• Published 9th Jun 2017
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My Little Pony: Saiyans on the Loose - SolidSparkle117

(This does not follow The Equestrian Saiyan story, this is like a AU of that story) Syera and Twilight are summoned up to Canterlot to investigate strange interdenominational holes, what could possibly be causing this?

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Chapter 8: An Evil Survives within Syera's Body!

During the middle of the night, Syera was now in having a very vivid dream. Fighting the deep evil within her. The maniacal being that put her in that catatonic state was the mare in the moon, who Syera was struggling to put up with. “Nrg...dammit, what did you do to my body!?” Syera asked angrily, she couldn’t go Super Saiyan for some reason.

The Mare in the Moon, stood before the Saiyan and laughed. “Have you not realized, I am inside your body, feeding off your energy. Celestia may have suppressed me in you, but I am still feeding and consuming you one bit at a time. So please, try and burst out more of that rage you call a Transformation, I will only get even stronger quicker.” The laughing of this demonic beast continued to echo throughout Syera’s head.

It caused her to grip her head, nearly pulling her hair out and screaming. “STOOOP!!! Shut up!!!! Get out of my head!!!” Syera struggled to keep the Nightmare from consuming her. It was then, when her vision went bright as light shined in.

“Syera! please, wake up, please…” The saiyan opened her eyes and saw the her blue pegasus friend on top of her.

“Nrg~ Rainbow Dash, wait… What are you doing?” Syera asked seeing her friend on top of her, it was then the Saiyan took note of where they were. They were in the library, back in Ponyville. “And how did I end up here?”

Rainbow Dash then proceeded to explain, “Makker came and seen me, to make sure I was ok. he surprised me with his visit..." Rainbow then shook any other thoughts on the matter as she shuffled her head from side to side very fast and then eyed the Saiyan. "but anyways. We chatted, then I asked him where you were. He found you on his… contraption on his ear and used it to find you. But when he found where you were, it said you were in danger. So we went over to where you were at, the castle of the Two Sisters.” Rainbow told her, then something clicked in the Saiyan’s head.

“That’s right… Mm… I was following this weird sound and energy, It was coming from the Everfree Forest and it led me to the there. But after I entered that place, the last thing I remember was walking up to the…” Syera then suddenly paused, this left Rainbow Dash hanging and wondering what she walked up to.

“Walked up to where?” Her pegasus friend asked.

“I’m trying to remember… The… Um… Yeah, the throne room. But after that everything went blank.” Syera tried to recall what happened but her head started to hurt. “Nrg… My head hurts…” She held her head with both hands.

“Hey take it easy Syera, when we did find you, you were very pale and weak. When Makker gave you a bit of energy, but the results were pretty… lethargic, at least from you. Somehow you were still Super Saiyan, but once we got you here. The Princess happened to be here luckily, and she casted a spell which thankfully did something cause I see you’re up. Good.” Rainbow then stepped off her Saiyan friend and sat in front of her.

Syera then stretched but all of a sudden she felt a sharp pain in her side. “Nrh… What was that?” she asked as she felt that sudden shock of pain.

“You ok, you looked like you pulled something.” Rainbow Dash worriedly looked over to where the saiyan was holding her side.

“I… honestly don’t know what that was, it's gone though now.” I need to keep a check on my power, I can’t let her steal my power anymore than what she took previously. I was then Syera smirked a little. She may have been bested by the Nightmare Mare, but she won’t let it happen again. “Anyway… Rainbow Dash, I’m glad you watched over me as I slept, but I think I might go back to sleep after I take a quick shower.” the saiyan then bid farewell to her rainbow maned pegasus friend.

“Alright Syera, see you around, I think I need a shower myself.” The two hoof bumped and parted ways. With that done and done the Saiyan entered the Great Golden Oak Library before her.

Then proceeded headed upstairs and into the bathroom, stripping herself of her Gi and got in the shower. The water flowing down her body as she began to wash herself. However she noticed something on the side of her hip. It was a small dark spot on her, she touched it and it then all of sudden got a pair of eyes and she heard a small chuckle.

“Damn… So you really are latched on me huh?” Syera said with a bit of a frown, this is when she punched her side softly, she heard a soft groan of pain, knowing she hurt the demonic dark entity on her side. “Just to let you know, you won’t be inside my body forever. I’ll make you come out eventually.” Syera then got out of the shower after rinsing herself off, wrapped a towel around her and her hair and got to her room. She didn’t even bother getting in her pajamas and decided to sleep in the nude. “Mm… well, this was one helluva day indeed.” Soon the weight of sleep once took over the young saiyan and everything went quiet.

The birds chirped happily outside in the beautiful morning sunrise coming up over the dew covered grassy fields near Ponyville. Inside Rarity’s boutique, the white unicorn rolled over in her bed. Her left hoof searched for her new Saiyan coltfriend that occupied the bed next to her… But… Her muzzle scrunched in frustration as her hoof felt nothing. Sleepily opening her eyes she seen that he was nowhere in sight.

Sitting up-right in her bed, her ears flicked in every direction, searching for any sounds she might have been able to hear. Silence, that was something she was not used to, especially with her sister around. Figuring something might have been wrong, Rarity quickly scrambled out of bed and opened her door before peaking out into the hallway. The door to her sister's room was still closed, while the bathroom door was wide open.

Narrowing her eyes, Rarity took to the stairs and quietly walked down into the main floor. Her blue eyes immediately laid on Makker, her body relaxed seeing that he was ok. The man was on the floor, arms and legs crossed while he merely sat on the floor with his eyes closed. He was calm, almost as if he was a statue. From where Rarity stood on the stairs, it looked like he wasn’t even breathing.

He wore only a light pair of black pj pants and nothing else. His hair was still blonde, but it was more of a whiter colour than the golden it was before. She felt a little saddened by it, but the whitish-blonde looked much better. As she stepped onto the floor, his eyes slowly opened and they met hers. His normal smile crept over his face as he got to his feet. “Good morning Rarity, sorry if I worried you. Just figured I could get a head start on my training for the day.” Stretching his arms up and behind his head, his chest pushed out.

As Rarity’s eyes looked over his chest and arms, a faint blush spread across her nose. “Oh n-not to worry darling. Don’t let me stop you.” As she made her way to the kitchen, she paused and glanced back. “I’ll start breakfast.” The white unicorn continued and then slipped out of sight into the kitchen.

Meanwhile, up in the Castle in Canterlot, Princess Celestia was currently in her study. Greedily drinking down tea in a futile way to try and stay awake. The sun princess had been up since the other day, refusing to go to sleep in the night. Her mind settled on figuring out where that dark magic came from.

Multiple messy stacks of books lay on the floor beside the large mahogany desk. While a half dozen more were spread across it as her tired eyes scanned over every line of text. But nothing came close yet, all her records on every single dark magic she had encountered in her countless years of life. She had even gone back to the ancient Equestrian text but had no such luck.

