• Published 17th Jun 2017
  • 4,684 Views, 214 Comments

A Ray of Sunlight - BChunter426

Twilight has just transferred to CHS, she's nervous to start at this new school, but a red and yellow haired girl makes the transition easier.

  • ...

Coming Clean

Sunset was still feeling good about telling off Adagio when she got home. She said hello to her uncle and took the elevator to her floor. As soon as she exited something caught her eye. She looked down the hall at her door and saw a poster board hanging from her door knob. It dawned on her what it was and she ran down the hall, a smile spread wide. Similar to hers, the poster had some strange items on it in place of words on the message.

"I hope you're bread-y for this cheese-y response. You really butter-ed me up when you asked me to the dance. I would love to go with you! I'm tomato soup-er excited! If i was a betting girl, I would put all my chips on us having an amazing time. I can't wait for the dance. P.s. Lunch is on me ;)"

Everything had been individually wrapped, and Twilight had managed to secure the can of tomato soup with packing tape. In total there were enough ingredients for Sunset to make two grilled cheese sandwiches with a bowl of tomato soup and a bag of chips.

Before she made her lunch she had taken a picture of the poster. After her soup was finished cooking she texted Twilight.

"Your response is delicious ;)"

"I'm glad you liked it, it wasn't too "cheesy" was it?"

Sunset actually laughed out loud. "You're such a dork."

"Yeah, but you know you like it :)"

"I really do."

They texted back and forth for a while until Twilight had to go run some errands with her mom. Sunset took that time to do some homework and watch some television. She was in the middle of a crime drama when she heard her phone start ringing.

"Hey babe, what's up?" She heard a little sniffle on the other end. "Twi, what's wrong?"

"I'm sorry, my mom asked me about dating again today, and I had to lie to her. I wish I didn't get so upset about this."

"Hey, it's ok. Have you thought anymore about telling them?" She asked.

"That's actually what I wanted to talk to you about..." she paused. "I think I'm ready."

"Really? Are you sure?" Sunset asked.

"Yes, but I don't think I can do it alone. Could you be there when I tell them?"

"Of course. Nothing would make me happier." After a pause, Sunset asked. "Out of curiosity, can I ask what brought this on so suddenly?"

"Mostly I'm tired of keeping secrets from my parents. I hate not being able to talk to them about us." Her tone brightened slightly. "Another, slightly selfish, reason is I want the entire experience of the dance. I want my parents to take pictures of us in our dresses and to be excited for us."

"I understand. I want that too, and I will be there for you." Sunset told her. "When did you want to talk to them?"

"... are you free tomorrow?" Twilight asked.

"Yeah, I can do that. What time should I come over?"

They made plans to hang out after school, then go to Twilight's for dinner. They would talk to them afterwards. After they hung up Sunset noticed her heart was beating fast.

"I hope tomorrow goes well." She said to her living room.

Sunset finished her homework and went to bed early, her mind racing with possible scenarios.

The next day Sunset and Twilight were in Twilight's living room sitting with Velvet and Nightlight. Sunset placed a hand on Twilight's trembling leg.

"Mom, Dad... I'm gay, and I'm in a relationship with Sunset." Sunset felt Twilight tense up when her parents didn't respond.

Without a word, Velvet stood and made her way to the kitchen. Twilight started trying to get some kind of response from her dad while Sunset sat quietly, not knowing what to do or say. She looked up when she heard footsteps coming rapidly from the kitchen.

"You corrupted my daughter!" Velvet shrieked.

Sunset looked up in time to see the knife coming toward her.

She woke up with a start, her heart racing. Sunset glanced at her alarm clock, she still had two hours before she had to be up for school. She toyed with the idea of going back to sleep.

"Yeah, right." She said aloud as she tossed the covers off herself.

Sunset went to her living room to see what was on tv. She settled on an action movie that she had heard of that was playing on the movie channel. She got herself a bowl of cereal and settled in to watch what was left of it.

When the movie ended there was just enough time to shower before heading to school. She was glad she had decided to go to bed early, hoping that would counteract waking up early.

"Darling, you look a mess! You have bags under your eyes!" Rarity said when Sunset joined the others.

Apparently not. Sunset thought and yawned.

"I didn't sleep super well last night." She admitted.

"Awe, what happened?" Twilight asked while rubbing Sunset's back.

"I had a nightmare." She said simply. "Your mom tried to stab me."

Twilight laughed nervously. "Well I don't think we need to worry about that. Are you still ok with this?"

"Yeah, I'll be by your side, don't you worry about that." She gave Twilight a little kiss and laid her head in her lap. "I'm just gonna take a power nap until the bell rings."

