• Published 4th Jul 2017
  • 2,532 Views, 137 Comments

The Lavender Arrow - DisneyFanatic23

Based on Robert Louis Stevenson's "The Black Arrow." During a civil war in medieval Equestria, Spike doesn't know who he can trust when outlaws accuse his guardian Tirek of being responsible for his father's death.

  • ...

Midnight Castle

"TIMBERWOLF!" Spike and Applejack cried as they ran through the forest.

A Timberwolf the size of three bears was hot on their trail. He was so close they could feel his smelly breath on their necks. Spike glanced over his shoulder to see the monster gnash its terrible wooden teeth.

"What do we do, what do we do?!" Spike shouted.

Applejack reached for the scabbard tied to his waist and pulled out a long, gleaming sword. "We take him on!"

Grinning, Spike slung his bow off his shoulder. "Right!"

With a mighty cry, Applejack swung around and slashed his sword across the Timberwolf's snout. This sent splinters everywhere, and the Timberwolf put his paw over his snout, whimpering in pain. With the Timberwolf distracted, Spike was able to put enough space between them and shoot an arrow. It struck the Timberwolf square in the eye, causing him to howl.

"Gimme a boost!" Applejack exclaimed.

He ran towards Spike, who crouched down with his fingers laced and his palms up. As Applejack stepped onto his hands, Spike pushed him up. Applejack leaped into the air with his sword over his head. As he came down, he slashed it right through the Timberwolf's neck.

With one last howl, both halves of the Timberwolf fell to the ground and burst into a pile of inanimate sticks. Wiping the sweat off his brow, Applejack turned to Spike.

"We make," the colt said, panting, "a pretty good team, don't we?"

"We sure do!" Spike shouted, running up to him. "I mean that was amazing! The way you swooped down on that Timberwolf and then sliced clean through him, it was incredible!" Laughing, he embraced his comrade. "You're incredible, Applejack."

Placing his hoof on the dragon's back, Applejack said, "Even if I'm a colt?"

Confused, Spike moved away to look up at him. "What's that supposed to mean?"

Applejack smirked. "Isn't it obvious, Spike?"

The colt then closed his eyes and leaned towards him. For some reason, Spike didn't want to pull away. He wanted the lips to just keep coming.

"Oh, Spike," Applejack whispered. "Spike…"


The dragon awoke from his slumber. Applejack still stood over him, but it was now dark out and she held a look of distress.

Blushing, he said quickly, "I wasn't dreaming about…"

"Shhh!" she whispered, slapping her hoof over his mouth.

Carrying him, she dashed away from the campfire and leaped into the bushes.

Shoving her hoof away from his mouth, Spike said, "What the hay are you…?"

"I'm sorry!" Applejack whispered. "I didn't mean to fall asleep, but I did! A noise woke me up. I think someone's comin'!"

"What noise?"

As soon as he said this, they heard the sound of a small bell ringing in the distance. Raising her hoof to her lips, Applejack quietly brushed some of the leaves away so she could peer out at the campfire, which she had doused. The two of them listened closely as the faint ringing slowly became louder.

Then, out of the trees came a shadowy figure. His face was hidden by the hood of his cloak, and his body was hunched over. The companions could only make out the whiteness of a long beard. Tied around the old pony's neck was a tin bell that rang as he walked. A long staff stuck out from beneath the stranger's cloak, tapping along the ground.

"It's just an old beggar," Spike whispered. "Looks like he might be blind."

"I don't care what he looks like," Applejack said. "We don't know if we can trust him."

"Shhh! He's blind, not deaf!"

The stranger's hooded head shot up and moved swiftly from side to side. Applejack pulled Spike to her chest.

"We better move," she said, lowering her voice further.

He didn't hear her, for he was too busy thinking about how closely their bodies were pressed together. What is wrong with you?! Why are you thinking about him that way?! He's a bloody colt! A male like you!