Sighing she closed the final book from her shelf and put her head in her hooves. “I don’t get it, nothing has even come close to being what I felt.” Swiping her hoof to knock the books off the table, Celestia shook her head. “It was so familiar though, I feel like I’ve felt it my entire life.”

A knock on the door broke her from her little episode. A dark muzzle slipped between the slight gap in the door and frame. “Tia? Are you ok?” Her little sister poked her head fully inside, the younger mare was concerned for her sister. “You have been up for days, surely you are tired.” Celestia closed her eyes and nodded, rubbing her forehead with a hoof.

“I am Lulu, but I need to figure out what that dark ma…” She trailed off as her sister opened the door the rest of the way with a flash of her aura. The white alicorn’s eyes went wide, her jaw dropped as it finally clicked in her head.

Luna on the other hoof, seemed confused and a little worried. “Tia, is everything alright?” As the smaller Alicorn approached her sister, Princess Celestia merely shook her head. She opened her mouth to speak but nothing came out. The night princess was now worried, placing a hoof onto Celestia’s shoulder. “Sister, what’s wrong?”

Getting up from where she stood, the white pony walked over to the balcony as the sun rose above the horizon. “I thought that’s who it was, but I didn’t believe it to be true.” Turning to look into her sister’s eyes, Celestia took a sharp inhale and shook her head. “Nightmare Moon has returned…”

“What?!” Makker lightly coughed on the waffles Rarity had prepared for the trio. Said pony just took a sip of coffee and struggled to not spit it all over the table. Giving his chest a good couple pounds, the saiyan looked at the younger unicorn. Of whom was oblivious to the meaning of the question she just asked.

Sweetie Belle took a strawberry into her mouth and chomped happily on it before she repeated her question. “Two ponies who love each other share a bed. And that’s where foals are made. I just wanted to know if you two were going to have a foal.” The slightly puzzled, and somewhat confused tiny filly looked between her fiercely blushing sister, and Makker who finally cleared his throat.

“Okay Sweetie Belle, I think we’re going to have to have that talk soon. But now is not the time for that, you’re going to be late for school.” With a nervous laugh Rarity got up as did the small unicorn who made her way to the front door. Rarity sighed and shook her head. “Honestly, I have no idea how she even hears these things…” The blue maned unicorn grumbled as she made her way behind Sweetie Belle.

Having lost his appetite, Makker picked up his plate and cleared it before placing it into the sink. Hearing the little bell above the door ring once, then twice, hoof steps came back into the kitchen. “Sorry about that dear, she is a young filly.” Using her magic to pick up the plates she brought them to the sink and started washing them.

Taking a moment to collect his thoughts, Makker just let out a small chuckle. “It’s fine, kids do say the darndest things right?” Approaching the white unicorn who was preoccupied with washing the dishes, shivered as his right hand slid up from her tail to her neck. Letting his well worked hands caress her fur, the man quietly hummed to himself as the muscles in the ponies back twitched.

Gently biting on her lip, Rarity let out a small breath of air. “Oh my, that’s really nice.” Her curled tail flicked a bit as he rubbed the spot where her neck and body met. “I’ve always wanted to feel a nice set of, man hands on me. Syera has dainty long fingers, I assume she keeps good care of them considering she wears those posh white battle gloves; But besides the point dear, she’d never do… That.” With that, a small moan escaped the lips of the posh unicorn.

Almost instantly, she crammed a hoof to her lips and squeaked as a small blush spread across her face. Makker quickly stepped back and held his hands up. “Sorry Rarity, I didn’t mean to hurt you.” The tiny pony shivered and just shook her head.

“You didn’t hurt me in the slightest, it was just… Unexpected to say the least.” She cleared her throat. “Anyways, I have some errands to run, would you mind coming along? I have to get stocked up on some food and supplies.” The white pony smiled and looked expectantly up at the man.

Reaching to her, he cupped her cheek and rubbed it with his thumb. “Absolutely. Sounds like it’ll be a great time. Let me go get dressed and I’ll be down.” With that, Makker was quick to get up the stairs and stripped. Gathering his black Gi bottoms and a light blue button up shirt, he wasted no time in getting dressed and back down stairs.

Rarity waited by the door for him, a small smile spreading across her muzzle when she seen him. “You look great darling, ready to go?” Answering with a nod, the two headed out of the boutique and towards the market.

Syera was above the top of the Library currently meditating. However it was kind of hard to concentrate when an evil dark tyrant is stuck in her body.

“So this is what you do in your spare time, what a total waste! You know you could do so much more. Instead of being my enemy, you could be my loyal champion in my reign over this land.” This offer from the Mare in the Moon caused Syera to open her eyes then smirk.

“Pfft, you really think I’d fall for such an offer. If so, you are more of an idiot cliche than I thought you were.” Syera told the evil queen Meany.

“Excuse me! Mind your tongue you ignorant little whelp! I was making you an offer and you spit it back in my face… You will regret not taking my offer.” This caused a laugh from the Saiyan.

“Really now? Enlighten me with your threat, if anything you’ll have to try to destroy what I am Nightmare Moon.” Syera laughed even more, this causing the Mare in the Moon to get even angrier at the Saiyan laughing at her, it was then she used a spell to make herself spread even more around her body.

“Nrgh…. Whoa, I see you’re upping the ante huh? Alright.” It was then Syera started to focus and channel her energy to where Nightmare Moon was inside her to isolate her inside her body a bit more.

“Wait… What did you do! I’m supposed to be drawing more energy from you!” The Nightmare Moonbutt complained and demanded to know what Syera did to her.

“I basically isolated you inside my body, you’ll have to work extra hard to earn my energy. So at this point I’m the one who can control my power, and you as well. Unless you wanna come out that is?” Syera told the Evil Mare.

“NO! NEVER! I WILL NOT GIVE UP TILL I STEAL YOUR POWER SUPER SAIYAN! And only then I will be strong enough to destroy you and all that will stop me from taking over Equestria in an eternal night…” Nightmare Moon told the saiyan with a determined tone of voice.

“Alright, keep trying. Surprise me greatly, anyway while you do that I’m gonna go get something to eat and do about… Hmm… about 1000 push-ups, 1000 situps while in a tree and maybe even lift some heavy bushels of apples over at Sweet Apple Acres. But till then try your hardest.” And with that said, Syera made her way over to a cafe she usually goes to eat. However, once she got there. She asked for a table to sit at but they were filled up. But she was in luck since there happened to be one seat available for her since a certain blue rainbow-maned pegasus pony happened to be there.

“Hey! Syera, over here! Come sit with me!” Rainbow Dash shouted over to her friend. The saiyan soon made her way over the pegasus pony and sat with her.

“Hey Dash, what’s up?” Syera then sat across from Rainbow Dash.

“I’m here getting some grub, I take it you the same?” Rainbow asked as she looked at the menu selects of the place, Syera doing the same.

