• Published 12th Jul 2012
  • 4,643 Views, 234 Comments

Fallout Equestria - The Code of Honor - FireStorm2247

After losing her stable, a surface-born pegasus, Nova, fights alongside her fellow survivors to make a new life in the Equestrian southeast.

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Chapter 8: Restoring Hope

Author's Note:

At last, the next chapter is done! While I do feel like I may have lost a bit of consistency in this chapter, I still like how it turned out overall. With school back in session, I've lost the concentration I had while on my summer break (since I need to focus on schooling as well). But regardless, I think this chapter has turned out mostly okay and has fulfilled its purpose as an effective bridge into the next chapter which will be dedicated to character and MAJOR plot development. Hope y'all enjoy this chapter, and please... constructive criticism is welcome. If any of y'all feel that something's wrong with this chapter that effects the overall quality of the story, PLEASE tell me. That is all.

Chapter 8: Restoring Hope

“A light shining in darkness… a chance to live again.”


The raider camp, now defeated, was calm. The only sounds to break the silence was the occasional voice that would speak out amongst the clusters of tents as an order was passed between ponies. After being dressed with non-magical bandages to cover his gunshot wound and stop the bleeding, Redfield had sent Rocky out to find the other Proudspire ponies and report back to him with information regarding the outcome of the battle; specifically, this included finding out Proudspire’s losses. While he waited, Redfield had taken the time to sit down outside the entrance of the metal building to relax his wound and recover as best as he could. He had asked me to join him after I had informed him of Cross’s death, and even though I had done my best to listen as he spoke, my mind was still clouded with the memories of Cross… and of how my attempt to save him had failed. “I’m sorry about Cross.” Redfield said gently. “He was a good pony. We worked and fought well together. When we were up on the wall, he was focused and dedicated to the defense effort, and he was the kind of pony that had that extra drive to get things done. He was a good fighter up there. He was a good friend of mine as well, and when we were off duty, we’d make occasional visits to the saloon together. Then of course, being the friends that we were, he occasionally told me about his personal life…… It was during the afternoon today that he told me about you and about how he felt towards you.”

I gave a light sigh as I swung my gaze to the ground, looking at where Cross’s battle rifle lay nearby; I instinctively pulled it closer to me. “He did?”

“Yeah.” Redfield stated. “He said a lot of good things about you, thought very highly of you and your ambition regarding Hopeville. I think that’s what he liked the most about you, how you always talk about honoring your promises. I can’t say that I disagreed with him about that. He was right about the way he felt.”

“I was just… I thought I could save him with that last potion.” I explained solemnly. “When you try and save a life, and you fail… it hurts. I feel like it’s-”

“If you think that you’re to blame for his death, then stop thinking like that.” Redfield interrupted sternly, making me wince. “You tried. It isn’t like you left him to die. Still, I understand that it hurts, and you have my sympathies. I wish things could’ve ended differently, and I wish things could’ve worked out between you two.”

I looked back at him, staring. I knew what he was talking about, and there was no denying the truth. If Cross and I had survived together, something may have very well emerged between us… that special connection that my parents had described to me in the Stable. According to them, a strong and romantic relationship between a mare and a stallion was one of the most honorable accomplishments a pony could achieve in his or her life. My mother and father both put a lot of emphasis on that, and while I firmly agreed with them, I hadn’t put too much thought to it while I lived in the Stable. I had been too focused on my studies to pay any Stable stallion too much attention, and that had been the case throughout my Stable life. Being out here didn’t change that at all. In fact, it easily made me cast any thought of it aside for the sake of my baby brother. But what happened between Cross and I happened naturally, a connection that formed from an unexpected yet genuine attraction. We had become drawn to each other in a sense… but now I had to let him go. “I do too.” I replied, nearly a whisper.

I heard a cough to my left, and looking, I saw Rocky waiting for us, his .30 caliber MG secured to his leather armor. Though he didn’t speak, his dispirited body language showed that he came bearing bad news, and when I looked back at Redfield, he appeared to have taken notice as well. “How many?” Redfield dared the question.

“Nine.” Rocky answered dismally. “Four mares, five stallions.”

“Nearly half…” Redfield mumbled to himself, his ears drooping slightly. However, he gave a quick nod and returned to focus, looking back at Rocky. “Alright. I want to get everypony moving, but we’ll go back and gather up the bodies of our dead first. We’re not leaving them here to rot in this camp. That’s the Black Blood’s new job.” Redfield paused again, giving a short sigh as he planned. “We’ll take the bodies out to the north end of the camp and then bury them before we head back to Proudspire. Any injured ponies that can’t walk will need to be carried, so we can’t loot the camp. We’ll leave everything here that isn’t ours.” With a quick salute, Rocky trotted back into the camp to carry out his orders. Turning to me, Redfield asked, “Would you be willing to carry one of the bodies out for me? I know it's not pleasant, but…”

I interrupted quickly, mustering my best smile. “I’ll do it.” I had no trouble in carrying a body if it meant honoring the sacrifice of a fallen ally, and I already knew who I would take.

Without another reply, Redfield and I parted ways, and I picked up Cross’s rifle and made my way back to the metal building nearby. As I expected, Cross’s body was still where it had rested after his passing, and as I stepped up to him, I gave a thin smile; without his wounds, he would’ve been mistaken for somepony that was simply sleeping. Setting the rifle aside, I lowered my head down and gave the stallion’s cheek a gentle nuzzle before I begun to nudge and push under him to get him onto my back. Rising back up to my full height and situating the body so that it laid parallel to my spine, Cross’s head drooped over my right shoulder, I gave a grunt and picked up my rifle again before moving forward. As I gradually made my way north through the camp, I could hear more voices speaking to one another behind me, orders being passed around to pick up the bodies and escort the survivors out of the camp… survivors? When that word echoed through the tents on the voice of a stallion, I couldn’t help but look back, and I gave an involuntary gasp through a mouthful of rifle. Under escort from two Proudspire stallions, one of whom was carrying a dead comrade, were two beaten unicorn mares and a young, light brown earth pony colt with a black mane. All three of them were terribly filthy, dirt and grime mixing with blood, both dried and fresh. But what really put a pang of misery through me was the fact that the colt was walking with a limp (his left foreleg looked to be troubling him) and was being helped along by one of the bruised mares who looked just as concerned as I felt. It wasn’t hard to figure out that those three ponies had been captives of the Black Blood in this camp. Now they were free; chalk up another victory for the night.

Progressing through the camp, I passed by the last of the tents that made the northern side of the camp and found a cluster of ponies gathered farther ahead. Even as I made my way to them, I could see two unicorns using their magic to cut into the dirt, making graves; only a few of our team had returned. “Welcome back Nova. It’s good to see that you made it.” I heard a feminine voice up ahead, speaking lowly.

Continuing in my trot, I looked to see a unicorn mare staring back at me with a slim smile. A light violet mare with a deeper purple mane and tail, she was one of the Proudspire ponies that had been a part of our attack team but one that I had not come to know by name. Still, I couldn’t help but notice that she herself was standing next to the body she had carried over. Laying at peace beside her was a light orange earth pony mare, the bullet wound on her chest showing that she had been shot in the heart.

I stepped up beside her and set my rifle down to speak. “Was she a friend of yours?” I asked as gently as I could, crouching down to ease Cross off of my back and onto the ground.

“A very dear friend.” the unicorn mare replied, stroking her fallen friend’s cream-colored mane with a gentle hoof. “What about you? I know you’re an outsider but…” she trailed off, looking at Cross.

“He was a good friend too.” I answered politely, stepping back from Cross where he lay. “He was the first wasteland pony I had really started becoming comfortable friends with. And I think he actually started to like me as more than a friend… at least that’s what Redfield said. Either way, Cross found something that he liked about me and he befriended me without hesitation. The fact that I’m a stranger… well, I guess that didn’t matter to him too much.”

“I see. I’m sorry for your loss outsider.” the unicorn replied softly, pausing for a long moment before she added, “This mare here was a very dear friend to me. We had been friends since foalhood and we had worked up on the wall a lot together. We’d always make sure that our stations on the wall were right next to one another, or at least close enough so that we could talk to one another during our shift. It was only recently that we begun seeing each other a little differently. In the end, she and I… well… we developed a thing for one another.”

“A thing?” I asked, actually confused until she looked directly at me, her eyes narrowing slightly as if she was a bit offended at my lack of understanding…… oh… “Ah… I’m sorry.” I apologized, feeling slightly awkward but no less sincere. “Then it seems we share the same reasons for honoring our fallen friends.” I added, thinking fast. She eased at that comment and nodded her agreement; in that moment, it paid to have a partially silver tongue.

“So what will you do now that Proudspire’s prevailed over the Black Blood?” the mare asked, watching behind her as more ponies left the camp and made their way towards us.

“I want to go back to Hopeville again.” I answered easily. “And I’m fairly certain that my friends will be feeling the same way. Though I’ve tried to keep it a secret, I’m rather homesick.”

“Well then, I’d better go ahead and say thank you.” the mare said with another thin smile. “You and your friends were total strangers a couple days back. Now, you’ve done so much to help us that I think everypony in Proudspire would remember you. So I just wanted to say my own thanks before you set off again.”