"What are you two talking about? I-if you don't mind me asking." Fluttershy asked.

Twilight stroked her girlfriend's hair. "I'm telling my parents today. Sunset's going to come with me to be my support."

"Are you nervous?" Fluttershy asked.

"Incredibly. But I want to tell them. I don't want to keep any secrets from them anymore."

"Well, good luck Twilight. You're very brave." Fluttershy said with a smile.

This gave Twilight new courage. "Thanks Fluttershy."

They continued talking as Sunset lay in Twilight's lap.

"So has Sunset done anything with the guitar I got her?" Rainbow asked Twilight.

"Yeah, she's learned to play a couple songs already. Including our song." She added shyly.

"That's so sweet!" Pinkie exclaimed.

Twilight looked down at her girlfriend, who was breathing rhythmically, on the brink of sleep. "Yeah, she can be really sweet and romantic. I really like her."

At that, a smile spread on Sunset's lips and she raised her head just enough for Twilight to lean down and kiss her. "I really like you too."

Sunset was feeling a bit more awake when the bell rang for classes to begin. The day passed like any other, same boring classes, same mild paranoia during those she had with her bullies. She was happy to see Twilight in their math class. They talked a bit more about what they wanted to do after school before they talked to Twilight's parents. It was decided to go to their spot in the Everfree Forest to get in the right head-space.

During lunch Sunset was on high alert, as she had been ever since she had told Adagio off. Surprisingly there was no retaliation, no increase in bullying towards her, in fact they had mostly backed off other than glares and dirty looks here and there. Thankfully they hadn't added her friends to their list of targets either, but she wasn't letting her guard down. It still seemed too early to tell if they were really done. She looked across the dining area to where the trio was sitting, watching them intently waiting for them to do anything suspicious.

Twilight saw Sunset glaring at the three girls across the dining hall.

"Hey, don't worry about them." Twilight said and rubbed Sunset's back.

"I know, I just can't help it." She turned to face Twilight and took her hands in her own. "I'm sorry, let's talk about something else. How are you doing?"

"Anxious. I've been freaking out all day, what if this is a mistake." Twilight said.

"If you want to wait we can wait, but it'll come to their attention eventually. This way it's on your terms instead of them finding out from someone else."

"You're right, I just can't help but be nervous." She said.

Sunset rubbed Twilight's back reassuringly. "I'll be by your side the whole time. And hey, if things get uncomfortable we can go and get ice cream or something." She comforted.

"Thanks." She smiled. "Ugh I just wish I could get my brain to stop coming up with every possible way this could go wrong."

Sunset held her hand. "I wish I knew how to help. Luckily you don't have to wait much longer until we talk to them."

"I just wish time would go faster." She slumped forward.

As the day passed Sunset started to feel her own nervousness creeping in. She was worried she would lose her girlfriend and surrogate family all in one day. She started bracing herself for that possibility as school drew to a close.

They hiked to their spot in the Everfree Forest. When they arrived they talked about the different outcomes they were worried about and how they would handle each one. This seemed to put Twilight at ease, she liked having a plan to focus on. They tossed rocks and pebbles into the lake from their vantage point, seeing who could throw them the farthest until it was time to go to Twilight's house.

They were mostly silent on the drive back. Sunset held Twilight's hand the whole way there, gently stroking her hand with her thumb. After they parked, they sat in the car for a few minutes so Twilight could regain her composure before going inside.

"Ready?" Sunset asked.

"Ready." She squeezed her girlfriend's hand.

Dinner was tense for the two of them. They picked at their plates, though Sunset was able to eat more than Twilight. Her parents took notice.

"Are you alright kiddo?" Her dad asked.

"Yeah, sorry, I just have a lot on my mind." She responded

"Do you want to talk about it?" Velvet asked.

"Umm yeah, but it can wait until after dinner." She said while looking at her plate.

"Okay, if you're sure." Velvet said.

After dinner had been cleared and the dishes rinsed off, they all retired to the living room. Velvet and Nightlight sat on one side of the couch, Sunset and Twilight sat opposite them, an uncomfortable silence hovered in the room. Nightlight started the conversation.

"So what did you want to talk to us about kiddo." He asked

"Umm, this is something I've wanted to tell you for a while, but I didn't know how to. I guess I still don't, I'm really just making this up as I go. Now I'm rambling, I'm sorry, I'm really nervous right now." Twilight said while making many hand gestures.

"Sweetie, calm down." Velvet chuckled. "Take a sec, and think about what you want to say.

Twilight exhaled, Sunset squeezed her shoulder reassuringly.

