• Published 23rd Jun 2017
  • 3,657 Views, 133 Comments

Diamond’s Diaper Playdates - SuperPinkBrony12

(Sequel to Foal For A Day. Warning!: Contains diapers, diaper useage, and AB/DL themes! Reader discretion is advised and encouraged!) Diamond Tiara is about to have some unexpected playmates for her babying treatment. But who will they be?

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Playdate 6 - Babs Seed

Author's Note:

While it seems like Babs Seed has been more or less forgotten in the show (part of me can't help but feel like Gabby was intended to be Babs' replacement), I decided I wasn't gonna let any of that stop me with this chapter.

Now, the same voting rules as before apply. You know the drill: You may vote for one pony and one pony only (voting for two will cause the first pony mentioned to get a full vote and the second to get half a vote), but you may change your vote as often as possible before the polls close. This time you have 36 hours to cast your votes.

The following characters are available to choose from:
Filthy Rich

A week went by after Silver Spoon became the most recent playmate of Diamond Tiara, and Filthy and Spoiled considered a couple of options about who should be their daughter's next playmate. They even considered the possibility of a massive sleepover with everypony who knew up to this point, with Filthy and Spoiled caring for them, but they decided against it. Five foals would be far too much for only two pairs of hooves to tend to (three if you factored in Randolph).

Then, an unexpected development delivered a playmate Diamond never would've even considered. One she wasn't too thrilled to see again, Babs Seed.

Babs had come down to Ponyville from Manehattan while her parents were on vacation, and was quite surprised at what had transpired since she'd last written to the Cutie Mark Crusaders. Not only did her Ponyville members now have their cutie marks, but they had also turned their club into a business, per the advice of one of their honorary members.

"I sure hope Apple Bloom and her friends ain't pullin' my leg about this," Babs thought to herself, as she stood outside the Rich family mansion. "I don't like it when ponies play tricks on me."

Surprisingly, the Manehattan native discovered that the front door had been left open ajar. And with Babs being the curious filly that she was, decided to trot inside and have a look around. She always envied those upper crusts in Manehattan and their fancy mansions, even her Aunt and Uncle Orange's living place seemed luxurious in comparison to the simple brick house Babs and her folks lived in.

"Wowzas!" Babs exclaimed, admiring how beautiful everything seemed. "I don't know how, but somehow this place seems bigger on the inside! Wonder if that's actually possible!" Her eyes grew wide with fascination, drifting from attractive and expensive decor to decor.

Suddenly, as Babs rounded the corner to the living room, she saw something that really stood out in an interesting way. "Wait, is that actually-" She began, and against her better judgement she crept forward for a closer look. No, her eyes weren't deceiving her, scattered around the living room floor was a bunch of random foal supplies... including an opened pack of Silly Filly diapers, foal powder, and a changing mat. Babs opted to grab one of the diapers, just to make sure that somehow she wasn't mistaking them for something else. The soft feeling of the undergarment in her hooves, was enough to convince her that they were indeed diapers, and quite thick ones at that. "Huh, they sure don't sell anything as thick as that where I come from." She thought to herself, envy washing over her anew.

But just then, a stern sounding voice cried out. "What's this? A prowler on my property?!"

Babs spun around, the diaper dropping from her hooves! Standing before her, was an earth pony mare with a pale, grayish pink coat, opal colored eyes, a curly mane and tail styled into two shades of purple, and a rather noticeable turned up snout. Said mare had a blueish-green dress on, as well as a yellow colored necklace, and her cutie mark depicted a diamond ring. "That must be Diamond Tiara's mother!" Babs realized. "No wonder Diamond seemed horrified about me telling her mother about her behavior!"

"Well, I'm waiting," The mare remarked. "I don't have all day. Give me one good reason why I shouldn't have you arrested for trespassing, you sneaky thief?!"

"D-Diamond Tiara's Mother!" Babs stammered.

"The name's Spoiled Rich, for your information!" Spoiled replied. "That's Rich with a capital R, just so we're clear!"