“Yea, I’m trying to get some energy in me so I can train today. Oh and Dashie, thanks for watching over me the other night. It means a lot to me.” Syera smiled at her pegasus pony friend after saying that. This caused a smile from the pegasus as well.

“Hey, it’s no problem. I felt so worried about you since you know… When we found you, you looked so weak and… I don’t even wanna think about it.” Rainbow said with a low sad and worried tone of voice.

“She should be worried, just look at her. She should expect to worse since when I am done with you, there will be nothing left she and your so called friends will remember of you… Saiyan…” The voice of Nightmare Moon said to Syera in her mind. This caused a bit of a frown to creep across Syera’s face.

“It’s alright, don’t worry ok Dashie. I promise to you and the others you won’t have to see me in such a state ever again. That’s a promise.” Syera’s spoke with a soft tone and smile as she then scooted next to her friend and held her in a close embrace.

“Yea, anyway what shall we eat?” Rainbow asked as she pulled back from the hug.

“Hmm…. That’s a good idea, hey, maybe we could order the sampler platter if you want.” Syera offered and Dash nodded with eagerness.

“Oh yea, sounds great!” With that said, they started off with the Sampler platter, it was quite big for one but the two didn’t complain as they both enjoyed it, It had all sorts of assorted vegetables and fresh cooked hay, which Dash ate really while Syera had some of the sample fish breaded snacks that were included.

“I guess some ponies eat fish I suppose.” Syera thought in the back of her head as she ate some of them, they were quite well cooked coming from ponies that is.

“Wait, those are fish? Why didn’t you tell me?!” Rainbow Dash complained a little.

“Hey I didn’t know, I thought they were just some special bread snacks, you eat fish?” Syera asked.

“Are you kidding, I love it! Occasionally I have it but not all the time since sometimes it might be too heavy on my stomach if I have too much of it. I remember this one time Pinkie ate about 200 of these… Most I ever had were maybe… 10, plus I think 5 of them tasted different than the others, must’ve been the recipe used was a little off. I also had a couple of salmon nuggets another time, and like a big crab cake along with it.” Dash said remembering the taste of all that good seafood.

“Now I got a craving for all of that right now… hey waiter! do you carry Salmon Nuggets and crab cakes!?” Syera asked as she called out to the waiter. The waiter came over and nodded as he pointed to the spot on the menu where their seafood section is.

“Oh my…. gosh they do! Can I please have that along with your house salad?” Rainbow Dash asked.

“Me too, I’ll have the same!” Once their order was placed, the waiter took the menus while they waited. Leaving them both time to chat and talk about stuff.

Laying her head on the table, Dash grumbled a bit as her mane gently touched the wooden tabletop. “I hate waiting for food… I’m sooo hungry. I haven’t eaten since, well the last time I’ve eaten.” With her eyes wandering around her, she suddenly pushed her head up and looked Syera right in the eyes.

“Say, what do you think Rarity and Makker are doing right now?” With a playful smile, the blue pegasus used her wings to make a lewd gesture.

“Oh grow up Dashie, and as far as what they’re doing. Beats me, for all we know they could be doing… something, anything but what you’re thinking ya dirty-minded little pegasus.” Syera said chuckling a little.

Rainbow Dash just rolled her eyes and chuckled a bit. “I’m kidding. Rarity’s not that kinda pony.” With a quick glance around her, making sure no foals were within earshot. She leaned in a bit closer and whispered. “It’s a total clam fest around here. Just, a little jealous of her is all.” She said with a small blush adorning her cheeks.

With a hearty loud laugh, Syera almost fell out of her chair. “Hahaha! What?” It was then she chuckled a bit more but kept her voice to a kinda loud whisper. “You jealous?! I never would have guessed, but why? Of Rarity, I mean…. well I suppose you have every right to be I suppose. Makker is a cool guy, my perspective on him… I want to fight him and get stronger along his side.” Syera clenched her fists a little as she then formed a small ki ball and tossed it between her hands pretty fast.

Rainbow sat back and pointed a hoof at Syera’s chest. “Don’t you tell anypony about this.” Before she could reply, the waiter had come and placed their meals in front of them. “Oh, thanks!”

“Oh wow, this looks amazing. Thank you for the food.” The saiyan placed her hands against each other as the ki ball made a small pop between her two palms, then got to grubbing along with Rainbow Dash.

The two quickly dug into their meals, both wholeheartedly enjoying it. But soon it came to an end, with Dash completely stuffed and Syera moderately full. “Damn that was good.” Rainbow picked her teeth with a discarded feather from one of her wings.

“Yes it was… And, what was that earlier, don’t tell anypony about what now?” Syera asked as she wiped her mouth with a napkin and sighed.

Scratching the back of her mane, Rainbow avoided looking at the saiyan. “Never mind, Anyways, what now?” Tossing a couple bits from the small coin purse she had around her neck, Dash took to the sky, hovering just above Syera’s head.

“Hmm…” Syera then took out some bits and placed them on the table as well and then stood up and lifted up to the sky and floated next to Dash. “Hey, I got an idea. I remember you wanted to learn some of my moves, wanna train with me for a bit?” Syera had an eager look on her face, to train with the Rainbow Dash made her very excited.

With a small front flip Rainbow nodded quickly. “Hell yeah! Let’s go!” With that, she took off towards the open field not too far from Ponyville.

It was then the two rushed to the outskirts of Ponyville, there was an old patch of Sweet Apple Acres that AJ doesn’t use anymore since the soil is no good and there’s dead trees everywhere. Perfect spot for Syera and Rainbow Dash to train to her heart's content.

“Here’s the place I was talking about Dash. It’s a bit… rough since I’ve been using this place for a while. I just hope that J don’t rupture the earth underneath and it creates a sinkhole eventually.” Syera explained as they stood of the hill overlooking the old patch of dead trees.

Cracking her neck, Rainbow dropped to the ground and started to stretch a bit. “Awesome, so what kinda cool stuff can you teach me? Can I shoot cool light blasts from my hooves?” She flipped her mane out of her face, just as the sun moved it’s way overhead.

“Well… I don’t know about all that just yet. If anything you need to gain a sense of your inner-self. In short, you need to have complete control of you and your body in order to project energy out and draw it in. For example.” Syera then took stance and soon a bright white aura flared up around her and she grunted a little while making a calm yet concentrated face.

“Mmm…..Haaaaa….” It then she opened her eyes with a smile towards Rainbow Dash. “Now, see if you can do it. Remember, clear your mind and focus, let you and your body become one and bring forth your inner energy.” Syera crossed her arms, still having her energy aura shining bright as she watched Rainbow Dash concentrate and focus.

The pegasus gave Syera a deadpanned look and shrugged. “Here goes nothing.” Taking a stance, the blue pony grunted, her whole body tensing as her mouth opened in a determined cry. She quivered in place, her wings flared wide and she pushed with all her might.

