• Published 12th Jul 2012
  • 5,709 Views, 217 Comments

I ran my car into Twilight's house... - ThereIsNo4thWall

An HiE/self-insert fanfic, a Brony teleports to Equestria during a storm and runs his car into Twilight's house. Hilarity and insanity quickly follow.

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Midnight Interrogation

I woke up in a daze and with a killer headache; my body’s usual way of letting me know that remaining conscious without a few more hours of sleep would be a grave mistake. My first instinct was to roll over onto my stomach and bury my face in my pillow until sleep returned. This plan was foiled by the fact that my arms and legs were all asleep, which was annoying enough to prompt me to open my eyes in an attempt to understand how exactly that happened.

Light viciously attacked my eyes the second they opened, causing me to close them immediately, and then give a few rapid blinks in a feeble attempt to stop the light’s cruel assault. I groaned as I attempted to rub my eyes, only to find that my arms were still asleep, and had abandoned my eyes to their futile war against the horrible light. As I forced myself to try to see despite the pain, I noticed a few things.

Some were simple facts; like that my glasses were off, as they should have been. Some were a little embarrassing, like the fact that I had drooled on my shirt in my sleep, which I thought I had stopped doing years ago. Others were more alarming…

Such as the fact that my arms were trapped in metal cuffs, there was a metal helmet on my head, and I was stuck in an uncomfortable position where I was sitting on my legs. Oh, also, I have no idea where I am, either.


Despite the headache and painful light, this was all met with an odd kind of passive acceptance. There’s a strange zen that Just-Waking-Up Me occasionally possesses, where scary or threatening things are nothing more than mild annoyances, and where the strange and bizarre are shrugged off as insignificant. I suppose another way of saying it would be, “Too tired to care” Despite my situation, my only real worry was about how I was supposed to get back to sleep like this. Instead of questioning or freaking out about why I wasn’t in my bed in my room, I focused on my current discomfort. I was about to try to pull my hands out of the cuffs, which I had just realized might be possible due to their oddly large size, but before I could actually do that however, a voice caught my attention.

“Oh good, you're awake. Can you talk?” The voice registered as familiar, though I couldn’t place who it was, or even where it was coming from. Instead of the logical response, which I imagine would be for me to have a completely understandable freak out over the odd situation I was in, or to at least ask where the nearest bed was, I just gave a slow nod.

“Well then, maybe you can answer some questions for me.” Despite my barely conscious mental state, I knew that wasn’t a question. I was familiar enough with that kind of tone to recognize anger disguised as politeness. Still, I failed to be properly worried, and instead squinted as I attempted to locate the speaker so I could give her a piece of my mind. The small, barely awake piece, which would only allow questions to be answered so long as a bed would be provided afterwards. I failed to locate a proper source however, aside from the blurry browns and grays of the walls and machines respectively; there was only a lavender blob, which was too small to be the source of whoever was in charge. At least, that’s what I thought at first. The blob quickly took several steps towards me, coming more into focus with every step. I felt my morning zen begin to fade away as the shock of what I was seeing got my thoughts racing, but before I could seriously contemplate the implications of a furious Twilight Sparkle inches away from my face, she spoke, all previous politeness gone. “Who are you, WHAT are you, and WHY did you use that… THING, to DESTROY MY HOUSE?!”

The seconds ticked by as she remained possibly three inches away from my face. Her eyes were narrowed, her jaw was clenched, and her mane was disheveled, while I was leaning my head back as far as possible to create some space, and otherwise too frozen to even blink. My mind was divided as one half attempted to piece together what exactly was going on (as well as how I had gotten into this situation in the first place), while the other half proceeded to scream internally. Desperate to give some kind of answer, I forced myself to try to speak through my confusion and panic.

“Uuuuuuuuuhhhhhhhmmm…” I felt my panic increase just a bit as I realized I failed to accurately answer her questions, or even say anything resembling proper English. Surprisingly, Twilight seemed more confused than angry by my failed attempt, and took a step back.

“What?” Twilight’s response did a lot to help decrease my panic, as I realized I might just have another chance to explain myself. Taking a deep breath, I took a second before trying to speak again.

“Uh, Uuhm. I uh, I don’t know? I mean, uh, I’m Kevin, and uh, I’m a human, and uh, I don’t really know what’s going on, or how I ended up crashing my car last night, and ever since the crash things have gotten really weird, and right now I’m seeing a lavender unicorn, and I’m not quite sure what’s going on?” My words tumbled out my mouth in a desperate attempt to signal my confusion to the being before me, and I watched Twilight give two slow blinks as she processed my response.

