• Published 5th Oct 2017
  • 1,335 Views, 102 Comments

Adventures in the Weather Patrol - Blade Star

Now working for the Weather Patrol full time, Lizzie tells a few stories about crazy weather and sometimes even crazier ponies.

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Chapter 2 - Per Ardua Ad Astra

One of the weirdest things about being a pony is, without any doubt, the cutie marks. I don’t know who the hell came up with that as a name for them, but it just sounds so damn stupid, at least to me. I mean, could they make it any more girlish? Why couldn’t they call them…I don’t know…just talent marks, or skill signs? Nah, that doesn’t work.

Cutie marks, in any case, are a big part of pony society. From what I understand, when a colt or filly is born, they don’t have a cutie mark at all. And then, later in life, they eventually have this sort of epiphany moment where they realise what their special talent is. When that happens, the magic kicks in, and then their mark appears. Then they have some party that steals its name from some Mexican thing.

I have one. Given my age, I’d be looked on as a bit odd if I didn’t. My cutie mark is a pair of wings, with a musical note in the centre. But unlike other ponies, I didn’t exactly earn my cutie mark. When Discord turned me into a pony, I already had it, so I was never really a ‘blank flank’ as that bitchy kid my Mum teaches would put it.

It’s nice not having to strive and search to find my special purpose. For three certain fillies, that used to be a full time job. But at times, I can’t help but feel as though I cheated the system in some way. I never had any sudden realisation. I don’t even really know what my cutie mark means. From what I’ve heard, they can be either really specific, or really obscure. Fluttershy for instance, her cutie mark is three butterflies. She got that when she discovered her love for animals, and her seemingly innate ability to understand them and communicate with them. How three butterflies sums that up, I don’t know. On the other hand, you have Applejack. Her apple cutie mark is pretty easy to work out; she’s good at growing apple trees and getting a good crop from them.

So what the hell does wings and a musical note mean? I guess the wings mean flying, but that’s hardly my special talent now is it? Most pegasi can fly, more or less. And why does it have a musical note on too. I could play the piano back home, but why would it be with the wings? The rules on cutie marks say that a pony only has one special talent, so it can’t be flying and music.

Every now and then I get like this. I get to wondering what in Equestria this stupid tattoo on my flank means. I don’t know, Fluttershy doesn’t know, and Discord on the one occasion I asked him, simply zipped up his mouth and sodded off like the bellend he is.

I decided to go for a flight to try and clear my head. I tend to go for a flight whenever there’s stuff on my mind. Flying really does give me a chance to let my mind wander. I needed to get my mind off cutie marks for a while.

It was about mid-afternoon on a Saturday; Dash didn’t have anything for us to do today, so we’d all been let off earlier than usual. I decided to go for a flight around Sweet Apple Acres. I called to Fluttershy, who was feeding her chickens as I left, and promised her that I’d be back within an hour or so. Angel, who was sitting on her back, blew me a raspberry in return.

Taking off with a leap I quickly climbed up a couple hundred feet. I was well below the cloud layer, but high up enough not to bother anypony, or put any low flying traffic at risk. I followed the river that ran through town back up towards its source, that would take me through Sweet Apple Acres. You have to learn landmarks like that in world with no GPS. Dad says that’s how old aviators used to navigate. I’m even learning to fly by the stars at night.

I soon found myself over the apple orchards and relaxed. Hardly anypony came up this way except ponies from the patrol, and I knew that there was nothing scheduled for today. I began to do the odd stunt; a slow roll here, an Immelmann there; just enough to keep my wits sharp. As I crossed over an open field, I saw my big brother heaving away at a plough. The field looked about half done from up here.

That was when I thought of something. Bones too had had a cutie mark for as long as he’d been a pony. His crossed swords cutie mark had been there when we first arrived in the Everfree Forest. Maybe he had some idea about where my cutie mark came from.

Angling down, I started a slow spiral dive towards him. About thirty feet up, I caught his attention.

“Hey, Bones!” I called out. Pausing in his work, my brother waved at me with his hat in his hoof.

Touching down, I skidded to a stop on the uneven ground.

“Well hey there, sis,” he said in that odd hillbilly accent that’s he’s had ever since he moved in with the Apples’. “What brings ya out this way?”

“I wanted to ask you something about your cutie mark,” I replied, flapping my wings a couple of times to get the dust out. Briefly, I explained what I’d been thinking about that afternoon. Bones seemed interested.

“Well, that is a mite strange,” he admitted. “Ah figured ya already knew what your cutie mark meant.”