"M-Mrs. Rich," Babs gulped, suddenly feeling a lot smaller. "T-the front door was open, I just thought I'd... you know."

Spoiled groaned. "Randolph, that useless old butler! Can't he do ANYTHING right?! Guess I'll have to dock his pay, yet again!" Then she noticed the diaper Babs had dropped. "Oh, so you're not just a prowler, you're a diaper stealer too?! Didn't your parents teach you any manners at all?! Diamond told me you come from the big city, but I guess maybe you're the exception to those properly civilized suburbanites."

"What is it, Mother?" Diamond called out, having heard all the commotion up till now. She came trotting into the living room, and Babs had to blink and rub her eyes to be sure she wasn't seeing things. Tiara was wearing a diaper similar to the one that Babs had just dropped. When the two fillies locked eyes, Diamond gasped and immediately darted behind her mother's legs, shaking in fright! "She didn't see me, did she?!" She nervously asked.

"Uh, I totally did, sorry," Babs apologized. "You uh... wanna tell me somethin'?"

But Tiara clammed up! Babs was the absolute last pony she would've wanted to see again, especially in her current diaper-clad state of appearance. "She probably doesn't know I've turned over a new leaf," She thought. "But would she even believe me if I told her that was so?"

"Hey, it's okay, I won't tell anypony about any of this. Promise," Babs swore, although she’d never heard of the Pinkie Promise. "You don't need to hide, I know you're not a bad filly anymore, the Cutie Mark Crusaders told me everything."

"D-did they tell you about... this?" Diamond asked, reluctantly poking her head out from behind Spoiled's hooves and pointing to her disposable undergarment.

Babs shook her head. "Of course not, I never even had any idea you did any of this kind of stuff. Gotta say, that diaper looks kind of nice on ya. You're lucky you can afford such thick diapers, growing up I never had anything close to that. My parents only ever got me the cheap discount store kind. You know, the ones that fall apart after you do anything in them. It was either that or big towels wrapped 'round my waist… those were hard times, they were."

"Well, I hope you don't plan on telling a soul about this," Spoiled said sternly, interrupting the conversation. "I don’t respond well to blackmail, either. Now, what should I do about you, you nosy little filly? You should know it's not polite to intrude on other ponies property."

"Oh believe me, now I know that all too well," Babs replied with a gulp. "Uh, I could just see myself out if ya'd like and I'll pretend I saw nuffin'."

However, as Babs turned to leave, Diamond called out with an idea. "Wait, Babs!"

"Yes?" Babs asked, turning around.

Tiara gulped. "Since you uh, already know about the diapers and everything. Would you like to..." She swallowed a lump in her throat before she then added. "Be my playmate for today?"

"What? You mean, dress up and act like a foal?" Babs asked questioningly, to which Diamond nodded. "Does that mean I'd have to go all out and do everything a foal does? Including... you know..." She trailed off with a shudder.

"Not if you don't want to, and I'd rather you didn't," Spoiled replied. "Everything else I can tolerate, but that... it's just so uncouth!"

Babs breathed a sigh of relief. "Thank goodness, if that had been part of the terms and conditions, I'd have said no in a heartbeat," She then asked. "Um, would anypony else know about this? You're not gonna take me out in public, right?"

"Trust me, I'd love to!" Spoiled said with a sinister smile. "But my husband would divorce me in an instant if I did. So consider yourself lucky, the only ones who will know about your little romp in diapers, will be me, you, my daughter, and of course our faithful retainer Randolph. Perhaps if he can prove himself to be a good enough caretaker, I'll be willing to 'overlook' his stupidity in leaving the front door unlocked."

"Then, I guess this is worth a try," Babs commented, a single bead of sweat dribbling down her brow. "I overheard my folks talking about pop stars and celebrities who do this kind of thing, but I thought they were just referring to those wildly fictional gossip magazines."

"Well, this isn't gossip," Spoiled said sternly, and then warned. "But you'd better keep your word and play nice with my daughter. Don't think I haven't forgotten about the fact that you pushed her into a pigpen!"