“I’m not one for taking compliments all the time.” I stated, a little embarrassed at the praise. “But I appreciate it.”

“You’ll probably be hearing the same thing from a few others before you leave.” the mare observed after a light laugh.

“Right now, I’d rather just get back and get a few hours of sleep in.” I replied with a half-amused smile, looking back behind me. By now, everypony from the team had returned, including our three new survivors. While I didn’t hear or ask, I had assumed that the three former captives would be allowed to come with us. They were huddled together a ways off from the Proudspire ponies, the two unicorn mares looking over the little injured colt who wept openly…… Goddesses he was so young…

Fuck the Black Blood.

I turned and begun to trot off towards the three freed captives. Seeing that little colt in such pain made my heart ache, and it made me want to help in any way possible, even if my helping him only involved gentle words and encouragements. Approaching them, I gave the best smile I could muster as the two unicorn mares looked up at me. “Hello.” I said warmly, seeing that they were both rather tense at my advance; I slowly came to a halt. “I’m Nova.”

“What do you want Nova?” one of the mares asked, not rudely but still a little bitterly. The mare had a blue-green coat and a dirtied silver mane, and she looked to be the most battered of the three former captives. She was marked with a vast array of cuts and scrapes, and she also had the most bruises against her coat.

“I saw your colt.” I explained, nodding to him as he sobbed. “I just wanted to talk with him and see if I could help him relax, if that’s okay with you two.”

The two mares exchanged glances, then looked back at me. “Why would you want to do that?” the second mare asked, a vanilla-colored unicorn with a deep orange mane.

The mare’s question struck me with a bolt of surprise, and I raised an eye, rather taken aback that they would question a caring gesture from a concerned mare. But as I looked between them, their expressions actually showed genuine curiosity… “How long were you two imprisoned?” I asked carefully, but the two of them only shook their heads at me, refusing to oblige me with an answer. While I had never been captured myself, their dirt and their scars gave enough evidence to what they had endured in that wretched camp for however long a time they had been trapped there; they wouldn’t know anything about kindness in the clutches of the Black Blood. “He’s just hurt and scared, and I hate seeing him like that. I hate seeing any foal like that… no young pony deserves it.” I answered sincerely.

The two mares looked at each other again. “It’s good to be out of there isn’t it?” the vanilla mare asked, to which her friend smiled a thin smile.

Looking back at me, the blue-green mare gave a nod. “If you want to talk to him, then you can. He could use the extra support in knowing that not everypony is out to hurt him. When he was dragged into the camp earlier today, he was thrown into a cage and locked up. Shortly after, a raider showed up and started to yell and curse, and then he twisted the little colt’s foreleg. It wasn’t hard enough to break the bone, but it’s still sprained. It happened just before the camp came under attack, so it’s still hurting the poor dear quite a lot.”

“We would’ve helped him earlier if we had any medical supplies.” The vanilla mare added lowly. “But of course…”

“It's okay. I understand.” I said, looking back at the little pony who’s head was still buried between his forelegs as he sobbed. Giving a sad nod, I stepped up to the little colt and laid down in front of him, and as the two mares watched, the young one looked up at me with a sniffle. “Hi.” I said gently, smiling sweetly.

“Hi.” his little voice replied, his eyes wide and watery as he stared nervously at me; I could see the fear in his gaze.

“I’m Nova.” I explained delicately, trying to sooth the injured and shaking little pony. “What’s your name?”

“L-Lucan.” the little colt replied, trying his best to smile at me in return.

“Lucan?” I asked curiously. “That’s a good name.”

“Thanks.” Lucan replied, his smile coming out now before suddenly being replaced with a dismal frown. He gave a little moan of pain and looked down at his left foreleg, lifting it carefully off of the ground to move it. “My leg hurts.” Lucan stated miserably. “A big pony hurt it.” He was keeping the injured foreleg stretched out and away from him, trying to relieve the pain of the sprained limb in anyway possible.

I suppressed a twinge of rising anger with a light sigh. “I’m so sorry sweetheart.” I said, a sincere apology. “When we leave, we’ll get you some help so your leg will feel better. A friend of mine knows how to take care of injuries, so she’ll take care of that leg for you. Okay?”

Lucan nodded before looking back at me. “Where are we going now?” he asked.

“You’re not staying here, I can assure you that.” I answered confidently, feeling a bit of pride at seeing the little pony’s spirits rise. “We’ll be taking you to Proudspire so that you can get some food, rest, and medical care. After that, then I suppose it’s up to the leaders to decide where you will go next.”

“You’re not one of the leaders?” Lucan asked curiously.

“No dear, I’m not.” I answered with a light giggle. “I’m a new pony to Proudspire just like you.”

“I wish you were one of the leaders.” Lucan said with a more confident smile. “You’re really nice.”

“That’s very sweet of you, little one.” I replied, flattered by the compliment, and after a moment I rose back up to my hooves. “Hang in there Lucan. We’ll be back to Proudspire soon and you’ll be as good as new in no time.” At the colt’s broad smile and vigorous nodding, I stepped back and looked over to where the graves were being dug. Most of them had already been finished, tired unicorns watching as the surviving earth ponies of the team went to setting the nine corpses to their final resting place. As the graves were filled, words were passed as the ponies talked about their fallen comrades recollecting short memories and stories, traits and good deeds. Even as they spoke, the last of the graves were being tended to by others, and Cross’s grave was now fully completed.

With a sigh, I trotted back to Cross’s body and I looked over the edge of the pit he lay next to. His grave was deep and long enough to be able to set the corpse inside at full body length without contorting it; it was as good a spot as any. Stepping over the body, I hooked my forelegs around his back and beat my wings to get off the ground. With my wings and my arms helping me to lift, I didn’t struggle as much in lifting Cross off of the ground and positioning the body over the grave. Next to me, I saw an earth pony stallion waiting patiently, standing near the mound of dirt that had been excavated away to make the grave site. Giving me a thin smile, he dipped his head respectfully to his fallen comrade. Then, I hovered in and set Cross down on the dirt before rising back out to land next to the stallion waiting for me. “Crazy son-of-a-bitch,” the buck remarked with a chuckle, making me look at him with a raised eye. He smirked at me as he placed his hooves to the pile of dirt. “I worked with Cross quite a bit on the wall.” he explained. “While we didn’t talk too much, I know that he loved killin raiders almost as much as he loved Proudspire.”

“He did love his home a lot.” I agreed with a smile. “Just like any honorable pony would.”

The stallion gave a grunt as he began shoving the dirt mound back into the pit to fill the hole, swiftly covering Cross beneath the earth. As he worked, I watched the grave fill, not taking my eyes away from where I last saw the body. As I stared, I could take in the details of the dirt as it rose up until it reached the top of the ground. Then the deed was done. “Be at peace.” the stallion said lowly, and I saw as he gave a quick salute to the grave with his hoof before he trotted off to help the others.

I blinked and looked back down at the patch of shifted earth that Cross now rested under. Staring back at the grave reminded me of how different things would be without him, how different the near future would become now that he wasn’t here to help me… I let out a weak sob, a pair of tears forming once again, falling down my cheeks when I shut my eyes. If he had been alive, I knew that he would be gearing up to come home with me and my friends, to lend his rifle and his skill to Hopeville and its restoration. He had declared those intentions yesterday, completely ignoring the fact that we had only known each other for roughly that long and pouring all of his honor into that promise. The thing about it was that Cross hadn’t made this promise asking for a reward, nor had he made the promise out of necessity. He did it for me, and for everything that I fought for. He had wanted to join my cause willingly, in honor of myself and my goals. Now, even if he couldn’t keep that promise, I felt that he had done enough for me. He appreciated me, respected me, cared about me… and that gave me a lot to think about for any time that I would be left to my thoughts.

As I opened my eyes again, gingerly wiping away the two tears, I heard hooves behind me. The Proudspire team was getting ready to move out, the rest of the graves having been dug and filled, the dead put to rest. As a final gift to Cross, I raised my left foreleg off the ground and brought it to my lips to place a kiss onto my hoof. Then, I reached over and planted my hoof into the dirt, pressing it down to make a depression in the soil. After lifting my hoof away, I nodded as I looked over the solid print I had left behind as a memorial on Cross’s grave. “Goodbye Cross… thank you.” With that, I picked up Cross’s rifle in my mouth and followed after the others to return to Proudspire; soon after, I’d be going back home.

*** *** ***

I woke up to the sound of somepony sifting through supplies, though when I opened my eyes, I saw that it was still rather dark inside our room; it must not have been morning yet. Around me, everypony was still asleep. Gunny had taken one of the two couches along the wall, Gracie taking the second, and Shore was sleeping on the floor nearby. Therefore, I knew that Blake was the culprit for the noise, and I looked over to see him as he removed a small box of pre-war food. The snack cakes had been given to us from Hopeville’s hidden food storage, and because of the hospitality of Proudspire, we still had roughly half of our supplies left, the more to use for the journey home.

Seeing me awake, he trotted over with the box. “Morning.” he mumbled through the box.

I gave a sleepy smile, fanning out my right wing in invitation, and Blake gratefully snuggled up against my side, fiddling with the box as I draped my wing back over him. “What are you doing up so early?” I asked him quietly, careful not to wake the others.