“What does yours mean anyway?” I asked, gesturing with a wing. Bones turned slightly to show his own cutie mark.

“Two sabers parryin’ each other,” he said. “In sword fightin’, that’s a defensive move. My magic specialises in those kinds of spells, things like shields and stun spells.”

“But how do you know that?” I asked in confusion. “You woke up with your cutie mark the same as I did.” Bones nodded and explained.

“When Ah first woke up here, Ah didn’t know what it meant,” he admitted. “Ya have to remember that Ah designed this pony, it was my own original character, and my ponysona.”

“Gay.” I ducked as a bolt of magic shot my way. Bones snarled in annoyance.

“Anyway. Ah didn’t realise that defensive magic was my special talent until Twilight introduced me to Strong Shield. He taught me a few things and said that Ah was mighty good at it. When he said that, it kind of just dawned on me how that could fit in to my cutie mark. Ya sort of just come to realise it.”

“So what do you think my cutie mark symbolises?” I asked. "You must have some idea." Bones smiled wryly.

“You might very well think that, sis,” he said, a grin spreading on his face as his southern accent became softer. "But Ah couldn’t possibly comment." I rolled my eyes while he paused for a moment to think.

"But Ah reckon Ah do know somepony who could help," he admitted. He turned out toward the apple orchard. "Apple Bloom!”

His sudden call made me jump. And not three seconds later, an adorable little filly with a yellowish coat and red mane, with a huge pink bow was at his side.

“Yes, Bones,” she asked, with some excitement. Bones smiled.

“AB,” he said kindly. “My little sister needs the services of the Cutie Mark Crusaders. Think ya can help her find what her cutie mark means?” Apple Bloom’s mouth made an ‘o’ shape as shot over to me to take a look.

“Well, sure,” she agreed looking up to me. “Me and the Crusaders would love to help ya out. C’mon then, Ah’ll take to our clubhouse.”

With that, I found myself in the little filly’s surprisingly strong grip, and pulled off towards the old treehouse that Applejack had given them to turn into their base of operations. Mum had been telling me that since all three of them had gained their cutie marks, they’d set up some sort of consulting agency. I’d be interested to see what these three fillies could do. Heck, if anypony could help me, it was probably them.

The two of us left Bones to resume his ploughing. As I left though, I couldn’t help but think that I heard him talking to somepony. But as far as I could see, he was all alone.

I followed Apple Bloom, still being half dragged by her through the apple orchards. Before long, we arrived at the Crusaders club house. Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo were already there and waiting for us.

“Welcome to the Cutie Mark Crusaders clubhouse, Lizzie,” said Sweetie Belle, her voice squeaking slightly.

“Thank you, Sweetie Belle,” I replied.

The trio led me up the small ramp to the clubhouse, chatting to each other as we went. Even as a pony, I had to duck my head slightly as I walked in. I guess this place was built for foals, not full grown ponies.

The place was actually, considering that it was run by three fillies, quite impressive. The place was well furnished with cushions for ponies to sit down. There was even a bowl of mints for prospective clients. On the far wall was a set of photos, presumably their various success stories. I spotted Bones’ photo there amongst the others. Before long, I found myself in a sort of interview/tribunal/Spanish Inquisition with the Crusaders.

“So, how can the Cutie Mark Crusaders help you today?” Sweetie Belle asked, smiling innocently. Apple Bloom elbowed her in the ribs.

“Sweetie Belle, ya know why’s she’s here,” she half whispered. “Didn’t ya listen to what Ah said to ya when we got here? She wants to find out what her cutie mark means.”

“Why do we even have to ask ponies that anyway?” Scootaloo chipped in at a more audible volume. “The only reason ponies come to us is for help with their cutie marks.”

“It’s professional,” Sweetie Belle retorted hotly.

“Er, Ah don’t think this is exactly professional,” Apple Bloom replied, pushing the two quarrelling fillies apart. She then turned back to me.

“Now, Lizzie,” she went on. “What exactly is the problem you’re havin’ with your cutie mark?” All three now looked at me inquisitively.

“Well,” I began. “I didn’t earn my cutie mark like most ponies. When Discord turned me into a pegasus last year, I had it from the first day. So I never really had a moment where I realised what my special talent is. I want to find out what it is. Otherwise, I kinda feel like a fraud having a cutie mark.”

The three fillies listened in silence. After I was done, all three came around and examined my cutie mark; something that made me feel very uncomfortable and awkward.