"It was an accident, I swear!" Babs protested. "...And also kind of funny, at the time…"

Spoiled said nothing more to Babs, she just clapped her hooves together and called for Randolph.

"How can I be of service to you, Madam?" Randolph asked, bowing his head.

"Will you be a dear and tend to our guest here? Her name is Babs Seed." Spoiled instructed the butler.

"I take it she will be joining Mistress Diamond for a playdate today, correct?" Randolph asked.

"Yeah, figured I owe it to her for finding out about all this and invading her privacy by accident," Babs blushed. "Not my finest moment."

Randolph only chuckled. "You're hardly the first pony who's accidentally stumbled across this, though out of respect for the agreements made, I can't name names," He moved over to the changing mat and then instructed. "Now then, shall we get you all diapered up? Do know that once the diaper is on, you won't be allowed to take it off without an adult's permission."

"Seems fair enough I guess, so long as I don't have to use it," Babs replied with a nervous smile. "I always did wonder what it'd be like if I had access to better quality diapers as a foal. Probably wouldn't have been potty trained so early though, but I think the trade off would've been worth it." She laid down on the mat and remained as still as a statue, as Randolph took the same diaper Babs had picked up earlier, and slid it under her rump, then it taped it up nice and secure. He proceeded to work in a few generous helpings of foal powder, Babs delighting in the infantile scent of cornstarch that greeted her nostrils.

After a quick inspection pat to make sure the diaper was on snuggly, Randolph offered a hoof to Babs to held her stand up. A good thing he did, as Babs immediately toppled over when she tried to stand on her own. "Whoa!" Babs Seed commented, surprised at how much her legs were pushed apart. "Didn't think they'd be this poofy and heavy," She struggled to stand upright, her legs feeling almost like jelly. "This is gonna take some getting used to, I'll probably have to crawl about when I'm on my own."

Randolph laughed heartily. "I'm sure you'll get used to it eventually. Now come along, your presence will be expected in Diamond's nursery."

"Wait, Diamond has an actual nursery? As in, a changing table, toys, and all that stuff?" Babs asked, as she was led upstairs by Randolph.Only now she was realizing the depths of this new fantasy world Diamond had invented for herself.

"Indeed, though the changing table is far more for convenience than actual necessity." Randolph replied.

When the door to the nursery (or Diamond's bedroom from what Babs could piece together) was pushed open, Babs was surprised at just how big it all was, she'd never seen anything like it at all. "Kind of reminds me of my old nursery." She thought to herself, recalling a few vague memories of her foalhood and growing up in the suburbs of Manehattan, far removed from the hustle and bustle of downtown.

Babs slowly waddled towards the pink coated filly she could at best consider an acquaintance, deciding that since she was knew to the concept of how to act like a foal, she would just follow Tiara's lead (she wasn't comfortable asking for advice).

But Tiara didn't seem to notice Babs Seed, she was engrossed in talking to her stuffed bear, which Babs found odd but sweet at the same time. Even so, the filly didn't like to be ignored for long, and so she cleared her throat loudly to attract attention.

Diamond spun around. "Oh, sorry Babs," She apologized. "You're okay with me calling you that, right?"

"Sure, it's far less awkward than being called by my full name. Especially when ponies get the wrong idea about it," Babs nodded, before she asked. "Were you talking to your teddy, or was I somehow imagining things?"

"I sure was," Tiara smiled, presenting the stuffed bear to Babs. "His name's Theodore. He loves making new friends, especially ones that are my age or in diapers."

"Nice to meet you, Babs," Theodore greeted in his gruff voice. "So, you come from Manehattan, right? What's a city filly like you, doing in a country place like this?"

"My folks are away on a vacation and they said I couldn't come with them," Babs said with a sigh. "So they let me come down to Ponyville to spend the week. At least I get to see what's become of the Cutie Mark Crusaders since I stepped down from heading the Manehattan branch."

"Diamond's actually an honorary member of the Cutie Mark Crusaders. Did you know that?! She didn’t even have to bribe anypony to get in!" Theodore exclaimed.

