• Published 14th Jan 2013
  • 2,006 Views, 65 Comments

Spike: Proof of Concept - SoullessDCLXVI

Spike's origins come into question when his mental health begins to decline. Meanwhile, Celestia has dark plans for the rest of the world.

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A walk through town

Two days had passed since Spell Cast was given her instructions. Since then she had set up an agreement with a psychiatrist friend of hers to confidentially review Spike's case in her stead remotely. Since she herself, despite the "credentials" in her luggage ready to be placed on a desk for appearances sake, was not trained at all for healing addled minds. She would send recordings of her sessions with the dragon to Sound Mind, and she would send her response. A response Spell Cast would likely mirror to keep the illusion that she was a professional shrink.

Of course, Twilight was aware of Spell Cast's true purpose. Twilight being Celestia's personal student, she had often come into contact with Spell Cast. The filly often showing her blatant dislike for the Court's High Mage. She wasn't sure why Twilight didn't like her, but she was glad that whatever the reason, it either hadn't reached Celestia's ears, or wasn't bad enough to warrant punishment.

Spell Cast looked out the window of the Friendship Express and saw the the town of Ponyville on the horizon. Save for Town Hall, a windmill, and the iconic library, the town looked wholly unremarkable at this distance. A sign of heavy Earth Pony influence. Spell Cast squashed the small part of her that felt disturbed by the thought. She may have been raised by racist unicorns and lived in a city where looking down on the race was a social norm, but she was a modern pony, Faustdamn it! She wasn't about to let herself act like an ignorant foal.

*ding* "Next stop, Ponyville. Please be prepared to depart, and thank you for choosing Maretrak Railways." Disturbed form her thoughts, Spell sighed and magic'd her meager luggage onto the empty seat next to her.


Twilight Sparkle waited on a bench in the Ponyville train station. Waiting for her new house guest that would hopefully aid in Spike's recovery. Mentally, anyways. Twilight knew that physically he was forever changed by her magic outburst the day he was born. She just hoped that therapy would ease any of the effects those changes had on the young drake's mind. Though she had hope, it was but a flame in a star system of darkness. It had been difficult to discern, but it seemed the majority of the changes made by her flare may have directly affected his brain.

Needless to say Twilight had been a very depressed mare these last two days. Maybe Spell Cast's arrival would lift her out of her funk, if for no other reason than she would provide a distraction. A Canterlot unicorn of her position no doubt had never picked up after herself in her life. It'd be a long month of keeping her library clean.

The Friendship express pulled into the station, very few ponies it seemed had this backwater town as a destination. So it was easy to see her new roommate. Spell Cast was a violet-blue coated unicorn mare with a fuchsia mane highlighted with midnight blue streaks. Her mane style was reminiscent of one of Rarity's up do's. Her eyes a shining light blue. Her cutie mark was a trio of light blue differently sized bursts. Curved on the inside, spiky on the ends. Overall she was beautiful mare. Likely one of the reason's Twilight would be apologizing to her.

"Hello, Spell Cast." Twilight greeted her new roommate and began to lead her to her home.

"Ah, Twilight Sparkle. How nice to see you. I almost didn't recognize you without Celestia's rear on your muzzle."

Twilight winced, she supposed she deserved a few jabs. "Listen, Spell Cast. I'm sorry about how I treated you at the castle all those years. Truth was, I was jealous. I may have been Celestia's personal student and naturally talented with magic. But you still had better magic than me, not to mention a lot more time with the princess. I just kinda, really wanted your job." Twilight hung her head. If nothing else, she had apologized, so at least that was a part of her past she no longer had to lose sleep over.

Spell Cast, however, was completely taken aback. It was unreasonable of her, but she had found it easy to believe that Twilight was just some evil bitch that didn't like her because of poor performance, or something to that effect. Though Twilight's apology and subsequent head hanging painted a very different picture. Maybe this trip wouldn't be as bad as she was bracing for. It also seemed like Twilight might not be the right hand of Celestia she, and most others, thought she was. Strange then that she'd be given responsibility for the project.

"So that's why you acted that way. All this time I thought I had done something to offend you. And it was just petty jealousy?"

Twilight closed her eyes, the words stinging a little. What she heard next surprised her. Spell Cast was laughing. "Twilight, I... oh Faust, I accept your apology. Honestly that is a weight off my back." Twilight looked up in surprise. A smile on her face.

"You really mean it? You accept my apology?"

"Of course, dear. Now, if you don't mind, before I settle in I'd like to meet the young dragon that I'm to be head shrinking."

"Oh, okay." Twilight was happy the issue was resolved so quickly. She had expected reconciliation, if it happened at all, to take the entire month. This would make things far easier, not to mention enjoyable, than she expected. "He's healing a lot faster than we thought he would. Fluttershy said he might've regained consciousness by now so he might be able to speak. But whatever you do, don't bring up, or allude to his draconic nature. For some reason it upsets him." Twilight turned right instead of left at the next juncture. Turning away from her home and towards Fluttershy's.

"Of course."

"And as far as he knows, the IV in his arm isn't feeding him powdered gems, but the raw nutrients of plant starches."

