• Published 1st Jul 2017
  • 4,262 Views, 48 Comments

A Quest for Love: An Apple-Pear Family Story - Silver_Bolt

A story filled with adventure, tragedy, and most importantly, love. Grand Pear struggles to forget the life he left behind, while Buttercup and Bright Mac make a decision that forever changes the Apple family...

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Chapter 3: The Quest (Part 2)

Chapter 3

The Quest (Part 2)

Apple Bloom continued to look out to the northwest at the blue colored Smokey Mountains in the horizon, its peaks filled with glistening white snow, barely visible through a thick layer of mist. She could see the mountain range growing closer into her view as she and Thorax continued to fly speedily across the chilly blue Equestrian skies. She stared at the mountains, quietly sitting on Thorax’s back, wondering about the dangers that Princess Luna mentioned the night before.

So far so good.

But still, she had this underlying feeling that the worst was still yet to come. The feeling of love’s call was, at the moment, no longer present. Instead, a new sense of worry began to creep in at the thought of what awaited them at the old Changeling nest.

“Hey Thorax? What do you think is over there in the old nest?”

“Don’t worry Apple Bloom”, he said reassuringly. “After the incident with Chrysalis, we Changelings investigated almost all the old nests spread throughout Equestria. They were completely empty.”


“But what about this one? Did you explore it already?"

“Well… no,” he admitted, “There are still a few nests that we need to check out but don’t worry. This nest should be empty. It’s been years since any Changeling lived in those catacombs. All of us who are living in our current nest in the Mysterious South, migrated from the nest that we’re going to now.”

She still was a bit fearful, however, Thorax was right. The nest should be empty. Should. Didn’t mean that it actually was.

She averted her gaze from the mountains to the landscape around her in hopes to keep her mind distracted, and to her content, it did just that. She could see all of Equestria, its vast lands spreading in every direction, meeting the blue skies on the horizons on each end. So large and grand and yet, everything seemed so small while looking down, high up from the clouds. It was truly a breathtaking sight. Her fears and worries began to diminish as she stared, awestruck at the amazing view.

Looking down below, she could see small villages, nestled gently across rolling green hills, accompanied with tall trees, their thick canopies reaching up into the air.

Taking in the sights around her, she recalled the map of Equestria that hung on the wall of her classroom, a map that she would occasionally study from time to time. Gazing ahead of her to the north, past the Smokey Mountains, she could easily point out Mount Everhoof, the tallest mountain in all of Equestria, standing mightily over all the other snowy mountain peaks of the Crystal Mountain Range.

To the west, she could make out the unknown lands of the Undiscovered West, an area she heard from class, was where many explorers ventured, never to be heard from again. Its mysterious lands, filled with uncharted mountain ranges and forests, stretched endlessly beyond the western horizon. The land looked harmless and peaceful, however she could sense an ominous feeling as she stared at it, feeling as if the strange land was waiting, waiting patiently to devour any curious pony looking to discover its hidden secrets.

Bordering the Undiscovered West to the north was the tranquil North Luna Ocean, sitting adjacent to the Smokey Mountains. Much like the princess it was named for, the color of its icy waters were dark midnight blue, lying calm and gentle in the distance. She was entranced by the ocean’s serenity as she gazed at the small white glaciers, floating peacefully in the still waters, reflecting the rays from Celestia's afternoon sun.

“Hey Apple Bloom. Look to your right. You see that tall mountain?”

She turned to where Thorax was pointing, seeing the tall mountain standing perfectly in the center of Equestria by itself, standing far away in the east, just barely visible on the horizon. She could just barely make out its majestic waterfalls, its waters sparkling in the sunlight as it cascaded down the mountainside. Built into its cliffs was a large regal castle, standing over small buildings and houses.

“Is that Canterlot?”

“Yes,” he said smiling, looking at Celestia and Luna’s castle in the distance. “And do you see that small speck just a bit south of it? That’s Ponyville.”