“I just woke up and couldn’t go back to sleep.” Blake answered before pulling open a tab of the box with his teeth. As he gradually opened the rest of the box, shaking out the a pair of preserved desert cakes, he asked, “So we’re going back home soon, right?”

“Yes baby brother we are.” I said, giving a light sigh; I couldn’t wait to see Hopeville again. Even if it had only been three days since I had left, I was insanely homesick, and seeing the town again would put a lot of needed encouragement back into me. After my time in Proudspire, I really needed to see what I was doing all of this for again… that town… all two hundred of its ponies.

“I can’t wait to give Melody the ball we found.” Blake said confidently before taking a bite out of one of the snack cakes. “I hope she’ll like it.”

“I think she’ll love it.” I assured him, giving him an loving nudge before smiling down at him. “Did I ever mention how proud I am of you?”

Blake looked up at me after swallowing another bite of his breakfast. “Yep.” he piped cheerily. “No need to say it again.”

“I’m very proud of you.” I said, smirking as Blake gave a playful frown.

“You’re almost as bad as dad was.” he said, chuckling softly.

“He smothered you with words way more than I do.” I insisted with a giggle.

“I did say almost.”

“Either way Blake,” I continued more seriously. “I just wanted you to hear that again. Over the past three days you’ve been very helpful and very brave. Between helping Kayla and being with Gracie while I was away, you’ve helped us tremendously. I’m glad you’re with me right now.”

“I’m sorry about Cross though.” Blake replied gently. “I saw you two before you left for the fight last night. When he didn’t come back with you…”

“It’s okay Blake.” I assured him, nuzzling him affectionately. “Besides, I don’t think he’d want me to be mourning for him any longer. If anything, he’d be wanting me to focus on getting back to Hopeville in one piece. He’d want me to keep my mind set on whatever else I need to do in order to help Captain Saber restore the town.”

“But you still liked him didn’t you?” Blake asked, looking at me with curious eyes.

“Yes… yes I did.”

“Morning.” I heard a groggy voice nearby, and I saw as Gunny was beginning to stir on his couch.

“Good morning Gunny.” I responded as he gave a mighty yawn.

“How are you feeling?” he asked as he hopped down from his bed and laid down beside me.

“Tired… but better, now that we’re going home.”

“That’s good to hear.” Gunny replied with an tired smile. “I’m ready to get back as well. I really want to report in and see what’s been happening while we were gone. It’s been a little unsettling to be away from my regular patrol duty for so long.”

“I’ll bet anything that Hopeville will still be the same way it was when we left it.” I assured, giving Gunny’s shoulder a light punch. “You’re not the only one that’s good at his duty.”

“Yeah… I’m just anxious is all.” Gunny replied. “Being here has been an adventure-and-a-half, but every day in Proudspire is making me miss home more and more.” His eyes flicked to his left to look past me, and I turned with him to see Shore as he stirred with a yawn. Briefly, as he blinked away his tiredness, he searched the floor with a hoof for his glasses. Finding them nearby, he fumbled them in his hooves before putting them on upside-down and laying there dumbfounded.

At my light giggle, he quickly readjusted them to fit over his muzzle properly. “Nopony saw that.” he claimed as he pushed his eyewear up to the bridge of his muzzle. Standing up and stretching, he gave us a good morning nod before going to Gracie’s saddlebags. “I wonder what’s for breakfast. I’m quite hungry from yesterday…”

“Anything sounds good right about now.” Gracie mumbled as she shifted on her couch and stretched. With all five of us awake, breakfast commenced in full, and we found ourselves waking quickly to the subject of home. Despite last night’s battle and the losses it brought, we were all in generally high spirits, thankful for the fact that all of us were alive and together as well as the knowledge that we would be in Hopeville before the end of the day.

Over our food, we found ourselves changing the subject of discussion to the memories of the previous night. Last night, both of the counterstrike teams had arrived in Proudspire at the same time, and we were all welcomed back with a hearty round of cheering from the residents and guards of Proudspire who had stayed behind. Afterwards, to my great admiration, a formal ceremony was held to honor the dead where Ironhoof and Redfield announced the names of those who had died in the battle. With each name came tears, followed by one fond memory, and then a moment of silence. During the ceremony, I had been given the privilege of sharing a memory I had of Cross, and I had gladly recounted our dinner together. I had told all of Proudspire about everything he promised me, a stranger, and I had told them about the most important thing he had shown to me. He had showed me that good virtues really did survive in the wasteland, in the hearts of those ponies that sought to live by them and cherish them as a part of themselves. Because of that memory, I made my own promise to Proudspire that both his rifle, which he gave to me, and his memory would travel with me until the day I died. These were the last words I spoke in memoriam to Cross.

After the ceremony, quickly prepared late-night festivities were arranged, and the only keg of Proudspire’s preserved hard apple cider was passed around to the Proudspire ponies who had returned from the counterstrike alive. Of course I had refused to drink, even with Gunny’s continual pestering and teasing; call me uninteresting, but the prospect of being drunk does not appeal to me. However, my self-dismissal from the festivities had allowed me to briefly reunite with Ironhoof who explained the bitter side of the outcome of the counterattack. A total of fifteen Proudspire ponies had died out of the forty we had sent which was, by no means, a good thing. Because of this loss, he warned that Kayla would not be able to send as much help along with us to Hopeville as she had originally wanted. With fifteen less ponies to guard the settlement, everypony would be needed to work and guard as Proudspire recovered. While I understood the situation in its entirety, I had gone to sleep to the worrying thoughts that we might very well end up returning to Hopeville empty-hoofed; today I’d find out if that was really the case or not.

Contrary to Gunny’s hopes, which he forgot easily enough while he ate, breakfast took just over an hour, and as we got moving, a peek out the door confirmed that the sun was beginning to rise, the clouds to the east just slightly brighter than the rest. With a nod, I trotted back inside and walked up to my gear; the others were now packing up and reequipping themselves for the journey home. Gunny, having slept in most of his gear, helped me put back on my battle saddle and my saddlebags. “Are you leaving your rifle behind?” I asked, attempting to make conversation while he fit my saddlebags back onto my flanks.

“The fifty?” Gunny asked, giving a nod as he concentrated. “Yeah. Tulip’s a jewel with that weapon. Saved my hide back in the camp last night, so I figured that the least I could do was let her keep it. It’ll serve Proudspire well.”

“What’s that weapon you have now?” I asked, looking at his new shotgun. “It looks different than your other one.”

“Yeah.” Gunny scoffed. “This is a riot-class shotgun. The reason why I have it now is because one of the raiders blew away my own shotgun instead of my head. This was the weapon he used… its got a little bit of that secondary value to it, aside from being a rather potent firearm. A little cleaning will do it wonders.”

“You never told me that!” I spoke up louder, rather shocked at hearing how close to death he had come the previous night.

“Well it’s kind of hard to tell you when you went and left the party and fell straight to sleep.” he countered matter-of-factly, chuckling as I tried to form a response. “But it’s no big deal really. I’m here now, that raider’s gone, and he left me a generous gift.” He strapped on my saddlebags, securing them to my battle saddle before stepping back to check over my gear. “You’re good to go.” he declared with a small smile. “I can secure Cross’s rifle to Shore’s armor if you’d like.”

“Sure. That’d be great.”

“What am I carrying now?” Shore asked as Gracie used her magic to help him equip his own gear.

“Nova’s new rifle.” Gunny explained, levitating the rifle over to Shore and swiftly securing it to the stallion’s back.

“Ah. Not a problem.”

“Leaving already?” I heard from above. On the stairs, Redfield was making his way down to the first floor, giving a light smile before adjusting his eye patch. “I can’t say I’m surprised.”

“We’re all just eager to get back home, friend. That’s all.” Gunny explained with a dip of his head.

“I understand entirely.” Redfield assured, stepping down onto the first floor with us as Gracie and Blake finished packing up the last of our belongings. “I just wanted to come downstairs and tell you that Ironhoof and Kayla are awake. Whenever you’re ready we can go and see you out.”

“Yes, I believe we have everything.” Gracie nodded, looking over our room. With Blake already carrying his saddlebags, our remaining food and water stashed inside, the room was left as it was when we had first arrived.

“Alright.” Redfield trotted back up the stairs, returning a moment later with a smiling Kayla and a steel-clad Ironhoof.

Together, the three of them led us out into Proudspire’s town center before we turned for the gate. Even through the darkness that had not yet been fully consumed by the approaching morning, I could see a small assembly of guards watching from the wall; though most remained at their posts, a few of them came to see us as we stopped by the gate. With a quick command, Kayla sent Ironhoof and Redfield back into town, and at my inquiry, the filly explained, “Last night, the three of us talked about what we could do to help you, since you kept your promises to help us. When I asked Ironhoof if we could send anypony with you, he decided that Proudspire could let two ponies go. We decided that we’d send Flare and Rocky as a part of your team. Rocky is a tough pony and a good fighter, and Flare is good with explosives and things. Hopefully they’ll be a good help to you.”

“Every pony that goes to Hopeville can help in some way.” Gunny replied gratefully. “Captain Saber will find a way. Thank you.”

“Of course!” Kayla replied with a beaming smile. “Redfield also said that it would be best if you brought the four strangers that turned up yesterday. He said that Hopeville would be a better home for them than Proudspire would. I agreed… we’ve still got a lot of things to do before Proudspire can return to normal.”