"Sure did," Babs nodded back. "It definitely took me by surprise when I first heard it, but I've heard from a lot of ponies about how Diamond's changed and become a better filly. Sure wish I could've been there to see it, feels like I've missed out on a lot living so far away from my three best friends, even if one of em’s my cousin."

"...Like the fact that Tiara's still in diapers?" Theodore teased.

"Okay, that's enough out of you, mister!" Tiara interrupted, silencing Theodore by putting a hoof to his mouth. "Sorry about Theodore, he can be a bit naughty sometimes, but he's a nice bear, actually," She then crawled closer to Babs and hugged her. "Thanks for not holding a grudge against me for all the things I said and did. I know you blamed me for making you turn on your cousin."

"You must've heard it all wrong," Babs said with a shake of her head. "I've nopony but myself to blame for that. I made the choice to side with you and Silver Spoon, and everything I did after that was my own fault. By the way, how have you and Silver Spoon been? You still friends, 'cause I heard yous two had a pretty harsh falling out during the campaign for student pony president."

Diamond beamed happily. "It's all water under the bridge now," Then she scooted away as she asked Babs. "So, what do you want? We've got all day to spend together, might as well make the most of it."

"Actually, I was wondering," Babs commented, nervously rubbing her neck with a hoof. "Could I borrow Theodore, just for a little while? I uh, never really had any stuffed animals as a foal. My parents were always working, so they'd usually drop me off at a daycare, and said daycare only had a couple of stuffed animals, so the rule was always that we had to share them with others."

Tiara, understandably, seemed very reluctant to hoof over Theodore. "You promise to be gentle with him? He may be a stuffed bear, but even he can only take so much." She warned.

"Yeah, I'd rather not have the stuffing knocked out of me," Theodore added, jokily. "One time, when Diamond accidentally played too rough with me, all my cottony insides spilled out. Her mommy pricked herself with a needle several times just to sew me back together. Though I guess that's what she gets for not wearing a thimble." Spoiled looked away, but it was easy to notice the blush of embarrassment that formed on her cheeks.

"Relax, I won't hurt him, honest," Babs insisted, smiling at Tiara to try and relax her and coax her into accepting her playmate's request. "It'll only be for a little while, okay?"

After a great deal of hesitation on her part, Diamond reluctantly gave her cherished stuffed bear to Babs. "Just be sure to give him back to me when you're done," She instructed. "I can't nap without him, and you don't wanna see what I'm like if I don't get my beauty sleep." She added, sounding very much like her mother.

Babs gulped. The mental image she conjured up, was one she could very well live without. "Okay, Theodore," She said to the bear, as she held it in her hooves. "Why don't you help me get used to the feel of this diaper? You a good dancer?"

Trying to imitate the gruff voice Diamond had used, Babs made Theodore say in response. "Sure, I love dancing! It's just too bad we don't have tutus and dancing shoes! But we can pretend we have them. Just like I’m pretending that I have a big pot of honey waiting for me at home, while I’m talking to you now."

"Hey, it's like ya read my mind!" Babs happily exclaimed, and held Theodore out a ways, as she pranced back and forth to an imaginary melody.

Thanks in no small part to her active imagination, Babs quickly became completely engrossed in the fantasy she'd conjured up for herself. She forgot all about everything else, and just imagined she was at one of those dance classes her parents had signed her up for when she was younger and still searching for her cutie mark.

Just as the last song and dance concluded, and Babs and Theodore took their bows as partners, a clock struck the hour. Its bongs snapping the filly out of her dreamworld. Twelve bongs rang out, and the city filly had a pretty good idea of what that entailed.

"Alright, fillies," Spoiled cooed in an exaggerated tone. "It's time for lunch, and you can be thankful that Randolph will be preparing your meals. First, however, there is the matter of diaper inspection."

"Okay, Mother!" Diamond eagerly obliged, presenting her padded posterior to Spoiled and allowing her diaper to be pulled back for examination.

"Good, all nice and clean. Just the way I like it," Spoiled smiled, patting Diamond on the head. She then approached Babs Seed and instructed. "Let me see your diaper, I hope you didn't leave any little 'presents' for me to deal with."