She started backing away and Spike snapped out of his thoughts to follow her. They were careful not to make a sound as they crawled on their bellies. As Spike was behind Applejack, he had an unfortunate view of her rear, which made him blush, because he was only now noticing its delightfully round shape.

Don't be weird, don't be weird, don't be weird! Spike thought as he steered left so that he may crawl beside her. He's a colt, he's a colt, he's a colt!

"Don't move so fast!" Applejack whispered. "You're makin' too much noise!"

"S-Sorry, I was…" Spike stammered as he tried to come up with an excuse. "I…didn't wanna step on your tail!"

That was partially true, for he had felt her tail brush against him back there and its pleasant softness was overwhelming.

"Whatever!" Applejack hissed. "Just keep quiet or that goon'll…"

There was a sudden wail as the hooded stranger jumped on top of them. Applejack and Spike screamed as they found themselves in a three-way tumble. While Spike tried to avoid the stranger's claws—CLAWS!—Applejack's back hoof searched for his groin. After making a hard kick, she heard a cry and was about to rejoice until she saw Spike wincing in pain.

"That was me you ninny!" he shouted as he pushed the stranger's claw away from his face.

"Oops," Applejack said, blushing as she kneed their attacker in the ribs. "Sorry, Spike."

The stranger paused and said in a raspy voice, "Spike?"

Taking advantage of his distraction, Applejack kicked the stranger off, knocking him onto his back. She leaped on top of him and was about to pin his shoulders down when his reddish claw gripped her neck.

"AJ!" Spike cried, running towards her.

Suddenly, golden light surrounded the stranger as he began to grow and the cloak fell away. Spike stopped as he beheld the creature before him.

"Uncle Tirek?"

"Lemme go, ya big ape!" Applejack shouted as she writhed in Tirek's claw, which was now ten times larger and closed around her middle.

"Spike," Tirek said in a caring tone. "Here you are! I've been searching everywhere for you." He narrowed his eyes at Applejack. "And you as well."

"What are you doing out here?" Spike asked. "Why'd you attack us? And why were you wearing that disguise?"

"There's a bounty on my head," Tirek said, clutching the gold triangular amulet around his neck. "Using this amulet to disguise myself was the only way to escape the outlaws. They wouldn't attack a blind beggar. The bell was meant to scare them off.

"I heard a noise in the bushes and thought you might be the outlaws. Forgive me, my ward, if I harmed or frightened you in any way."

Spike sighed in relief. "I'm just glad it's you and not some maniac."

"How do ya know ya weren't right the first time?" Applejack asked, glaring at Tirek.

The centaur frowned as he glanced between the two of them. "What are you two doing together anyway?"

"Look, Uncle Tirek," Spike said slowly. "I don't know what you want with Applejack, but he saved my life, and I'm bound by my Dragon Code to serve him for the rest of my natural born days." He dropped to his knee. "If I have dishonored you by lending him assistance, please know that it wasn't intentional."

But Tirek appeared more confused than angry. "Applejack? Him?" Then he smirked at the disguised mare in his claw. "So you haven't told him your little secret, hmm?"

Spike looked up at him in bewilderment. "What secret?"

"Oh, nothing much," Tirek said with a shrug. "Just that this lad here has something that belongs to me."

"He's lyin'!"Applejack shouted. "Spike, don't listen to him!"

"You're not gonna hurt him, are you, Uncle Tirek?" Spike asked in worry. "Whatever he stole from you, surely it's not worth that much! He did save my life after all!"

"My dear ward," Tirek said, putting his claw over his heart. "I wouldn't dream of harming this young colt." He cast a sideways glare at his captive. "Assuming he cooperates and comes back to Midnight Castle with us without struggle."

She looked him boldly in the eye. "And if I refuse?"

He pulled her closer to his face so he could whisper, "There are other ways for me to get what I want. I don't think you want anyone else hurt for your disobedience."

At first, Applejack thought he was talking about her sister again, but then his eyes flitted towards Spike. Her eyes widened as she understood immediately.

