• Published 29th Jun 2017
  • 2,948 Views, 579 Comments

Bat's Academy - Meep the Changeling

A young mare learns martial arts in Neighpone to try and find a way to live up to her family’s heroic legacy.

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10 - Forgotten Family Ties (Showdown Part 2)

Nahrina - 4th of Solar Dusk, 26 AE

Kōmoriakademī, Neighdo - Neighpone

I liked how Neighponese Schools kept your homeroom consistent across the years. While I spent a lot of time with Sherbert, I wasn’t her. I’d made a few other friends outside our little trio.

Specifically, Akira, Eiji, and Seiichi. They were, amusingly enough, a unicorn, a pegasus, and an earth pony respectively, which made me being the final member of the band and also a changeling a bit funny. At least to me.

I met them in homeroom after they complained about losing their lead guitarist for their band, and since I play keytar, I offered to take the position. We had a lot of fun together, and we all felt like we could do folk metal pretty well, so we’d entered the talent show at the Fall Festival last year.

But well, turns out we actualy sucked…

More precisely, we’d chosen a Neighponese song that just didn’t suit our band’s style well and thus lost points. Many points. All of them, in fact.

This year would be different!

Akira asked me to pick a song from my Hive’s traditions to perform since the genre would be right for us. I’d spent the whole summer working on translating some of my Hive’s songs into Neighpoense and adapting them for a smaller four musician band. That’s harder than most people think it is.

But I’d managed to get a few of them to sound right. None of them were really suitable for our band though. I’d performed what I could of each song to show my bandmates, and on each one, some combination of Akira, Eiji, and Seiichi objected. Too complex, apparently.

This song was far simpler than any other, but still metal as buck, and we could definitely perform it! I just had to make sure it sounded okay in Neighponese.

Okay, Rin, you can do this. It’s a sacred hymn, but you translated it flawlessly. Though… That doesn't mean it sounds right in Neighponese. But there’s only one way to find out, and there are no Lore Keepers here to hear you mess it up. Let’s do it!

I took a deep breath, flicked my amp on with a quick magic pulse, picked up my silver plated keytar, switched it from the electric guitar sample set to synth, and began the ancient song’s warm up.

My hoof gently brushed against the keys, calling forth slow, calm, overlapping notes which flowed like a creek. They slowly built upon each other, forming a more intense pounding rhythm as I slowly turned up the volume. Harsh, rolling, dramatic notes, flowing like a raging sea!

Switch on repeat mode! Adjust back to sampled guitar notes. Instrument change complete, add the lead guitar to the synth track.

Short, rolling, bursts. Intermittent bursts of chaotic noise. Slowly build up to the primary guitar melody. Pause for the bass line… Resume the lead guitar… Yes!

Everything sounded good. I could hear the other instruments in my head But how would the words go?

Keep the melodies going a bit longer… NOW! Stop the guitar on one last warbling note. Switch to synth. Fade the melody slowly into a calm rolling tune. Hold for twenty seconds…. There!

Slow building up on the synth like something out of a horror movie as the monster finally appears! Switch to guitar, punctuate build with one long discordant note! Back to the lead guitar melody, but faster, more orderly. Ready… Lyrics in three, two, one!

“Warriors of planet Earth, hear my raging cry! // For mighty Terra, the demons will die!” I proclaimed in verse, punctuating each syllable with the “guitar’s” melody.

“Across the skies of Mars, the demon wars begin. // Trust in your sword, this battle we'll win! // The space knights of Crail are first to the fight, // clashing with lasers and power of light!

“Fly high through apocalypse skies, // fight for the world we must save. // Like tears of a unicorn lost in the rain, // Chaos will triumph this day!”

Annnnd shift voice box to allow for electronic warble.

“Apocalypse: Twenty-five-thirty-two,” I intoned with my newly distorted voi-

My keytar fell from my hooves as I double facehoofed. “SON OF A BITCH!” I swore angrily

I’d sung everything in the original language...

“Uhhhh, hi,” Kazumi said from my doorway.