"Mom... Dad... I'm gay, and I'm in a relationship with Sunset. We've been together since the night of the concert. I'm sorry I didn't tell you before now, I couldn't think of how or what to say. I'm telling you now though, because I can't keep this secret from you anymore, it's been killing me not being able to talk to you about this." Twilight took a long breath. "So... there it is."

Nightlight sat back against the cushion, a hand over his mouth, obviously deep in thought. Velvet's expression hadn't changed since Twilight started talking. No one said anything for several minutes. Twilight could feel her stomach tying itself in knots in the silence. Sunset simply sat next to Twilight, trying to be a source of comfort for her.

Just as twilight was about to speak, her mother let out a small laugh. The laugh grew a little louder, going on for a little too long.

"You two had me going." she said once she composed herself. "This was a clever joke girls, a little inappropriate, but clever."

The two girls looked at each other nervously. "Mom, this isn't a joke. I'm telling you the truth. I'm gay."

"No you're not,” she responded, confused. “you've been on dates with boys, I know you're not gay."

"I only went on those dates because I wasn't ready to be out yet, and I'm a nice person. Mom, I need to know that you understand-"

"Stop it!" Velvet suddenly snapped. "This isn't funny anymore. So stop saying these things, the joke is over."

Tears started to form in Twilight's eyes, she wiped at them under her glasses. Sunset couldn't stay quiet any longer.

"Mrs. Sparkle, I know this is a lot to take in, but if you'll just listen, I think you'll understand." she started.

"This is your fault." She glowered at Sunset. "It all makes sense now, that's why you wanted to spend so much time with her, so you could confuse her. Well not anymore. I want you out of my house, and I don't want you around my daughter anymore."

"That's not-" Twilight started.

"I don't want to hear it." Velvet said, her voice eerily level. "I just want her to leave."

"O-ok, I'll go." Sunset said, not wanting to escalate the situation any further.

As she turned to leave she felt a hand clasp onto hers.

"If you're kicking her out, I-I'm leaving too." Twilight said in a shakily stern voice.

"No you're not, you're staying here and I forbid you from seeing her."

"That's enough Velvet." Nightlight said as he stood from his spot on the couch. "Go into the kitchen and we will discuss this."

"But Nightlight..." she trailed off, then quietly said. "Fine."

"As for you two, take a drive and I'll call you when I've finished talking with her." He told them.

"Okay." Twilight sniffled. "I'm sorry Dad."

He embraced his daughter. "You never have to apologize for who you are. That was very brave and I'm proud of you." He smiled reassuringly. "Mom will be fine, she just needs a minute to process. Now go, I'll call you when you can come back."

Twilight kept a straight face up until five minutes into the drive. Sunset saw Twilight bring her knees to her chest out of the corner of her eye. Minutes later she heard the sobs coming from her girlfriend starting small, but quickly growing to body shaking shudders. She reached across the center console, lightly touching the back of Twilight's hand. As soon as contact was made Twilight gripped her hand like it was her last refuge in a hurricane.

"I'm so sorry, I wish I knew what to say." Sunset said, squeezing Twilight's hand. "I'll do whatever you need me to."

It was then that Sunset felt Twilight's hand shaking. She looked at her, Twilight had uncurled and was now leaning forward, trying to catch her breath. Sunset pulled off to the side of the road and ran to the passenger side. She gently rubbed Twilight's back.

"Hey, you're gonna be ok, just breathe." She said.

"I-I can't..." Twilight gasped.

"Yes you can, you're having a panic attack, just follow my lead. You can do this babe." She encouraged.

Sunset helped guide her breathing, allowing her to start regaining some control. After several minutes her breathing was becoming more stable. Sunset kissed the side of her head.

"You're doing great babe, I'm so proud of you." She kissed her again.

Twilight took a few more minutes to calm down before speaking.

"What have I done? What if my mom can't face me anymore? What if-" her voice broke into more sobs before she hugged Sunset.

Sunset held her close, speaking softly. "Hey hey, calm down, you'll be okay."

"How do you know?" She asked, her face buried in Sunset's chest.

"Because if there's one thing I know for a fact, it's that your mom loves you. I can't say it will be ok soon, but eventually you'll be ok." She rested her chin on top of her head. "And hey, it could have gone worse."

"How?" Twilight asked incredulously.

"At least she didn't try to stab me." She said looking into Twilight's eyes.

Twilight laughed in spite of everything.

"There's that laugh I love to hear." She hugged Twilight tightly. "What do you want to do while we wait?"

"I want to get the biggest messiest ice cream I can make." She said with a little smile.

"If that's what m'lady wants, that's what m'lady gets. My treat." She said with a flourish.

