• Published 6th Jul 2017
  • 3,708 Views, 36 Comments

I'm a Firefox, Apparently... - Histy

If you get a fennekin, a Pokémon fan, and ponies, and just smack them together, you'll probably get this story.

  • ...

The Beginning of a New Life

“____”: Speech
‘____’: Thought


‘Owww... my head.’ I thought to myself, as this oh-so abrupt—and extreme—headache interrupted my sleep. My eyes were squeezed shut as I tried to relax the pain with my hands.

But what I felt on my heads weren’t hands. They felt much like I think a cat’s paws would.

My eyes shot open, with hopes that I was imagining things and that it was a symptom of the headache. What I was greeted with, however, told the very opposite.

Instead of hands, I saw yellow paws with red pads. Confused, I tested by waving them in multiple directions, which they followed in turn.

I then realized that I wasn’t on my bed, either, if the burned area I was on said anything about it. I was in some sort of clearing, with sunlight brightly lighting the flowers everywhere in it. The trees around it were quite tall, though any attempt at trying to see between them was a useless endeavor.

Remembering my new paws, I shift my focus from the scenery to my body, to see if anything else was changed. Sure enough, there was, though it was my entire body.

Instead of a human body, it was now a fully yellow-furred figure with a fox-like shape, I also now had a long tail with a reddish tint at the end of it. There was only one thing I knew this kind of look and color scheme and looks.

“I’m a fennekin?” I realized. I then realized something else, “Is that-What is with my voice!?” It was far more feminine than it should be. If it is... don’t tell me...

I swiftly look between my hind legs, and what I saw horrified me.

My best friend wasn’t there, and I screamed, “You can’t be serious! I can’t be a girl now!” But it was all in vain.

So, not only am I a fennekin now, but I’m also a female, ‘Just fucking great,’ I thought sarcastically, ‘I was living a perfectly normal life, but when I get a good sleep, I have to have my entire life changed. Wonderful.’

I’d say it was perfectly normal, but it wasn’t. My grandparents just died, and my family overall was starting to get some financial troubles. But I didn’t really pay attention to these times, as I was always playing Pokémon to avoid focusing on them.

Now, I’m guessing I’m paying for it for some reason, as I was turned into a fennekin overnight and dumped in a random location in some unknown world, and probably expected to survive on my own. “Well, better get started then,” I said to myself.

I stood up on all fours, wobbling at best, “Jeez walking’s going to take awhile to get the hang of.”

And, to clarify my point, after a few steps, I fell onto the flowers, which cushioned my fall. “Dammit,” I muttered as I quickly got back up and continue walking. Soon, a couple more falls and swear words, I finally developed a constant pattern with my legs, and walked like I’ve been using them for years.

After quick tests with running, which was far easier than walking, apparently, I felt confident enough to walk into the forest, and get mangled to pieces by predators. Well, I could learn some moves, like flamethrower or something. But, the question is, how the fuck do I do that?

Of course, my first attempt at just simply coughing it out didn’t work at all, as nothing came out but smoke, ‘Wait, but isn’t smoke a good sign if I want fire?’ I asked myself. Seriously, if smoke came out, I had the potential for fire, so I should continue trying.

As I began my second attempt at doing anything fiery, I heard something in the distance. My new ears swiveled in the direction of the sound. It was rustling, and it was getting closer.

I turned my full attention to it, partly afraid, and partly hopeful that whatever came from there wasn’t there to kill me because I couldn’t learn a goddamn thing.

But what came through didn’t look like anything that could hurt me, but I remained cautious.

It was some pegasus, about three feet tall, with wings looking akin to little tiny stubs, which means they were just sticking out. It had a cream coat with an electric blue mane and tail, and its eyes were a brownish color. Its muzzle was small, but square in shape, and there also seemed to be a tattoo on its flank. It was a yellow star with some blue string protruding out and around it.

The instant it came in, it noticed me. Keep in mind he was still way taller than me, despite probably be between ages eight and ten (by my estimate).

“Woah! What are you?” The pegasus said in a high-pitched male voice. I wasn’t really surprised he could talk. Why? I honestly don’t know.

He then began to approach me, curiosity full in his eyes. I instinctively backed up with each step he took.

He seemed to notice my discomfort, and stopped, “Hey, don’t worry, I’m not here to hurt you.”

“Sure, that’s what they all say before they hurt something.” I replied. The pegasus seemed very taken aback that I could speak, which was odd, considering that I thought I was in a world where everything talks, but I’m probably wrong.

“Wow... and you can talk, too...” That just confirmed my latter statement.

The cream-colored pegasus stayed at a respective distance as he sat on his haunches. He began to study me from paw to ear, which, for for someone who was starting to learn about sexual stuff, found kind of awkward.

After he was done, a long, dead silence reigned between us for God-knows how long.

Soon enough, getting tired of said silence, I decided to break it, “So, why are you here?” I asked, ‘And where’s your parents?’ I then continued in my thoughts. Honestly, where were they?

“Oh, my mom and dad are here getting some firewood for our fireplace so we don’t freeze when winter comes. I also heard something like screaming over here, so I came to see if anypony was in trouble.”

I learned three things out of this. This kid’s house is nearby, it’s almost winter, and my scream from losing my masculinity is what made him come over here. Also, anypony?

I decided to leave that for later, “Where am I?” I continued with my questions.

“Shouldn’t you know that, already? I mean, since you’ve probably lived here for a long time.”

“No, I’ve only been here for an hour, and I’d simply like to know where I am.”