I turned my head to look at her. The tiny mare was standing, staring at me in shock. I don’t think she’d ever seen me play anything seriously before.

“Not sure what you messed up, but that was amazing,” she said with a hint of a smile.

I cleared my throat to hide my embarrassment. “I uh, I meant to sing that in Neighponese,” I explained, voice still distorted.

I switched my voice box back with a flash of arcane fire.

“Okay, that’s cool! I need auto-autotune capabilities,” Kazumi muttered to herself before facehoofing herself.

“I’M A BAKKA!” She shouted angrily through clenched teeth. “Quick! You need to show me which jumpsuit Sherbert normally wears around! I don’t know because when I visit her here she’s always in her gi, and at school she’s always in uniform!”

I raised an eyebrow, flicking a few strands of my mane out of the way with a pulse from my horn.

“Um, why?” I asked curiously, trying to figure out what the emergency could be if it involved clothing. I mean, Sherb can shapechange on her own now so it couldn’t be her blank flanks were showing.“Are you going to surprise her with new clothes or-”

“Sherbert’s psychotic aunt is on her way to turn Mai into a thin red paste on the sidewalk, and Sherbert doesn't want that to happen, so we need to talk her down, and since her aunt asked Sherbert to give her one of her jumpsuits, the only time we may have to talk to her is while handing it over!” Kazumi shouted. “That’s how bucking good your music was, I forgot about that for a minute! NOW HELP BEFORE SOMEPONY WHO DESERVES IT, DIES!”

Ah yes. Mai… I had a bone to pick with that thug. All this ninja training had put me off my game. If I hadn't been focusing on not using my battle magic thanks to using it on Sherbert in the ring, Mai would never have knocked me out.

Wait, deserved it?

“Um, if you think Mai should die, why are you helping?” I asked skeptically.

“Because Sherbert doesn't want her dead because of her and we just started dating so I need to put her opinions first,” Kazumi said, flapping her wings to get to my eye level. “NOW HELP!”

I grinned ear to ear. “YES! I’ve been trying to hook you up all year. Oh! It’s the electric blue one, she keeps it in her wardrobe,” I answered for her, then stopped to pick up my keytar.

And froze.

“Wait, psychotic aunt. Trixie or Ayna?” I asked, my head whipping up to look at Kazumi as she started to leave my room.

“The wizard one!” She called as she rushed out into the hallway.

Ohhhh, not good! Ayna Trigger had been among the few who helped push through to destroy the portal during Equestria's Tartarian invasion. Anyone who had the power to fry a demon with lightning…

Yeah, Sherbert was going to need help. Lots of help. Especially because if I were Mai, I’d be camping out near Kazumi’s place waiting for her. So Sherb and Mai could be fighting right now since Miss Gunslinger wasn’t there anymore. And if her aunt teleported in, like wizards do, she’d find her niece mid combat and-

“Ohhhhh, shit,” I cursed to myself.

If Sherbert wanted Mai alive, as her friend I had to help. And that meant I needed to get over there and protect Mai. I stood next to no chance at doing more than stopping a single blast from a world infamous mage. Most likely because it would kill me.

But I owed Sherbert my life. Kazumi’s Clinic had run out of hemolymph. My exoskeleton kept fragmenting. Nothing could have stopped my bleeding. Without that rich Equestrian love, I would have died in that bed.

Fair is fair. A life for a life.

I took a single hesitant breath to steel myself, and then set my Keytar down and chased Kazumi out of the room.

“Hey! Wait! Where is she?” I yelled at the rapidly disappearing dot in at the end of the hallway.

“She’ll be on the direct route from my house to here via Peach Street,” Kazumi yelled back.

That was a short route. I was faster than Kaz by a lot. I would make it there in a third the time she would. That gave me time to get ready.

I ran back into my room and picked my commlink up from my nightstand and entered mom’s number. She picked up instantly.

“I’m on a job,” mom whispered.

Translation: If you are not calling me for something important, I’ll beat your plot black and blue when I get home.

