• Published 12th Jul 2012
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Lines and Webs - Airstream

In a world of peace, there must be Order. No matter what the cost.

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Of Mentors and Monarchs

Twilight shot up with a start, eyes swiveling wildly. She was in a very familiar room, though she hadn't seen it in close to ten years. It was her old room at the palace, the white stone walls and purple comforter and oaken bookshelves all very familiar to her. There was something incredibly wrong, though. She rolled over, looking out of her window. The view she had once commanded of the garden and Archives was gone, replaced instead by rolling clouds of mist that crackled with lightning and hummed with balls of light. Twilight frowned. She had realized something else. Her memories were intact, or at least she thought they were. She ran over the events of the past days. Everything was still there, from Morning Star's betrayal to her flight from Ponyville to the struggle in the throne room.

"I don't understand. What happened?" she asked herself, attempting to get out of bed. Suddenly, ropes of spun gold manifested themselves around her, binding her securely and tightly, if not painfully, to her mattress. "What in Tartarus?"

A melodious voice spoke from the doorway. "I would not try anything else, my faithful student. Those ropes will only get tighter if you try and break free. And the last thing I wish to cause you at this point is more pain."

Twilight sighed, leaning back against her headboard. "Princess. Why am I not already brought back into the fold? The Elements took, I felt it."

The Solar Alicorn sighed, drawing near to her. Twilight realized that refusing to make eye contact at this point would do little except make her look like a foal, so she gazed deep into those hated eyes and waited on an explanation. "They're currently taking, Twilight. This is a place I made for both of us, a mental construct, so we can talk. A sort of neutral ground. Will you at least hear my side of the story?"

"I'm hardly able to go anywhere, Princess. And I suppose I am curious to hear how you could possibly justify this. So please, go ahead."

Celestia sighed. "Twilight, you have to understand that I never wanted this to happen to you. I would never have continued with the plan had I known that my ponies would be hurt as a result. But such is the price we pay for order."

"Some of us more than others." Twilight said, voice neutral.

The monarch nodded. "Some more than others. I wish it did not have to be this way, but there is no way around it. You were born to birth a goddess, Twilight. One who would rule over Magic, the Dusk, and Inspiration. And it is true, the foal would have taken your life. Much as I hate it, that is something I cannot change. Believe me, were Luna and I able to bear foals, we would do so. But the burden falls upon our charges and subjects. Twilight, I would have been there for you every step of the way. I still will be. I would have made sure what life you had would be as happy as I could make it. You'd be a hero, Twilight. The immortal hero whose flame was extinguished at the height of her life, after giving birth to a goddess. You, as well, would ascend to the same level as us. A legend, greater than any who came before, including those great mages and heroes you looked up to during your time here.

The process itself came to me near the end of my exile on the great mountain at the top of the world. I realized that all of the struggle and heartache Nightmare Moon had caused had been due in part to the influence of Chaos upon my sister. I vowed that I would never let it happen again, ever. I had harnessed Harmony in a bid to protect my ponies, and I realized that it could be so much more. For two years, I tied their will to mine, and at last, on the day of strongest sun, I succeeded in forging them into the ultimate tool of Order. When I in my pride harnessed my subjects to them, they immediately became stronger, more hopeful, more trusting and loving. That is what got us through the first winter. A mere ten thousand I commanded, and we survived because everypony cared for their neighbor and worked together, far better than I had seen them do before.

When the spring came, the ponies under me were hale and hearty. Those we found who had not accepted Harmony were bitter and fought amongst themselves. They killed one another still. Foals starved while their parents fought their friends for scraps. Diamond Dogs, timberwolves, even dragons took advantage of my ponies' disharmony and infighting. I led them, I fought for them, and I showed them the power of the Elements. With them I forged a kingdom, with them I ensured that they would be fruitful and multiply, with them I forged a new land, Equestria the Mighty, ruled by Harmony. But it was not enough. Nightmare Moon still lived, chained and bound on the moon, free in time. My goal was to create two new Alicorns to help defeat her.

The ponies responded well to my nudges. Over time, I had bred nearly all disease and deformity out of existence. With the exception of a very few cases, hardly any foals are born with even mild defects anymore. And are you aware of the last time there was a murder? Anywhere in Equestria? Or a rape, or similar?"

Twilight shook her head, not saying a word.

"The last murder was the killing of Golden Radiance, Twilight. Not counting military actions, that was the last time. And I regret that still. My way of running things has resulted in a greater period of peace and prosperity for Equestria than ever before. And your child would ensure a permanent Golden Age. Nopony would ever be unhappy again, none of them would ever want for anything, ever need anything."

"And nopony would ever be anything but happy. Not because they'd have no reason to be, they'd simply be unable to. I can't help but feel that most ponies would object to that sort of treatment."