With a gulp, she said, "I'll…I'll come quietly."

Tirek smirked. "There's a good lad." He turned to Spike. "Come. I sent the others ahead. If we take the path down this way, we should be able to rejoin them."

"Others?" Spike asked.

"My Diamond Dogs, Discord, Scorpan…"

"Uncle Scorpan survived the attack?" Spike's eyes watered in happiness.

"Yes. He thought he had seen you at Ghastly Gorge." He sighed. "Unfortunately, those blasted outlaws had wiped out half my army. It won't be easy finding more recruits."

Applejack huffed. "Yeah. That's what ya care about."

Tirek spun himself away from Spike and scowled hard at the mare.

"Best hold that sharp tongue of yours, boy," the centaur said with a hiss. "Unless," he touched her chest with his free claw, "you'd like to reveal what's under these clothes."

Applejack stiffened as she looked down at the claw pulling on her shirt. "You're not suggestin'…?" She shook her head with a growl. "I'll die before I let ya touch me!"

"Oh, I don't care if you reveal yourself. However, I believe there are others you wouldn't want seeing you without your disguise."

Tirek gestured to Spike who was walking on ahead. Applejack shut her mouth tight.

"Hey, you coming, Uncle Tirek?" Spike called back to him.

"I come." Tirek whispered to Applejack, "Not one word."

She said nothing in response, but continued to hold her chin high in defiance.

It wasn't that Applejack didn't want Spike knowing her true sex. If he knew the truth, however, he would find out that she'd been lying to him all this time and certainly not trust her about anything else she said. Tirek would surely win then.

And from that look Tirek had given Spike, Applejack had the funny feeling that she wasn't the only one Tirek had ill intentions for.

The next few hours were spent in silence. Not just because Applejack had kept to her word, but there were so many questions swimming through Spike's head.

What does Uncle Tirek have against Applejack? What did Applejack steal from him? And have Applejack's eyes always looked like glimmering emeralds?

He tried shaking that last thought out of his head. He was tempted to ask Tirek the other two questions, but the high amount of tension in the air suggested he keep them to himself for the moment.

The silence was finally broken when they heard the sounds of armor clanking. Spike quickly drew his bow while Tirek put his free claw on the hilt of his sword.

Then through the trees they saw a flag with a mare in the moon on it.

"The Lunarian flag!" Spike exclaimed.

"Those are my troops," Tirek said, picking up his pace.

He pushed aside the trees to meet up with the string of Diamond Dogs. Sir Scorpan and Discord flew at the front, the latter causing the wounded soldiers to hover above the ground.

"Brother!" Scorpan said.

"Uncle Scorpan!" Spike called, running towards the gargoyle to embrace him. "I'm so glad to see you're alright! I was sure you'd perished in Ghastly Gorge!"

Scorpan smiled as he hugged the young dragon. "I am unharmed, little one." Then he frowned. "But what in the world were you doing at Ghastly Gorge?"

Spike pulled back. "We came across the Society of the Lavender Arrow and overheard their plans to ambush you in Ghastly Gorge! We came to warn you, but…" He glanced at the floating wounded soldiers. "I guess we were too late."

Sighing, Scorpan said, "It was extremely risky of you to run headfirst into danger, but…the concern is appreciated."

Tirek took a step towards them. "What else did you overhear from those outlaws?"

Spike opened his mouth to reply, but then wondered if he should. He caught Applejack's eye. She was still in Tirek's grasp and appeared extremely tired. Her look was pleading, and she shook her head slightly enough so the others wouldn't notice.

"N-Nothing much," Spike stammered, waving his claw. "Just…radical talk, you know?"

Tirek squinted at him for a moment, but said nothing more to him.

"Discord," Tirek said, holding up Applejack. "Chain up our…guest in case," he scoffed, "he gets any ideas. My claw is getting sweaty."

"You got it!" Discord said, snapping his fingers.

Applejack disappeared and then reappeared on the ground, the same gold chain that had imprisoned her before around her front hooves.