“Sherbert is in mortal danger. I am honor bound to help her. My skill in your people’s ways will not be enough to save her. I am sorry, but I need permission to use my full arsenal,” I inform/requested.

“Granted,” mom whispered, the sound of cloth shuffling along wood much louder than her own voice. “Passphrase: This is the last thing she’ll expect to be the passphrase.”

The link clicked as she hung up. I almost didn’t register that at all because, well, yeah! That was the last thing I expected the armory passphrase to be.

Heh. I love you, mom. You're way better than bio-mom.

Shaking the confusion from my head I ran out the door and down the hall to mom’s room, quickly disarming the six hidden locks (and attached alarms) before heading inside, and immediately shape changing back into my natural changeling body.

The flash of emerald fire reflected off the massive steel wardrobe’s polished surface as I skidded to a halt in front of it and immediately pressed a hoof against the glowing black arcane rune on the front.

“This is the last thing she’ll expect to be the passphrase,” I said, the rune immediately turned white, and the door swung open.

The inside of the locked wardrobe was mostly occupied by mom’s weapons.

Most were poisonous, or made from toxic materials. Which is why she kept them locked up or on her person. When I’d finally gotten permission to train in her arts, we had locked my own stuff up, as the tournaments allow you to bring your personal equipment and that would be massively unfair.

I quickly suited up. A once routine task. Daily training requirements and what not.

Myomer fiber jumpsuit, then power cell harness, next unfold the exoskeleton and put on the coat of ceramite plates. Done. Buckle all the things, starting at the back, moving up the the front, toss the white hooded tabard over everything, buckle the tabard belt, slide helmet on, hood up. Done.

I never liked how I looked in uniform. The thick plates added too much bulk for my tastes, and olive green, black, and white didn’t go together in my mind. I also never liked the flying dagger insignia on my tabard, but the armor was magic resistant. It would help. The real question was should I bring my spear?

I took a quick look at the spear. It would be more accurately called a glaive, really. Or perhaps a naginata, if you wanted to name it in Neighponese. A single edged cleaver-like blade incorporating a seventy-five millimeter auto-cannon, attached to a long haft containing the triggers and the blade’s disruptor field emitter. Basically a naginata with a gun stuck to it.

Guardian Spears made great sidearms for battle mages like me. Cuz micro rockets are great for conserving mana while letting you still be useful while waiting for the right moment to cast your spells.

Yes. Absolutely. The blade can be used to deflect ray attacks. And I MIGHT finally be able to actually do that. Let’s take it.

I levitated my Guardian Spear from the wardrobe, took two spare magazines of microrockets for the underslung cannon, tucked them into my belt, and then slid the spear into the extra dimensional pocket attached to my right vambrace.

No sense running around with a weapon out in public. Not till I needed it. The armor would be cause for more than enough alarm as it was. Thank goodness I wasn’t a soldier. Ponies would think that this relatively sleek armor was wargear, we didn’t. This was just proper casual clothing for my hive.

Soldiers are the ones dressed in war gear.

I flexed my wings, making sure I didn’t do something dumb like trap them under my armor. I had not. Good! You do that once and noling lets you live it down.

I shut the wardrobe door and immediately took to the air, flying down the hall to Sherbert’s room. Kazumi had probably moved on, but I wanted to be sure.

I swooped down to fly through Sherbert’s open doorway a few seconds later, and nearly ran into Kazumi as she flew out the door with one of Sherbert’s jumpsuits held in her forehooves.

Her eyes widened in panic, wings stopping and sending her dropping to the floor in fright at my sudden lightly armored appearance.

“OH SWEET, KAMI, NO! I- UH- I’LL BITE YOUR LEGS OFF!” She shrieked in blind panic at the site of my armored breathmask/combat helmet combination.

I rolled my eyes behind my helmet’s black tinted t-visor. “Kaz, it’s me. I didn’t want to get near an angry wizard without any armor,” I said as kindly as I could.

Kaz blinked once, shock rolling across her face. “Soooo uh, why is Bloodstone Armor so bucking terrifying looking?” She asked hesitantly.

“This is how it’s always rolled off the assembly line. I’m faster than you, is it okay if I carry you?” I asked.

