• Published 12th Jul 2012
  • 1,939 Views, 48 Comments

I Can Change - the scarlet spider

A changeling has emotions, but has too much emotion for a certain purple unicorn

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I Can Change

I Can Change….
Written by: battlewiththeblade

The battle, that’s all I could remember, I was a changeling, a once strong and feared race of creatures, we feed of love and ironically that was our down fall.

I have no name, I’m just a changeling warrior strong and powerful, but now I’m starving and weak.

The queen, I haven’t heard from her in about a week, I think she may have starved to death like the others, I’ll constantly find the withered corpses of a fellow changeling.

Being void of emotions I didn’t shed a tear or mourn their deaths, I just simply closed their eyes so they could be asleep with their fallen brethren.

I walked falling ill, I was so hungry for the slightest affection, but found none I hoped I’d be put out of my misery as soon as possible.

When you know you’re about to die you think alout, I wondered how a feeling was the only thing keeping me alive, or if I had feelings myself.

Your probably thinking ‘of course you have feeling’s’, well I ask you what does a feeling feel like.

I continue my endless journey, into a sorrow I couldn’t stomach.

“Come on crusader’s this way” a voice called nearby.

I cower; at my state anything could easily kill me.

Looking behind me I see three fillies, I try to change into one of the royal guards I battled but couldn’t, it hurt too much.

The fillies stop and look at me one of them is on a scooter looking surprised, the same for the other’s expressions.

The one with a large red bow walks up to me, she looked terrified but caring “um howdy, I’m Apple Bloom” she greets

I don’t know what to do; I try to speak but couldn’t even lift my lips to talk.

The one on the scooter grabs this Apple Bloom pony and pull’s her away.

“Apple Bloom what are you doing? That thing can hurt you” the filly told her, a small white one nodded in agreement.

Apple Bloom nodded “I know, but that thing looks starving” she tells them noticing my boney figure.

Changelings were always boney, but I must’ve been extra thin for them to point it out.

Apple Bloom walks back to me “um do you want something to eat?” she asked me, looking awfully confused about my appearance.

I slightly nodded, I put my horn to her head a bright green glow flashes.

Now you’re probably wondering what I’m doing, well us changelings can accuses your mind and show you your greatest fantasy, then we can harvest the emotions you feel.

I see a fantasy, its Apple Bloom she is older and has a cutie mark, and is next to a boney old green pony, while a stallion trots up kissing the mature Apple Bloom.

It was a small chunk of the fantasy I had consumed, until I was knocked over slamming into a tree, looking up I see a familiar pony, I had token her form during the battle, her orange pelt light yellow mane and freckles shined as her blazing eyes stared at me.

“Get away from my sister, or I’ll, I’ll, I don’t know what I’ll do but it won’t be pretty” she tells me, running next to her sister and holding her tight.

The small chunk of the fantasy of the young filly was enough to make me last about another hour or two, but the hit had weekend me even more than before.

I cough up a blue liquid which was basically our blood.

I get up and plummet back down; I look over seeing the orange pony drag away Apple Bloom.

“But sis he needs our help” Apple Bloom called to the orange mare, the pony shook her head “trust me little Bloom, they don’t deserve our help” she tells her shooting a cold glare to me.

I get up; wobbly I crawl to a trail, hoping there would be a pony that didn’t know of my species.

I finally make it; I hear the sounds of pony’s cheering in a nearby town.

I crawl to the source of the sound, throwing up more and more of the blue blood.

I look up to a sign, ‘Ponyville’ it says in bold black letters.

I crawl even farther, eventually the hunger for the slightest compassion consumed me, I felt weak until all I saw was blackness.

Waking up I see that I’m tied down, I see that I must be in a Library of some kind, there’s a purple dragon staring at me.

“Twilight it’s awake!” the dragon called to a purple unicorn reading a scroll, she looks up from the scroll and looks to me “ah thank you spike, go organize the books in the adventure aisle” she looks back at me.

Now I couldn’t tell if she was scared or angry, she walks to me looking at my restraints “maybe these aren’t necessary” she say taking off the metal chains holding me to a rocking chair.

I wanted to pounce to feed on her wildest fantasy, but I was too weak and she was obviously strong in the art of magic.

She looked at me again, “I am Twilight Sparkle, personal student to the princess” she tells me with a bright smile.

I cough trying to speak, it had been a long time since I uttered a single word, “an-and I care why?” I asked in a very scratchy voice.