“I’m positive that the captain will welcome them without question.” Gracie stated with a determined nod. “After all that they went through with those raiders, he’ll have no trouble in making them a part of our Stable community.”

“I’m glad for that.” Kayla said with that same pleasant smile, looking to her left at the town center and giving a wave. Coming from down the dirt road, Ironhoof and Redfield were approaching with Flare and Rocky, both of them fully equipped with the gear they would be taking. Rocky was wearing a suit of leather armor with his .30 cal strapped to his back along with two long ammo belts; Flare was only carrying a pair of saddlebags. With them also were two unicorn mares, one of them carrying a young colt on her back, and I immediately recognized the three ponies as the former wasteland captives held in the raider camp the previous night. While they were all still rather dirty, I noticed with approval that their wounds had been tended to; they all looked to be feeling much better. But… didn’t Kayla say there was supposed to be four ponies?

“Where’s the earth pony that we helped yesterday?” I asked, looking around to see only blank and puzzled stares. “The one that had that explosive collar strapped on her?”

“She’s missing.” Redfield answered with a frown as he stepped up to us, the others trailing behind him.

“When we arrived at the clinic, the pink mare was gone.” Ironhoof’s deep voice spoke through his steel helmet.

“Didn’t one of you say that you remember seeing somepony walk out of the clinic?” Redfield asked, looking back at the three soon-to-be traveling companions.

The blue-green unicorn nodded. “I woke up for a few seconds to adjust myself on my bed, and I thought I saw somepony closing the door. But that was all I saw. Not to sound rude, but I was a little more focused on catching up with days of lost sleep.”

“No worries.” Redfield replied easily.

“If the pink mare escaped town, then she must have used one of the rooftops to leap over the wall.” Ironhoof observed. “None of the guards are permitted to open the gate at night.”

“I would ask around, but if she left in the middle of the night, then she’s long gone by now.” Redfield said, a little dismayed.

“I hope she’ll be okay wherever she ends up going.” Gracie said concernedly.

“I would have thought that she would’ve wanted to come with us, or at least stay here.” Shore added, giving a shrug. “But I suppose it is out of our hooves now.”

“Agreed. We need to get moving. The sooner we’re back in Hopeville the better.” Gunny declared.

“Then I suppose this is goodbye for now my friends.” Redfield said, raising a hoof in farewell. “Good luck out there.”

“We cannot thank you enough for the victories you have helped us secure.” Ironhoof voiced, genuinely grateful. “This isn’t the last we’ll see of the Black Blood, but it has shown that Proudspire is stronger than they believed. With luck, Proudspire will once again flourish.”

I gave a smile at Ironhoof’s rugged optimism. It was true that the Black Blood would more than likely make a return, but Proudspire had shown its truth strength last night, and they were victorious because of that strength; it was this kind of hope that would make me miss Proudspire a little. Even though the town looked like easy prey, there was a lot of determination residing within its citizens, and that was what made Proudspire special.

Suddenly, I felt a nudge against my chest, and I looked down to see the leader of Proudspire herself looking back up at me with a smile; she was sitting on her haunches and reaching up to me with her forelegs, waiting to give me a hug. I gave a giggle and let her sling her forelegs around my neck. “Good luck Kayla.” I said, giving her a quick bump with my muzzle.

“I’ll never forget what you did for me and my friends.” she said, whispering directly into my ear. “You helped us get back onto our hooves, and you taught me a lot of things. I think that if I just remember what you taught me, and I keep doing what I have been doing, then I can be the leader my daddy wanted me to be.”

“I have every faith in you that you will.” I whispered back as she released me.

“If any of you find yourselves coming back this way, or need a place to stay, I would always welcome you back.” Kayla declared, looking at each of us with a big and proud smile. “You’ll always have a home here should you need it.”

“Thanks again, Kayla. I’m glad we could help.” Gunny said, humbly dipping his head before turning to the rest of us and giving a nod.

At Ironhoof’s command, the metal gate of Proudspire gave a rattle and slid away, revealing the broad expanse of the southeastern wasteland; beyond that northern horizon was home. With a final farewell, Gunny took the lead, leading our band of ten ponies out into the wasteland, leaving Proudspire behind and once again putting Hopeville into our sights.

*** *** ***

The wind raced past me, my wings beating furiously as my tunnel vision kicked in, staring ahead at the town to the north. My gut was twisted into a knot, my breathing hard and short as I flew forward for all my worth, working my wings to their limits. I didn’t know what had happened, but the twin trails of smoke that were rising into the air from Hopeville threw my mind into a frenzy of fearful thought. Had Hopeville been attacked? Had it been destroyed?? Was everypony alive… or dead?? My friends and I had been looking forward to returning home all through the journey, which had thankfully gone without attacks from raiders or anything else. However, the smoke had been visible from a long ways away, and that had dashed all our hopes for reuniting with a peaceful and lively hometown. All I could think about now was what terrible fate might’ve befallen our only hope at life in the wasteland; there were so many possibilities, and none of them left my mind at ease.

I angled downward in a gradual dive before stopping to hover outside the south side of town. Now I could make out the finer details of Hopeville - the space between each building, ponies working in the courtyard, the origins of the smoke trails. One trail of smoke came from a building… or a former building. The corner house on the northeast side of town had been completely leveled, green fire licking out around the pile of stone rubble that was all that remained of the former structure. Near it, just in front of the Ministry of Peace Recruitment Center, was the second trail of smoke. It came from some kind of metal wreckage, surrounded by what looked like a small and shallow blast crater, likewise ablaze with bright green fire. Around the wreck, I saw four pony skeletons wearing tattered remains of the red and black armor of the Black Blood Raiders. Likewise, there were other corpses scattered along the north side of town, all of them wearing that similar tainted armor. The north street itself looked to be the main focus of whatever battle had taken place within the town, as there was also the presence of scorch marks and explosives residue. Other than this, the structural damage to Hopeville itself was minor, the east and west sides of town completely intact… thank Celestia.

Suddenly, I heard my Pipbuck’s speaker buzz to life before a voice spoke through it. “Nova? Nova is that you up there?” the familiar voice of Captain Saber asked.

Gratefully, I pressed a hoof to my Pipbuck to bring up my radio screen. “Yes captain, I’m here. What happened down there? Is everypony okay??”

“Everypony’s fine thankfully.” Saber replied, his tone taking on a rather urgent color as he added, “Come on down to the City Hall’s north side. We need to talk.”

Obliging without question, I dived down towards Hopeville. As I descended, I could see even more details of the town, and I noticed worriedly that guardsponies were using magic and various pieces of scrap to dig holes in the courtyard. Also, other guards were scouring the north side of town, scavenging from the corpses of the dead raiders to secure extra ammo and weapons. Ahead of me, next to the City Hall, was a group of six guardsponies congregating near the building’s entrance. I immediately recognized one, a dusty blue stallion with a matted light brown mane, as Captain Saber. He looked to be giving orders to the others, all five of which were wearing Pipbucks and were fully equipped in security armor with their respective battle saddles and weapons. Those five ponies were the security sergeants, and if all six of our leaders were gathered to plan, then something was definitely wrong.

Giving a quick flutter of my wings, I hovered in and landed next to the group, and Captain Saber gave a quick salute, the others turning to see me. “Welcome back Nova.” Saber said, trotting up to me before looking left and right. “Where are the others? They’re okay aren’t they?” he asked, a hint of worry in his voice.

“Yeah, they’re fine.” I replied, giving a sheepish smile. “I um… panicked though when I saw the smoke and I sorta… flew on ahead without telling them. I’m sure they’ll be here soon though.”

The captain instantly looked relieved. “That’s good to hear.” he said with a nod. “Before I get down to brass tacks, I need to ask you… how did you’re trip to Challenger turn out?”

“That’s a bit of a long story captain.” I answered timidly. “We actually didn’t make it to Challenger.”

“Really? Tell me about what happened then.”

As quickly as I could, I recounted my two days in Proudspire. Due to the brevity of my explanation, I had left out the sniper encounter in the Boulder Field and had also (intentionally) left out detailing the battle at the Black Blood Forward Post and the encounter with Butcher. I had however recollected my multiple encounters with Black Blood attack teams as well as the battles that allowed us to wipe out two larger Black Blood camps. “So we left Proudspire in the morning, and the settlement’s leaders sent along a couple of extra ponies to help us. Gunny and Shore and Gracie and Blake are on their way back with five others. It isn’t much, but at least we didn’t come back empty-hoofed. I can tell you about the ponies I met and other encounters we had along the way too, but things don’t look so good here.”

“We can all talk about it when we’re not in trouble, and as far as I’m concerned, you’ve executed another successful mission. Every little form of aid we can get will be useful and I’m grateful for Proudspire’s generosity.” Saber said with an encouraging smile. “Well done Nova.”

“Now what about here?” I asked concernedly. “What happened?”