“Y-yeah…” Kaz mumbled, picking the jumpsuit back up. “You should have told us you have scary wargear! I almost had a heart attack. Thought you were Ayna,” she grumbled uneasily.

“From what I hear the armor the Emerald Hive produces is more sleek, form fitting, and less… Industrial. Less Changeling in nature,” I said as I scooped her up with my forelegs. “Our equipment is traditional Imperial stuff. Eons old designs. Now, let’s go prevent the death of someone we both want dead.”

I wanted to take a direct route over the canopy to Kazumi’s house, but she insisted we take a route above the street in case Sherbert was faster with that cart than we thought she’d be. While that was a wise precaution, it turns out it wasn’t needed.

We hadn't seen hide nor hair of her on Peach Street, which meant Sherbert had to still be on the little road leading up to Kazumi’s family estate. Since eight minutes had passed by Kazumi’s count, that meant either Sherbert was having the worst time pulling that cart possible, or we were too late…

I rounded the corner and instantly regretted it. We were indeed too late.

The center of the street was occupied by a very solid looking emerald green shield. While the street was mostly deserted, a few uniformed police officers were standing watch, or busily evacuating civilians out of the way. Because inside that bubble was pure terror.

I was first and foremost a battlemage. I could recognize the subtle brush of Empathic Magic reaching into my brain and pushing down on every last cell to squeeze as much fear out as possible. An effective tactic, but one my training could surmount.

I quickly cast a simple mental ward, throwing aside the magically induced fear. Frankly, that only helped a little bit. Seeing four ponies in the grips of total mouth frothing panic as they scrabble against the side of a shield in a futile attempt to escape an evil overlord who stepped off the cover of a sci-fi movie… That was terrifying enough without the magical boost.

And of course, there was the music. The unnatural wind. The frost slowly building up on the cobblestones within the shield. And the mangled soon-to-be-corpse I barely recognized as Mai slowly being crushed like a soda can underhoof.

Yeah… My ward wasn’t really helping all that much...

Those officers were not going to get close anytime soon. You could see that through the look in their eyes. That distinct look of ‘NOOOOOOOPE! So far above my pay grade!’ filled their eyes, even if their bodies retained a professional mask for the sake of civilians. Admirable.

I didn’t want to get close either. But I had to. Sherbert wanted Mai alive, so I had to try.

I dove downwards, unsure if Kazumi’s scream was due to me suddenly drooping ten meters or due to the scene before us. I set her down on the street and rolled, putting my wings to the ground to get enough thrust to rocket back upwards. I’d need altitude for this.

I had to breach that shield. I only ever saw a few shields that looked that solid. Like crystal domes. They were strong, very strong. My only chance was to hit it with kinetic force, a disruptor field, and a spell at the same place at the same time. That might breach a hole through it big enough to enter.

I reached a point a good distance above the shield, and whipped my spear out from its hidden pocket. With a squeeze of the lever on the rear grip, the shimmering blue field sprang to life around the cutting edge of the blade, the churning energy ready to rip atomic bonds apart.

I focused my mind on the task at hand, readying the only shield-breaching spell I knew, and dove.

The green dome rushed up at me, growing closer by the heartbeat. I aimed for the very top, trying to align myself dead center. Where the weak spot normally was.

Ten meters… five… three-

The Overlord dropped Mai’s broken body like a sack of potatoes! TO LATE! DO NOT ANGER THE WIZARD FOR NO REASON! ABORT ABORT ABORT!

I pulled up hard, gravity punching me in the guts as my spear’s blade scraped along the top of the shield, sending a sea of emerald sparks flying through the air in the direction I tumbled through the air.

As I spun head over hooves, the shield dropped. Wait, did I do that? Before I could come up with an answer, my back hit something hard, stopping me cold with a crunch. Dull pain crept across me as I slid down, slamming plot first into the ground.

I felt my magic burn hotly, regenerating my mangled wings. Fortunately, only those gossamer appendages had been hurt via my little bug-on-bungalow collision, and I was able to quickly roll onto my hooves and turn back towards the shield.