"You'd be surprised at the lengths ponies will go to in order to remain safe and happy, Twilight. You yourself fled because you wished to remain safe, and I'm sure you'd jump at the chance to live a life free from me and the threat you perceive in me. I can offer that to other ponies without asking anything in return."

"I'd not be around to enjoy it, of course."

"No, Twilight. You won't be. But your sacrifice will not go unnoticed, and you will have ushered in a paradise. Believe me, I care for you probably far more than I should. If I had my way, you would have been born the Alicorn. One generation was all that was standing between me and the protection of all of Equestria. As it is, I don't think anypony is happy with what has to be done, but it must be done."

"It doesn't have to be like this, Princess. If you spoke to the ponies of Equestria, they love you enough that they'd follow you anywhere, most of them. If they heard it from you, they'd forgive you. If you let me be me, I'd even stand beside you."

"No, Twilight. I've come too far to let everything go to waste now. I'm sorry, but that's the way it has to be. I regret the necessity, but it is a necessity, much as I wish it wasn't. Though I do appreciate your loyalty. Besides, you were among the most loyal of my subjects, at least I'd like to think so. And as soon as you found out about my plan, you ran for it. Without knowing all of it, just knowing that your bloodline was engineered, you ran."

"That's totally different! Morning Star tried to assault me!"

"Against my orders. Had he hurt you, he would have regretted it very much. I was flying in to reason with you before you struck me down with that horrid Breaking magic Radiant Zenith told you about. Did you not say that you might have agreed if I'd asked?"

Twilight rolled her eyes. "Reason with me, right. And I suppose you just happened to have the Elements along on a whim?"

"I was prepared to do whatever it took, Twilight. You are very important to me in more ways than one. Any non-violent solution would have been welcome in my opinion."

"Which is the only one that matters here, unlike the millions of sentient lives you are currently controlling. Those opinions don't count at all, right?"

Celestia's brow wrinkled. "My ponies trust me to do what I must to lead them. You don't, but you are more integral to the stability of Equestria than others. Hence my willingness to go to extremes to ensure your compliance without hurting you or those you hold dear."

Twilight laughed humorlessly. "So if I were just some farmpony up north, you'd have no problem killing my family and dragging me off to Canterlot, right? Sort of like what happened with the House of Aria?"

Celestia's wings, powerful white and pristine instruments of flight and judgment, flared in anger. "You dare to presume to know the mind of a goddess? I see so much more than you, you impudent foal! You are important, yes, but do not dare to judge me based on what little you know!"

"From what I've seen, the goddess isn't that impressive."

Celestia visibly restrained herself, her perfect mental control coming into play. "Your opinion in the matter is irrelevant. What matters now is getting you ready to accept Harmony once more. And I apologize for my outburst, it was unbecoming of one of my station."

Twilight, resigned to her fate, found refuge in sarcasm. "Oh, it's quite all right. Just one of those weeks, you know?"

Celestia remained unflappable. "Quite."

"So what happens now?"

"This is the tricky part. The Elements are powerful, but they need to strip away the damage you caused to yourself with Breaking magic as well as showing you the way to Harmony once more. That can't be done unless you accept that Harmony is a part of you, always will be, and that you need to reunite with that part of yourself. Only then will you be ready to do your duty to Equestria."

Twilight looked at Celestia incredulously. "You want me to let you take my memories? I've got a better idea, why don't you take that Element of yours and shove it up your-"

Celestia cut in, her voice ice cold and steely. "Before you say something you regret, let me remind you that the backup plan is a rack down in the caves, where we can bring in as many stallions as we like and nopony would ever hear your screams. Believe me when I say that this is preferable, and the idea of breeding you by force is no more palatable to me than it is to you. But this is happening, Twilight. Like it or not. This is an honor, in a way. You're helping all of Equestria by doing this."

"I never asked for this!" Twilight exclaimed. "I never volunteered for what you have planned, I never asked to be allowed to do this!"

"But it is something you will have to do. And I'm sorry, but you are the one. I need you to be brave and do this for me, Twilight."

"You just threatened to have me raped!"

"I'm running out of options, Twilight! There are really only two, and there is simply no way out."

"There's always a way out." Twilight said, testing her bonds a bit.

"What possible route could there be for you?" Celestia said, scoffing. "There's no Prince Charming in this for you, Twilight Sparkle. I'm sorry to break your heart, but it simply isn't going to happen."

Twilight held her silence. It was then that Celestia delivered her knockout blow. "Or were you thinking that Luna would be the one to save you?"

Twilight's head shot up. "What do you know about Luna?"

Celestia's face was grave. "She's been working with me all this time. She agreed to tail you, to gain your trust. She believes just as strongly as I do in the Power of Harmony. Possibly even more so. Her zeal is...commendable. Many owe their lives to you, as she delivered you right to my doorstep."

