• Published 2nd Jul 2017
  • 1,131 Views, 10 Comments

Returning Home - Sun Aura

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Chapter 4

“So, what are your plans for the day?” Twilight asked, her face still in the morning paper.

“Not much,” Sunset answered, shoving a bagel in her mouth. “I’ll check out the town, hopefully run into the girls’ Counterparts here. Well, other than Pinkie, apparently. But honestly? I think my first stop is wherever the local spa is.”

“Didn’t take you for a spa pony,” she replied.

“I only went a few times before I left, but blame Rarity for getting me into it,” she said. “This time, it’s more about the differences. Like, you would not believe how dexterous hands are. Massages over there are incredible. But they don’t have anything that soothes your Magic. So after a trip my body will feel better but-“

“But your Magic’s just as worn out,” she finished. “Fair enough. One question though, how are you doing on money?”

“I think I’ll be fine,” she held back a grimace. “I grabbed a few of my larger bits and gems before we left, so I think I’ll have money for a few days. It won’t get me as much as it did in the other world, but prices are still the same so I should be good.”

“Okay,” she nodded. “But tell me if you need more.”

“You don’t have to-“ she began.

“You always pay for me in that Dimension, so it's only fair,” she rolled her eyes. “Besides, I literally have several sources of income. Technically I’m still the town’s librarian, and I am a Princess with a Royal Budget to use as I see fit, including calling what you do a job. Not to mention your Element Salary.”

“A job?” she parroted. “Element Salary?”

Twilight looked up from her reading, as if only just now processing what she’d said. Giving an expression that seemed like mental chastising, she set the newspaper on the table.

“Well, I could call what you do a job, in a way,” Twilight said thoughtfully. “While you weren’t officially my student before, I could call you my Teaching Assistant, as you are taking on your own students and seem to be helping mine.”

“You were up late reading again last night, weren’t you?” Sunset frowned.

“It wasn’t that late,” she pouted. “Besides, it’d be hypocritical for you to call me out on it. If you don’t want to be a TA, we could call you a Researcher. You know the most about the other Dimension, and you’ve been reporting to me through the Journal.”

“Guess I’d really follow in dad’s hoofsteps and be a Royal Mage,” she rolled her eyes. “What was the ‘Element Salary’ thing?”

“Not many know about it,” she said a bit sheepishly. “But officially, those who wield the Elements of Harmony are considered part of the Guard. Similar to the Wonderbolts, it counts as an Elite Taskforce of sorts. And accordingly, they get paid. You’ve used the Element of Magic, so you qualify.”

Huh,” she said. “Never thought you could get paid for saving the world.”

“No one ever does,” she said. “But again, if you need more money…”

“Yeah yeah,” she rolled her eyes. “I’ll come back if I need it. See you later.”

With that, Sunset slipped out of the kitchen and down the hall. She frowned as she walked through the halls. Starlight had complained about how she couldn’t find her way through the castle yet, and even Twilight and Spike admitted it was difficult to get around for the first few weeks. And that was without factoring in the shifting rooms.

Yet Sunset was already at the front door. She didn’t even know how she knew it was the front door. This was her first time in this castle, and no one had even mentioned which turns to take. Yet, somehow, she felt it. This door led outside to a staircase down to the ground. She knew which turns to take back up to her room or to the kitchen or even the library.

It was even stranger when she went out the door. As soon as she stepped onto the dirt, something shifted. It was as if the crystal structure was radiating Magic. Putting her hoof on the bottom crystal stair, she could feel it like a spark of electricity.

The strangest part came next. She felt the Magic shift. Somehow, her mind translated that shift as a hallway changing, probably to mess with Starlight again.

It had been like that in the Crystal Empire too. Not the shifting halls, but having a map of the castle. She hadn’t noticed it because of how long it had been since she was in Equestria, but it had that same feeling. She hadn’t even questioned how she knew her way around back when she stole Twilight’s crown, but it made some sense now.

Perhaps she was tapping into that Magic to see the structure somehow? She’d have to remember to tell Twilight and Starlight about that. Maybe it could help them get a better handle on the map of the place. Once it settles down, of course.