“Yes, this is where it gets bitter.” Saber said with a frown. “I’m afraid that my suspicions were correct. The invaders, these Black Blood Raiders, hit us about an hour ago with roughly thirty ponies. While I think they were here just to confirm that Hopeville was inhabited again, they were equipped with better weaponry and were actually a little more tactical in their attack. They hit us with heavier weapons like grenades, missile launchers, and other things like that. But that’s not even the worst of it.” Saber gave a flick of his head, motioning for me to follow as he dismissed his sergeants. Trotting ahead, we passed around the courtyard so as to not get in the way of the digging ponies, and we came up to the flaming metal wreckage that I had first spotted in the sky. “This was a weapon, and mind how close you are to this thing. It’s still irradiated.” Saber explained, keeping back from the flickering green fire. “The raiders brought in some sort of movable gun that a team of unicorns pushed and operated with their magic. The gun was mounted on an iron carriage, and it had wheels and everything. Basically it was a mobile heavy weapon, and that’s the most concerning part. This was the weapon that destroyed that house in one hit and it was this weapon that made those green flames. That fire…… it’s balefire.”

I gave a gasp, my eyes locked onto the hungry green flames. “What?? How could the Black Blood have their hooves on balefire weapons??” Balefire… it was the harbinger of the end times… the most powerful and destructive magical force in the history of Equestria. In the Stable, when I had become a mare old enough to read about it, I had studied balefire and its history. Balefire had been the result of zebra experimentation with megaspell technology during the Great War. According to old texts, balefire was necromancy-enhanced dragon’s fire which brought mass destruction over anything it was detonated over. Balefire, aside from its terrible destructive force, also left behind necromantic fallout which poisoned the lands it came in contact with, also corrupting living things with poisonous radiation, mutating them if not slowly and outright killing them. Balefire had led to the ultimate destruction of Equestria, and it had been written that specific targets of balefire bombs and missiles had included Cloudsdayle, Splendid Valley, Manehattan, and Fillydelphia, all targets within the Equestrian heartland. The bombs killed nearly everypony and everything… and the fact that the Black Blood had even an ounce of balefire weaponry at their disposal frightened me to the core.

“I don’t know,” Saber answered lowly. “but we should be glad that they only have balefire eggs, and not the really big stuff.”

“Eggs?” I asked, raising an eye… but still not looking away from the ominous green fire before me.

“The weapon was a mobile balefire egg launcher. There isn’t any other explanation because there aren’t many other weapons that can bring down a solid stone house in one hit.” Saber explained. “Balefire eggs are much weaker versions of the pre-war megaspell bombs. According to old books in the Stable, those came before the actual bombs came. My guess was that they were used on battlefields as heavy weapons for infantry, but I can’t say for certain. Still, this is a new threat, and a damn dangerous one. I wouldn’t be surprised if they roll in another one of those mobile launchers when they attack again.”

“Again?” I asked, very concerned. “Are they nearby??”

“They set up some kind of camp to the northwest.” Saber explained grimly. “That force they peeled off wasn’t even a fifth of the force they have up there. We sent the first raider band running with their tails between their legs, but they ran right back to where the rest of them were hiding, and that showed us that they’re planning another attack and soon. We’re trying to prepare as best we can, and we’ve got some additional help.”

“Help from who?” I asked curiously.

“Your friend Lucky Hallion, the traveling guns merchant. He and his sister came by just after the first attack. He talked about you a bit, saying it was you that told him about Hopeville’s revival.” he answered me with a thin smile. “After the introductions went around, he saw our predicament and volunteered his entire stockpile to our defense. I don’t know how, and personally I think I’d rather just avoid asking, but that stallion’s got enough weapons and hardware on that two-headed cow thing of his to fuel a small army. I’m glad he’s on our side.”

I eased up a little at Saber’s explanation. I had personally seen what Lucky Hallion was carrying before, and knowing that all of that was being given to Hopeville for the time being was very reassuring. “That sounds like him.” I said with a smirk. “I’m glad that he was true to his word and came here.”

“I’m just glad that he’s so willing to help. I didn’t expect that kind of support.” Saber remarked with a grunt. “Well, now that you know most of the situation, I’d like to get you up to speed with what’s going on and…”

“Actually captain,” I interrupted carefully. “I’d like to go back and make sure my friends are on their way in. I kind of feel bad for leaving them behind.”

“Alright, Nova.” Saber nodded. “But hurry up. I want everypony that can fight to be out here and helping with the preparations. I’ll explain when you get back… wait, isn’t that them over there?”

I raised an eye and looked back behind me, following the gaze of the captain. Sure enough, nine other ponies were visible near the City Hall. One of them, whom I recognized as Gunny, was carrying both of the young colts on his back as he and the others trotted down the road. I could tell that my friends were all just as worried as I had been; all of them were looking between the courtyard preparations and the smoldering building at the northeast corner of town.

“Good to see you all back in one piece.” Saber called, waving them over with a hoof. “And I see you brought some friends.”

“Yes sir.” Gunny said, lowering himself down to let Blake and Lucan back onto their hooves. “What happened here Captain? Were we attacked??”

“Yes Gunny, we were.” Saber answered, nodding for Gracie and Shore to join us as he filled them in on the attack, the balefire egg launcher, and the repelling of the first wave of Black Blood ponies. “I have no doubt that they’ll attack again soon, and judging by the size of that camp, I think it’s safe to say that they’ve got at least a company-sized attack force out there.”

“Over two hundred…” Gunny mumbled, to which Saber nodded gravely. “I guess we’ve got a lot of work to do then.”

“That’s what I was just getting at.” Saber stated determinedly, immediately shifting to that “mode” where he began to strategize. “We’re setting up sandbag barricades all along the north side of the City Hall. At the same time, as you’ll notice, we’re also digging up foxholes in the courtyard to give some of our ponies places to move around. That’ll help in keeping the streets covered.” He looked back around, swinging his gaze along the east and the west sides of town. “All those buildings are going to be used as bunkers where a few fire teams can shoot from elevated positions, and each one’s been packed with as much ammo as we could scrounge up. We got all of the buildings cleared out while you were gone so they’re completely empty since we haven’t designated them for any peaceful purpose yet. Other than this, I’ve got no idea about what else we can do to further fortify this town.”

Gunny nodded as he took in Saber’s plan. “Where do you want us?”

“Firstly, I’d like to know who these ponies you’ve brought with you are.” Saber said, giving a thin smile to our Proudspire compatriots. “I’m Captain Saber, chief of security and pony-in-charge of the Hopeville settlement.”

“I’m Rocky.” the grey unicorn introduced first. “I’m one of the security shift leaders at Proudspire. Nice town you’ve got here. It’s good to see it back up and running.”

“Or at least running as best as it can for now.” Saber replied with a grunt. “I’m glad you came. That machinegun you’ve got will help us out plenty.”

“What this old thing?” Rocky asked, craning his head around to look at his .30 cal. “Been with me for years. It’s good and reliable in a fight once you know how to take care of it. Ditched the tripod when my telekinesis could handle the weight. The thing weighs a good thirty pounds. Regardless, I’m ready to fight, especially after what your friends did for my own home. Tell me where to go, and I’ll be there.”

“Much obliged.” Saber dipped his head humbly to him before turning to Flare. “And what’s your name friend?”

“I’m Flare.” the red-orange unicorn mare said, giving a smile. “I’m not much of a soldier, but I love tinkering with explosives. Give me any kind of explosive charge or device to work with, and I’ll make one hell of a lightshow.”

Captain Saber gave a smirk. “Confident… good. I can see you making one hell of a mess for the Black Blood, so that’s something I’ll definitely be able to work with.”

Upon the captain’s looking at them, the two unicorn mares that had accompanied us introduced themselves without giving names. “We’re just two unicorn mares looking for a home.” the vanilla mare stated nonchalantly.

“We were Black Blood captives for a long time.” her blue-green unicorn companion added grimly. “Now that we’re free, we just hope we can return to as peaceful of a life as possible.”

“I see. Hopeville’s got its fair share of problems right now,” Saber warned, easing into a comforting smile afterwards. “but I’ll welcome you two to live here should you choose. And what might the foal’s name be?”

“I’m Lucan.” the little colt piped up; he looked a little tense, and I could tell it was due largely to the abundance of new ponies and scenery.

“Welcome to Hopeville, Lucan.” Saber greeted warmly, making the little pony give a smile.

Now with the introductions completed, Saber returned to his previous state of planning, and looking at Gunny, he said, “Here’s what I want to have happen. Gunny, you’ll be on gunner duty and I want you using an LMG. Go find Lucky Hallion up in the armory and get geared up with a new weapon and ammo. After you’ve got all of your new equipment, I want you to find Joker out in the courtyard. You two will be taking up a position in the northwest corner building next to the Hopeville Press.” With Gunny giving a salute of confirmation, Saber looked between myself and Flare. “Nova, I want you to take Flare to Lucky Hallion as well. If Hallion’s got explosives, it sounds like Flare should be the one to use them. When you’re done, I want the both of you to come back here and find me.”

“Captain, what should we do about the foals?” I asked, looking between Blake and Lucan, both of them looking concerned and in need of answers.

“We’re taking the foals and anypony who can’t fight into the City Hall.” Saber explained. “It’s our most fortified building. And speaking of this,” he added, turning to Gracie. “I want you to take the foals and the two mares here to the City Hall lobby. All of you are going to be there with the others who can’t fight. We’ve got some incapacitated ponies in there as well that could use your help, Grace. See what you can do for them.”