She looked a bit annoyed by my rude comment, she rolled her eyes “anyways, I was wondering, why are you here?” she asked.

I looked at her “I’m hungry” I tell her, moving my hoof to signal her over.

She was skeptical but I could tell that she would go to the extreme to get her answers, she walked over to me.

I tap my horn onto hers so I could feast off her fantasy.

I saw her, she was sitting in the library surrounded by every book imaginable, she had her friends reading with her, as the little dragon brought them all snacks and guess what, more books.

The fantasy rolled on, her and her friends laughing and reading there books, eventually I felt recharged, refreshed, like I had a small coffee at six in the morning I was feeling good.

I pull away from her, the bright glare returning to my pure blue eyes, my original color returning, my teeth no longer a disgusting yellow, I felt like I had changed into my original self.

Twilight backed away from me shocked by my little trick, “ugh you going to answer my question?” she asked backing away from me regaining her full consciousness.

I could’ve just attacked her right then and there, but I had a feeling that wouldn’t work out, so I nodded.

“I’m here, because I had nowhere else to go” I tell her simply.

She looked disappointed by my answer, but never the less satisfied that she got an answer “I’ve told you my name, what is yours?” she asked.

I couldn’t help but smile, “I’m tired” I tell her flying up to her bed and ducking under the covers.

Now she looked offended, she pulled off the covers “come on, the night just started, I want you to answer my question” she demanded kicking me off the bed.

I get back up an annoyed look riddled my face, “I don’t have a name” I told her simply, grabbing the sheets and pulling them over me laying in the bed.

She scooted me to the far side of the bed, “hey why are you in my bed?” she asked but didn’t wait for an answer; she used her magic flinging me to the couch in the middle of the Library.

It didn’t take long for me to go to sleep; I had always slept on the cold gravel of the changeling caves.

The next morning I could smell something sweet and alluring, I followed the scent ending up in the kitchen of the Library/house.

I see Twilight and the small purple dragon eating numerous different pastries, I flew over to the table “what’s this” I asked pointing a hoof to a small round and fluffy object on the table.

The dragon looks at me “that’s a bagel” he tells me, continuing to consume a similar object shaped like a crescent moon.

I look at what they’re doing with the similar objects and put this ‘bagel’ object in my mouth, and move my jaw in a circular motion to do what they call ‘chew,’ it didn’t take long for me to gag the bagel out.

Twilight looked at me "what the bagel no good?” she asked looking at the half chewed bagel.

I shook my head, “no it’s my throat it’s too small to eat it” I tell her looking back down to the bagel.

I think for a bit, then it struck me, I looked down to the bagel and tapped my uvula with my tongue, causing me to throw up a batch of smoking green liquid.

The liquid caused the bagel to disintegrate and mix with the acid like subtense, and like a cola I slurped it up with haste.

The dragon looked disgusted with the manner of the consumption of the bagel, but Twilight looked invested in the way I ate her delicacy.

“How did you do that? Why’d you do it?” she asked franticly looking at me, with huge purple eyes.

I shrug “I don’t know, and it didn’t make me like full, that’s the emotions job, I guess eating this stuff is more pleasure then need” I tell her, then grabbing another bagel and repeating the process.

The dragon pushed his chair away from the table, and got up leaving the room.

Twilight shrugged and looked back to me “don’t mind Spike” she told me grabbing one of those crescent pastries.

“huh so that’s his name” I say looking back to Twilight, “so my turn to ask a question, I remember passing outside of this little town and waking up in this library” I take I sip of the acid like substance mixed with a melted bagel, “what happened?” I asked looking over to her.

She thought for a bit “well I remember, walking outside and starting to head off to Sweet Apple Acre’s to pick up some apples” she thought for a bit more, “and then I see a starving creature on the trail, I helped it up and brought it here, little did I know you were a changeling” she tells me taking a sip of something called ‘apple juice’.

I nod slowly, it made a little sense, “and why’d you keep me here? I mean my people almost destroyed you all” I asked taking another sip.

She pulled out a huge book, “this is the creature manual, every monster in the world is in here, except for one” she opened the book and flipped through the page’s, landing on a page labeled ‘Changeling’ that’s all it said the rest was blank.

I looked at the book “so you’re going to try to put some changeling info in the book, with a interview with the real deal?” I asked her.

She nodded “you changelings catch on” she told me, and wrote that in the book, she looked back up to me “so you willing to do it” she asked me with a huge grin.