"Arm? So he's still bipedal?"

"What do you mean? Dragons are bipedal until sometime around their first centennial." Twilight raised an eyebrow at Spell Casts stunning display of ignorance. Everypony knew that. Even foals.

"Right, of course. Forgive me." When the pair neared the cottage Twilight noticed Applejack leaving, likely returning home. She failed to suppress a slight groan.

"What's wrong?"

"Oh, it's nothing really. Just Applejack and Fluttershy haven't really been seeing eye to eye lately. It usually take about an hour after seeing each other for their bad moods to go away. This might not be a very pleasant visit."

"If you you don't mind me asking, what's the problem between the two of them?"

"Oh, it was nothing major, really. Fluttershy's a vegetarian, while Applejack's farm, Sweet Apple Acres is Ponyville's largest supplier of meat. A minor issue, sure. But the friction was there. It got a little heated recently when Applejack made her opinion of Fluttershy's dating choices public. Twice."

"Is Applejack attracted to Fluttershy?"

"Eew no. I mean, maybe? I guess I can't rule that out. But no, that wasn't the reason. At least on the outside. Faust damn it, Spell Cast now I can't stop thinking of that possibility, ugh that's gonna give me nightmares for a week. No, Applejack just wasn't fond of Discord. Not one bit. Though I don't really get why. He's actually a pretty decent guy now. Never fails to make me laugh. Though sometimes the laughter part comes later. Not wanting to ruin Fluttershy's friendship with Applejack, he broke up with Fluttershy. Moved to Canterlot permanently. Wasn't long after that she set her eyes on Big Mac. I think you can tell how that went down."

"The over protective sister. Yeah, I know those types. Honestly, stallions can think for themselves you know, sheesh."

Twilight giggled. Spell Cast was more down to earth than she gave her credit for. She really needed to stop judging books by their covers. Well, not literally. She couldn't remember a time when she had done so literally.

Arriving at the front door to the cottage the smell animals, animal feed, cleaning products, and oddly enough, cooked pork assaulted the pair's nose. Twilight having been used to it barely registered it. Though Spell Cast was having a bit of difficulty to keep from sneezing. It was bad form to sneeze when entering someone's home. And if Fluttershy was in a bad mood, it would be a poor first impression indeed.

Twilight knocked on the door and waited for the timid pegasus to open up. "Oh, hello Twilight. Spike's awake. He's eating lunch on the couch if you want to talk to him. Oh, erm... hello, who are you?" Fluttershy added upon noticing the new mare, shrinking drastically out of shyness Twilight hadn't seen in a while on account of a lack of new ponies.

"Fluttershy, this is my psychologist friend from Canterlot I told you about, Spell Cast. Spell Cast, meet one of my best friends and element of kindness, Fluttershy."

"Ah, Fluttershy. I have heard so much about you. Seriously. Discord wouldn't shut up about you. I'm sorry to hear about the break up, by the way. So sad."

In her same sweet voice, and with her same small smile, Fluttershy responded, "Oh, it's allright. Once Applejack stops being such a sourpuss he'll come back. Come in, come in. Spike's been asking about you, Twilight."

"You said he was eating. What is he eating exactly?"

"The only pony food he's not 'severely allergic' to, of course."

"I thought you said you'd never have that inside your house?"

"Spike's health is a little more important than my comfort, I imagine. I'm not about to bring him outside in his condition just so I don't have to smell it." Twilight noted that Fluttershy seemed a little greener than usual. Guess it really was bothering her.

"Why don't you go to the spa with Rarity for a while. Spell Cast and I can look after Spike for a few hours."

"Oh, thank you Twilight. I was feeling really sick. It'll be nice to get out of the house. Make sure you address him as Emerald though. He got really mad and nearly tore out his IV earlier when I accidentally called him Spike. I hope you guys figure out what's wrong with him. It's really scary."

"Don't worry Fluttershy, we'll do our best." Spell did her best to comfort the yellow mare. Fluttershy nodded once before heading off into town. Eager to get away from the smell.

Closing the door behind them, Spell Cast allowed her luggage, which she had been carrying this entire time in both her saddle bags and magic, to temporarily rest in a corner by the door. Sighing in relief she stretched, extending her forelegs forward as far as she could while raising her rear. She gave a satisfied moan when she felt her vertebrae pop.

"I think we should make a pot of tea, and then I think it's time I met Emerald Flame."

Author's Note:

Can anyone help me? There's an image I fell in love with a little ways back. It shows a future Sweetie Belle singing in a club or classy restaurant. Rarity is in the foreground facing away from us and towards Sweetie, tears in her eyes and hair all done up well. For some reason I can't find it anywhere. I was gonna use it as a visual aid when talking about Spell Cast's mane.

Edit: (May, 8th 2013CE) Holy bucking shit I finally found the image.

This chapter, for whatever reason (I think it's because of the world building) was easier, and more fun to write. However, I was just re-reading it and I can't help but wonder... out of the chapters so far was it the least well written? Just lookin' for an outside opinion, I'm told I'm far too critical of myself.