"That's impossible."

"Is it? Who was the one who told you to go to Canterlot? Who told you that you'd have help when you arrived? She told you that she'd fight with you, that she'd support you through it all. Last night, she was consoling your parents on my orders, Twilight. Nowhere near the palace."

Twilight was horrified. Luna had betrayed her? She had never stood a chance, then. She was doomed from the start. "That lying, conniving, backstabbing mule!" Thunder rumbled outside of her window. "If I could get my hooves at her throat-"

"But you can't, and the object of your anger shouldn't be my sister, it should be me. I sent her to make sure you were alright. I sent her to control damage. It was me, not her. And we both did it for you. You're putting your life against the lives of everypony in Equestria! I'm offering you one last chance at happiness, Twilight!" Celestia's voice cracked. "Please...just accept it, and don't make this any harder for me. I'd rather this happen to anypony else in Equestria, Twilight. But it's got to be you. I'm trying to make this easier on you, but I will do whatever it takes. Don't think that I won't."

Twilight was silent. Celestia spoke again. "Please, Twilight. It's over. Give up, you'll suffer less."

Twilight looked around, out the window at the gathering storm. Her gaze turned back to her mentor. And then, Twilight Sparkle, the mare who had been through so much, and done things she had thought she would never do, did another thing she thought until recently was impossible. "You win, Princess. I give up. What do I have to do?"

Her vision started to fade, as Celestia spread her wings, her entire body glowing like the sun. The monarch's voice was laden with power as she spoke in the voice of command. "All you have to do is relax, Twilight. I will do the rest." Twilight's vision faded to white once more, and she felt her memories slip away as she drifted in mindless slumber.


"I don't like it, Princess. You said that she was under the influence of dark magic, and possibly crazy. She seemed pretty reasonable and sure of herself making those accusations."

It's nothing to worry about, Rainbow Dash. Don't trouble yourself with it.


Don't trouble yourself with it.

"...Yes, Princess."

Good. She'll be waking up soon, and she'll need all the support she can get. Will you all be there to support her?

"Yes, Princess."

"Very well, Your Majesty."

"Um, of course, Princess Celestia."

"Sure as shootin', Princess Celestia. You can count on us."

"Okie dokie lokie, Princess Celestia!"

Thank you all. She will be needing every bit of support over the next few days. Now more than ever, you need to be her friends. She'll have experienced a lot of emotional trauma from her actions. Be there for her.

"Of course, Princess. What are friends for?"


Celestia's faithful student ached all over. That was the first thing that registered when she regained consciousness. Her eyes fluttered open, but they were quickly shut with a hiss of pain. The light wherever she was was intense, enough to ensure that she took her time opening her eyes once more. Twilight tried to raise one hoof, in order to shield her eyes, but found that she could not move that either. She felt like an infant, unable to take care of herself. Mustering as much will as she could, Twilight Sparkle turned her head to one side, opening the eye closest to her pillow. Her mane sheltered her from the light source above her, at least partially. Her eyes watering, she forced herself to keep that one eye open. Gradually, the light faded to something manageable. Blurry shapes came into focus, as well as...orange. Definitely orange.

Suddenly, a rumbling filled the air. It sounded almost familiar, and she listened closer. More rumbling, this time higher pitched. Rumbling in a different tone, all the while sliding toward recognition. Twilight realized what it was after hearing her name. It was speech. The orange blur was talking to her.

"Twilight? Twilight, are you ok? Pinkie, get the doctor. Twilight, can you hear me?"

Twilight moved her tongue, which felt swollen and clumsy. Focusing, she managed to form two words. "Light...down."

"Understood, darling. Fluttershy, be a dear and turn down the lights, would you?" The light faded to something tolerable.

Twilight blinked, clearing her eyes. "Where am I?" she said, language coming back to her swiftly.

"You're in Princess Celestia's private clinic, Twilight. You're here because...well, how much do you remember?" Rainbow Dash asked.

Twilight thought back. "There was running...and something about books. There was a hydra, and it was chasing us...what happened to Morning Star?"

Twilight's friends looked at one another cautiously. "That's the last thing you remember?" Fluttershy asked.

"Yes, that's it. And the rest is...patchy. What's wrong? Why do you all look worried? Where's Morning Star?"

The little yellow Pegasus held one of her hooves. "Twilight, Morning Star is dead. He was killed by...by somepony using black magic."

The mare felt as if she had been punched in the gut. "D-dead? He's...who killed...I don't understand. What's going on? Who killed Morning Star?"

Applejack turned away. "Aw, sugarcube..."

Frantically, Twilight turned to her friend. "Fluttershy, who killed Morning Star?"

Fluttershy told her.