"Is this really necessary?" Babs complained, as her diaper was pulled back by a hoof from Spoiled.

"Of course it is, you silly filly," Spoiled replied. "How else am I supposed to know if you need a change? Which, thankfully, you don't. You're perfectly dry and clean. Now, before I escort you and my daughter to the dining room, do you need to use the potty? You won't get another chance to relieve yourself until after lunch, you know."

Babs blushed at the childish term, she didn't expect such a posh pony like Spoiled to use "potty" in a sentence. But she still responded, albeit hesitantly. "Guess it wouldn't hurt to try, just in case."

"And what about you, my little Diamond?" Spoiled asked, turning back to her diapered daughter.

"Nope, I'm good." Tiara smiled with certainty.

"If you say so," Spoiled commented, as she offered a hoof to Babs. "Shall we make our way, or have you changed your mind?"

"Uh, I think I could find my way to the bathroom myself, Mrs. Rich." Babs protested.

"And risk the possibility of you getting lost? I don't think so." Spoiled teased, and once Babs accepted her hoof, she lead the filly along as if she'd done this a million times before (and perhaps she had?).

After relieving herself (and thankfully be allowed to wipe, flush, and wash by herself), Babs exited the bathroom and followed Spoiled and Diamond downstairs to the dining room. The two fillies were seated directly next to each other, and then came something that Babs was anything but thrilled to see... a bib, a pink colored one at that.

"Come on, I don't need some stoopid bib!" Babs complained with a pout. "I'm not a messy eater, I swear!"

"That's what everypony says the first time they eat here," Spoiled grinned, fastening the bib around Bab's neck. "I've learned that it's best not to take chances. But perhaps, you'll be the exception to the rule that everypony who's eaten with my daughter has proven to be a messy eater?"

"Oh, you know I will be!" Babs proudly boasted. "Mom and Pops always boast about how I never make a mess at the dinner table!"

"Well, we'll just see about that," Spoiled winked, positioning herself near her daughter. "But for now, just enjoy your lunch."

As if on cue, Randolph came trotting out, and presented to his young charges two plates of peanut butter and zap apple jam sandwiches. After setting one plate down next to Diamond, and the other next to Babs, he sat down in the chair next to Babs Seed.

"Oh boy!" Babs exclaimed, licking her lips. "I can't remember the last time I got to have peanut butter and zap apple jam sandwiches! I swear, hardly anyplace in Manehattan serves 'em, and my parents never have time to make 'em." Forgetting all about her table manners, the city filly grabbed the slices right off the plate and began to stuff her face full of them! Yummy!

Diamond couldn't help but giggle at Babs chowing down. "She must really love peanut butter and zap apple jam sandwiches." She thought to herself, while taking great care to eat her sandwiches more slowly. This time, the pink coated filly was determined not to make a mess.

Tiara did indeed manage to make it through lunch without getting a single trace of peanut butter or zap apple jam on her face (or her bib). The same couldn't be said of Babs though. Thanks in part to her fast paced eating frenzy, she'd gotten traces of peanut butter and zap apple jam all over her, as well as a few bread crumbs. "Oops." She sheepishly said.

The incredibly unflappable Randolph didn't seem bothered at all though, he simply retrieved a wet rag and wiped Babs' face clean. "It's perfectly alright," He told the filly. "That's what the bib is for."

"Still, I can't believe I forgot my table manners so easily when I'm 'round somepony else's house," Babs commented, feeling guilty. "If my folks found out about this, they'd be so mad. Good thing I know they won't find out about this, I can't imagine they'd be too thrilled with any of it, and neither would my big sister," Then, without warning, the filly let out an almighty burp, and her face flushed bright red. "Uh, excuse me." She added, while chuckling nervously.

"Just once would it be too much to ask for somepony not to burp without being asked to?!" Spoiled grumbled, as she got up from the table. "Surely, that's not asking the impossible, is it?"

"Oh come on, Mom," Diamond giggled, as she got up from her chair. "You can't expect foals to do everything you want them to do. That's just not how they work."