Speaking of maps, perhaps she should have asked for one of Ponyville. She’d only been to Ponyville once before, several years ago when she’d been the Princess’s student, but even then she’d spent most of the day in a library while the Princess had done whatever it had been that she needed to do. The trip had been so uneventful for Sunset that she hadn’t even remembered it until Twilight had mentioned the Library Tree.

Not having any real knowledge of where to go, she wandered a little. If she’d thought the Uncanney Valley effect of going to the Human World had been weird, it hadn’t prepared her for meeting everyone here. A lot of the town were Counterparts to the students at Canterlot High.

Pretty much everyone waved as she went by, and she smiled back at them. More than a few looked nervously to the sky as they did. After the fifth she decided to stop and ask.

“Hi there,” Sunset greeted, stopping herself before she used the mare’s name, as she technically shouldn’t know it.

“Hello,” the mare smiled back. “Welcome to Ponyville. I’m Roseluck. You need help finding your way around?”

“Yes and no,” she answered honestly. “I don’t know where anything is, but I’m happy wandering until I find something. But, uh, can I ask one other question?”

“Sure,” Roseluck nodded.

“Why does everypony keep looking to the sky when I walk by?” she asked.

“Oh, uh,” she chuckled nervously. “Somepony is usually very, er, enthusiastic about welcome parties. She tends to kind of appear out of nowhere. Actually, it’s kind of weird that you’re this far in town and she hasn’t shown up yet.”

“Who would-?” she stopped and brought her hoof to her face. “Right, Pinkie. She’s temporarily occupied.”

“You’ve already met her?” she wondered.

“You could say that,” she nodded. “She’s a good friend. Thanks for the help though.”

“You’re welcome,” she said. “If you have time later, you could stop by my flower shop. I’m sure you’ll find it!”

Saying goodbye, Sunset headed through town once more. Apparently news travels fast in a town this small, as no one looked to the sky anymore.

She noticed the differences a lot more. The differences between Worlds. There were no cars, and therefore everything was quieter and smelled so different. Shops didn’t have glowing signs or tvs in the window. Even the items being sold were different, as very few shops would have clothing and none would have dvds.

This was one of those times where it really hit her that it was another world. And it really hit her that she was back, she was in Equestria and surrounded by Magic. It took every ounce of willpower she had to not giggle like an idiot, so she settled for staring in wonder as she trotted through down.

There were many shops, but she did have her mind set on a spa trip. It didn’t take her long to find it. Most shops were near the center of town, while homes were closer to the edges. Despite the architectural differences between worlds, the buildings did have similarities.

As expected, one of the twins was at the front desk. It was the pink one this time, Aloe. Sunset greeted her before looking over the list of treatments they offered. She gave a small smile at a few of them, knowing they were exactly what she was looking for.

She paid no mind to the sound of the door opening and closing. It was the voice that made her snap to attention. So familiar, as was the mare it belonged to. Her white coat practically glowed, and both purple mane and tail were perfectly curled. Sapphire eyes alight with happiness.

Sunset would later admit to herself that she’d stared perhaps a bit too long. She would currently admit that while she had expected her to be just as beautiful, it didn’t quite prepare her for meeting her again.

“Thank you dear,” Rarity laughed. “Though that is something odd to say to someone you’ve just met.”

“What is it with me saying dumb things out loud,” Sunset mumbled. “Sorry, you’re right, we haven’t exactly met. But I think Twilight’s probably mentioned me? I’m Sunset Shimmer.”

“Well, that explains it,” she replied after a moment of surprise. “Twilight has told me quite a bit about you. So tell me, how do I compare to the other me?”

“That’s not a question I want to answer,” she backpedaled. “It’s like asking a twin which is prettier.”

“She’s right on that one,” Aloe spoke up. “Lotus and I learned early on that if you tell one twin she’s prettier, the other demands what the difference is. The answer is always ‘I like you more so you’re prettier’. That only flies if it’s a partner. It’s still better than saying ‘well you’re twins so you look the same’. Though, I don’t remember you having a twin Miss Rarity?”

“Well, I don’t…” Rarity said, looking to Sunset for an explanation.

“Would you believe Interdimentional Counterpart?” Sunset offered, figuring the truth would be best here.

Aloe looked at her for a moment. She then groaned and let her head fall to the desk. Both Unicorns gave one another a confused look before turning back to her.

“Are you with the Alicorn?” Aloe asked.

“Which Alicorn?” Sunset asked.