She quickly strained her eyes, having a hard time at first but eventually making out the small speck that laid innocently in the Equestrian landscape.

“So this is what pegasi and alicorns see,” she said in wonder. “We’re all just a tiny speck. I never knew the world was so big.”

“You don’t fly often do you?” Thorax said with a chuckle.

“Well no, considering I don’t have wings,” she retorted with a smile.

She continued to stare at the small town of Ponyville, the chilling breeze wrapping around her. She was so far away from home. She thought about Applejack and the rest of her family, thinking about how angry and worried they must be, for by now, Twilight surely had told them about her quest.

After an hour or so, the two began to close in on their destination, located deep within the Smokey Mountains.

“Hang on tight!” Thorax called out as he slowly made his way down. “These mountains are called the Smokey Mountains for a reason. The thick mist can be blinding at times.”

Apple Bloom held Thorax tightly by his orange horns, seeing a large cloud of mist approach them as they descended. She shivered as the mist touched her coat, leaving behind chilling droplets of water. She couldn’t see anything through the impenetrable layer of mist. She looked at Thorax worriedly, scared that he might accidentally crash into a jagged mountainside, but the lack of expression on his face gave her some sense of comfort. After a brief moment, the fog began to clear, revealing an enormous valley of tall blue mountains which began to slowly engulf them as they descended.

Thorax continued to soar through the vast mountain range, gliding gently through the misty air, carefully navigating past rocky behemoths that were scattered throughout the valley.

After making their way around a tall mountain peak, Apple Bloom could see something familiar, directly in front of them, lying on a mountainside as it snaked through the valley.

“Is that…” she began to say, losing her thought while she stared.

“Yes,” he said dismally. “That’s the road from your dream. That’s High Mountain Pass.”

She stared grimly at the gravel road, becoming more visible as she and Thorax approached it. The sight of it sent shivers down her spine, as it was exactly how she envisioned it in her dream: the narrow gravel road, the steep rocky cliff that led down into a deep ravine, and she could even hear that same dreadful howl from the winds that flowed through it.

She continued to stare at the road until they flew over it, along with the mountain that held it.

“The Changeling nest is just a little ways more,” said Thorax, breaking her train of thought. “You see that mountain over there?”

She looked ahead and saw a tall blue mountain, slightly covered by mist, standing only a short distance away. It looked much like the rest, but this one was isolated, segregated from the others.

“The mountain is a nest?” she asked in surprise.

“Kinda cool isn't it? Unlike the others, this nest was built within the mountain. Like the one you saw before, there are an endless amount of changing passageways and tunnels that run inside.”

It looked anything but cool. Much like the road, the sight of the mountain gave her an unsettling chill, but as they drew closer, it felt more sinister, almost as if the mountain itself was radiating an invisible, malevolent aura.

Thorax began to descend upon a large cliff that hung off the Changeling mountain and upon landing, the two came face to face with the mountain’s tall jagged side.

She sat quietly and looked around.

“So… what are we waitin’ for exactly?” she asked.

“Remember, this is a Changeling nest. The openings constantly open and close. If my memory is correct, there should be an opening here. We just have to wait.”

Not long after he said this, she heard a soft rumble, slowly growing louder with each passing second. She noticed that the mountainside began to change, a small opening emerging, quickly growing in size. It continued to grow until finally it stopped, creating a large gaping cavern leading into a black abyss.

“We need to hurry,” said Thorax as he knelt down to let her off his back. “Like all the other openings, this one will seal itself shut soon.”

Apple Bloom jumped off the Changeling’s back and hurriedly followed him, who immediately began to sprint ahead of her into the cavern. She chased after him, but stopped, standing a mere inches from the cave’s opening. She froze as she peered inside, face to face with impenetrable darkness.

“Apple Bloom! Where are you!?” Thorax called out, his voice echoing from deep within the cave.