Had I pissed her off? Please tell me I hadn’t pissed her off!

I saw the four trapped ponies sprint down the road, leaving my field of view. The Overlord was calmly opening a portal on the ground, a limp, very injured Sherbert held gently in her arcane grip.

My first instinct was to charge and save her from the evil I saw before me, but then I realized that I likely wouldn’t be able to do jack shit, and besides, this was her aunt.

“Ah, you’re unconscious. Great. Tilk always says you should keep injured ponies conscious,” Ayna said half upset, half calmly as she stepped towards her portal, but froze mid step. “Wait, something hit my shield a second ago…”

Her horn lit up with a dull emerald glow for just a second, after which she nodded to herself, then light warped around the wizard as she cast a spell. Nothing seemed to happen.

I frowned and took a step closer, squinting through my helmet’s visor to try and get a closer look at the portal and see what might have-

Ayna reached into the portal. Something sized my by the back of my neck! The grip on my neck yanked me backward, and suddenly I was facing a completely different direction, laying on my back, in the middle of the street, looking up into the glowing eyes of a fully armored changeling battlemage.

“Eep!” I squeaked, recoiling back against the road.

“Hello,” Ayna said in an unsure voice, tilting her head. “Who were you here to help?”

“Sherbert! I’m her best friend! She cooks me lunch!” I yelped immediately.

“Oh! Okay,” she said, the sound of her voice implying a smile behind the organic-inspired helmet. “I’m taking her home for medical attention. Nice spear, by the way. I recommend you learn to move more quickly. Sherbert is fortunate I was already on my way. She is not yet ready for a foe of that demon's caliber.

“Speaking of… Could you get it medical attention? Sherbert desires to kill it. We can’t have nature do it for her, that’s cheating.”

I nodded twice. “Absolutely! In fact, I was on my way here with another of her friends who is a doctor. She’s right over there,” I said pointing to where Kazumi was hiding behind a trash can, aiming her hoof cannon at the two of us.

Ayna looked to where I was pointing, and then let go of my neck to wave at Kazumi, who slowly lowered her gun.

“Hey! That's one of my designs! Nice to see somepony appreciates the finest anti-dragon firearm available to civilians,” Ayna called down the street. “I’ve been informed you’re a doctor. This thug will require arcane healing or amputation. I do not believe I left its hind leg in a mundanely repairable state.

“I’m taking Sherbert to a doctor who should be able to fix her eye. Farewell, she’ll be back in a few days.”

Eye? I frowned and looked at Sherbert’s face, and instantly wish I hadn’t. She’d gotten kicked so hard that her right eye socket had caved in, making the eyeball burst, and staining half her face a bright red. The fact that hit hadn't killed her was a small miracle.

“Oh, shit! I don’t think you can fix that,” I cringed, reverting to my native language in horror.

Ayna looked down at me, tilting her head again. “Huh. I didn’t know we had civilians living way out here,” she replied. In my language. “Well, later!”

Wait, what!? But if Emeralds know English then-

Ayna stepped through the portal, taking Sherbert with her, the green swirling vortex vanishing the instant Sherbert passed through it.

DAMN IT! I had questions! Ugh!

But at least Sherbert would be getting good medical attention. If the Emeralds knew English, then their impenetrable fortress must be a functional ruin like our Queens’ Palace. And that meant that I could probably buy RC Cola from them!

Our hive needs to get out more. We should know about them...

“Hey!” Kazumi shouted, ripping me out of my thoughts.

I turned to look at my little friend. First to the left, then down after I remembered she wasn’t my height.

“What?” I asked with a frown.

“How bad was she hurt?” Kazumi asked coldly.

“Lost an eye. Probably some teeth… Looks like she was taking blows meant to kill,” I sighed.

My eyes narrowed. I stood up. My spear was laying on the street, I’d dropped it when I’d been pulled through the portal.

I picked up the spear with my magic and handed it to Kazumi. Sure, the weapon was HUGE compared to her, but that didn’t matter for this.