“There are quite a few now,” Rarity said.

“I don’t know,” Aloe sighed. “Yesterday afternoon an Alicorn popped into the shop. At first I thought Princess Twilight had been dropped in flour, but she was just a white and pink Alicorn.”

“What does that have to do with Interdimentional Counterparts?” Sunset wondered.

“She said she travels Dimensions,” she answered.

“Actually she said she was a Time Traveler!” Lotus’s voice rang out from the back. “She asked me what day it was!”

“She said she was both!” she shouted back. “Anyway, you with her or what?”

“Nope,” Sunset frowned. “Only white Alicorn I know of is Princess Celestia.”

“Not sure if that’s better or worse,” she sighed. “That mare was the third strangest customer I’ve ever had.”

“Can I guess who the stranger ones were?” Rarity laughed.

Aloe shuddered a little before putting her smile back in place. Sunset was a little concerned over the fact that a Time and Dimension traveling Alicorn was only the ‘third strangest customer’, and even more concerned that both the mysterious Alicorn and her confession of Alternate Dimensions were only in the ‘weird’ category instead of the ‘this gives me a new perspective on my existence’ category. Even for Equestria, that stuff should be taken with a bit more shock and perhaps horror. What kind of town was Ponyville anyway?

“On that note,” Rarity began, her attention back on Sunset. “Would you like to join us? Oh, by 'us' I mean Fluttershy and I.”

“While I was planning on finding you two, I don’t want to intrude,” Sunset said.

“Don’t worry about that,” she said. “While it’s a weekly thing with Fluttershy, we’ve both brought guests before. Now, do you know which treatments you want, or would you like to look over the list a bit more?”

Rarity was good at helping with her selection, and giving a review of first-hand experience. After a few moments, Sunset heard the door open again. Looking over, she found another familiar face in a yellow Pegasus. However, when she greeted her, the mare looked very confused, backing up warily with her wings ready to take off.

“Did I say something weird again?” Sunset asked, looking to Rarity this time.

“Not exactly, ”Rarity smiled. “Just a little too familiar. You said ‘hey Flutters’.”

“Oh, sorry,” she said sheepishly.

“Uh, what?” Fluttershy asked, not quite out of the ‘flight’ of ‘fight or flight’.

“Fluttershy,” Rarity addressed. “This is Sunset Shimmer. Remember, Twilight’s friend?”

“Oh,” she said, wings relaxing a bit. “So, uh, that explains a bit.”

“Again, sorry,” Sunset said. “I wasn’t thinking for a moment. Forgot that greeting you like I would your Counterpart might be confusing. But on that note, hi?”

“Hi,” she replied automatically. “I’m, uh, I am glad to meet you though. Twilight’s said a lot of good things about you so….”

“Glad to hear,” she said. “I’m back in this world for a bit, so I kinda wanted to meet you all too. Didn’t think I’d run into you here though.”

“I guess it’s just a lucky coincidence….” She trailed off, her eyes going wide.

“Are you okay?” she asked.

“Dear, what is it?” Rarity wondered, leaning closer in concern.

“Nothing,” Fluttershy answered, switching to an exasperated sigh. “I just realized why he was very insistent on joining us this week.”

“Who?” Sunset asked.

“Oh no,” Rarity sighed.

“Oh no what?” she asked again.

“Well really, I have no idea!” Another voice answered. “After all, I’m not that bad, am I?”

While Rarity jumped, Sunset was a little too used to that voice appearing over her shoulder. Looking behind her and a little above, she saw a vaguely familiar…. Creature. Even if she couldn’t already guess, the Dramatic Aura of Extra that poured off of him was enough of a hint.

“Hello, Discord,” Sunset said.

“Hm, not quite the reaction I expected,” Discord mused. “I assumed you’d be a bit jumpier.”

“I’ve spent enough time around your Counterpart,” she shrugged. “Maybe you’re getting predictable.”

“Never,” he gasped, dramatically offended by the thought. “I only underestimated your unpredictability.”

“You agreed not to go overboard,” Fluttershy warned.

“Yes, yes,” he pouted. “But I do have my reputation to uphold.”

“You do?” Rarity asked without thinking.

“Well, my reputation of no reputation,” he shrugged. “Now, what to do…”

“Be on your best behavior?” Fluttershy reminded. “You still owe Lotus half a shelf of lotions.”