She closed her eyes, attempting to clear her mind, reminding herself why she was here, why she traveled so far away from home.

I need to find them. I need to bring them home... I need to bring them home.

Taking a deep breath, she made her way into the cavern, forcing her legs to move as she slowly inched her way into the abyss, the darkness slowly engulfing her with each step she took, along with the dense cold air that it harbored.

“Thorax?” she called out, her voice strained from the unexpected coldness that was in the air. She could barely see, the only light being from the dull sunlight that seeped from the outside.

Without warning, the soft rumble she heard just moments before began again. Turning around, she saw the opening beginning to close, the light from the outside that lit up the dark cave fading until finally, she was standing in complete darkness. She turned once more and looked around, blinded by the dark.

“Thorax! Thorax where are you?” Apple Bloom called out, her voice bouncing around the catacombs.

Her eyes gradually adjusted to the dull green glow that radiated from the stalagmites and stalactites that lined the cave. She could make out the hive-like interior of the nest, which looked exactly like the nest she had left hours before, with multiple openings that lined the ceiling and walls, opening and closing sporadically. The only difference was the deafening silence that filled this nest. There was no life, no Changelings buzzing around in the air. The only sound heard was her deep panicked breathing, along with the sound of the numerous passageways shifting.

She caught glimpse of a blue light illuminating from one of the tunnels a few feet away from her. She stood there in the dark, panic building once more, trying desperately to move but fear rooting her hooves firmly into the ground. The only thing she could do was wait, wait to see what horror appeared from that passageway, but to her relief, a friendly face appeared, illuminated by a blue magic that glowed from its horns.

The fear that held her quickly melted away, regaining the feeling in her legs as she sprinted over to her friend.

“Thorax! I’m over here!”

Upon seeing her, he sprinted towards her.

“There you are!” he exclaimed in relief as he hugged her tightly. “I was so worried! As soon as I entered the nest, the passageway shifted on me unexpectedly. I had no idea where I was. Are you okay?"

“Yeah. I am now!”

“I’m so sorry. I thought I could navigate through this nest, but it has been so long since I was here.”

“It’s alright. We're together again so that's all that matters. Now then,” she said as she looked around, “where is this secret room you mentioned that Chrysalis had?”

“I believe she had one in her throne room.”

As he said this, a passageway opened on the wall adjacent to them.

“Let’s go this way,” he said. “Follow me closely. We don’t want to be separated again.”

She obediently followed him, making sure to walk closely behind the Changeling, his magical horns illuminating the dark corridors as he led the way.

The entire hive was dead silent. The only sound heard was the various passageways opening and closing, along with the sound of their hoofsteps echoing as they continued their way through the shifting maze.

For a few minutes, she followed the Changeling king through the nest’s network of changing tunnels, slowly making their way deeper and deeper into the heart of the mountain.

“Sheesh. I wish a brought my winter coat!” she exclaimed as she shivered, feeling the air around her becoming much denser.

Thorax did not say anything. He continued to make his way through the shifting openings, his movements becoming much less irregular and random. He began to approach each newly opened passageway with sudden confidence, almost to the point where it seemed as if he knew where and when an opening was going to appear.

“So… do you remember how to get there now? It looks like you’re makin’ your way through the nest pretty easily,” she said curiously.

He froze in his tracks.

“Yeah, I uhh,” he stammered, “I remember much clearer now. We're just about there.” He then continued to walk through the tunnel.

She could sense that something was off, but before she could ask, he stopped again, this time, in front of a newly opened passageway.

“We’re here.”

He then proceeded into the opening, as she reluctantly followed behind.

She found herself standing in a massive throne room. It looked very much like the throne room she saw before, with a rocky throne, stalagmites and stalactites that lined the room, along with other rock structures, however this one was fully enclosed, sealed tightly from the outside. Aside from the familiarity of the room, she noticed something peculiar, hanging from the rocky ceiling. Squinting her eyes through the dimly lit room, she could see a glowing green chrysalis, dangling from the cavern’s ceiling. Focusing more, she could see something was in it, but after a brief moment, she realized that it wasn’t something but rather… somepony.