Princess Celestia entered the room to see a hysterical Twilight, holding on tightly to Fluttershy as she rocked back and forth, sobbing. She had heard the news of Twilight's return to consciousness no more than an hour ago, excusing herself from a diplomatic meeting with the Gryphonian Ambassador to return to the clinic. So inconsolable was the unicorn that she didn't even notice the arrival of Celestia herself. At a nod from Celestia, Twilight's friends excused themselves quietly from the room, leaving only the Element of Kindness behind. She gently extricated herself from the unicorn's embrace.

"Twilight, we're going to be right outside. Princess Celestia wants to talk to you. You need to understand what happened wasn't your fault. The Princess can explain it better than me, so I'm going to go, alright?"

The unicorn choked back a sob, nodding weakly. With an apologetic expression, the yellow Pegasus tiptoed out of the room, closing the door behind her. Twilight buried her face in her covers, attempting to compose herself. "I'm so sorry, Princess Celestia. I'm a murderer, you must hate me. All those lives, all my fault... I'm a monster."

The Alicorn's expression was an equal mix of pity, understanding, and sadness. "Twilight Sparkle. My faithful student, I need you to listen to me..."

"I'm not worthy to be called your student, Princess. I should be dead."

"Twilight Sparkle. Do not say that, ever. You are alive, and lucky to be so. We have worked far too hard to bring you back to us, so don't even think about wanting to die! Do I make myself perfectly clear?"

This managed to shock the hysterical pony back into something resembling normalcy for a brief moment. Locking eyes with the Princess, Twilight Sparkle soon felt herself breaking down. Princess Celestia positioned herself beside the bed, kneeling down and allowing Twilight to bury her face in her neck like a small foal once more. When she spoke, her voice was full of fear.

"What's going to happen to me now? I've got no memories of the past six months. Nothing after the hydra. I've killed my coltfriend, I've maimed my brother, I've destroyed a city, I've lost Spike...and I can't remember anything, Princess! Not a thing! That's going to be me, for the rest of my life! I'm a murderer and a black magic user! I'm going to be put to death!"

Celestia held up one hoof, forestalling Twilight's train of thought. "First of all, you are not going to be out on trial. This is a clear case of magically induced insanity, for which the penalty is rehabilitation, which shall be carried out here in Canterlot. The severest punishment you'll have is house arrest, and that's if the jury was not feeling lenient. I've vouched for you personally, so you will be fine.

The second issue to address here is your perceived use of dark magic. I can tell you for a fact that my sister suffered from very much the same ailment you are currently suffering through. There are two kinds of dark magic, Twilight. That used by ponies, and that which uses ponies. Luna fell into the latter, and those books of yours did too. What you must understand is whatever possessed you likely gave you very little choice in the matter. If you have any further doubts, ask yourself this. Would you ever have willingly done the things you did?"

Twilight slowly shook her head, sniffing quietly.

"Of course not. Yes, you may have physically done them, but rest assured that it wasn't you doing what you did. The Twilight Sparkle I know and love, and still do very much, would never have done those things. You are entirely blameless in this, save for perhaps wanting to learn a bit more than you should have, which is not always a bad thing.

As for the rest, I would not trouble myself to much with the fact that Spike is missing, or that you can't remember some things before your journey into the Everfree. In case you haven't noticed, Spike is a dragon."

This elicited a small giggle from the unicorn.

"He can take very good care of himself, regardless of where he is now. And if he is found, you'll be the first to know, I promise. And the memories may take a bit longer to find than a purple dragon, but rest assured that with enough time they will come back. In the meantime, there are a few things we need to take care of tomorrow. Do you feel up to listening?"

Twilight nodded.

"Good. The most important thing is your continued treatment. The Elements of Harmony were what brought you back, and they will play a part in your healing. You will be spending a few hours a day near them, so they can continue their work. Before that, however, there is going to be a public ceremony tomorrow, in the forum. You'll be taking your Element back up again. It's a quick ceremony, and very informal. It will go a long way to reassuring ponies that you're back to normal, however, so the crowd will be large. For the next few months, I'm afraid you won't be able to return to Ponyville. We can bring some of the contents of your library up, but much of it was lost in a fire. You'll be staying here in the palace for a while."

Twilight's voice was weary and hoarse. "I think that's for the best, Princess. I don't know if I could show my face there again, anyway."

Celestia nuzzled her student fondly. "Well, we'll cross that bridge when we come to it. Know that I still love you, and so do your friends. You won't lack for support here, Twilight. I promise, you'll be well taken care of."

"Thank you, Princess Celestia. I'm glad you're here. I don't know where I'd be without you and my friends."

The Alicorn rose, pausing at the door. "Get some rest, Twilight. It's good to have you back."

"It's good to be back, Princess."

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