“You heard the Terror Wizard,” I grunted. “She recommended an amputation for that rear leg. Go ahead and take care of that. Pull the lever and the wound will cauterize.”

Mai’s limp body twitched slightly, a fearful gurgle escaping her throat.

Kazumi shook her head and passed the spear back to me. “No thanks. I made this bakka a little promise…” Kazumi said as she trotted around to Mai’s head reached out, pulled her left eye open and stared into it. “Hi there? Remember me?”

I took a step backward, the shear wave of hate that Kaz had just thrown at Mai was beyond frightening.

“Looks like I’ve been ordered to tend to your wounds. You’ll be in my clinic soon,” Kaz continued, glaring directly into Mai’s wide eye. “Remember what that means? ‘A month of constant pain, indigestion, and nightmares so bad that you’d have to have other nightmares just to find out how bad they’ll be!”

“Yep, that was what I promised… But you see, that was BEFORE Sherbert was my marefriend, and also BEFORE you tried to murder her. Don’t worry. You'll be healthy enough when it’s over. But just by the minimum medical standards. After all, I am a doctor.

“That said, why don’t you go ahead and try to think about the price you’re about to pay for your little attempted murder while I drag you four blocks by your leg? Sound good?”

Mai gurgled again, her head shaking slightly.

“Too bad, you should have thought of that before you did this. Actions. Have. Consequences...” Kazumi said darkly before letting go of Mai’s eyelid and roughly grabbing her mangled leg.

Mai screamed in agony, blood bubbling up around her lips, the signature of a punctured lung.

“Do you have to be that cruel about this?” I asked with a wince. “She may be evil, and she did try to kill our friend, but maybe just a little mercy-”

“No,” Kaz said simply.

“Why?” I asked angrily.

Kazumi reached into her saddlebags and pulled out a small packet of papers. “Her friends dropped this while fleeing. Let me quote this part, ‘The most fitting way to end the slut is to kick off her horn and shove it up her ass until she bleeds to death.’”

What? No way that was actually a thing. Kaz was just in rage mode because her mate got maimed.

“Give me that,” I said in disbelief, snatching the paper from her with my magic and quickly scanning the page.

There it was. Last paragraph. And given Sherbert’s eye had been hit… Mai probably missed the kick meant to break off her horn. And likely had been going for a second shot. Which would explain why Ayna had turned her leg into a flesh-sack holding bone shards.

“Oh,” I said, eyes narrowing in rage. “I think, that I’m going to go show this to those officers over there.”

I nodded towards the police officers who were slowly, reluctantly walking towards us.

“Good idea,” Kazumi said starting to drag Mai down the road by her leg, clearly not even bothered by the agonized screams.

Noticing the officers changing direction to intercept Mai, I quickly took off my helmet, stored it in my right gauntlet’s dimensional pocket, stored my spear in the left pocket, and fast walked over to the officers.

“Excuse me! Officer?” I called from a distance so they wouldn’t just open fire on me. “It’s fine, I can explain this!”

The officer on the left, a light beige, and brown unicorn mare turned to look at me, her horn lighting up to cast a spell by reflex.

The light dimmed as she saw I was unarmed. “You’d better,” she said, dipping her head slightly, her blue cap’s brim casting a dramatic shadow over her face. “And your friend should stop that right now or you are both under arrest.”

“My friend is a doctor, she’s taking the injured perpetrator in for treatment,” I quickly explained. “This was a premeditated murder the injured person attempted to commit. The intended victim, a mutual friend of the doctor and I, was Sherbert Trigger-”

The cop held up a hoof. “Hold up, are you serious? Someone was dumb enough to attack someone in that family?”

I nodded once. “Yes… Mai Xii is not very bright,” I agreed.

The cop’s eyes narrowed in pure hatred. Her partner’s ears perked, he quickly stopped advancing on Kazumi and rushed over, his wings spread in alarm. “Sarge! The victim is Mai-”

“I’m aware,” the sergeant growled. “Changeling, tell me exactly what happened.”