After a couple of seconds, Rainbow released her tension and panted. “Didn’t…. Feel…. Anything… You two make it seem so easy to do all this stuff.” Flicking her tail, Dash sat on her haunches.

“Don't worry Rainbow Dash, if you want besides energy attacks. I could show you a few moves that involve kicking and punching.” Syera told the blue pegasus as she stretched her legs from where she stood to get them warmed up for the moves she was about to teach her. “Ok… ready Rainbow Dash?”

Springing to her hooves, Dash shook her head a bit and got ready. “Alright, try and not hurt me this time.” With that, she charged head-on into Syera.

"Hehe, that depends on how much you can take. I'll be on the more defense. I promise!" Syera braced herself for the incoming Pegasus as their training session really heated up.

Back in town, Rarity and Makker were just getting the final items on the list of groceries for that day. Rarity had checked the carrots off the list as Makker put them into one of the bags he had been carrying for the white unicorn. “Hmm, is there anything… Right! I need a couple cartons of Vanilla Oat ice cream.”

With a sparkle in her eye, she quickly trotted inside Sugarcube Corner with the male saiyan in tow. The little bell above the door rang out as the two walked inside. Mrs. Cake smiled happily, her cheeks spreading widely as she laid her eyes on Rarity. “Oh Rarity dear, it’s nice to see you again. I’ll guess the usual?”

Rarity smiled a bit and nodded. “Yes, I’m needing to replenish my stock of ice cream. Honestly, it’s like my comfort food.” With a light blush the white unicorn giggled a bit. Before Mrs. Cake turned to retrieve the cartons, her eyes lingered on Makker.

“Oh, sorry dear, I didn’t see you there. Welcome to Sugarcube Corner!” With that said, she then went into the back room to the freezer. Makker was lost in amazement at the pastry filled place. Cupcakes, cakes, pies, and all sorts of goodies decorated the candy store inspired bakery.

“Wow, nice place. It all looks good.” It didn’t take long for the blue mare to return with a dozen cartons of the cold, creamy treat. Makker was a bit surprised while Rarity pulled a good sum of bits and laid them onto the counter.

Smiling to herself, she took hold of them all in her magic and turned to leave. “Thanks again Mrs. Cake, I’ll see you soon!” With that, Rarity trotted out the door with a smile upon her face as Makker hesitantly joined her. Once outside, the two quickly made their way back to the boutique, as to not let the supply of ice cream melt.

“How long does this usually last you?” The man questioned, eyeing the stack of cartons that Rarity held stacked in a cube above her back. Rushing forward to open the door for the unicorn, he watched as she sent them inside and straight into the kitchen.

Opening the deep freezer in the floor of the kitchen, the unicorn neatly stacked them inside and shut the door. “Well, normally they can last me a couple of months. Buuuuuut… I’ve had, moments. And then I can go through them in a couple of days.” She said with a sheepish blush, walking towards the fridge and cupboards.

Placing the multiple bags of groceries down, Makker started to take things out of the bags and place them onto the counter. Rarity would then take the produce and put them into the fridge. “You have any plans for the day?”

The white pony stopped for a moment and thought. “No, I finished my work last night for at least today, why darling?” Her blue eyes met his, she blinked a couple of times as he walked up behind her, gently rubbing his hand across her back.

“Well, I was thinking we could just have an ‘us’ day. Just sit around and talk, I’d like to get to know a lot about you more.” With all the items put away, Rarity thought for a moment.

With a nuzzle to his hand she gently took hold of it in her magic and pulled him into the main floor. Walking over to the collection of pure white couches, Rarity hopped up and pat the spot next to her. Sitting down, the man leaned back as she laid across his lap. “So darling, what do you want to know?”

Casually rubbing her back, causing her curled tail to twitch, Makker closed his eyes. “I’ve always got this feeling, the way you all ran towards danger the other night while all the rest ran away. Are you and the others some sort of, national heroes?”

With a giggle Rarity rolled her eyes. “You could say that, me and the girls are what’s known as the… Oh what was it. The Elements of Harmony.” She nuzzled deeper as the saiyan continued to rub her shoulders. “Basically, they are the fundamental traits of all ponies across the land. Honestly, Twilight would be able to tell you more about it. But I am the element of generosity. We stopped the arrival of Nightmare Moon during the Summer Sun Celebration.”

“I wouldn’t have guessed.” Makker smiled a bit before continuing. “But that’s really cool. Being heroes of Equestria.” It was then that Rarity flipped over, exposing her belly towards the man.

Resuming his rubs on her soft tummy, she tilted her head to the side. “How about you? You’ve mentioned a couple times of your life back home. Were you a protector of your world?” This caused Makker to tense up a bit, which the unicorn sensed. “Sorry if I pried too much dear, I-.”

She was cut off by his finger on her lips. “No, it’s fine. You deserve to know.” Letting out a small sigh, Makker closed his eyes. “I was… One of the strongest fighters back on my planet. And one of the last Saiyans left alive in the universe, as far to my knowledge.” The man paused for a moment. “Let’s just say that things... didn’t go as well as I had hoped.”

The unicorn looked on intently, silent as she let the man start to open up. “It all happened so fast. We had no idea they were as strong as they were, and… they damned near wiped us off the face of history.” Makker swallowed thickly, taking a shaky breath. “With most of us dead, or brutally injured. Me and… Her, stood back to back, the last line of defence our planet had. That’s when we both unleashed our power. Turing for the first time into Super Saiyans.”

“Her name was Mei. We were best friends, and even better fighting partners.” He continued to gently rub her back, her soft fur gently tickled his hands. “I’d like to leave out the details, but I will tell you, she gave her life to make sure I survived that battle. Using our combined strength, we gave one, final energy wave. But it drained all her energy.”

Rarity placed a hoof onto Makker’s free hand, gently rubbing it. “It’s alright dear. I… Can’t say I understand what all that felt like to you. All I can say is that I’m here for you, and I’ll always be here.” The two looked into each other’s before he leaned in for a small kiss. Rarity was a bit surprised, but nevertheless returned the small kiss back to him. Breaking lip contact, she nuzzled deep into his chest.

The training between Syera and Rainbow Dash continued. “That’s it Rainbow Dash, come at me with all you got.” Syera then thought to herself Wow, she’s going as quick and smooth as I would be if I were Kaioken X4, amazing! It was then a smirk came across Syera’s face. “Alrighty Dashie, see if you can catch me as this! Ha!” Syera flared up her Red aura of the King Kai Fist ability.

Rainbow grinned widely, flicking her hair away from her sweating face. Her wings beat with all their might. “Alright! Let’s do this!” She dove in fast, both hooves pushed out as she charged right for Syera. Only at the last moment, she pushed up with her wings. Launching up and over her foe, she pulled a short loop and tried to push her hooves into the Saiyan's back.