“I promise nothing destructive and/or permanent,” he rolled his eyes. “However….”

As his voice trailed off, he snapped a talon. All of a sudden, Sunset found herself dropped into water. From the shallowness and the sudden aromas, she guessed it was one of the group baths inside the spa.

“If you could refrain from splashing me,” Lotus said with an annoyed sigh.

“Sorry,” Fluttershy said.

“Now then,” Discord said, pulling the group together with his tail. “While I’ve been temporarily banned from my usual shenanigans, nothing is keeping me from having a relaxing spa day, asking you about the latest gossip from another world, and interfering with your love life. So, who’s taking who to prom?”

“Figured you know already,” Sunset replied. “Since you apparently do some Interdimensional eavesdropping. Be glad Twilight’s momentarily forgotten.”

“I don’t eavesdrop on everything,” he shrugged, the motion somehow upending a bottle of lavender into the tub. “Only when Ponies I know happen to be talking about me. Now, speaking of me, there is another me in your world, correct?”

There was a sound of clattering. Looking over her shoulder, Sunset could see that Lotus had dropped a few bottles in surprise and slight fear.

“Now there’s a terrifying thought,” Rarity said, handling it much better. “You already get into enough trouble, especially with Pinkie and Rainbow being a little too encouraging in your prank war.”

“There’s definitely some similarities,” Sunset said. “Though, he’s not a… is there a technical word for what you are or can I just say ‘some sort of Chimera’?”

“Draconequus,” Fluttershy answered.

“Yeah,” she nodded. “Your Counterpart is just Human, and doesn’t have any Magic either. Mind you, he can still cause trouble. The first thing he did was get into a passive-aggressive prank war with that world’s Celestia and Luna, which nearly destroyed the gym.”

“This may sound rude,” Rarity began, sinking lower in the spa bath. “But does he look strange for a Human? After all, a Draconequus looks far different from a Pony.”

“Not too weird,” she answered. “I mean, his eyes are a little weird, but still more normal than this Discord’s. Like instead of red with yellow sclera they’re heterochromic so one iris is red and the other is yellow. Other than that, he’s probably the tallest Human I’ve met. Taller than the Princess’s Counterpart.”

“Naturally,” Discord answered. “I am taller than her here, after all.”

“Your height is relative,” Fluttershy reminded.

“Don’t tell Tia that,” he said.

“Does she usually reply with ‘yeah, but I’m older’?” Sunset wondered.

Discord didn’t answer. Instead he sulked lower into the water and pouted.

“That said,” Sunset continued, ignoring the sulk-fest. “What he lacks in physical strangeness he makes up for in outfit choice. And seeing you, makes his outfit choice somehow make more sense and less sense. I have no idea how he’s doing it, but his outfits copy your different animal parts.”

“Oh stars,” Rarity groaned. “I don’t even want to imagine the fashion disaster that must be. How has the other me not killed him yet?”

“She did faint,” she said. “But to be fair, he’s also Canterlot High’s Theatre Teacher, so people kind of see that weirdness with an exasperated sigh.”

“That fits,” Fluttershy nodded before seeing Discord pout more. “You are the teensiest bit dramatic.”

“I’m not that dramatic,” Discord said.

“Twilight called you a drama queen the other day,” Sunset deadpanned. “You responded by sending a letter through dimensions.”

He didn’t have a response for that one. Instead, he sank lower and lower into the bath until only his horns were above the water. Sunset was vaguely sure he wouldn’t drown. Actually, she was more concerned as to how all of him fit underwater in this size bath.

“So, my earlier question aside,” Rarity began. “What are our Counterparts like?”

“Similar yet different,” Sunset answered. “I can’t get specific, since I don’t know you two as well as I know them, and I haven’t even met Rainbow and AJ in this world. But so far, there’s just little differences. I think it’s just because of the world and culture they grew up in.”

“Hm,” she mused. “It might be interesting to meet the other me. And see what fashion looks like in her world. I would be completely out of my depth if I tried to make something there!”

“It’d be interesting,” Fluttershy admitted. “Though, I don’t know if Counterparts meeting could, you know, implode the Universe?”

“It won’t,” Sunset assured. “Mostly because if it did, it should’ve happened four times in the last few days alone.”