I nodded and quickly explained everything I knew about the entire ordeal. “-and with her aunt currently taking her presumably to the Emerald Hive for treatment, we’re going to make sure that Mai is healed as requested so we don't have epitaphs that read ‘angered a wizard’,” I summarized, then held out the papers to the sergeant. “This is proof of their intentions, Kazumi found it.”

The Sargent nodded once, her silver magic gently taking the pages from me and flicking through them. Which each page, her face slowly went from grim scowl to a creepy gleeful grin.

Just as I thought she was about to attack me because this was all an elaborate trap, she looked me in the eye and squeed almost maniacally.

“Hahahaha! Oh, this is the single most open and shut case ever!" She exclaimed, beyond delighted, "There’s a blood oath on the final page! Who the hay even does that? I never thought I would be this happy to see someone go full serial killer. We can prove she did it. There’s no way her father can buy off the judge this time!

“I need to find the deepest, darkest, most plague rat infested cell in the whole country! Oh! OH! Even better, in a country we have a prisoner exchange program with! Maybe I can get her sent to Hound! HA! That would be the best! Thank you!”

I winced and looked at her partner for an explanation. The yellow pegasus didn’t give me one. He didn’t have a chance. The Sargent zipped up next to me and pointed at the line where Mai wrote down her… Execution plans.

“See this? That monster killed my son in that exact way,” the mare said with a hint of sadness despite her manic glee. “It’s been seven years, and she got off scot free because the evidence was only my word and well, money speaks louder. But this? This paper? That’s clear proof of a whole laundry list of crimes!"

I blinked, my eyes widening. "I don't even- Are you serious?!" I asked incredulously.

"Ya hear that? You done goofed! Justice is a bitch, mother-bucker!" She sergeant yelled in Mai’s general direction. “Thanks, changebug! The state won't reward you, because we're not going to report your involvement. Right, Raio?"

Her partner coughed once. "Um... well, We should but-"

She pulled his face directly into her own with one hoof firmly grabbing his chin. "Right, Raio?"

"Right, Sarge," Raio decided.

The mare's cheer came back instantly, and she let him go. "Right! So yes, no state reward for you. So I will reward you myself!" She declared happily. "Here’s my address, you can come over any night you like and I’ll give you the best meal of your life.

"If you think I taste good you can have dinner with me anytime you like. Your friend too. She's a buggie too, right? Oh man, this is the best day of my life! You have NO IDEA how disgustingly easy this system can sweep justice under the rug.”

She pulled a small business card out of her uniform’s left barrel pocket and passed it to me before running towards Kazumi, who hadn’t stopped dragging the now silent and presumably unconscious Mai down the street.

“Hey! You! Dwarf buggie! You’re getting a police escort, where we going?” The sergeant called eagerly.

Raio coughed into his hoof awkwardly. “The funny thing… Today’s the anniversary of well, her son’s death,” he said matter of factly.

“Seriously?” I asked with an incredulous drop of my jaw.

He nodded. “Since the victim in question is a Ponyville citizen, I’m going to blame this entire coincidence on Discord and just not think about it ever again. Good day, civilian,” the officer decided as he jogged away to join his partner.

I raised a hoof to question his logic, but then it hit me. Pinkie Pie was also Sherbert’s aunt. Pinkie Pie was Lady Fluttershy’s best friend. A mare who was so completely devastated when her pet rabbit died that it made global news. A mare who was basically dating the avatar of chaos itself.

And her best friend’s niece was almost executed and then sexually violated.

Yeah… Fluttershy’s eldritch abomination boyfriend would definitely want to spare her that emotional pain. And was infamously vindictive. And under orders from Celestia to never do things like what he totally just did.

“I’m going to just go home and not question any of this or mention it to anyone!” I loudly announced so as to be heard by any nearby cosmic horrors.

“Thanks, bug,” a male voice said quietly from seemingly everywhere at once. "By the way, Sherbert's birthday is next week."

I decided that never happened and no one ever said that. Then I took to the skies, headed for home, and never looked back.

But first, I decided to stop by a mini-mart and pick up some gift wrap on the way home.