She gasped.

It was Thorax, hanging inverted, sealed tightly within the chrysalis.

She returned her gaze at the Changeling standing next to her, her heart beating faster and faster as she slowly backed away.

“What’s the matter?” he said quietly, his back facing her as she continued to back away until she had her back against a rocky wall.

“Scared?” he hissed as he turned towards her, his glowing horns illuminating a spiteful smile.

“Who are you!?” she said as she cowered against the cavern’s wall. She then heard familiar sounds echoing softly through the cavern, chilling sounds that she had heard from her dream the night before. It was as if a thousand serpents were hissing at once, slowly becoming louder until eventually, she could see a black mass emerge from behind the impostor.

Standing directly behind him were a dozen of Changelings, but unlike the ones she encountered in the Mysterious South, these Changelings were in their previous, un-reformed state, their unsettling appearance exactly as she remembered from her nightmare.

The impostor began to glow, a green magic engulfing him, which quickly vanished and in his place, stood a horrid sight.

She stared at the tall dark being standing just a few feet in front of her.

“Chrysalis,” she said with a scowl, her fear now replaced with anger.

“That’s Queen Chrysalis to you!” the Changeling snapped.

Her and her subjects began making their way towards her. With nowhere to go, she stood her ground.

“Don’t you dare come any closer!” she said firmly, gritting her teeth.

“Oh how adorable!” the queen exclaimed as she laughed, “But don’t worry. I won’t do anything to you… yet. Not until I get some answers.”

The queen turned towards the green chrysalis that encased Thorax. Her crooked horn glowed with a green magic and immediately, the casing dropped to the floor with a resounding thud that filled the entire throne room.

The chrysalis cracked open and Thorax began to regain his consciousness. He slowly made his way out of the chrysalis and clumsily stood on his hooves, groggy from the spell that put him in a deep sleep.

“Pleasure of you to join us, traitor!” Chrysalis hissed.

A few of the Changelings standing with Chrysalis quickly made their way to Thorax, surrounding him.

He looked around frantically, spotting Apple Bloom.

“Apple Bloom!” he called as he hurriedly made his way to her, but was swiftly cut off by a barricade of Changelings.

Looking over the horde, he could see Apple Bloom with Chrysalis standing over her. He looked sternly at his former queen, while Chrysalis responded with a smirk.

“You okay Apple Bloom?” asked Thorax.

“Yeah, so far. Looks like the nest isn’t quite as empty as you hoped."

“I can see that,” he said as he glared at Chrysalis.

“Now that the gang's all here, why don’t we just cut to the chase,” Chrysalis said, making her way to Thorax. “Why are you here?”

“Where are my parents!?” Apple Bloom shouted, not giving Thorax a chance to explain.

Chrysalis quickly spun around. “What was that dear?” she asked, making her way over to her.

“You heard me! Where are they!?”

She didn't respond. Instead, she slowly made her way towards her, curiosity filling her eyes.

“I know the truth!” Apple Bloom continued to say, “You took them from High Mountain Pass years ago didn’t you? You and your subjects. I saw it happen. Now tell me where they are!”

Chrysalis stopped, now standing over her. She lowered her head, staring into her eyes, her face only a few inches from her's.

Apple Bloom could see the Changeling’s misty breath coming from her nostrils, quickly dissipating in the cold air that surrounded them as she continued to stare at her, but she wasn’t intimidated nor afraid. She wanted answers. She waited too long and came a long way to find out the truth about her parents and she wasn’t going to leave empty-hoofed.

“Your name. Apple Bloom was it?” she asked, continuing to look at her, examining her as if she were some bug under a microscope.

“Can it be?” she exclaimed, her eyes widening. “Could this be the child of my two precious blossoms?”