“Of course captain.” Gracie replied with a dip of her head.

Turning to the last two ponies, Saber said, “Shore and Rocky, I want you two to fall in with our ponies here in the courtyard. During the attack, I’ll be wanting the both of you in those foxholes and behind those sandbags.”

“If it’s okay captain,” Shore spoke up. “I would very much like to go and see my parents. I won’t take long, I promise.”

Saber gave a nod. “I understand. You should have a little time, but don’t be too long. As I said before, those raiders will be back here and probably very soon. I don’t want to be caught in the middle of preparations when they hit us again. Everypony understand?” With a collective “yes captain” from the ponies who had received their orders, Saber dismissed us and the group dispersed to their tasks.

Turning to Flare, I gave her a nudge with a hoof. “Let’s go find Lucky Hallion and see if he has any gear for you.”

At her nod, the two of us begun to trot away down the street, but I stopped at hearing Blake behind me. “Nova, wait up!” he called, hurrying after me; he looked rather perplexed. “Can’t I help?”

I gave a light sigh at his question, and I lowered my head down to look him in the eyes. “No Blake.” I replied gently. “You have to go with Gracie and stay in the City Hall until it’s safe again.”

“But I want to help you.” he protested defiantly, his face turning from confusion to one of hurt.

“I’m sorry Blake, really I am, but this is too dangerous.” I retorted sternly. “I’m not going to see you get hurt just because you want to help me.”

Blake looked at the ground, ears flattened back against his head as he gave a defeated moan. “I’m just… tired of being scared for you… tired of being left alone while you go out and fight.” The tone of his voice, sorrow mixed with guilt, told me that he was speaking the genuine truth. I knew he wanted to help me just for the sake of helping, and I loved him dearly for it. But keeping him out of fighting was the only option that I could take if I were to keep him alive… I wasn’t going to let him fight. He was still way too young for that, and though part of me argued that letting him travel with me was enough, another part of me felt terrible at seeing him like this.

I pulled him in and hugged him tight against my chest, planting a kiss on his forehead. “I’m not leaving you alone.” I said gently, stroking his mane with a free hoof as I heard him sob. “I’m doing this for your safety, baby brother. I’m not going to lose you too…”

“But why can’t you come with me to the big building and stay with me and Gracie?” Blake demanded shakily, looking up at me to wipe a tear away from his face. “I don’t want to lose you either.”

I gently wiped away another tear from his cheek, feeling a tear of my own start to form. “Because I made mother a promise that I have to keep.” I answered, blinking to keep that tear from falling. At his questioning look, I took in a breath and explained myself. “Before mother… passed away… she told me to help the ponies that had survived the Stable. That’s what I’m doing. The captain needs me to fight, whether it be because I’m the only Pegasus in Hopeville or because he thinks highly of me in some manner… I don’t know. But I made mother a promise, and I’m going to honor her by keeping that promise.”

“But I want to honor mom and dad too.” Blake said weakly.

“And you are, Blake.” I assured confidently, holding his chin up with a hoof so he wouldn’t break eye contact. “You’re honoring them by living on in this wasteland. They wouldn’t have wanted you to go looking for trouble and getting hurt. They would’ve wanted you to survive and continue to grow up, to live as happy and healthy a life as possible. I want that just as much as they did.” Through Blake’s proceeding silence, I noticed that he looked to understand my words, thinking over what I said. Still, I wasn’t fully convinced that he would leave with Gracie. “You’re still in the prime of your foalhood Blake. You’ve got to enjoy it by playing and learning and making friends… not by picking up a gun and facing down a dangerous raider… I love you too much to allow you to put yourself in harms way like that.”

He gave a sad little nod; it wasn’t the answer I was hoping for, but at least I knew that he would oblige me and leave. I gave him another hug, nuzzling the side of his face as he gave a sigh. “You can help me the next time we have to travel.” I said softly, releasing him.

“Please… just be careful.” Blake said, not looking back at me as he trotted over to Gracie. The medical mare, like the rest of our group, was looking between Blake and I. However, I found it easy to ignore the stares with my new concern for my little brother; he was obviously still upset.

“I’ll look after him while you’re away Nova.” Grace assured me, giving a supportive smile before she led Blake, Lucan, and the two unicorn mares to City Hall. “Good luck to all of you, and be careful.” I watched Blake go, suddenly feeling rather downcast, torn between multiple decisions concerning his well-being. While I ultimately knew that keeping him away from fighting was the most reasonable and sane thing to do, I also knew that his constant separation from me was beginning to make a mark, no matter how small. When the next opportunity presented itself, when my time wasn’t taken by fighting the mad ponies of the wasteland, I knew that I owed Blake some quality family time, even if it was just another game of kickball.

“Hey.” I heard beside me, and I looked to see Gunny looking down at me with concern. “Are you alright?”

“Blake wanted to help me fight… I refused.” I replied bitterly, Gunny giving a nod of understanding. “I guess maybe Gracie was right. The more times I separate myself from Blake, the worse he takes it.

“You did the most sensible thing.” Gunny answered, placing a hoof on my shoulder. “Maybe all you need to do is spend some time with him after we kick these raiders out of the area. It may work better than you think.”

“I was just thinking that.” I replied with a thin smile. “I just feel bad for having to tell him to stay put, you know?”

“You know that’s for the best, and I think Blake knows it too.” Gunny assured, smiling. “He just doesn’t want to say it. He’s got the kind of brave and noble heart that the Stable and the Golden-Fire family wanted us all to have.”

“Yes he does.” I agreed, nodding; I was still proud of my little brother.

“Come on.” Gunny urged politely, nudging me with a hoof. “Let’s get going to see Lucky Hallion. Oh, and this belongs to you.”

When I looked, I saw as Gunny levitated over my battle rifle, which I remembered I had left on Shore’s back. “Oh… thank you.” As he brought it to me, I carefully took the weapon in my mouth, and with that, Gunny, Flare, and I continued towards the armory.

As we approached, a green unicorn mare with a flowing violet mane and tail trotted out of the building, levitating a rather sturdy-looking rifle to a waiting guard; I recognized her immediately as Marian, Lucky Hallion’s sister. “This service rifle has extended magazines as well as upgraded springs. It holds standard assault rifle ammunition with a twenty-round box clip, and it’s semiautomatic.” Marian explained with a business-like smile. “It should serve you well.”

“It looks good. Much obliged.” the guard replied before trotting back towards the courtyard, shiny new rifle in tow.

With her dealing concluded, Marian made to return to Hopeville’s armory, but she stopped in mid-stride upon seeing us, smiling. “Hey big brother! Gunny and Nova are here!” she called.

“Hello Marian.” Gunny said, giving a smile.

“It’s good to see you both again. Hallion’s inside.” Marian explained. “Come on, let me take you to him.” She trotted away into the armory, Gunny, Flare and I following behind her as she called for her brother again.

“Hey alright!” the voice of Lucky Hallion called from upstairs, the merchant stallion quickly emerging in the building’s stairway and coming down to meet us. “It’s good to see a couple of familiar faces, and it’s especially good to see ponies in Hopeville again.”

“If we didn’t have the Black Blood breathing down our necks then it’d be a better sight.” Gunny replied with a grunt.

“That’s what I’m here to help out with. Let’s just see what a little firepower and magic can do to lighten this place up.” Hallion replied smugly, stepping over to the armory’s countertop table where half-a-dozen pristine rifles were laid out and waiting for a pony to claim them for use. “So, I’m assuming that you’re all looking for some gear. I’ve got my current weapons load set up for the effort and there’s still some gear left that hasn’t been claimed. What can I help you with?”

Gunny spoke up first. “Captain Saber wants me to see you about getting a support machinegun if you’ve got one left.” he said; even though his face hid the emotion well enough, I could tell he was eager.

“A support gun eh? Yeah, I’ve got something to fit the bill for you.” Hallion said, turning and trotting around behind the table. After a brief search, his eyes fell to the floor before his horn shimmered with magic and levitated a larger and well-built machinegun for us to see. While the gun looked vicious in every aspect of its appearance, I was paying more attention to the weapon’s paintjob which effectively stuck out as a unique feature. Every part of the weapon besides the barrel and the chamber was coated with a color scheme consisting of multiple darker shades of green. But what struck me the most was the painting of Celestia’s sun on the stock. Every detail about it, from its core to the rays of light radiating off of it, as well as the color of each, was painted with incredible precision; it was an exact replica of what I remembered seeing in the Stable’s Hall of Records. “Here we are.” Hallion remarked as he trotted back over to us and set the weapon down at Gunny’s hooves. “Five point fifty-six millimeter light machinegun with expanded drums… I call her the All-Equestrian. This is actually probably one of my finest weapons that I’ve made. I put the whole thing together from scavenged and restored parts from similar models, and you can thank Marian for the paintjob. It’s mostly Everfree green camouflage, but it has some additional decals on it as well. On the right side of the stock is Princess Celestia’s mark, the sun that she used to raise in the era of peace. On the left side is Princess Luna’s mark, the moon which she rose in the night. You can understand the value behind it, at least to all those ponies that are a bit nostalgic about the pre-war world. Marian and I have met a few ponies like that during our travels… made a few weapons for them too. This is just one of those kinds of weapons we made for my own collection.”