“Who met who?” Rarity wondered.

“Right, Twilight hasn’t had a chance to tell you yet,” she said, sitting p a little straighter. “Your Counterparts and I kind of ran into Twilight’s Counterpart. It was a hell of an adventure, and I’m not quite sure if Twilight wants to tell you that one herself. I was the one who was there, but it is her Counterpart so maybe it's more personal?”

“I guess we’ll wait until we have both of you,” Fluttershy said.

“That works,” she nodded. “But after that, we kind of went on a trip to find my Counterpart. And let me tell you, no matter how prepared you are it’s still weird. And now we… oh.”

“Not again,” Rarity sighed.

“So…” she began, “I just realized that there are now two Pinkies and two Lyras running amok in the other Dimension.”

There was an even louder crash as Lotus dropped more items from hearing that comment.

“Why would…” Rarity stopped herself with a sigh. “You know what? I’m not going to ask.”

“I’m sure they’ll be fine?” Fluttershy said.

“I don’t think the world will implode,” Sunset said carefully. “But it will confuse everyone else. Though, it somehow seems like they figured out some of a system. Pinkie said something about calling the Unicorn Lyra ‘Heartstrings’.”

“That’s good at least,” Rarity said. “Hm. I guess we would have to think of nicknames if we were to go around with two of us.”

“No offence, but I’m not going to imagine that headache right now,” she said. “How about you two tell me about here? Twilight’s told me a good amount, but I bet she probably left out a few adventures. Or embarrassing moments she didn’t realize you might tell me.”

“Now that, I can provide plenty of!” Discord announced, popping back out of the water.

“How could you hear me from down there?” she wondered. “Wait, dumb question.”

Soon enough, they moved through various other spa treatments. Scrubs and wraps, and even massages. Sunset regretted mentioning how good hands were at that, as Discord was all too ready to snap his talon and turn Aloe and Lotus into something that would have hands. Fortunately, Fluttershy reminded him that transfiguration without asking is, frankly, quite rude.

“A Want It Need It Spell?” Sunset repeated in disbelief. “On the whole town?”

“It was quite the ordeal,” Rarity said, leading the troupe back to the spa’s lobby area.

“But why?” she wondered.

“Uh, for her assignment?” Fluttershy answered.

“What kind of assignment…” she muttered.

“Well, back then, Twilight was sending weekly letters to Princess Celestia,” Rarity explained. “It was essentially a report studying various aspects of Friendship and how it works. But that was the first week where she hadn’t run into a problem that Friendship solved, so…”

“So she kind of went nuts and created her own,” Fluttershy finished.

“Wish I could’ve seen that,” Discord mused.

“Breakdown Twilight is not something you want to see,” she corrected. "Not only because it's rude to want to see someone in a breakdown, but she's very, very terrifying in that state."

“Obviously,” he nodded. “But the wild frenzy would have been decently entertaining.”

Rarity and Sunset rolled their eyes, heading to the counter. Both already had horns lit, reaching for hammerspace wallets. However, Rarity was a little quicker.

“So,” Rarity began, smiling at Aloe. “How much would this come to after adding Sunset’s bill to mine?”

“Woah, wait,” Sunset cut her off. “You don’t have to pay for me.”

“You were my plus one,” she pointed out.

“I was coming to the spa anyway,” she retorted.

“True,” she nodded. “But I invited you to my group. Would you have gone through all of those activities if you were on your own?”

“Well, maybe,” she said. “I could’ve said no, or gotten less expensive options.”

“But I-“ she began.

“Ladies!” Aloe cut them off. “While I’m sure you’d both like to pay, all four of your bills have been paid in advance.”

Both Unicorns furrowed their brows before looking to Fluttershy. She was just as confused as them, but quickly backed up under their gaze, wings ready to take flight.

“I-I didn’t,” Fluttershy stammered. “I have- I have no idea who-“

“Really,” Discord sighed. “Is it so hard to believe I can be nice for once?”

“Nice, I can believe,” Rarity frowned up at him. “But where do you get money? Do you even have a job?”

“Technically,” he grinned. “But I’m saving that reveal for Twilight.”

“Wait,” Sunset held up a hoof to stop him. “Is this one of those things where she’ll go all wide-eyed and stammering while trying to figure out how it works?”

“Absolutely,” he said, grin growing somehow wider.