“You couldn’t have be here for only that long! We’re deep in the forest, and it takes longer than an ‘an hour’ to get here!”

“Just answer my question!” I snapped at the pegasus, clearly getting annoyed with his stubbornness.

He didn’t seem to care, though, as he went on with arguing, “Well, if you were here for an hour, than show me how you got here so quick.”

I sighed as I crossed my forelegs, “Fine if you want to know how I got here so fast, then I’ll humor you.”

I then pointed at the burned area (which was quite far to my right) where I woke up at and said, “See that place over there? I woke up there with no memory of sleeping there, or being here in the first place. Is that enough to answer your question?” It was partly the truth, because I didn’t add all that nonsense (at least to him) that this wasn’t my body, and that I was from another world.

He did looked at the location I pointed at, and after I gave my answer, and sighed, “Whatever... fine,” Thank god.

“Now can you tell me where I am?”

“You’re in the Grittish Forest near Trottingham. There, happy now?”

“Quite.” I smiled. Another silence came between us, with me just sitting there, and the pegasus doing the same.

“What’s your name?” He suddenly asked.

“It’s-” I started, before abruptly stopping. My original name, since I was female now, simply wouldn’t fit anymore. So what could I call myself now? ‘Ummm... quick! Think of words related to fire! Fla...bon...aha!’

“Wildfire, call me Wildfire.” I stated.

“Um... okay then.” The cream pegasus said with a look of mild confusion on his face (or muzzle, whatever they call it). "I'm Star String,"

'Star String, huh? Guess that explains his butt-tattoo.' I hypothesized.

"How old are you? I'm thirteen." Dammit, not only did I get his age completely wrong, he also asked for mine.

My mom always told this to me, so now that I'm a girl myself, I can use it, "Didn't you know that it's rude to ask a lady her age?" I know, cliche thing to say, but I don't care.

"Hey, I'm just trying to continue the conversation."

"Didn't you say you were here getting wood with your parents?"

"Yeah, but I wasn't doing much work, anyway."

"So you were just sitting around doing nothing."

"Basically," huh, so I guess Star String just came so that his parents could watch him. To be honest, I wonder if they even realized he's gone yet.

I then heard something behind him, it sounded like someone was calling his name. 'That must be his,' I thought. Wow, I simply thought about them, and then they show up!

"What's wrong?" It was when Star asked that question that I realized I was visibly focusing on it.

Shaking my head, I told him, "Your parents are coming, I can hear them calling out for you."

"Aww... I guess I have to go then," he said, sounding genuinely sad that he had to leave.

For some reason, I didn't want to see him go either. So much so, I decided to ask something any human would refuse to answer back on Earth, "Well, you could tell me where you live. If you're okay with that."

"Just keep going that way and you'll get there," he almost instantly replied, using his left forehoof to point in the direction between behind him and the burned area.

Man, and he said it without a single bit of hesitation. He probably has either none, or only a few friends that he can't visit due to the location of his home.

By this time, his parents were close enough that I bet even he could hear their calls now. I don't know how they correctly guessed the direction where we are, but, if anything, I needed to leave now.

"Alright then, I gotta go now!" I said as I began to run in the direction he pointed at.

"See ya later!" He shouted back.


I stopped running, out of breath. 'I need to rest,' well, scratch that, I need to sleep. As the sun's going down, and, like I already said, I was tired.

My stomach grumbled, revealing another detail, 'I need something to eat.'

I looked around for anything to get my jaws on, and only found trees everywhere, but nothing to eat.

'Wait, don't fennekin's eat twigs? That'd be so much easier than actually hunting.' I pondered.

I saw a twig on the base of a tree, and quickly walked over to it. Once there, I sat on my haunches, and began to question my decision to do this, but put them at the back of my mind.

I slowly grabbed the twig with one of my paws (which I had some difficulty with), and moved it to my mouth. Before I could take a bite, I stopped for a moment, before continuing.

Long story short, it tasted DELICIOUS. I swiftly ate the rest of the twig, savoring each bite.

'Mmmm... that tasted good,' I thought, satisfied, 'Now, time to look for a place to sleep.'

Unfortunately, it was starting to get very dark, with the sun now below the horizon, and the moon rising in turn.

'Well, I could make a campfire,' I decided, carving wood out of trees (and stop all urges to eat them), and setting them in a pile.

Another problem quickly arose out, 'How do I start the fire?' The question had an obvious answer, simply use a fire move. But I hadn't learned one yet.

'Shit,' I realized. How was I supposed to do it then? The old 'rub wood together until it makes fire' way?

Suddenly, I felt something from my throat. It was a feeling you get before you cough. I tried my best to stop it, but soon, I was in a coughing fit.

'What the hell is going on!?' I screamed in my mind.

The coughing spree continued, until I could feel something begin to come out. Suddenly I spat out a small balls of flames, which hit the wood, and caused it to start burning.

I, meanwhile, was gasping for air, as I was no longer continuously taking it out.

When I recovered, I finally noticed the flame. I was confused. I mean, I know I spitted out some fire, but what move did I exactly learn? It couldn't have been flamethrower, I know that.

'Meh... I'll just sleep and figure it out in the morning,' I decided. If there was anything I wanted now, it was to sleep.

I walked over to a nearby tree, and settled down to sleep as the fire continued crackling through the night.

Author's Note:

Alright. So, to be honest, I left out a few things in this chapter, and I didn't explain events the way they needed to be explained.

BUT, I'll try my best to not encounter these problems in the next chapter.

Didn't expect this story to do so good, anyway.