I thought for a bit, and then nodded “ok, but on a couple conditions” I tell her.

She nodded “anything just name them!” she told me franticly.

I thought of some conditions, “first off no pony can know I’m here, secondly you have to let me feed of your fantasy’s, and thirdly I can sleep in the bed, that couch is very uncomfortable” I tell her, putting out my hoof to shake hers.

She waited for a bit but shook my hoof “deal!” she yelled as we shook hooves.

That night Twilight was worried because her so called friends were coming over, this really isn’t that big a problem, I turned into one of the characters in her book.

Looking in the mirror I saw that I had a pale white pelt, green eyes, and a black mane.

I thought I looked pretty good, I made myself a muscular stallion, and I even had the reason why Twilight had a stallion over in case they asked.

Twilight was cleaning up when she looked up to me, “wow I must say you changeling’s can really, well change” she told me, starting to calm down about her friends seeing me.

And just in time, we both jumped when a light blue Pegasus with a rainbow mane flew through the door, she was followed by a pink one with a permanent smile on her face, the orange one that kicked me, and a light yellow Pegasus and a pale white unicorn.

I was so surprised by the immediate entrance my disguise almost flew off, but thankfully it didn’t and while I was regaining my breath the pink one hoped up to me “hi there, have we met before? Are you new in town?” she asked looking at me or my disguise.

Before I could answer the white unicorn interrupted me, “Twilight you must introduce us to your new friend, he is just adorable” she said looking over to me.

I tried to answer again but this time Twilight interrupted me, “oh this is, um Ramn, and he is um here because…” she told them thing of a reason, luckily I already had mine planned out.

“I’m here because, Twilight called me to help her with her study’s” I tell them all walking over to Twilight.

The light blue Pegasus looked over to Twilight “smooth move, how long till you make your move?” she asked nudging Twilight with her elbow.

I didn’t know what she meant, but it must’ve been code word for ‘heathen up your face so it turns red’, because that’s what it did.

I looked at Twilight as her face grew more and more red, I examined it made sure she was alright, I don’t know why but the other pony’s were all staring at me like I was doing something weird.

“Ugh dude what are you doing?” the light blue Pegasus asked.

I continued to examine Twilight “making sure that she’s ok, she looks very hot” I tell them all.

I don’t know what happened but all the pony’s cheer for Twilight, saying things like “nice one Twi” or “score” I don’t know what I said but Twilight grew even redder.

I didn’t know what was going on with these pony’s, I just continued to talk with them and they continued to cheer for Twilight, and she continued to grow red.

The night eventually ended all of Twilight’s friends left but not before the blue Pegasus said, “good luck love birds” she said exiting the house.

Looking over I see that Twilight was returning to her original color, she looked over to me “so that was embarrassing” she tells me heading to the bed, she gets underneath the covers and try’s to go to sleep.

I hop in the bed with her returning to my original form I pull the blanket over me as well, Twilight’s pelt rubbed against my skin warming me up even more then the blanket did.

The next morning I was greeted by the same breakfast as the day before, eating or slurping my food I see that Spike had left the table yet again, while Twilight looked at me with amazement.

“You changelings are so peculiar, question time though” she told me while pulling out the huge book.

I took a sip of the acid bagel juice and nodded, “remember only one or two questions per day” I tell her.

She nodded “of course, first question what was a changeling’s normal day like?” she asked me.

“Well we sleep for a very long time, until our queen awakens us for an assault” I tell her taking another sip.

Twilight wrote my words in the book, she looked back to me “ok and who is your mother? And how do changelings mate?” she asked.

I thought for a bit “well only the strongest warriors can mate, and the only female we have is the queen, so the queens my mother” I told her taking another sip.

She nodded and wrote it in the book “thanks” she tells me, and she put the book back up.

I got up and walked up to her “what you want to do?” I asked her looking at her organize her novels.

She looked over to me, surprised a bit actually “well what do you want to do?” she asked me.

I thought for a bit “let’s go out” I told her flinging the doors open, but not before putting on my disguise.

She followed me as we walked through Ponyville.

I was soon pulled away to a table at some café, in front of me I saw Rarity, she put a piece of pie in front of me, I looked at the pie “ugh what’s going on here?” I asked.

She ate her piece of the pie, wiping her mouth she looked up to me “I would like to know why you like Twilight, and are you planning to commit? Also eat your pie” she told me taking another bite of hers.

