• Published 13th Jun 2017
  • 4,284 Views, 156 Comments

Letters from an Evil Empress - zackepic22

Letters written by a certain evil empress, who you thought only existed in Nightmares

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Many Mysteries of Daybreaker's Dungeons Part 4

Dear Sergeant Merryweather,


...Which was kinda a stupid mystery to call it, to be honest? I probably should have called it, 'Why does the fridge make me feel look like my eyes are suddenly in another vision spectrum?' Because, that probably would have been way more accurate.

Anyway, I staked out the fridge area a lot this morning. Course, I couldn't let anyone know about this, so, I pretended I was drinking a lot of coffee in the dungeon guard kitchen this morning.

...Thats why you're getting this letter so late.

I ultimately had a caffeine crash from all that coffee, and, at some point- After solving the mystery, of course-I blitzed out, and they had to get me out of the dungeons in a stretcher, since I wasn't reacting, due to the coffee overload.



Private Perfect Prism went to the fridge, opened it, weird color light came out of it-!

...And, she pulled out her hay and dragonland gem sandwich.

See, the thing about Private Perfect Prism, is that she is one of those rare ponies who are actually part dragon. 1/4th dragon, in her case. Anddd, dragons and dragon-blooded have this weirrrdddd thing, where they can not only see in infrared, but, colors ponies can't. And, a lot of the gems only found in the underground parts of the dragonlands, have this strange magical property, where if you look straight at them, you can kind of tell that something's off, and can definitely see something off colorwise, somehow, because magic, but, looking at them for too long will give you a migraine, unless you're at least part dragon.

I think despite the crash, all that caffeine somehow helped with the migraine, while at the same time, breaking my mind to an extent...

Anyway, that's another mystery solved, and, it was actually kind of interesting, unlike the last one!

Never look directly at magical things that give you migraines,

Private Flash Sentry

Author's Note:

Okay, longer than the last, a little later than the last, but, I might try a new update time anyway.

Also, feel free to comment on past chapters if you want, guys, especially ones that barely have any to no comments at all.

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