When they arrived at Sugarcube corner, Mrs. Cake noticed immediately that something was wrong with Twilight. After catching her up on what had just happened Mrs. Cake stepped out from behind the counter and gave Twilight a hug, causing more tears to leak from her already red eyes.

Twilight got herself a large frozen yogurt with every sweet topping that was available. Sunset's own fro-yo looked tiny in comparison. To keep the conversation light, the two discussed the upcoming dance and what they thought sounded fun for a day activity.

"We could check out that fun zone, it's got laser tag, mini golf, an arcade. I heard it even has a go kart track." Sunset suggested as she helped Twilight finish her treat.

"Yeah, that sounds like it would be really fun!" She agreed.

"By the way, how did you know what to do back there?" Twilight asked.

"My mom used to get panic attacks every so often, so I learned how to talk her through it." She said.

Twilight's phone started to ring. She hesitated before answering.

"Hello? Ok, we'll be there in a bit." She hung up and looked nervously at Sunset. "My dad says they're ready for us." She paused. "Sunset I'm scared."

She reached across the table, placing a comforting hand over her girlfriend's. "I'll be right by your side, I'm not going anywhere."

They drove back to Twilight's house and entered the living room. Velvet was sitting with her hands in her lap next to Nightlight. The girls retook their spots on the opposite side of the couch, this time holding hands.

It was silent for a time until Velvet cleared her throat.

"First of all I would like to apologize for the way I reacted. Admittedly I did not handle the news very well. So I truly am sorry."

"It's ok Mom, I know it was a lot to process. Thank you for the apology." Twilight said.

She nodded. "Secondly, Sunset, I didn't mean what I said. I don't blame you, and I of course don't want you to stop being Twilight's friend."

"Thank you Mrs. Sparkle." She responded.

"Lastly, I want you to know that I will always love you." She took Twilight's hand, her voice cracking on her next words. "You're my daughter and nothing will ever change that. It's just going to take some time for me to get used to this new information. So, please be patient with me."

Twilight's voice wavered too. "I love you Mom."

"I love you too." They embraced, sniffling and smiling.

They separated, Twilight removed her glasses to wipe her eyes. "You're taking this really well now. What changed?"

Velvet took her husband's hand in her own. "It was something your father said that really put it in perspective for me."

"All I did was remind her that you are the same amazing, intelligent girl we raised. Then I asked her if she was going to let this new detail about you destroy the close relationship she has with you." He looked at his wife and smiled. "That seemed to let her rethink how she felt."

"I'm glad we can actually talk about this now." Twilight said. "Do you have any questions for me?"

"Well, how long have you known you like girls?" Velvet asked after a brief pause.

"I think I've always kinda known. I never really had boys that I liked, but there were some girls I had little crushes on. But because of how I was raised and growing up hearing from different people that it's wrong, I never acted on it." She squeezed Sunset's hand. "Until I met Sunset."

"I'm sorry if we ever made you feel like you couldn't talk to us." Nightlight said.

"You don't have to apologize. I was in denial for the most part, so I wouldn't have regardless." Twilight admitted.

They talked for a couple hours, Twilight answering all her parent's questions the best she could. They asked Sunset some questions as well, the biggest ones being about her intentions with their daughter. She assured them that her intentions were pure and that she cared very much about Twilight.

After their conversation had veered away from the original topic the parents invited the girls to watch a movie with them. Since it was the weekend Sunset wholeheartedly agreed.

After the movie, Sunset was all but falling asleep. Velvet offered to let Sunset sleep over, an offer Sunset graciously accepted. They offered her the guest room, but she declined, too tired to move from her spot on the couch. Nightlight got a spare pillow and blanket for Sunset to use on the couch. They all said their good nights and went to bed.

Sunset was about to fall asleep when she heard a quiet voice call out to her.

"Sunset, are you still awake?" Twilight asked.

"Yeah," she said, groggily sitting up and rubbing her eyes. "What's up buttercup?" She patted the spot next to her.

She chuckled and held Sunset's hand. "Sorry, I just wanted to say thank you. Thank you for standing by me, and for helping me when I was freaking out. I never could have done this without you."

"Any time. I'm glad I could be here to help." She responded, trying her hardest to keep her eyes open."

Twilight smiled. "Well, anyway I'll let you get back to sleep."

Drowsily she responded. "Thanks babe, I'll see you in the morning." Eyes closed she puckered her lips for a kiss.

They kissed a few times before Sunset lay back down. Twilight looked back before heading up the stairs. A big smile on her face, she thought to herself.

I love her.

Author's Note:

Here it is, the chapter many have been waiting for. I hope it lives up to what you were thinking.