I looked down to my pie and threw up the acid like spit, I didn’t know why but Rarity looked at me disgusted as I slurped up the pie juice.

She looked at me, “what’s wrong with you?” she asked.

Before I could answer Twilight grabbed me, and started to drag me away “sorry Rarity” she called to her.

While I was dragged away Twilight was yelling at me, “so trying to make some move’s on Rarity” she yelled, while Spike was shrugged over, looking furious at me.

I shook my head “no! And what are moves?” I asked her.

Spike turned away from me, Twilight rolled her eyes "come on your going home” she told me.

I was thrown in the library, I thudded to the floor.

Twilight left the library leaving Spike behind to watch me, Spike looked very mad at me “hey man ive accepted you for a while now, but Rarity is off limits” he told me getting up his arms crossed in complete anger.

Mesh what a prick.

I looked up to Spike in my original form as a changeling, “listen Spike, I’m sorry but she was the one who was hitting on me” I told him.

He rolled his eyes, but slowly nodded “ok, just stay away” he told me.

I nodded “you got it” I assured him.

He got nodded “ok then, besides I’m sure you can go for Twilight” he told me and walked away.

I sat there wondering what he meant, eventually Twilight walked through the door.

I look over to Twilight; she’s holding a beaker “finally” she cheered running in the room under the library.

I follow her seeing tubes and beakers everywhere, she looked over to me “ah Ramn, come over here” she called.

I nodded and walked over to her, I guess Ramn was my name now, I looked at all the beakers “what you doing?” I asked.

Twilight mixed the chemicals “I’m working on an emotion potion” she told me starting to mix things up with the beaker she had earlier.

I grabbed it “how’s it taste?” I asked gulping the jar down.

She slapped the glass out of my hoof after I drank about half, “what?” I asked her.

She swept up the potion, “it gives you all emotions, maybe even some we didn’t even know we had, you could be extra aggressive or extra happy, we won’t know until you show the traits” she tells me letting out a long yawn.

“We’ll worry about in the morning” I tell her flying up to the bed.

She nodded and hoped in the bed getting comfy.

At about three at night Twilight was tossing and turning, she eventually turned over to face me, she wrapped her hooves around me and pulled me close “Mr. yum yum” she said in her sleep.

I shuttered, but I don’t know why, but I wrapped my hooves around her as well.

The next morning I saw that Twilight was gone, I looked in the kitchen and the bathroom and even the basement, so I decided to go out and look for her.

I walked out my stallion disguise back on, walking around I saw Twilight and her friends in the bakery, I walked inside greeting each of her friends.

Rarity seemed to have forgotten about the way I ate, because she seemed to try to hit on me again.

I ignored her due to my deal with Spike; actually I was trying to spend as much time with Twilight as possible.

The pony’s around us giggled and laughed, but Rarity seemed annoyed.

Twilight was starting to turn red, and I could feel that I was growing red myself.

Things were going well until something terrible happened; I was hit on the back by Rainbow Dash.

Now it didn’t hurt but my disguise flickered revealing my true form for about two or three seconds.

The pony’s around me gasped , Twilight immediately tried to cover it up "oh my changing potion must still be in you” she said to them all.

I sighed “yeah a potion” I say

The pony’s were skeptical but dumbly nodded.

That night I was sitting in the kitchen with Twilight, we were discussing the changeling’s thoughts and emotions.

I told her, that we didn’t have emotions but I guess that potion really worked wonders, I felt empty like my eye sockets were about to leak extra tears, sad they called it.

“Hey ugh Twi I got a question” I told her slumped over the table.

She looked up to me, “yea sure ask anything” she tells me looking back down to the book.

“What do you think of me?” I asked her.

She looked back up to me surprised and even a little shocked by the question, “well your real nice, I think that we are friends” she tells me.

I lean in “good friends?” I asked.

She backed away “yes ugh very good friends” she tells me obviously she was uncomfortable.

I back away “yeah thanks” I say a bit disappointed that I didn’t get enough info, but then I remember.

“Hey Twi I’m hungry” I tell her.

She nods and pulls out an apple.

I push the apple away, “no I’m hungry for the other thing” I tell her sticking out my horn.

She looked nervous, but she stuck out her horn as well, the green aura burst and her fantasy were shown.

It was her and what looked like me, we were sitting next to each other, while her friends sat around.