Apple Bloom stared back at her with confusion.

Chrysalis let out a smile as she laughed with delight. “Oh but it is! The crimson mane and fair colored coat! Why, you look exactly like him!”

Apple Bloom’s eyes grew. “You know exactly who I’m talking about don’t you!? Where are they!?”

Chrysalis backed away, still smiling at her. “But of course I know who you are talking about. My two blossoms!”

She made her way to Thorax and looked at him with a displeasing smile. “I’m afraid you two are far too late. They’re no longer here.”

Chrysalis turned, shooting a cold gaze to Apple Bloom. “They’re gone… for good.”

“You’re lying,” she began as she made her way over to the queen, ignoring the Changelings that hissed at her along the way. “They called me here. They showed me in a dream what had happened to them all those years ago.”

“What do you mean they called you?”

“Love’s call,” Thorax responded, looking to Chrysalis and her loyal subjects. “Something that none of you will understand.”

Chrysalis stared at them both, puzzled. “You’re right. I have no idea what you two are blabbering about. But believe me, they are gone.”

Apple Bloom became impatient, shaking her head in frustration as to what Chrysalis had said. “I know they are here!” she cried, “I felt them! Now you better tell me where they are or I’ll-“

“THEY ARE DEAD!” Chrysalis snapped with a hiss as she made her way to Apple Bloom. “When my subjects informed me that they had come across a potentially strong love source, I immediately traveled to that mountain trail, and what I found were two ponies. Indeed I sensed that their love was unique, the strongest I had ever encountered. I knew I needed that love in order to feed my starving colony, so as any good queen would’ve done, I took them captive in this very nest, allowing them to live the rest of their pathetic lives as I drained every last bit of love they had. What I did not expect is the sheer power of their love. They provided me, and my colony, an overwhelming amount of love that continued to feed us for years to come. Oh, you would’ve been so proud of them as they struggled to continue on, day after day, night after night, as I consumed their love. It was quite impressive. Over time, however, they passed away, fulfilling their purpose. After this, I knew I needed to find another source, which is why we migrated. Eventually I came across that sorry excuse for a princess, Cadence and her beloved Shining Armor, however their love did not compare to the love in which your parents had."

She paused, now standing only a few feet from Apple Bloom whose eyes were starting to brim with tears. Chrysalis turned away from her and began making her way back to the throne, as if she felt pity for her.

But she continued her story. “They were truly a one-of-a-kind, perfect pair. They were my two ‘precious blossoms’, at least that’s what I called them anyways. I never knew their names. They only referred to themselves as Bright Blossom and Butter Blossom, but I figured that those were not their true names. I did not care. All I cared for was the sweet, delicious, love that they gave me and my colony.”

Apple Bloom stood there in utter shock, her eyes cascading with tears. She refused to believe anything she had just heard as she closed her eyes, shaking her head once more as the tears streamed down her face and onto the cold rocky floor.

“No,” she said weakly, struggling to breathe, feeling as if the life was being sucked out of her. “No. You… You’re lying.”

“You still don’t believe me?” asked Chrysalis, with a scoff. “See for yourself then.”

She flew up towards her rocky throne that towered over the room. As she stood there, her horn began to glow once more.

Suddenly, Apple Bloom could feel the floor beneath her shake, seeing a large passageway beginning to appear on the floor at the foot of the throne.

She cautiously made her way to the opening.

“Apple Bloom wait! It could be a trick!” Thorax called out from behind the horde.

“Silence!” snapped Chrysalis. She then looked at Apple Bloom, a look of genuine sincerity in her eyes. “I speak the truth. See for yourself.”

Apple Bloom peered down into the opening, seeing a flight of rocky steps that descended into complete darkness.

Thorax glared at Chrysalis, his horns beginning to glow. “I swear, if anything happens to her I-“

“I’ll be fine Thorax,” Apple Bloom said with a nod. “It’s time I found out the truth.”

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