Syera lunged forward but she did not expect the blue pegasus to do such a maneuver. “Aaugh… No way! Ahh!” It was then the Saiyan shrieked in a bit of pain from the sudden shock of the kick Rainbow Dash put on her back side. She flew a couple feet because of the force of it, but quickly recovered. “Whoa! You earn an A+ in my book for that one, nice!” Syera said but she saw that Dash was still coming for her, so she had to think fast.

With a determined smile, Dash started to rotate her body. Corkscrewing as she pushed harder with her wings. “Here goes!” Pushing her wings back to her body, she cut through the air like a diving pegasus at full speed. Clenching her eyes shut, she waited for the impact.

“Darn!” Syera couldn’t dodge it in time, so she threw her arms out in front of her. However, she wasn’t quick enough. With the bone breaking speed, Rainbow Dash came down on Syera like a the entire Wonderbolt team being shot out of a hurricane. “Aghhhhhhh!!!!” Then soon they made impact, a big Rainbow mushroom cloud erupting from the crater she made with the Saiyan’s body.

Doing a short backflip she landed on her hooves, collapsing and panting for air. “Y-you… Ok?... In there?” The blue pegasus had one eye open, the other was clenched shut as her hind leg occasionally twitched.

The only thing Rainbow Dash could hear coming from the small hole was after she asked that was the sound of laughter. “Ha! Ahaha…. Nrg…. damn it, Celestia as my witness that hurt like hell...but man that was so awesome!” Syera said, basically saying the blue pegasus’s line and continued laughing but grunting in pain.

Lifting her head, she let out a small laugh before laying it back down onto the grass. “Glad you can still move after that. I’m rightfully exhausted.” Stretching out her limbs, Dash tried to get to her hooves. “How do you guys do this?”

Syera then chuckled again with a crooked smile on her mug as she then slowly rose up from the small crater in the ground. “Good question, I guess we're just lucky enough to have bodies of steel. But man we aren’t invincible, Ooo….I’m gonna feel that in the morning…” The saiyan then popped her back in more ways than one, then popping her neck as well. She didn’t realize that Rainbow Dash cringed a lot from all the bone cracking noises. “Um… you ok Rainbow Dash, you stiff in areas too?” She completely oblivious to why her pegasus friend looks so disgusted.

Rolling onto her side, Rainbow winced a bit. “I will be in the morning I know that for sure. I think I’ll leave the heavy stuff to you and Makker, I’m not cut out for this kind of fighting.” Closing her eyes she let out a small breath, getting her breathing back under control.

Syera then walked next to Dashie and layed next to her on the ground. The saiyan sighed softly and hummed agreeing with Rainbow Dash. “I know what you mean, fighting isn’t cut out for everypony. But… It’s just, when I feel this feeling in the top of my back, where my neck meets it. I just have the sudden urge to fight like a wild bull trying to get loose in a Appleloosan rodeo, that’s the best way I can describe the feeling of a Saiyan’s urge to fight.” Syera said as she then locked eyes with the pegasus’s eyes. It was then she held her left fist out for a hoof bump with Rainbow Dash. “But I will say this, you are one of the ponies to make me drive even faster and harder to reach the top and fight stronger opponents, and I thank you for it Rainbow Dash.”

With a smile, she bumped her hoof against Syera’s fist. “You both seem to thrive on fighting. It’s totally strange. Sure, me and Applejack can throw down if need be, but you saiyans live off it. Honestly, I’d say you’d go nuts without it!” With one last chuckle, Rainbow took a deep breath and smiled. “I’m so tired. I think I can hear my bed calling my name.”

With a small laugh coming from Syera, she rose up from the ground and picked up her Pegasus friend. “I’ll get you there.” It was then the Saiyan took off in the air with Rainbow Dash in arms and took her home. The sun slowly setting over the horizon, the two unknowingly crossed over the sunset. It was then Syera noticed Rainbow Dash looking at her, she smiled a little as she made brief eye contact with her then continued on till she reached the front door of her cloud house. “Think you can make it the rest of the way, or you want me to carry you to bed my little widdle Rainbow Dash?” She asked in a joking manner, as she set her on her doorstep.

With a small yawn and a playfully hit to her upper arm Dash hopped down. “I can find my way inside my house, thank you very much.” She then stuck her tongue out for a brief moment. “Anyways, that was great. I’ll see you later!” With that, the pegasus entered her robust cloud home.

With a small chuckle, Syera bid farewell to her mate. “See you around.” And with that, She held her two fingers up to her head and decided to go see Makker, see what he is up too. However when she was in the middle of going through the process of moving at such a fast speed, she couldn’t shake a feeling she was currently having right now, a bad feeling at that. Only thing was, when she arrived. She ended up between the two on her couch, right in the middle when they were about to kiss, and they both ended up kissing her on both cheeks.

Both pony and saiyan pulled back in surprise, Makker ending up on the floor. Wiping his mouth on his arm, he shot an annoyed glare at Syera. “The hell man?” Lightly spitting, the man’s face contorted a bit. “You can’t just teleport wherever you want!”

Rarity herself couldn’t help but smile, gently dabbing her lips with a cloth. “I would have to agree. That was, most uncalled for. Anyways dear, how are you doing?” Looking at Syera, she couldn’t help but raise her nose a bit. “Really darling? You can’t keep one of your uniforms in one piece and clean?”

“I.. I’m sorry… It's just when I use Instant Transmission, I usually lock onto my target but I don’t know where I’m going to end up. So in between you two love birds, was by coincidence.” Syera chuckled a bit but she then did realize what Rarity said. “And sorry, mind the smell Rarity, I just got done some very fun training with Rainbow Dash. And I’m doing alright, I’m glad I’m better than…. what I was before.” Syera said with a serious look on her face. And then stood up off Rarity’s couch. “Anyway, I just wanted to drop by and see how you two are doing, but I see you’re busy. So, I’ll leave ya alone.” Syera said as she walked out the living room then was about to exit the door.

Makker sat up on the floor and shook his head. “No it’s fine we were just… Talking?” The white unicorn gave him a glare before rolling her eyes. “Anyways, how you doing? You were in rough shape the other day.”

She had the door open but paused, and then looked back at the two. “Yeah… that, It’s a long story but by the way you two have that look on your mugs, it seems you have to time to listen, right?” Syera asked as she then shut the door before leaving and then turning around all the way then looked them both straight on.

With a shrug of his shoulders, Makker nodded. “Yeah, ain’t got nothing else at the moment. Go ahead.”

Syera then walked back in the living room and sat in front of the two. “Alright, here it goes. I was about to head out and get some food like usual, after training with Makker, but all of a sudden. I heard something, almost as if something was… calling to me. I was eventually led to the castle of the two sisters.” Syera said but then she was cut off by Rarity.