I pulled away ending the fantasy there was so much affection that it filled me up in a couple seconds.

I looked at her, her face was red again “I’m sorry” she ran up to her room crying.

I flew up to her “why are you crying?” I asked her, I started to rub her back to calm her down, only to be slapped away.

She looked at me the tears stained her face “just go away!” she yelled opening the door with her magic.

I looked at the exit then back to her, she was furious confused and heart broken.

I didn’t know why so I nodded and left the library.

I ran out of Ponyville finding myself back in Sweet Apple Ache’s, I crawled around I felt even more of this sad, so sad that the emotions I had consumed were fading away.

I fell over it felt like my inside’s mainly an organ in my chest was shattered to pieces, I fall over and like before I see only blackness.

Waking up I see I’m tied to a bed, Apple Jack is looming over me “now who are you?” she asked right as I wake up.

I shook my head “Ramn…” I mutter to her.

Apple Jack removed the restraints “so you really are a changeling, I would hurt you but you seemed very nice” she told me.

I nodded slowly “thanks…” I mutter.

Apple Jack leaned toward me “come on Apple Bloom told me how you eat, well come on eat already”

I nodded and put my horn to her head revealing her fantasy.

It was her and her family, just sitting around having fun.

It didn’t take long for me to be filled up “so your fantasy is your life” I say to her.

She nods “I’m living the dream” she tells me exiting the room.

I sat in the room for about an hour until I heard a knock on the door.

Looking downstairs I saw Twilight walk in the house, she looked depressed and the tears still stained her face, looking to a calendar I saw that I must’ve been asleep for about three days.

Twilight looked at Apple Jack, “Apple Jack please I need your advice”, Apple Jack nodded and led Twilight into the kitchen.

I wandered in the kitchen disguised as Apple Bloom.

Twilight was sitting next to Apple Jack, Twilight had tears rolling down her cheeks “Apple Jack I think I love him” she tells Apple Jack.

This shocked me, she had such strong emotions for me, it was weird but now I felt more relaxed.

Apple Jack nodded “its ok sugar cube I’m sure he has the same feelings” she told Twilight.

Twilight nodded “I know and I’m sure he does, but he’s a ugly repulsive and downright cold changeling” she tells Apple Jack.

This hurt me, I mean really hurt me, I thought she was my friend but she talked this way about me, I start to feel something wet stream down my cheeks I was crying.

Apple Jack looked at me “Apple Bloom why are you crying?” she asked me.

I took of the disguise revealing my true form.

I saw Twilight looking at me, “Ramn I’m sorry I didn’t mean it” she tells me.

I shook my head and flew out of the house, I found myself back at the Library.

I felt a hoof on my back, looking behind me I saw Twilight, I slap her away “you know this wouldn’t have hurt me a week ago, but then I took the potion and I had a feeling for you, and when you said that you ripped that right out of me” I hissed looking away from her.

She nodded “I know, but you’re a changeling, it wouldn’t work out” Twilight tells me.

I look back to her “but I can change” I tell her, I switch to a couple of different stallions “please” I pleaded.

She shook her head, “I’m sorry” she repeats over and over.

I didn’t know what happened I just turned over and smacked Twilight, she falls over and looked at me crying even more.

I didn’t know why I did it, I backed up and ran out of the house the tears streaming down my cheeks.

I didn’t bother putting my disguise back on I just ran, I heared the screams of the pony’s watching me run by.

I run to town hall, I collapse the tears rolling.

Then I felt something hit my head, looking up I see a small stream of the blue blood rolling down my head.

I look over seeing the pony’s of the town throwing rocks at me, that feeing I had when I hit Twilight, I felt it again, I hoped at one of the pony’s knocking her over I threw up the acid puke on her face.

The pony screams in pain as I’m thrown off, I felt myself getting bucked in the head, looking up I saw the enraged pony’s kicking me repentantly spitting words like “freak” and “jerk” I look up to her and feel the rocks bashed in my eyes.

I didn’t see anything I felt the blue blood rolling down my wounds; I feel the warm touch of a hoof, I’m turned over.

“I’m sorry” the pony said, from what I heard it as Twilight; she kissed me softly and pulled away.

I was left there on the cold floor of PonyVille, I was starting to think again “what is an emotion” I thought, was it a state of mind was it earned or given, or was it something that is just an illusion to us all.

I didn’t know all I knew I that I was going to die, and it didn’t take long until I did.

