget the sob story, we need to focus on one thing: this creature committed theft! You're just going to let him get away with it?!" Spoiled asked, angrily.

"This...isn't my choice. Those who are victims of his theft are to decide what happens to him. The owners of the objects please come up." Mayor Mare said.

I saw Time Turner, Pinkie Pie, and Applejack walk up to Mayor Mare...and they looked at me. Their expressions were neutral. Time Turner spoke first.

"While it does bother me that you stole a watch," he started, "It happened a long time ago, and it is no big deal I'm not pressing any charges."

"Thanks, Turner. If it makes you feel any better, I'll pay you back for it in the near future." I said.

"That would be great."

"It's alright if you took that cake! You didn't have a chance to have your "Welcome to Ponyville" party! It's the least we could do! Oh, and I don't want to have Willie punished for what he did!" Pinkie Pie said, energetically.

"Thanks, Pinkie." I said, thankfully.

"Listen, pardner," Applejack said, stepping forward, "I've known ya for a long time now, and I know that you're not the theivin' type. I understand: you were frightened, seen as a monster, and desperate. To be honest, I'd do the same thing if I were you."

"Does this mean-"

"Yeah. I ain't pressin' any charges on ya. You're a great friend. I know you don't like to commit theft. If you did, you wouldn't be workin' at my farm."

"Thank you, AJ. I knew I could always count on you."

"Alright then. Does anyone have anything to say before the session ends?" Mayor Mare asked.

Everyone was silent. Well, except for Spoiled Rich...who was grinding her teeth in anger.

"In that case, Mr. William Ross will not be punished...and will be sent off with a verbal warning." Mayor Mare said.

"Thank you, Mayor," I said.

With that said, we all left Town hall. By that time, it was night. Scootaloo followed next to me as we went home. She seemed to be relieved, and I was too. I didn't have the energy to be mad at Spoiled at the moment, I was just glad it was over.


Spoiled Rich practically ripped the door off of it's hinges as she angrily walked into her mansion. At this time, Filthy Rich and Diamond Tiara were asleep. Spoiled ran onto a sofa and had a stomping fit. She wildly tore apart the cushions with her teeth, almost like a wild animal. A servant ran into the room and saw her doing this.

"Mistress Rich, what in the world are you doing?!" the servant asked, "You haven't taken your medicine, haven't you?!"

Spoiled Rich looked at her servant and growled with unholy rage. Her servant ran off in fear.

"If the law won't punish William," Spoiled Rich hissed, "Then I will..."

I tucked Scootaloo in her bed. She looked up at me.

"Daddy...was what you said true? The stuff you stole?" Scootaloo asked.

I sighed, "Yes...but I had to. I had no choice. I was lost and scared. I'm sorry, Scoots."

"No...it's fine. I was just curious."

"Okay. Good night, Scoots. I love you."

"I love you too, Daddy," Scootaloo said.

I kissed her forehead goodnight and went into my room. I flopped onto my bed and pulled the covers over myself. Sleep, however...was yet to come. I just lied still in my bed with my eyes closed and remained still, trying to sleep.

Something was outside William's home. In the darkness of Luna's night...a black, shadowy figure could barely be seen. It was dressed in a skintight black outfit, and it covered everything. Including the mane and tail. The mysterious figure walked around the house and tried the doors, but to no avail. The figure then tried the window. The window opened and the figure slipped inside. It tiptoed up the stairs and walked into Scootaloo's bedroom. It slowly approached her bed, and carefully tied her limbs and wings together. Scootaloo stirred, but didn't wake up. The figure then picked her up and placed her on it's back before attempting to sneak out.

I was trying to sleep. Never in my life have I ever struggled to get some shut-eye. I just had this nagging feeling in my head that something wasn't right. I got out of bed and grabbed the glass of water on my nightstand. As I was drinking the water, I almost choked when I heard a bloodcurdling scream coming from downstairs. I dropped the glass of water and it shattered as I ran down the stairs. When I reached the bottom, I saw a mysterious black figure dragging Scootaloo out an open window.

"Oh HELL NO!" I yelled.

I charged at the figure, but it was too late. Like all ponies, this one was fast...and it was carrying Scootaloo on it's back. I new that running would be fruitless, so I did the only thing that I thought I could do: I ran up to my room to go get my rifle. I practically tripped over the stairs as I ran up. I then stormed into my room, ignoring the pain in my feet as I stepped on the shattered glass, and grabbed my rifle. I loaded the magazine with some legitimate rounds, chambered a bullet, and ran outside.

Scootaloo was helpless. She couldn't do anything. She was at the mercy of this mysterious shadowy figure as it climbed a mountain. Scootaloo was shaking and crying, tears streamed down her face and onto the thin fabric of her captor. Finally, they reached flat ground...and she was thrown set onto the ground. The shadowy figure then did the unexpected: It got up on its hind legs, and grabbed Scootaloo with it's forelegs. It lifted her high into the air, and Scootaloo looked down. She then realized that she was on top of a cliff. A tall cliff. She screamed as she saw the long distance below her. I'm going to die. She thought.

I heard a loud scream and looked up. I saw that the figure was holding Scootaloo up high in the air. I almost had a heart attack. I made sure a bullet was chambered in the rifle, and aimed up. It was heavy, but I didn't care at this point. I zoomed in on the figure and aimed for the chest. I knew that the distance would make the bullet fall, so I aimed a little higher. It's now, or never. I said as I aimed with all my heart...and fired.

The figure snickered a little as Scootaloo screamed. Suddenly...the figure felt a sharp, burning pain hit it's chest. The shock and force of whatever them was caused the figure to fly backwards, throwing Scootaloo behind them and into a shrub. The figure screamed and held it's chest, almost crying form the pain. Warm blood soaked the black outfit and the grass below it as the figure bled.

I saw the figure fly back and throw Scootaloo behind it. I wasted no time running up the mountain. I must've tripped over twelve tree stumps and eighteen rocks before reaching the top. When I did, I immediately ran to Scootaloo and hugged her.

"Oh Celestia," I said, "Are you okay?"

"Dad! I-it took me!" Scootaloo said.

"Shh, shh. It's okay. I got you. Are you hurt?"

"No. I'm f-fine."


I released the hug and approached the figure. It was lying on the ground on top of a pile of blood-stained grass. It was perfectly still, and showed no signs of life. Something inside told me to pull off the mask. I slowly pulled up the mask of the figure, and gasped when I saw who it was.

The pony behind the mask was Spoiled Rich.