“Wait wait wait… Back up a little bit dear. But why is the name of Equestria would you go back there?” The unicorn tilted her head with an eyebrow raised. “I know you’re made of tough stuff, but even thinking about that place sends shivers down my spine.”

Syera nodded in agreement and then continued. “I honestly could not tell you why I was lead there of all places. But when I did finally found myself inside the castle. I began to walk around a bit, I eventually found myself in the throne room of the castle, which is where we confronted Nightmare Moon…” Syera then paused for a moment then smiled as she then looked at Rarity. “It was also when I remembered, how we all became dear and best friends and also the chosen element bearers. I will never forget that for as long as I live.” Remembering such an event in her life, was something she will cherish forever since she would have no other way.

Rarity gave a faint smile, then turned a bit serious. “We have. Anyways dear, did you find something in there?” She levitated a tea cup from the tiny table next to her, and took a small sip from it.

Syera paused for a moment, and then spoke up. “I honestly found nothing but dust and echoes of what the castle once was… but what I did find is… pretty disturbing.” Syera told and took a deep breath, and then she stood up. She then took the top part of her Gi off, leaving her bra on of course, and then showed the two of them the dark spot on her left side of her stomach where her ribs were showing a little bit. “See this? I can give you one guess on who this is.”

As Makker and Rarity studied the dark spot on her side, the man was completely lost as to what it could be. But Rarity narrowed her eyes before they went wide, her pupils shrinking to pinpricks as she tumbled back. “Syera! You don’t mean to tell me that… That!” Her hoof pointed to the dark spot. “Is that Nightmare Moon!?”

With a look of confusion, Makker stood straight up. “And just who is that?” His eyes looked between pony and saiyan, hoping for an answer.

Syera then looked at the dark spot and chuckled. “Go on, explain yourself. I know you’re not weak enough to talk you little dark snake of a mare in the moon.” Syera told the dark spot which then decided to open its blue cat like eyes with a serious glare.

“If you must know, I will do tell. I was once part of Princess Luna, but now I am now my own entity and I am now the reduced to this state due to those blasted element bearers! And all I wish to do is get my revenge on Princess Celestia so I can rule over Equestria and make the night become eternal!” It was then the evil mare cackled maniacally, but soon stopped and looked at Syera. “And not just Celestia, but this one right here in particular, she has made a fool out of me and she will pay with her life!” Her eyes flash and then Syera grunted in a bit of pain.

“Ach! Whoa… where did this come from?” Syera asked as she was on her knees, holding her chest. But then she thought for a second. Her training with Rainbow Dash, she did push a good amount of power out, she knew at that moment Nightmare Moon must’ve taken it. “So you did get a taste of my energy after all, I should’ve been more cautious then I suppose.” Syera then slowly rose up on her feet, but then all of sudden a force weighted her down. She could barely move, let alone stand. She was reduced to one knee.

Rarity was the first to wrap her hooves around Syera, gently rubbing her back. “Are you alright dear? The princess must know about this at once!” Springing to his feet, Makker was looking worriedly at the two. Syera lost a lot of energy, his scouter lighting up and making noise.

“By the time your sun loving princess gets here, it will be too late.” Nightmare Moon voiced with her dry dark manner. But this caused Syera to get a bit angry.

“Rarity… Stand back.” Syera said softly to the classy mare, she didn’t want her to get hurt or her mane fuzzled for what she is about to do. “Mmm….Nrg...Nrrahhhhh!” Syera flared up her aura, the light of it started to make her glow a little. “You won’t stay inside me…. anymore!” With one final burst of energy which was enough to make Rarity’s shelves of fall and some stuff broke, some of her windows cracked a little. It was then Syera then felt her stomach turn and she then ran to Rarity’s kitchen and then she puked out black slop and slime into her trashcan. “Blahhhh!!” was all was heard from Syera in the kitchen with a few coughs.

Rarity was quickly behind her, trying to comfort and help her friend. With a death glare back she locked eyes with Makker. “Go get Twilight… Right… Now!” The man wasted no time and was quickly out the door. Turning her attention back to Syera, who merely laid on the ground beside the fouled trashcan. She ran her hoof across her back and started pouring a glass of water with her magic. “Syera dear, are you doing alright?”

Catching her breath and wobbly stood up, she then went to the sink and washed her mouth a bit. She then took a deep breath and was about to speak but then she saw the trashcan began to glow a little. “Yeah, I’m fine… but right now, get behind me, slowly…” Syera said as she pointed to the trashcan and took a fighting stance. The white unicorn did as she was told, slightly afraid as the light got brighter.

Syera grabbed a towel to wipe her mouth of the water, then threw it to the side. “And Rarity, sorry for the mess. I promise to help clean this up later.” She said with a smile but had a nervous one at that since she doesn’t know what is gonna come out of that garbage. Good thing was that the black spot on her side was now gone.

As the light grew brighter, the door to the boutique burst open and a cry was heard. “STEP AWAY FROM IT!” Twilight galloped in fast, skidding to a halt in front of the two. Her horn was already lit and at the ready.

Syera and Rarity both backed up as the light dimmed to nothing, lightly pulsing a dark blue glow. A chuckle could be heard, spreading around the room as Makker rushed in behind them. “Oh precious Twilight Sparkle. The princess’s own protege. You’re no match for me, I have drained enough energy to destroy all of you.... But it seems you have the upper hand, I lack a physical form.”

There was a bright flash of light, blinding all who stood in the room. Outside, all that could be seen was the windows lighting up as if the sun itself was inside her home. “But not for long!!!” Her voice echoed as her laughter dissipated. Both saiyans were at the ready, trying their best to see through this light.

As soon as it started, it ended. The four rubbed their eyes as they tried to focus on the room. “W-where is she?” Twilight peered into the burnt and empty can, nothing was inside and she quickly searched around.

With a groan, Syera cracked an eye open. “It’s almost as bad as that solar flare you do Makker.” As she looked around the room, the girl had a worried look on her face. “I can’t sense her at all. It’s like she’s gone.”

With a couple of beeps from his scouter, Makker shook his head. “Same, I can’t find a trace of her at all. She should stand out among the two of…” He trailed off before turning back behind him. “Where’s Rarity?” It was then that it dawned on them all, Rarity was no longer there.

“Oh no… You don’t think Nightmare Moon got her? She said she needed a host.” Twilight’s purple eyes started to tear up, her head shaking from side to side.

“Crapbaskets this is bad!” The purple unicorn quickly ran out the door and into Ponyville. “Come on! We need to get Princess Celestia right away!” She called out behind her as Makker and Syera were quick behind her.

As the trio made their way back to the library, one thing was on all their minds. Save Rarity. Twilight threw the door open hard, nearly knocking down a mare who just signed out a library book. “Sorry! Spike! I need you right now!” Ignoring the death glare from the mare, who promptly walked out the open door.

