• Published 13th Jul 2012
  • 1,843 Views, 11 Comments

Vortex the Dragon - MetaLucario

VortexTalon is taken to Equestria by Discord just so he can spread a little chaos.

  • ...

Chapter 4: The morning after

Chapter 4

A/N: This is not the original chapter 4, but, I felt that this would be better. So, hope you like it, enjoy.

Slowly, I began to wake from my long, peaceful, and very much needed sleep. Looking down, my vision was filled with the pleasant sight of a sleeping Arachnia lying on my chest with her forelegs wrapped around me tightly. With a smile I decided against trying to get up, opting to just lay there and enjoy her company. This was also a good opportunity to think.

So far, things had escalated quickly. Not even a week yet, and I’ve already got girlfriend and a cool place to stay. It’s like some amazing dream coming true, with just one slight problem. I had left my family back on Earth, not even leaving so much as a letter to say where I was, how much I loved them, and that I’d be ok. This world is great and all, but I can’t stay here forever. I need to get back to my family. They’re all probably worried sick. In the meantime, there’s no harm in enjoying myself a little.

After doing a bit more thinking, the mare comfortably resting on top of me began to stir, that is until she slowly opened her eyes and looked up at me, a small, drowsy smile spread across her face.

“Morning Tex, sleep well? I know I did.” With a grin plastered on her face, she sat up and yawned and stretched before getting out of bed and heading to the bathroom. I couldn’t help but notice her hips swaying with the same seductive allure as it did last night, nor the sultry seductive look she gave me before closing the door.

Leaping out of the bed, I began to quietly make my way to the kitchen, doing my best not to wake the others who had stayed the night as a part of a party ritual they had whenever Arachnia threw a party. Upon reaching the kitchen, the sounds of pots and pans banging together as somepony searched through them alerted me to the presence of one surprisingly energized DJ.

“Hey Vinyl, need any help?” I asked as she happily hummed away, pulling out a skillet and heading over to the refrigerator.

“Oh, sup Vortex, yeah, acutely, I do. I didn’t want to bother anypony, but, some help would be nice.” With a smile she told me what she needed me to do.

Vinyl’s mane was bit messy, and she wasn’t wearing her glasses, revealing her maroon eyes. She was truly a sight to see, plus, she wasn’t a bad looking mare by any sense of the meaning. Infact, she was actually really cute.

“So, you going to stare at my flank all day, or are you going to help?” I blushed furiously, realizing just what I was doing and quickly looked away before getting started. With a little and surprisingly girl-like giggle, Vinyl got to work as well.

After preparing a breakfast fit for an asgardian (one who didn’t eat meat), we set about waking everypony up to eat or delicious works of art. Say what you will, but Vinyl apparently had more than just one skill, the other being qualified to be a culinary master.

We had made so much food, when looking at the dining room table you’d think it was a banquet for somepony who just got knighted that morning. Needless to say, everypony was more than eager to partake in the magnificent meal. Most leaving so full, another long, hard bear-like hibernation was necessary.

In shock, both I and Vinyl stared down the still eating Arachnia. Whoever said this chick couldn’t eat much was dead wrong. There she sat, still scarfing down food as if she were a tornado sucking up everything that wasn’t bolted down and some things that were. When she was finally finished, she laid back with satisfied sigh and Pinkie Pie sized grin on her face, that is, until she noticed the two ponies staring at her, jaws trying their best to hit the floor.

“What, I can’t enjoy a good meal every once in awhile?” Both Vinyl and I burst out laughing, soon joined by Arachnia.

Arachnia soon became uncomfortably quiet, something both of us picked up on. “Is something wrong Arachnia?” asked a now concerned Vinyl. She was answered with a blush and shake of her head.

“I’m fine,” lied Arachnia, “just got something on my mind.” Noticing the quick glance given to me by the seemingly distraught Changeling, I decided to push on the subject.