“Okay, promise not to tell her whatever it is until I’m around,” she insisted.

“Why?” Fluttershy wondered.

“Well, uh, that is…” she looked for an actual response.

“Told you I’d interfere with your love life,” Discord snickered. “Though speaking of confusing Twilight, I do believe I’m a bit late on the schedule for that. See you another time, then!”

With that, his entire body flattened and then rolled up like a projector screen before disappearing. While Sunset was still staring, Rarity turned back to Aloe.

“You trusted him enough to pay?” Rarity asked, raising an eyebrow.

“No,” Aloe answered. “I trusted that if the money he gave me grew legs and walked away in the middle of the night, I could track down either your two or Princess Twilight to get real payment.”

“I’m sure it’ll be fine,” Fluttershy said, not quite that confident.

“Well, in that case,” Rarity smiled, turning back to Sunset with a grin she knew all too well. “What was that Discord said about your love life?”

“Ugh,” Sunset sighed, burying her face in her hooves. “Not what I want to discuss right now.”

“Hm,” she hummed. “Well, if you’d like to discuss it another time, I’m sure you can find my shop in town. I already have a few dress designs in mind, if you’d like one.”

“I might stop by,” she said. “Not sure if I’ll get a dress though. I have no idea what would happen to it through the portal, and I don’t think I’ll need one here.”

“Well, you’re always welcome,” she said.

“Uh, you-you’re welcome to find me too,” Fluttershy spoke up. “I’m in a cottage by the forest, I’m sure someone could point you in the right direction if you get lost but, er, well, I don’t know why you’d come other than to say hello.”

“Isn’t saying hello enough?” she smiled. "Though, you'd know where to get pet supplies. You wouldn't happen to have spicy bird treats, would you?"

“I do, actually,” she nodded.

“Good,” she said. “I already promised Mena I’d get her those. You wouldn’t think birds like spicy things, but a Phoenix? As soon as she could fly she stole a pepper from the garden.”

“Phoenix?” she tilted her head. “Wait, do you mean Philomena?”

“Yeah,” she admitted. “I kind of left her behind when I ran away, but now that I’m here she’s been hanging around and pretending she didn’t miss me. I guess you ran into her at some point?”

“Oh, there’s another story to tell,” Rarity laughed as Fluttershy gave an exasperated sigh.

“Knowing Mena, I can only imagine,” she laughed.

Author's Note:

You know, Discord tends to write himself in whenever I use him.

Comments ( 7 )

“Are you with the Alicorn?” Aloe asked.

“Which Alicorn?” Sunset asked.

“There are quite a few now,” Rarity said.

“I don’t know,” Aloe sighed. “Yesterday afternoon an Alicorn popped into the shop. At first I thought Princess Twilight had been dropped in flour, but she was just a white and pink Alicorn.”

“What does that have to do with Interdimentional Counterparts?” Sunset wondered.

“She said she travels Dimensions,” she answered.

“Actually she said she was a Time Traveler!” Lotus’s voice rang out from the back. “She asked me what day it was!”

“She said she was both!” she shouted back. “Anyway, you with her or what?”

Hmmmmm, who dat?

Flurry Heart. Well, an adult Flurry who used Time Travel. In my world/continuity, she has the ability to travel through Time, Space, and Dimensions. I don't usually have her pop in without reason but was already in a 'random comedy mood' because Discord was showing up.


Oh, I see! I did a double take because I've written a fic about a time-travelling / dimension-hopping Flurry as well (although she goes by a different name) and so I spent a second going "Wait, that's not her, is it?" :rainbowlaugh:

Odd coincidence, but hilarious really! Maybe one day they'll run into each other! Or Crystal Faire ends up in my Universe and gets everyone all confused.
Someone: "He, Flurry? Why are you going by Crystal Faire and why is your Cutie Mark different?"
Crystal Faire: "Because I travel through Time and Dimensions."
Someone: "Well, yeah, but why would that change your Cutie Mark if that was already your Cutie Mark?"
Crystal Faire: "Wait, what?"

Hmm, I wonder if this is where some of those relationships mentioned in She Makes Me Smile started to germinate....

You know, Discord tends to write himself in whenever I use him.

Wouldn't that be, i don't know, a GOOD thing regardless of context?

Please please continue🙏😭

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