“It’s beautiful.” Gunny stated with heartfelt sincerity, carefully levitating the weapon in front of him to look it over. “How long did it take you to make this?”

“A long time, friend.” Hallion chuckled. “Most of the time involved cleaning and restoring the old parts we found. Assembling it afterwards only took a couple days.”

Gunny gave a nod as he experimentally removed the large box clip, rotating it in every which way to examine it. “How many rounds does each clip hold?”

“One hundred and fifty.”

“Nice.” Gunny remarked with an approving nod, loading the clip back into the weapon. “I could get used to having this beauty around.”

“I’ve only done some test firing. She hasn’t seen live combat yet, but she’s all yours for the time being.” Hallion explained with a smile.

“I appreciate it, Hallion.” Gunny said with a dip of his head. “If you could, I’d also like you to take my assault rifle off of my hooves. I actually ran out of ammo for it a while back, but now that I have this bigger gun with me, and my shotgun, I don’t think I have much use for it anymore.”

“Sure I can take it. I’m sure I’ve got ammo for it somewhere.” Hallion said, removing Gunny’s assault rifle from his armor and setting it on the table. “Before you leave, you’d better take the rest of the clips I’ve got for the All-Equestrian. There’s only four others, but that should give you plenty of rounds.” Hallion added as he used his horn to levitate the promised ammo to Gunny, who proceeded to hook each clip to his armor with their built-in clamps. “Alright. You’re good to go.”

“Thanks Hallion.” Turning to us, Gunny looked between Flare and I and gave a thin smile. “Nova, Flare, good luck… and be careful out there.”

I set my rifle down to speak. “You too Gunny.” I replied, giving a smile of my own before he left and headed back out into Hopeville.

“So what else am I looking to dish out?” Hallion asked with an expectant smile.

“My friend here needs any explosives you might have brought with you.” I explained, Flare nodding her agreement.

“Well, come to think of it I might have some bricks of c-four stashed away.” Hallion said, placing a hoof to his chin to think. “I think they’re still with Betsy on the last couple of packs on her back. Marian, could you take Flare on over and see about getting her equipped?” At Marian’s affirmative answer, she lead Flare out of the armory and back out into Hopeville, leaving Lucky Hallion and I alone in the armory. “And what about you, Wasteland Ranger?”

“Why does that sound so formal?” I asked, giving a playful role of my eyes.

Lucky Hallion chuckled. “Cause I know you’ve been doing the right thing, and don’t say differently. I’ve seen you do the right stuff, so trust me when I say that I know a good-hearted pony when I see one.” he explained, making me lightly blush. “Now, what can I get you?”

“Well, I was hoping you’d actually have some battle saddle gear.” I began, nudging over my battle rifle. “I got this rifle yesterday from a friend of mine who passed away. I want to get it onto my battle saddle in place of my pistol which I’d use as a sidearm instead.”

Hallion took the rifle with his magic and looked it over, giving an approving nod as he turned it over and over in the air. “This is a good rifle.” he commented. “Thirty-ot-six, eight round clip, very sturdy. In my opinion, this model rifle was probably one of the best semiautomatic models made in Equestria during the war. However, I’m afraid that I don’t have the components I need to put it to a battle saddle right now. I’d need the plates to secure the weapon to the saddle itself, and then I’d need an autoloader that fit this rifle. I’m sure I’ve got the right stuff back at my safe house, but all I’ve got with me right now is ordnance and ammo.”

“Oh, well that’s fine.” I replied, casting a reassuring smile; I was still a little disappointed though. “If not that, then I do need some ammo for my pistol. Even if you just have a few extra clips I can use. I’m nearly out.”

“I’ve got those.” Lucky Hallion said with instant confidence. “Hold up.” Swiftly making his way upstairs, the merchant returned a moment later with three clips of what I assumed was the required .45 caliber ammunition. “I know it isn’t much, but it’ll keep you up in the air with both weapons. Let me go ahead and load these in and then you’ll be all set.”

As he worked, using his magic to open Fire Rose’s autoloader, I asked, “Would you mind keeping my rifle with you, or at least storing it away in a safe location? I can’t be up in the air and using a rifle that isn’t attached to a battle saddle. That would make flying a bit awkward for me.”

“Sure, I can keep it safe.” Hallion replied as he stepped away from my saddle. Checking my inventory out of curiosity, my Pipbuck showed that I now had twenty-six shots for Fire Rose.

“I’d appreciate it. The rifle is… dear to me.”

“I understand. It’s not a problem at all.” Hallion assured with a smile. “Is there anything else you might need?”

“No, I think I’m good.” I answered. “I’d best get back out there and see what Saber wants me to do. Good luck, and be careful.”

“You too. See you out in the fight.” With that, I left the armory and made my way back towards the courtyard, now marked with several foxholes as well as a scattering of sandbag barricades. The town square was thoroughly torn apart to make these defenses which were also spaced along the eastern and western roads. All around it, guard ponies, both veterans and the newly trained, were scurrying about as they made their final preparation checks. The hustle and bustle over the once flat Hopeville courtyard reminded me of Melody and how the little filly had been drawing in the dirt the morning I had left Hopeville three days ago; her drawings were definitely gone by now, and I couldn’t help but sigh at that.

Shaking my head to prevent myself from dwelling on the thought, I continued past the courtyard and walked in between the Hopeville Press and the Ministry of Peace building to enter the graveyard of old building foundations beyond the north side of town. There were five ponies working here, two of whom were guards that were keeping a lookout for raiders. The other three I recognized as Saber, Flare, and Marian, all working together farther ahead. “Captain, I’m ready for my next orders!” I called, trotting over to the trio.

“Ah good, right on time.” Saber replied, stepping away from the two unicorn mares as they worked. “I guess Lucky Hallion got his hooves on some explosives as well. Flare and Marian are hiding some c-four and a couple of frag mines in the rubble to leave a little surprise for the Black Blood. Anyway, now that you’re equipped and ready, I want you up in the air and patrolling Hopeville’s perimeter. When you’re up there, you should get a good view of the enemy camp to the north. That’ll allow you to track their movement and give us a fair warning when they approach. They’ve got a sizeable force, so we’ve got to be ready for anything.”

“I understand captain.” I replied, fanning out my wings and giving them a flap to rise into the air. “I’ll keep my eyes open.” At the captain’s nod, I launched off of the ground and rose up into the sky at a leisurely pace. As I flew, I couldn’t help but close my eyes, feeling the gentle breeze of the higher altitude brush against me while I climbed higher. I always eased during a quiet flight, no matter how long or brief, and as I kept climbing, memories and thoughts begun to take shape in my mind.

I realized that this day was our seventh day in the wasteland… one week… one week and I had already changed in several ways. Back in the Stable, I was one of the most peaceful ponies that had ever lived. Never in the Stable did I get into a fight with anypony, and when I had encountered any disagreements or verbal arguments (which was a rare occurrence by itself), one party or the other had always found a way to resolve the dispute. Certainly there were ponies that chose to avoid me, but there was no fighting at all. However, the Black Blood Raiders, one of the wasteland’s great evils, had taken that innocence away. In the past seven days, I had gone from that peaceful mare in the Stable to a full-blown fighter… which I felt was a kinder word for killer. Even though these were raiders, ponies that tortured and raped and murdered… I had still killed several, and I knew that I wouldn’t soon forget the engagements that had required me to act with deadly force. Despite these bitter memories, I still held no regrets, and I understood the fact that there was nothing honorable in killing. In the wasteland, it was a necessity, and so long as I retained that mindset, I knew that I’d be able to stay in the fight.

Aside from this however, I knew that I had also changed in smaller ways. I felt physically different… stronger and faster and generally more physically fit than I was in the Stable. The constantly moving struggle of helping my fellow Stable dwellers back onto their hooves again took a lot of physical effort, and I felt more confident in my own body and my own abilities that I did in my earlier days of peace and shelter. Of course, a lot of that came from the wounds I had sustained in my first week of life in the wasteland, but I had lost track of how many wounds I had received… maybe that was for the better.

While this perhaps wasn’t the most pleasant strand of thoughts to try and ease my mind with, they did serve as a reminder of what the wounds and the changes were for. As I leveled out in the air and hovered, I opened my eyes and looked back down at the town below me, giving a smile at the sight of my home from my advantageous viewpoint in the sky. My position high in the air allowed me to see all of the town at once as I scanned over the perimeter of home… east to south, south to west, west to north…… movement. Out in the far north, I could see a ripple against the stillness of the earth from my height in the sky. A long and compressed column of dots on the ground was moving right towards Hopeville; the raiders were coming.

“Captain Saber, I see lots of movement to the north. I think the raiders are attacking early.” I spoke urgently into my Pipbuck’s speaker. “You might want to get out of there and get with the others.”

“That was fast.” came his irritated reply. “Flare and Marian aren’t done setting the explosives, but I’ll get everypony else moving. Take up a position over the City Hall, Nova, and get ready. This is going to be a tough fight… best of luck.”