"I swear, even the Cake Twins have more manners than you or any of your friends. And they're actual real toddlers." Spoiled remarked, but said nothing more.

"Geez, your mother's a real piece of work," Babs whispered to Tiara, as the two fillies went back upstairs. "I can see why most ponies don't think all that highly of her."

Diamond nodded and whispered back. "Well, be thankful you've only seen her now. About half a year ago or so, she was a lot worse. In fact, she was part of the reason I was such a bully. It was the same Cutie Mark Crusaders I kept teasing and picking on, that gave me the courage to stand up to my mother and turn my life around. Surprisingly, this whole foal treatment thing was originally her idea. It was intended to help me reconnect with her, and it worked."

"Sure wish I could find a way to duplicate that back home in Manehattan," Babs replied. "I think my folks would really like the chance to have a do-over on my foalhood. When I was in diapers, they were away all the time, and my big sister had a job that kept her busy. So for the first few years of my life, I spent most of my days in a daycare center. It wasn't all bad though, I made a lot of friends there, and we had a lot of adventures together. Heck, one time we staged a revolt and took over the place for all of a few minutes. Though I think the grown-ups there were just humoring us, letting us tie them up and everything."

"Maybe if I'd been sent to a daycare, I would've turned out better far sooner," Tiara commented. "Both Mother and Father tried to devote as much attention as possible to me, and when they couldn't they'd have one of the butlers or maids tend to me. But they still rushed me through my foalhood sooner than I would've liked, my foalhood was over by the time I turned three, I didn't even get to wear pull-ups. I went straight from diapers to being fully potty trained."

"Well, my parents never put me in pull-ups either, though that's cause they held off on potty training me for a while," Babs confessed. "I think they felt guilty about not being able to spend time with me. But they still had me fully trained before I was three and a quarter years old, and all my foal stuff was gone by the time I was three and a half."

"Wow, amazing how our foalhoods could be so alike, yet so different!" Tiara realized. "Seems like my foalhood experience wasn't entirely unique. Guess maybe you, Silver Spoon, and I had more in common than we thought."

Babs nervously chuckled, but all she said was. "Maybe."

Upon returning to the nursery, Diamond offered Babs some of her foal toys to play with. Babs found herself especially drawn to the squeaky toys for some odd reason.

Roughly an hour and a half flew by for the two diapered fillies, before Spoiled clapped her hooves and declared. "Alright, my little angels. Normally I'd be content to let you both play for a while longer and perhaps even offer the possibility of a tea party. But, with my husband away on a business trip, somepony needs to ensure the Rich family business runs smoothly in his absence. So, I have some important documents and business deals to mull over, and while Randolph may be good with foals, he certainly isn't as lively as he used to be."

Tiara knew where Spoiled's line of conversation was going. "Guess it's time for nap time, huh?" She said with a sigh.

"I'm afraid so," Spoiled declared. "Fortunately, I'll leave the foal monitor on for you both. That way, if you need anything, I can either tend to it myself, or have somepony else do so for me."

"Uh, Mrs. Rich," Babs nervously spoke up, then hesitated for a moment. Was she really about to ask such a thing? Slowly and softly she asked. "Could I maybe... have some warm milk? I don't know what it is, but I can never fall asleep without it. I've tried, but I just can't. I always drink warm milk before I go to bed at night."

To Babs' surprise, Spoiled laughed as she commented. "You didn't even have to ask, I was already prepared. I always like to have a bottle or two ready, in case I have to deal with fussy foals. It's always worked like a charm."

"Then... could I... have one? Please?" Babs requested, even though part of her felt ashamed for asking to have a baby bottle of milk to drink.

"Of course," Spoiled smiled, scooping Babs up into her hooves. She carried the filly to the kitchen, and quickly inserted the rubber nipple of the baby bottle into said filly's mouth. "Now, don't drink too quickly now," She cautioned. "Take it slow, enjoy the taste."