“Hm,” Sweetie Belle mused. “Wings and a note. The wings must mean Lizzie’s flying ability.”

“Yeah,” Scootaloo agreed, nodding. “Even Rainbow Dash says she a good flyer. Why else would she recruit her into the Weather Patrol?”

“But what about the music note?” Apple Bloom asked. "Music can’t be her special talent, if she’s already got flyin’ there too. How can they fit together?”

All three of them now fell into what seemed deep thought, sitting down and looking as thoughtful as they could. This went on for more than a few minutes, eventually though they all broke from their reprieve.

“Any ideas, you two?” Apple Bloom asked. Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle shook their heads. It looked like I’d given them a bit of a challenge.

“Maybe we should observe Lizzie for a while; see if her special talent shows itself?” Scootaloo suggested.

“Agreed,” Sweetie Belle said. She then turned to me. “Okay, Lizzie, the Cutie Mark Crusaders are on the case. The first thing we need to do is follow you through the course of normal day. A lot of ponies who come to us actually use their special talent without realising it.”

“Er…okay,” I said, sounding a little unsure. “So when do you want to start then?”

“Well, you’re out of your normal routine at the moment, and I know you don’t work on Sundays. So how about we start first thing on Monday. We’ll meet with you at Fluttershy’s cottage.”

It sounded like as good a plan as any. And after all, how could I argue with a wall full of satisfied customers?

“Sounds like a plan,” I said, getting to my hooves. “I’ll meet you three at Fluttershy’s then, first thing on Monday morning.” I headed out the door, luckily remembering to duck and avoid the top of the frame.

“Bye, Lizzie,” the three fillies called.

Monday morning soon rolled around. I guess we were lucky that school was out for a few weeks, otherwise the Crusaders would have been hard pressed to spend any time with me. True to their word, I found all three of them waiting outside for me when I left for work.

“Morning you three,” I said, sounding far more bright eyed and bushy tailed than they looked. “So, you’re following me around all day are you?”

“Yep,” Sweetie Belle replied with a nod. “We’ll follow you through your normal routines and see if we can’t help you find your special talent.”

Instantly though, I found a bit of a flaw in their plan. The first thing I do after walking out of Fluttershy’s cottage is take off and head to Ponyville to meet up with the rest of the guys for our daily assignments. That meant flying, and none of the Crusaders could really fly. Even Scootaloo could only really hover at best.

“Okay, girls. I can see at least one problem with that,” I replied. To emphasise my point, I opened my wings for a moment. A look of realisation appeared on the three fillies faces.

“Oh,” all three said. Scootaloo though perked up.

“Don’t worry, you two,” she said to Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle. “We can use this as a chance to try out my new launching system!” Both fillies now looked more than a little worried.

“Launching system?” I asked curiously.

“Yeah,” Scootaloo replied. “I’ve found a guaranteed way for me to fly without my wings! I use my scooter, get up some real speed, and then take off from a ramp. The momentum can get me all the way to Cloudsdale if I really go for it!”

As a wise cowboy doll once said; ‘That wasn’t flying! That was falling with style!’. Still it meant that at least one of the Crusaders could follow me to work.

“What about the two of you?” I asked the other Crusaders. Sweetie Belle quickly came up with a backup plan.

“Don’t worry about, Lizzie,” she assured me. “We can just borrow Twilight’s old balloon and follow in a little while.” The three fillies quickly agreed on their plan, and then split up. Scootaloo stuck with me, while Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom headed for Twilight’s castle.

This plan of theirs was getting more and more hare-brained by the second.

“Scootaloo, are you really sure about this?” I asked, now more than a little fearful for her safety.

I’d walked with her to Ponyville, and we were now standing almost directly underneath where Dash and the others would meet up. With some effort, the two of us had been able to haul her ‘launching ramp’ into the proper place. Her theory was good; the navy used the same ‘ski jump’ ramp on the small carriers like Invincible to launch Harrier fighters. The problem was if she missed her target. Unable to properly fly, if she didn’t make it to a cloud, she’d go plummeting back to Equestria.

“Jeez, relax, Lizzie,” Scootaloo replied. “I’ve done this a bunch of times. Just follow me up.”

With that, Scootaloo got on her scooter and began her run. She used to own small wings to give her the extra speed she needed. It was quite funny really; she buzzed along like a hummingbird, but somehow, her wings mimicked the sound of a moped. I followed her on the wing, flying just a couple feet off the ground. A few seconds later she hit the ramp and went rocketing up, I pitched up and with a burst of speed, followed.