The purple and green dragon quickly came down the stairs. “What’s wrong Twilight?” She was digging for parchment and a quill, quickly scribbling down a letter. With her tongue out in concentration, and sweat trickling down her brow she wrapped it up and gave it to Spike.

“Send this to the princess, now!” A little off put by her tone, the dragon just shrugged and with a blow of his green fire, sent the letter off in a puff of smoke. An eerie silence filled the room as Twilight started to pace.

Syera sat with one leg bent, staring at the floor while Makker stood with his arms crossed. It didn’t take too long, half a minute and a bright flash came from the middle of the room. The library shook as Celestia arose from her spell. Her eyes were closed but the expression on her face told the whole story. She, was serious. Her light pink eyes slowly opened in a cold, steel stare towards Syera.

Her ethereal billowing mane hung behind her head, her left eye was covered as she met eyes with the saiyan. “Why didn’t you tell me earlier it was Nightmare Moon.” She spat quietly, but it was full of venom. The feeling inside the room made Twilight’s fur stand on end.

Syera then looked away from the Princess in shame, and then spoke. “I… thought I could handle the situation myself, but I underestimated her....” Syera spoke in distress as she was feeling very angry that she’d let Nightmare Moon slip away. “Dammit…. I should’ve gone to you, but….”

Celestia stomped her hoof onto the wooden floor, a small shockwave coming from her. “You put the lives of every, single, pony into danger with this stunt. You let Nightmare Moon slip away, and worse of all. She possibly has control of one of the Elements bearers.” Celestia softened her expression and looked away. “I thought you would do better, thought that you had overcome your basic instincts. I put all of my trust into you Syera.” The sun princess paused before sighing. “I am indeed very much disappointed in you.”

It was then Syera kneeled down, putting her hands to the floor, before letting loose a firm scream of anger, punching a hole in the floor in the process before her energy spiked and much fury exhaulted from her. Her Super Saiyan form flashed out. Everyone in the room held firm but looked away from how much energy radiated out, even Makker was surprised, but had to look away. Celestia on the other side of this spectrum was stood firm and looked down to her Saiyan Protégé.

"Ahhh!!! I should have been more outright with it-! When Makker found me in the castle of the Two Sisters... she ambushed me! I didnt know if I was gonna be the same if I ever woke since it was an internal and external conflict! I should have gone to you and Princess Luna. But I figured this as a test... and I failed it, and now one of my best friends is gone!” Tears were still streaming down her cheeks as she is in turmoil over not only letting Nightmare Moon getting away, but losing Rarity in the process. "And you have every right to be disappointed in me, I was not only too weak but careless and like you said... put others in danger..." Syera finished as her aura did calm down as she continued to cry.

Twilight took her gaze to Syera as she spoke these words. "Oh Syera..." she spoke softly, all the while Celestia stood before the Saiyan but slowly trotted to her.

“Now is not the time to dwell on the past my dear Saiyan, have the chance to redeem yourself.” Her wings spread wide as the princess stepped closer. “Get ahold of yourself my Saiyan Protégé- this is not a battle you can win so easily by yourself, that does not mean you are weak." She paused and looked over to Twilight and Spike as well as the other Saiyan with them.

"However, with your friends and loved ones, I am sure there is a high chance to defeat Nightmare Moon once and for all.” Her gaze now focused towards Syera, picking her chin up to look her in the eyes. "Believing in your them is what makes you stronger than ever cause they know they can depend on you. As Rarity does now. Come, she needs you, Equestria needs you.” Celestia finished with a small smile. In which Syera smiled softly back after wiping away her tears, soon standing up, equal height to Celestia. And then she spoke.

“Everypony is counting on us then, I understand that now, and I will not fail again Princess, I promise you that, cross my hear with a hope to fly, sticking a cupcake in my eye..” She finished in which Celestia hugged Syera, she giving a hug back.

With a plan set in motion, Makker spoke up. “I’ll head out and round up the others, I won’t be long.” With that, the Saiyan man left the library and out in search of the other element bearers. All the while Princess Celestia returned to Canterlot to give Princess Luna the rundown what comes next.

Back in Ponyville, Spike on the other hand was more or less confused, lightly tugging at Syera’s pant leg to get her attention. “Syera, what happened to Rarity?” The young Dragon boy looked distraught, tears threatened to stream down his little cheeks at the thought of anything bad happening to her.

Looking down at him, she kneeled and spoke with confidence. “Nightmare Moon has returned, and she took Rarity. i do not know what she plans to do with her but it will not last-!" She spoke firmly before pulling him into a hug.

"As I promised to Celestia Spike, we will get her back, even if it kills me to do so… to save Equestria so her people can live to see the day ahead.” Syera spoke as she had her hand on the young dragon boy’s shoulder, then stood up in front of him and Twilight. “I really sat in the dirt on this one… But I’m gonna dig our way out this, with your support and courage.”

Twilight smiled weakly and wrapped her hoof around her sister. “We’re going to need everypony for this one.” There was a quiet yell that became louder, before a blue pegasus broke through a window upstairs and crashed into a bookshelf.

With a groan, she flipped around in the air and regained her bearings she looked around the room. “I came as soon as Makker told me something was wrong.”

Syera smiled as she saw her brash pegasus friend come in. “Rainbow Dash, glad you could make it. Now all we need is Pinkie Pie, Fluttershy and Applejack I suppose.” It was then Syera floated up in the air a bit and started to meditate while waiting.

Then Pinkie Pie popped her head out of the bookshelf Rainbow had crashed into. “I’m already here!” With a blast of confetti, she hopped out, bouncing on her tail until she tackled Syera with a giggle.

Not to long after, the others came rushing inside with Makker right behind them. “Thanks for all gathering on such short notice girls.” Twilight said with a weak smile. “But it seems that Nightmare Moon is indeed back.” There was a collective gasp emanating from the mouths of the mares. “But what matters most, is that we believe Rarity is being used as a host for the tyrant.”

Once more, a collective gasp came from them all. “O-oh no… That sounds awful.” Fluttershy cowered a bit, hiding behind her long pink mane. “Oh I hope nothing bad happened to her.” The butter yellow pegasus lifted a hoof to her mouth.

Syera nodded in agreement. “You and me both Fluttershy, but I know Rarity will be ok, She might act like a high class pony, but deep down she’s a whole-hearted mare, a tough one at that. She would never let her friends down. So neither can we.” Syera told them with confidence in their fashion loving friend.

“She’s fine. She has to be.” Makker paced nervously while clenching his hands rapidly. “I just know Rarity’ll be ok.” The man turned to look up at the sun princess.

With a softened gaze, Twilight took a firm stare out the window as she Sun was soon setting. “Rarity is one of the elements of harmony, I’m sure Nightmare Moon wouldn’t just get rid of her straight away. That evil pony would use her to lure all of us into a trap.” The room fell silent, a dark feeling welling over the entire library.