“What’s going on is that you DESTROYED MY HOUSE with that thing of yours, and I’m trying to figure out WHY!” Twilight’s anger seemed to return in force, but thankfully it seemed to be less of the ‘I’m going to destroy you’ kind of anger from before, and a bit more of the ‘I’m don’t want to deal with this right now’ kind of anger, though the yelling didn’t help my headache any. Realizing I had another chance to explain myself, I did my best to ignore the impossible situation I was in, and instead focused on trying to convince whoever or whatever was actually before me that I was innocent.

“Uh, okay. Uhm. It was an accident. I really, REALLY don’t know how any of it happened. I mean, just seconds before I hit your house I was on the ground, and driving down a road with no buildings in sight. The lightning certainly freaked me out enough that it could have caused me to drive off the road, but even then the ground was nearly the same level as the road on both sides, so it still wouldn’t explain how I was suddenly in the air and-Okay could you please introduce yourself because I’m still kind of freaking out here and I have no idea who you are!” I nearly shouted the last part as my attempts to remain calm failed me for a second. I knew what I was seeing, and I remembered what I saw yesterday, but the more logical part of me was screaming that clearly this was all some sort of stress induced hallucination. If I could get a name, and I mean a normal, human name, then that’d prove that theory, and I could then calmly state what I was seeing again (since apparently it didn’t get noticed the first time) and ask for her to call an ambulance.

“Oh, uh, I’m Twilight. Twilight Sparkle.” I felt my hope for normality die as she introduced herself, though at the same time I felt relieved to notice that her anger seemed to be fading more and more as I did my best to sound as nonthreatening and confused as possible, a task that was incredibly easy to perform considering the circumstances. “So, you really don’t know how you crashed through my house, and the whole thing was an accident?” At this question, I immediately gave a few quick nods.

“Correct. I swear I’d never cause anything like that intentionally.” I said, smiling slightly as I realized I had successfully talked myself out of a hostile situation. Feeling rather bold from my success, and also still really uncomfortable with my current position, I decided to test my luck. "Uh, now that we've cleared that up, is there any chance you could let me out of these cuffs? I kind of can't feel my arms... Or legs."

"Oh! Of course." Twilight said, suddenly unable to keep eye contact with me as she levitated the helmet off and did whatever it was that caused the cuffs to open up. Once I was free to move, I promptly fell to the floor to my left, slowly rolling away from the machine and onto my back as I straightened my limbs.

"Uh, are you okay?" Twilight asked, concern and confusion in her voice. I couldn't see her clearly anymore now that I was over a foot away, and I gave a small smile as I nodded.

"Yeah, I'm fine; I'm just waiting to get feeling in my limbs again. Hey uh, why I was set up to that machine in the first place?" I asked as I stared at the device in question.

"Well, after my brother's wedding there have been a few changeling attacks on Ponyville and other towns. One occasionally turns into something scary or powerful and attempts to terrorize the town or attack my friends and I. They've been too disorganized to be much of a threat, but when you crashed into my house, and I saw you standing over Spike, I assumed you were another changeling about to attack. However, once my spell knocked you out and you didn't change back, I realized you were something else. I still didn't know your intentions, or even what you were, so I levitated you to the basement so I could do some research." I slowly rose so that I was sitting up as she spoke, trying my best to stay awake, which was quickly becoming more difficult.

"Okay.. Hey wait, that didn't answer my question." I said with a yawn. "I mean, I understand I'm in here because you were doing research, but why was I stuck to the machine? I don't think anything was attached to me aside from the helmet..." My voice trailed off as I thought of an answer almost immediately after asking my question. "Oh, wait! I get it, I think. That part has to do with the whole me being potentially dangerous thing, right? Keeping me stuck to the machine in case I turned out to be a huge jerk." I chuckled a bit at my own explanation, and then yawned again. Apparently now that I didn't appear to be in any imminent danger, or have my limbs feeling dead, my body was reasserting its desire for me to sleep.

Despite the blurriness I saw Twilight nod, and shortly after that she began talking to me. Unfortunately none of it processed, as shortly after I had finished speaking my desire to sleep took over. I'm not sure when it happened, but at some point I laid back down, rolled further away onto my stomach, and passed out. My arms under my head as a makeshift pillow.

I could hear Twilight calling my name, but for some reason I only muttered a short "goodnight" before ignoring her and immediately losing consciousness.

Author's Note:

Okay! Chapter two! I may or may not have totally used Kevin randomly passing out at the end as a way to just quickly shut down the otherwise lengthy conversation he'd likely have with Twilight as they both resisted the desire for sleep for the sake of asking and answering questions. ^_^;

At any rate, let me know what you think of the second rewritten chapter. A few more differences this time around, but still heading in the same direction. Next chapter shall combine three and four of my old ones, and likely involve less insanity...

I suppose I shouldn't spoil things in my own story. Uh, anyways, thanks for reading, feel free to leave a comment, and have a great day!

Also: Microsoft word recommends a heck of a lot of semicolons...