"And no need for the gag this time," Tirek said, taking the other end of the chain. "Applejack has so graciously agreed to cooperate."

"Um, Boss," Discord whispered to him, "why are we still pretending that she's a…?"

Tirek elbowed him hard in the stomach.

"Right, right!" Discord said with a grunt. "He, he, he! Yup! He's a colt, alright!"

Spike stared at the draconequus in confusion as the party pressed on.

"What's he talking about?" he asked Scorpan.

Scorpan glanced back at his brother before answering. "You know Discord. He…likes to fool around."

Spike looked back at Applejack, who was struggling to keep up on two legs. Her eyes were on the ground, appearing defeated. After a few minutes, those emerald eyes rose to meet his. The sadness they held bore deeply into his very soul.

This exchange of looks did not go unnoticed by Scorpan. Putting a hand on the dragon's shoulder, he said, "Your friend will be not be harmed, lad."

"But what does Uncle Tirek want with him?" Spike asked, turning to the gargoyle.

"Him?" Scorpan said with a raised eyebrow. "So you don't…?" He shook his head. "Never mind."

"What has Applejack stolen? Money? Jewels? One of Uncle Tirek's magical talismans?"

After a quick glance at Tirek, Scorpan replied, "You will understand in time, young one. But now is not the time."

Glimpsing back at Applejack, Spike saw that her eyes were still on him. He was about to go to her when Tirek moved between them. Spike gazed up at his guardian's glare. With a gulp, the dragon turned his attention back to the road.

Something weird is going on, he thought. Why won't he let me talk to Applejack? Why isn't anyone answering my questions? He turned back to Tirek's legs, through which he could see Applejack from the neck down. And why can't I stop myself from looking at him?

It was nearly sunset when they reached Midnight Castle. As the drawbridge lowered for the party, Applejack glared up at the Lunarian flag flying from the highest tower.

In the window of another tower was Fluttershy, and she stood up the moment she saw the returning army.

"He's here!" She rushed out her bedroom door, nearly knocking over Rarity and the laundry she was carrying. "Oh, Rarity, he's here!"

When the drawbridge finally reached the platform, Discord clasped his hands together. "Fluttershy, here I come!"

He bolted through the gateway before Tirek could stop him. The centaur groaned, pressing his fingers to the bridge of his nose.

"Rover," he said, tossing the gold chain to the Diamond Dog. "Escort our guest to the North Tower." He leaned down to him. "Make sure he doesn't escape this time."

"Yes, sir!" Rover said, saluting.

"Come, Brother," Tirek said, turning to Scorpan. "There's an important matter I need to discuss with you."

While his two caregivers went ahead across the drawbridge, Spike saw his opportunity. He waited until Rover had passed him and Applejack was at his side.

"Have courage, Applejack," Spike said as he walked closely beside her. "Uncle Scorpan says no one's going to hurt you. I'll find a way to get you out of this."

She smiled slightly. "Nice to see ya bein' optimistic, Spike, but…" She frowned. "I fear this may be the last time you'll see your friend Applejack."

He shook his head. "Don't talk like that. I'm gonna talk things over with Uncle Tirek. He'll let you go!"

"Nothing here is as it seems, Spike." She sighed. "Not even with me."

He blinked. "What are you talking about?"

"Spike," she whispered, leaning closer to him. "Tirek's up to something. I'm not sure what yet, but know that no matter what happens, I'll always…"

"Hey!" Rover said, yanking her chain. "Quit dawdling!"

He pulled her towards the North Tower entrance, but Applejack attempted to stay outside the door as long as she could.

"Don't worry about me, Spike!" she shouted as Rover tugged her inside. "Just find out the truth!"

The door shut tight and Spike was left standing bewildered in the courtyard.

"Truth?" he muttered to himself. "What truth?"

But he already knew the answer. It was the question he'd been asking himself since he had read that letter from the Lavender Arrow.

Who really killed my father?