“Whatever is on your mind, you know you can talk to us about anything.” That seemed to calm her down as she took a deep breath and slowly exhaled. “W-well, see there’s this new restaurant in town and I was wondering if maybe, you know, you’d want to go with me to check it out?” Her voice was a little shaky and she clearly sounded unsure of herself.

I simply smiled as she continued her sudden bashful behavior. “Arachnia, I thought we were already together. You shouldn’t be so shy about asking me out.” This caused her to blush furiously and avert her gaze.

Vinyl calmly trotted up to the side of her increasingly shy acting friend. “Come on, I know asking him out isn’t what was bumming you out. Please, tell me, I’m here for you, you know that.” With a sigh, Arachnia nodded to her friend.

“Look, I was just thinking, what if you didn’t really like me? What if you were just like every other stallion, trying to get in bed with me for a night before skipping town?” Noticing the look on her friends face, Arachnia quickly clarified a few things. “No, no one has ever done that to me.”

She was about to say something else but was cut off by a deep kiss, one that left her gasping for air. “Trust me, I may not have been looking for a relationship, but I’m glad I found one with you. So stop worrying, you’ve got me now and I won’t be so easy to get rid of.” Adding a reassuring smile to mix seemed to do the trick, wiping away her fears.

Arachnia pulled me into a tight hug, one that threatened to make my skeleton pop out. With grin that almost matched Pinkie Pie exactly, I wrapped her up in a hug of my own. “So, what time is that date again?”

“Oh, yeah, sorry about that, how about 8?” She stared up at me with a small grin. Seeing that she wasn’t sad anymore warmed my heart a little.

“Yeah, sounds good.” Her smile brightened and she hugged me even tighter before finally letting go. Before she could walk away, I grabbed her and pulled her into a deep kiss, stealing her breath away and leaving her panting slightly.

I smiled as she pulled me back in for another one. ‘Yep, she’s fine now.’ Leaning into the kiss, our tongues met and battled for supremacy over both mouths. A simple cough was all it took to end the moment as we quickly turned to see a very red Vinyl Scratch. Blushing furiously, we both separated, smiles still plastered on our faces as we laughed a little and shared a few looks between each other.

With a very sultry tone and seductive movements, Arachnia slowly turned to leave the kitchen. “Well, you two should be able to handle the clean up on your own right? I’m going to go wake up Rarity for a little favor. Catch you two later.”

“So, wanna to go make a song or something’?” Vinyl nonchalantly asked. “Sounds good to me.” we both left heading into Arachnia’s music room to spend a couple hours working on music.

Author's Note:

A/N: Sorry this took so long, but school life sucks, so, here ya go. This all was written to replace the original first few chapters. A lot of people said it was too fast, and lacked enough detail. well, here, take this and hope you enjoy. At this point, kinda liking this version better, but hey, you’re the ones that are going to read this, so, I guess I should hear what you guys have to say. Thats all I have to say about all this. I’ll be checking your replies every now and then. Also, if you have any ideas you wanna throw my way, please do, hopefully I can do them. Cya.

~Vortex out

*cues Batman transition music!*

But now I'm in! I'll just say the stuff he didn't say that he should say in the A/N. oh, by the way I'm the editor... I think... Wait, would this be like... an E/N? :P. So! The next chapter will probably be longer than this one, and if not I will beat him with a fourteen foot iron pole, quite viciously.

... And that's like it... I really don't know like anything about the schedule... Aww, I wanted to make some terrible puns, but oh well.
Later days, love Yesterday :P

Comments ( 5 )

You say you wanted to update the story so that it isn't as rushed...
But 4 chapters and the character has already pretty much gotten laid (sorta)
Well... at least there isn't a baby involved...
EDIT: I should also mention that there are A LOT less mistakes since you got that editor.
Or... something.

is Vertex a Nightfury!!!!!!?!?!?!?!?!?!?YESYESYESYESYEYES!!!!!*dancing around the room*

6064481 hmm, funny i almost forgot about this story of mine. Might comeback and revamp at some point.

6064886 first i have to get through my current story (and get well into the new fic I'm working on) and then I'll come back, so give me some time and I'll be back at it.

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