Babs did as instructed, delighting in how sweet the milk tasted when she finally managed to get a few drops onto her tongue. A slow but steady sucking rhythm followed, and in the span of minutes the bottle was slowly depleted. A big yawn escaped the filly's lips, as she was carried back upstairs and gently placed on Diamond's bed. Babs' eyes stayed open just long enough for a baby blue colored pacifier to be inserted into her mouth, before her head fell back upon the pillow and she went to sleep.

Babs wasn't sure how long she'd slept for. It could've been a few minutes, or a few hours. All she knew, that she was eventually awakened from her slumber, though not in the way she was expecting.

"Hello, my little ponies," Spoiled cooed. "You two were out for longer than I expected. You must've had some really good dreams, because I didn't hear a peep out of either of you while I was in the study."

Babs opened her eyes, and glanced around the room. Everything seemed to have an evening glow to it, a rather bright one at that. "What time is it?" She muttered, spitting out her pacifier so she could be heard more clearly.

"Evening of course, sundown to be precise." Spoiled commented.

"Got somewhere you need to be, Babs?" Tiara asked.

"I'm staying at Sweet Apple Acres while I'm down here," Babs explained, rolling out of the princess sized bed. "And I promised my cousins I'd be home before night fall. I'd rather not give them reason to form a search party, cousin Applejack especially would probably worry herself sick."

"Oh, that's too bad," Diamond replied, hanging her head a bit. "I was kind of hoping you could stay for dinner. I promise it'd be quick."

"Well, what's for dinner?" Babs asked Diamond.

"Just carrot dogs," Tiara responded. "Toppings are optional."

Babs' eyes lit up like a Hearth's Warming tree upon hearing those words! "Why didn't you just tell me that in the first place?!" She exclaimed! "Carrot dogs are my absolute favorite food in the whole wide world of Equestria!"

"Then, come on you silly filly!" Diamond cheered, hopping down from her bed. "I'm sure Randolph is already preparing the carrot dogs as we speak!"

The two fillies rushed downstairs to the dining room and took their seats. No sooner had their bibs been tied around their necks, when Randolph came trotting out, presenting two freshly cooked carrot dogs. "Would you like any toppings?" He inquired of Tiara and Babs.

"Just ketchup for me, thank you." Tiara said in reply.

"Give me everything, I want it all!" Babs proudly proclaimed. "What good are carrot dogs if you don't put everything that goes good on them?!"

Randolph prepared the carrot dogs as requested of him, then presented them to the fillies. Both of whom dug into their carrot dogs without hesitation. Randolph just smiled. "It's the little moments like these that make my job all worthwhile." He thought happily to himself. "Now if only I could get that long-waited raise, my life would truly be complete."

After Babs had polished off her carrot dog (and had her face wiped clean), she accepted the offer of a quick bathroom trip, just to be safe. Once she had finished with her business and had cleaned up, she was glad to be given permission to take off the thick diaper and let it fall to the floor. "Sure was interesting to see what a large disposable feels like on your rump," She said, looking across to Tiara. "I have to say, this was certainly a new experience. But I think I kinda liked it, I wouldn't necessarily mind doing it again, just a little bit. Of course, it'll have to be before I go back to Manehattan, 'cause no way am I gonna be able to explain any of this to my folks." And then she took off, headed straight for Sweet Apple Acres.

"I thought I'd dread Babs Seed catching me in diapers, but she was actually a pretty fun playmate," Diamond thought to herself, as she lay in her princess sized bed a short time later. "And now I'm up to six playmates in the span of under a month, the last five of which have been at my age." And then she drifted off to sleep, suckling away on her hot pink pacifier.

As for Spoiled, she stayed up to wait for her husband, even though she knew he'd be coming home late. But in the back of her mind, she couldn't help but worry. "I didn't exactly run this by Filthy before I did what I did," She recalled the rules he had laid down for the continuation of Diamond's treatment, among them had been that all potential playmates were to be run by Filthy for approval. "I sure hope he won't be too peeved that I broke that rule," She thought to herself. "Though technically, it was my daughter who asked Babs Seed to be her playmate, not me. And he doesn’t have to find out about it..."