Syera chimed in, clearing her throat, breaking the silence. “She might too strong for the elements now. She may now even be stronger then I am. Especially if she has gotten her hooves on Rarity for her... host body.”

There was a collective chorus of gasps, with the loudest coming from Twilight. “So, is there nothing we can really do?” Twilight hung her head low as she pondered if that were the case. “All of Equestria is doomed if that is the case…” Another silence filled the air as the mood plunged into the depths. A feeling of helplessness overcame every pony in the room as the clock on the wall struck ten.

“We can’t give up.” Makker said loudly, all eyes went to him in surprise. “There must still be a way right? What if me and Syera can weaken her. I don’t know if we can beat her, but together we should be able to hold our own.” With a smile of determination, the man clenched his right hand tightly.

"Even if we could, the Elements will not work with only six of us. She holds our Generosity keystone...” Syera pointed out. With a deep breath and sigh. “But I sure as hell wont go down without a fight.” Syera thought long and hard of where Rarity could have been taken, the Castle of the Two Sisters seemed like the most obvious place but she doubted that she would use the same place for a base of operations, but if she wants to draw them in, then that is where she will be. Here's hoping their close and generous friend is ok.

“I can’t wait anymore, cause if Celestia is already gone. She is already telling me and everyone of us this; We need to storm that Castle you found me in Makker, we need to go now!” Syera had walked upstairs to the top of the library. It was then she went to the balcony and jumped to the roof of the library and meditated. She figured if she can concentrate hard enough, she could figure out where Rarity is.

After less than an hour had passed, after all the lights in the quiet little town went dark. Makker emerge from the library. With a gently jump, he easily sailed into the air and landed behind Syera.

Still concentrating, an almost invisible aura surrounded her. Standing with her eyes closed, Makker joined her side a few moments later.

“Crazy how things go eh?” The man spoke before sitting beside her. The night sky was peppered with bright stars, each seeming to sparkle brightly in their own way. “One minute we’re fighting in the courtyard, next I’m slow dancing with a beautiful pony. Then next she’s gone and it’s up to us to get her back.”

Makker spoke softly, his blue eyes looking across the sky as a shooting star streaked across the blanket of stars. Syera opened her eyes and looked at Makker then shook her head softly and hummed.

“Yeah, it seems fate has an odd way of showing itself. And how it puts weight on our shoulders, but nothing a little extra pounds doesn’t hurt and it won’t slow me down in finding her.” Syera then looked around the night at the beautiful sky of stars, it was then she saw the moon. Her tail flicked a little with a bit of anticipation, like she was about to do something.

“I may be a Saiyan, but I am not a heartless monster like Nightmare Moon.” Syera referred to herself as she looked at the moon but then thought of the evil counterpart of Princess Luna. It was then the air went still, it was if the elements around them were reacting to something. Syera was pulsing with electricity, something within her was erupting.

A steady hand gently grabbed her shoulder. “Together, we will fix all of this together. I sure as hell can’t do it without you. And I’m sure you’d appreciate a helping hand." He paused before continuing with a confidence boost.

"Besides, I’ve become a lot stronger since I even got here thanks to Training with you. It has been a really big eye opening for me.” With a crooked grin and a gentle punch to the shoulder, the man locked eyes with the taller girl. “Are you with me?”

Syera looked over her shoulder at the man, and then at her shoulder and then back at him. She then smiled. “You bet your tail I am.” Syera then gave him a high five, then a fist bump. “But now, where to begin?” She asked as the looked at the starry filled sky above. The air then returned to normal as Syera calmed herself. The wind began to blow and howl slightly as the two Saiyans sat above the treehouse.

Crossing his arms, the man closed his eyes for a couple of moments. “I have no idea, we’re kinda going by the seat of our pants right now. Honestly, we just need to find her. Defeat that Nightmare Moon and get back in time for breakfast, right?” His eyes opened and scanned across the hilly horizon. “Can’t you just lock onto her energy?”

She shook her head “Mmm~ No.. as the sun set on the horizon i haven't been able to lock on directly. But each time I look in the direction of that Castle of the two sisters, its been... hazy. Rarity and Nightmare Moon must be there. I've just needed to confirm out heading.” She hummed as she scanned the far reaches of Equestria. And even the lands beyond, still she could barely get a trace of her fashionista friend but the only thing that stood out was that hazy aura she felt from that old Castle. “Dammit… I can’t think of anywhere else, my gut is telling me it has to be there.” Syera concluded as she tried her hardest.

With a deep sigh, the man shook his head. “I figured as much, I might be able to calibrate this scouter to lock onto her energy signature. But honestly, it might take more time then we got at this point.” With a couple moments of deep thought, Makker eventually clenched his fist tightly. "And the longer we wait, she could be getting stronger.”

“Yes… Yes indeed, but I fear time may not be on our side with this one Makker. I believe wherever Nightmare Moon is, she must be growing stronger and stronger by the minute. And all the energy she took from me… It might’ve given her the advantage, and I fear she might be even stronger than the first time I fought her.” Syera crossed her arms. But then she smirked. “But she isn’t the only one who has gotten stronger…” And with a flash, she transformed briefly letting out a pulsewave.

With his eyes casting back inside the library, Makker took a moment's thought before speaking once more. “Then we shouldn’t waste time, let's round up our pony friends. And make haste to the castle.” The moon hung overhead, the bright full orb laid it’s gentle glow across the grassy roads.

With a nod yes and a hum, Syera then jumped off the top of the Library with Makker to the balcony. Though Syeraalmost landed on Spike in the process where she landed.

“Whoa! Oh Syera it's just you, I’m surprised to see you up so late.” He had a mug of tea in his claws and looked out at the night sky. “Oh Rarity…” He said, then made Syera kneel down next to him and pat his shoulder.

“I know, I know how you feel Spike, we're headed out now. Hold down the fort for us, we're getting Rarity back.” Syera then looked at the moon overhead, she glared and growled lowly under her breath. Spike looked at her, she saw that look in her eye, the same look when she usually gets angry and will do something drastic. Spike then placed a claw on her hand.

“Don’t do anything reckless please, I’d hate to lose you too.” Spike said to her Saiyan friend. With a nod she then headed inside to get Twilight. There was only a couple candles around the room, while the others slept, Twilight was still up face into a book. Her eyes darted up to meet with her sisters, the purple pony spoke no words but knew what was coming.

“Twilight, drop what you’re reading, and everypony else, wake up! We're heading the castle of the two Sisters.” Syera spoke as she then did some stretches near the front door of the library, the others stood firm but Applejack had to ask.

"You sure she'll be there in particular?" Her country friend asked.

"There's no doubt, alright element bearers, move out!" Syera spoke as they now headed to the Edge of the Everfree forest. That hazy feeling got even heavier the closer they got. "This is it... we will not fail. We're coming Nightmare Moon!!!" She shouted as they all dashed in, braving the wilderness that they once trecked, nearly two years ago to this date.