Twilight was by her book, tears no longer streaming down her face, she couldn’t cry anymore.

She was writing in her book.

‘A changeling is a complicated creature, it can think for itself if put in a single situation, they have no feelings, but that doesn’t mean that they are monsters, all creatures are equal and should not be judged for the actions of the past.

If we all ban together in a single unit of strong species, then we can be at peace, I have learned that the past shouldn’t be thought of, but truly only future should be thought of.’

Twilight sighed and grabbed a picture or sketch of a changeling, it was smiling brightly and had a heart placed on its chest.

She kissed the picture “I’ll never forget you” she muttered, as Spike came up and patted her on the back “come on Twi” he said.

Twilight nodded and put the picture in the book.

She grabbed it with her magic and put the book on display in the middle of the library, she smiled looking at the book, and she turned exiting the library.

Comments ( 45 )

just tell me what to fx and i'll fix it ok, i think thw story was all and all ok.

looks interesting, added to read later

A time frame would be nice
it seemed like he was there for a day

I loved it

This was an amazing read With a few grammical
Errors here and there, but i can look past that.

Have my favorite, and like!:moustache:

This is your best story yet. Keep it up! :pinkiehappy:

WOW! a story that people actually like, thank you all:pinkiehappy:

I really enjoyed the stroy. :eeyup: But if I am not wrong the proper way of writing AJ is Applejack. Again nice story bro.

What does what mean?

900456 thanks i gife you this::pinkiecrazy:' that will be in your nightmares

900556 yeah, thought there was going to be a happy ending didnt you?

900660 wow first time thats ever happend.

901130 thank yeh, i need a minute:raritycry::raritydespair:, ok im good:raritywink:

902110 wow did i really make it that sad?:rainbowhuh:

902128 No!! It's just so moving. Good message my friend. I am inviting you to join my group to write on behalf of the changelings, this is my group.

902149 wait give me a minute...*deep breath* ok im good

902163 In our universe, he will have existed, and the world will have changelings integrated into normal pony city. essentially racism in the world has gone down.

902285 All stories will be integrated, the dalek invasion will have happened later after your story. When we get enough people and stories, we will set up the time line. I will be creating The Jestors story tomorrow.

Too bad that he's dead :(
A sequel would be awesome.
This is by far one of my favorite short stories.
Good work.
There is just a small amount of fanfics that are so sad that they made me cry.
This was one of them.

902665 thank you, and yeah couldnt think of a sequel after killing him

Your probably thinking ‘of course you have feeling’s’, well I ask you what does a feeling feel like.


Well, this is an... improvement to your last story. I can tell you tried. There's still lots wrong; mainly, you need to slow waaay down. You breeze through this whole thing so fast it's like you get scene whiplash. Remember, pacing is quite important. Also, there's still lots of errors with formatting and the general prose. Keep trying though, and you'll get it right eventually.

The story is an interesting concept. However It moved FAR to quickly. To do this idea justice It should have been like 5 times the length at minimum. And the characters are off. Twilight wouldn't just sit there writing when he's there dying not to mention that if twilight really was that opposed to her feelings for a changeling then she wouldn't have brought it up in the first place. Ramn wouldn't just spit up in public like that and blow his cover changelings may not have emotions but that doesn't mean they lack common sense. Applejack would have been very skeptical of him and would not have just let him inside her head like that. The idea is good but how you wrote it is lacking quite badly.

917510 yeah you have a point, thanks

:fluttershysad::fluttershyouch::fluttershbad::fluttercry:That was sad but a beautiful story non the less

You earn my thumbs up by *Insert pun about a small amount* much. Good concept but this thing is riddled with errors and moves much to quickly.

973991 yeah i know, you know a freind of mine is actually remaking this
im woundering what he's going to do:pinkiehappy:

hey man the remakes almost over, just wanted to tell you, and again thank you so much for letting me do this, its such an honor


whoa, that coment was from a wile ago, i'll consider cheaking out the remake.

1646754 its almost done...well the first chapter, it will be out once i get the cover art.


in which case i'll try to swing by in a few days and see it. hopefully i like your remake as much as the original

Like some have already said, it's a good story, but too rushed. And in a way that make me think that the more you wrote it, the more you were hurrying to have ended it.

From the picture I thought the changeling will be a zipping all over the place cause of emotion overdose.

Oh god my Herat :fluttercry::applecry::raritycry::raritydespair:
Congratulations you are now a murder


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