Amazingly, she actually did make it. The little orange pegasus shot past the cloud, stalled out and dropped a few feet to land on its soft surface next to a waiting Thunderlane. I followed a few moments later and landed besides her.

“Nice moves, Scoots,” Rainbow Dash said. RD was sitting directly opposite her semi-adopted little sister. With my arrival, the group was complete and Rainbow began her usual morning briefing. As things were winding down, the other two Crusaders arrived in a barrowed balloon.

“And Lizzie,” she said, as she came to me. “I want you to do a quick recon patrol up through the valley towards Ghastly Gorge.”

“Sure thing, Dash,” I answered with a nod. “Is it okay if Scoots and the other crusaders tag along?”

“I guess so,” Rainbow replied. “Just keep an eye on them, make sure they stay in their balloon, and don’t let them into the gorge. The last thing I need is an article in tomorrow’s paper about three fillies getting eaten by eels.” Everypony laughed at that.

“Alright,” I said, turning to the Crusaders. Scootaloo was still sitting next to me, while Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle were still in the balloon’s basket. Not being pegasi, they couldn’t walk on clouds like we could. “You heard what Rainbow said; stick in that balloon and do what I tell you. Understand?”

“Yes, Lizzie,” the three fillies responded innocently. With that, I took off and headed north, my three observers following close behind.

It was a little odd, flying with a balloon tailing me. I felt like I was trying to pass my flight certification all over again. Before I could actually work with Dash, I had to pass a bunch of tests, a bit like a driving test back home. These ‘observers’ from Cloudsdale had me jump through hoops with different exercises and random events to test whether or not I was up to par.

The Crusaders followed me, with Scootaloo’s moped wings providing the balloon with thrust, all the way along my patrol route. I figured that Dash had given me something easy to do for the sake of them. Really all I was doing today was a circuit from Ponyville to Canterlot and back again to check for stray weather patterns. Unlike when I was out with Dewdrop near the Everfree though, I had a bit more freedom. The airspace was clear for miles, so most ponies, when they got this assignment, would use it as an opportunity to practice some fancy flying, tricks, stunts and so on.

I confess that I do that too. Hey, it never hurts to keep your skills sharp. You never know when a split-S is going to help get you out trouble in a bad rain squall. And since I had an audience following me, I decided to show off a bit.

I’m not as fast as Rainbow, but I am quite good at pulling sharp turns and sudden changes of direction, and that’s often just as good as straight line speed. The three fillies behind me seemed impressed with my little show, although I heard Scootaloo say that Rainbow Dash was still a way better flyer than I was.

It is fun though…flying, I mean. I do enjoy more than pretty much anything else. There’s this great sense of freedom when you’re up in the air, more so when you know that it really is you that’s flying, not some machine that you’re controlling. There’s no fear of falling or anything, it’s just so peaceful. Even at high speed, on a clear day, with an open sky, flying is just so relaxing. The slightest twitch in a single feather affects your pitch and banking. It’s like nothing else in the world. Bones and other unicorns may have their magic, but you’d never be able to convince me to give up my wings.

A few moments later, I was startled out of my sort of meditation by Sweetie Belle calling to me from the Crusaders’ balloon. Pulling up, I slowed to a hover and let them catch up. As they drew closer, I picked up the sound of Scootaloo’s moped wings again.

“What’s the matter, you three?” I asked as I drifted over to them.

“We were just watchin’ ya flying there,” Apple Bloom said. “And ya seemed to be really havin’ a great time of it too.” I smiled.

“Yeah, you got me there. Ever since I learnt how, I’ve been in love with flying.”

“That sounds like a special talent to me,” Scootaloo piped up. But I hadn’t had that realisation, and my cutie mark hadn’t done anything either. Something was missing.

“But we still haven’t worked out how that musical note fits in,” Sweetie Belle replied. “We can’t explain half of her cutie mark and say we’re done. Okay, yes, her special talent is flying, but why? Does the music note mean anything to you, Lizzie?” All three Crusaders turned to me.

I thought for a few moments. Of course a music note meant something to me! Back home I’d been quite musical. Bones had played the violin for a few years as a hobby, while I’d taken up piano and gone up through the grades. I’d been pretty good at it, and played a few times at church and at Christmastime. I explained this to the Crusaders.

“Well, I used to play the piano back on Earth,” I explained. “I actually had a little go at it when we got here. But these hooves don’t really have the dexterity. I can’t even explain how some ponies can play the piano. You need fingers for it.”

“But that was what you were good at back on Earth?” Sweetie Belle pressed. “I know humans don’t have cutie marks, but it sounds like that was your special talent.” I frowned.

“If that’s true though, why can’t I play the piano as a pony?” I asked. After all, a cutie mark was supposed to be something fixed for life. The three fillies turned to look at each other.

“Maybe it’s something to do with having a new body?” Scootaloo suggested. “Maybe changing into a pegasus affected your special talent in some way?”

“Okay,” Sweetie Belle said. “So we know that Lizzie’s special talent now is flying, and when she was a human, it was music. Maybe that’s why the two are together, like a sort of continuity.”

“What do you mean?” I asked, curiously.

“Answer me this, Lizzie,” Sweetie Belle said. “How do you feel when you’re flying?”

“Well…I…I guess you could say I feel great. Flying’s a great experience.” Sweetie Belle jumped in again.

“And when you were a human, how did it feel to play the piano?” I was about to answer, when the penny dropped.

“It’s the same feeling!” I exclaimed. “I love flying just as much as I did playing the piano. I get the same emotional high from it; I’m just as good at it. That’s why my cutie mark has a music note on it. I’m not good at playing the piano any more, but flying makes me feel the same way, that’s why it’s my special talent!”

All of a sudden my vision swam in front of me, sending the Crusaders out of focus. I felt gravity shift out from under me as I was taken hold of by some magical force. I stopped flapping my wings as they were gently pressed to my sides. Bright lights danced across my vision for a few seconds and I felt a strange sense of Nirvana. A few moments later, it ended. A bright flash briefly blinded me, and gravity returned. I flapped my wings hard to get back into a hover.

As my eyesight returned, I found that I was still in front of the Crusaders, who were still in their balloon. The energy I’d felt before had passed, except I could still feel something along my back. Craning my neck around, I looked at where my cutie mark was. It was still there, but now seemed to be pulsing with light, just like a brand new mark would.

“That was it!” Scootaloo exclaimed, speaking for all of us. “You really earned your cutie mark, Lizzie!” All three Crusaders cheered at their success. As for me, I was so stunned that I had to briefly rest in the balloon’s basket.

For the first time since I became a pegasus, I felt like it was right for me to have my cutie mark. It was no longer something Discord stuck on there when he changed me into this form, but something that I’d earned, with a little help of course. I can’t quite explain it, but when I finally worked it out, everything just seemed to make sense for a moment, and I do mean everything. Like I said before, the closest description I have is something of a Nirvana moment, or maybe smoking a bit too much whacky baccy.

After I recovered and took flight again, the Crusaders followed me through my patrol route. It was probably the fastest circuit of the valley in history. I was so eager to get back to Ponyville and tell everypony what had happened. Okay, my cutie mark hadn’t just appeared, as far as appearances go, I looked the same as when I’d left. But now I understood what my cutie mark was telling me. That flight home felt like my first flight all over again.

After I got off work that evening, I met up with the Crusaders again at their clubhouse. I quickly found myself pulled into a mini photo booth. A quick flash later, and my slightly surprised looking face was added to their wall of successes.

I had to give the three fillies credit. In a day, they’d managed to help me work out something that had baffled me for the better part of a year. They certainly earned their own cutie marks. I felt different myself; it was as if my cutie mark had appeared that day. I was almost tempted to ask Pinkie to throw me one of those special cutie mark parties. But that seemed a bit silly. I’d had my cutie mark for a while, only now I actually had an idea of what it meant.

It was a nice bit of continuity too. The mixing of the two separate cutie marks, I mean. I’m a great flyer now as a pegasus. But my mark also reminds me that I was once a human. It was actually interesting to think about how my cutie mark effectively changed when I became a pegasus. I wondered if the same had actually happened to Bones. I know for a fact he wasn’t any good at either magic or fighting back on Earth.

One of those mysteries of life, I guess. I was just glad that I did understand my cutie mark.

Although I wouldn’t have minded a party.

Author's Note:

Proofread by Sweetoldbob18.

Per ardua ad astra - Through difficulties to the stars; the motto of the Royal Air Force. It also appears on the memorial to the crew of Apollo 1.

I decided to use the formula for a couple of CMC episodes for this chapter. After all, both Lizzie and Bones did sort of 'cheat' to get their cutie marks, so I thought it would be interesting to see them work with the Crusaders.

Also, anypony spot a subtle reference in there somewhere?

Lastly, happy birthday to MLP this last Tuesday. Here's to another seven years of pony.