“You too Saber.” Arcing back down towards City Hall, I came in to hover over the building’s rooftop. Guardsponies in the courtyard were beginning to gallop to their stations, scrambling to the foxholes and the sandbag barricades to take up defensive positions and ready their weapons. Others still dashed for the houses and the shops on the east and west sides of town, carrying heavier weapons and their respective ammunition with them. Behind the two north side structures, I saw as Saber and Marian galloped away from Hopeville’s ruined housing foundations, leaving Flare behind as she worked. Below me, I could hear as the City Hall’s entrance doors closed and locked, and as the majority of the ponies on the ground found their spots and hunkered down, Hopeville became silent.

I lowered myself down and landed on the City Hall’s roof before crouching low onto my belly at the building’s edge. With a light sigh, I checked over my inventory screen on my Pipbuck and gave a nod. There were 26 shots left for my pistol and 131 for my carbine; it would do. Shifting my focus forward, I could see as the ponies in the courtyard begun raising their rifles, the noise of chattering voices beginning to sound beyond the northern perimeter of the town. As they waited for the raiders to appear in their sights, I couldn’t help but give a shiver while I switched the safety of my battle saddle off. In this moment before the battle, I missed Cross more than I had ever missed him since his death. His presence during the battles in Proudspire had given me courage that overpowered my natural fear of fighting and death, and I wanted him here with me to keep that courage strong and stable. I couldn’t help but feel that without him… I wouldn’t be nearly as strong as I had been. And yet, even through the bitter memories of his final moments that flashed back to me, I gradually found myself remembering my own advice, something I had said in Proudspire to a young filly who had known tragic loss.

Nopony ever truly dies. If you loved them with all of your heart, then they survive in you.

I couldn’t help but give a smile as I took solace in that, and I felt as my light trembling begun to subside. If Cross had seen me like that, he probably would’ve faced me with that familiar smirk again… maybe after a kiss and a few words of reassurance. While I thought about what might’ve been, I felt myself ease back into focus as fear was replaced by rising adrenaline. I could see as the opposing force closed in, and I scooted back away from the edge of the roof to prepare myself for the fight. I was still tense, but more alert, the value of the place that was the new target of our enemies now becoming the driving force behind my emotions and my focus. Everything we had worked for and everypony we lived by and loved, our entire existence, hinged on this battle. If we lost here… it was over.

*** *** ***

Casting a quick glance to my right, I bolted out of the courtyard towards my post, levitating the All-Equestrian by my side. The building at the northwest corner was where I was to set up, and I could see Joker waiting for me by the entrance. “Gunny! Hustle up!” he called, urgently waving me over with a foreleg.

“Is the sergeant up there?” I asked as I slowed my gallop to a trot as we entered the building.

“He’s already up there and waiting, but the raiders are on their way. We need to get ready.” Joker replied quickly.

We ascended a flight of stairs and hooked around to face a large room that made the entire second floor of the building. The room was devoid of all furniture and other household items, leaving only an aged stone floor and four walls; there was a total of four windows, two facing east and two facing north. One of Captain Saber’s security sergeants, a unicorn stallion, was looking out over the far left window on the room’s north face. Tucked against the corner near him were four boxes of ammunition as well as one medical box, distinguished with its bright pink butterfly. Resting along the wall next to the ammunition and medical supplies were two large weapons, one of them a missile launcher, and the second a .308 sniper rifle with carbon fiber parts; these were our extra armaments. “There you colts are.” the sergeant said as Joker and I trotted into the room. “Get set up and then hunker down. Saber’s orders are to hide until the first shot. Then, we’ll spring up on the raiders and attack at multiple directions.”

“First shot, sir? What exactly is the captain’s plan?” Joker asked as he levitated his sub-machinegun and checked the clip.

“My guess is that Flare’s out there for a reason.” the sergeant replied coolly. “Use your imagination.” Curious, I looked out over one of the east-facing windows. Down within the ruined housing foundations, I could see Flare as she set another brick of C4 into a hole in the ground and covered it up. After patting down the dirt around it and setting a piece of debris over the explosive to conceal it, she wheeled around and bolted away to the courtyard to join another pair of ponies in one of the foxholes.

With a grunt, I took up a position at the right-side window of the north wall and laid down on my belly, keeping the All-Equestrian in front of my fore hooves as I checked the weapon over again. Beside me, the security sergeant eased himself down onto the floor, levitating the sniper rifle next to him; I could hear Joker as he set himself up along the east wall of the room. “Gunny, Joker,” the sergeant said, and I looked to see him levitating two ammo boxes away from the stash, one floating over to me and another drifting to Joker. “these ammunition boxes are for you. One of them has a couple ten millimeter clips, and the other has another big clip for that LMG. Keep these with you at all times, no matter what. Remember that we may have to end up displacing if the raiders grow too thick. We’ll take out as many as we can from up here, but if I get the order to displace from Saber, then we’re moving. Understood?”

“Yes sir.” I said in unison with Joker.

“Alright… now we wait for those explosives.” the sergeant said, relaxing as he faced forward again.

As the three of us went silent, I levitated my riot shotgun off of my back and checked the drum magazine. All seven of my recently found flechette rounds were loaded inside and ready for use, and with a nod, I returned the drum to the weapon and loaded the first shell into the chamber before setting the shotgun aside for future use. But as I was about to do the same for the All-Equestrian, I could begin to distinguish voices drawing closer to our position, ponies relaying orders and shouting profanities; that was enough to tell me who those voices belonged to. As the first of those voices sounded just in front of our building, I carefully loaded the first round into the chamber of the All-Equestrian, pulling back the cocking handle and letting it slide forward again as quietly as possible. More voices, all clustered closely together, sounded out to the northeast as more of the raiders closed in around the town. And yet… no shots were fired. More and more voices, rising in volume and quantity, sounded around us… I was growing nervous. Was something wrong? What if Flare forgot something in her plan and we were waiting for a signal that wasn’t going to appear? What if a raider came up the stairs to find the three of us waiting here in dead silence for the cue to spring our attack?

My anxious mindset warped into a feeling of necessity. If the raiders got too close, the others in the courtyard would be killed… I needed to engage. I begun to shift and ready myself to fire over the window, preparing to take the first shot myself. But just as I moved, I felt as the sergeant placed a hoof on my foreleg, and I snapped my eyes to him to see him shaking his head, mouthing the word ‘easy’. At his order, I could only force myself back down and keep myself controlled.

Damn it, focus… focus! You’re a guard… get a grip on yourself and remember your training! Flare knows what she’s doing…


The explosives outside detonated with a mighty thunderclap of sound; that was our signal.

My former tension was replaced by a rush of adrenaline as I sprung to my hooves and brought the All-Equestrian to aim out the window. I immediately beheld a whole mass of raiders, at least two hundred strong, outside to the north. Their advance was temporarily halted, most of them staggered and stunned by the powerful explosion that had incinerated at least a dozen of their companions. Without hesitation, I levitated the All-Equestrian in front of me and pulled the trigger, the LMG roaring to life and raining hell onto the raiders closest to our building, mowing down several. The enemy below begun to recover from their temporary shock and scrambled for cover as they were met with the wrath of the hiding Hopeville ponies in the buildings and in the courtyard. The raiders’ options for protection were limited to the Hopeville Press and the M.O.P. Recruitment Station, making those ponies that lingered at the middle and back of their long column easy targets.

Return fire struck around my cover and I was forced to back up and away. In front of me, the sergeant replaced his sniper rifle with the missile launcher, but just as he approached the window to fire, he fell to his stomach as dust flew up from the stone around his window; the raiders were fighting back in full. “They’re charging!” the sergeant called over the noise, rising over the window to quickly aim and fire the missile launcher. The projectile roared ahead, leaving a trail of smoke behind it, and once I heard the impact I quickly returned to my position. As I aimed to the northeast, I could see that the sergeant was telling the truth. Raiders were charging past the north buildings and making their way into the street, putting up heavy fire as they went. A brave (or insanely stupid) few of them bolted across the street and straight into the gunfire put up by the ponies hiding within the foxholes, only a scarce couple of them diving in to grapple with the guardsponies inside. With a glare, I aimed down my iron sights and fired again, targeting a clump of raiders hurrying around the west face of the Press. Without cover, most of the raiders within the group fell from their wounds, and after multiple confirmed kills, the first clip of the All-Equestrian went empty.

I retreated back and away from my window to reload, but just as I opened my ammo box to retrieve the next box clip, I felt as the armor protecting my left side intercepted a bullet. The armored pad prevented a gunshot wound, but I lost my focus on my magic, and both the ammo box and the weapon clattered to the floor. I whirled around in time to see as Joker dispatched a raider who had made it up the stairs, and as my comrade reloaded his own weapon, I heard the sergeant call to me. “Gunny! Check those stairs for additional hostiles!”

“On it!” I turned back to focus my magic on the riot shotgun, and pulling it to me, I pointed it toward the entrance and made my way to the stairs. Just as I stepped over the corpse of the first raider another red and black armored pony rounded the stairs, an assault rifle levitating beside her as she grinned maniacally into our room… and into the barrel of my weapon. With a quick trigger pull, the shotgun blasted the raider mare back against the wall, splattering blood and brains against the stone as the flechette round tore through her head and messily removed half of her face. As she fell lifeless to the floor, I ignored the sight of her grizzly demise and aimed down the stairs; no other raiders were advancing through our building. “Clear!” I called, quickly making my way back to the others.

“We’ve got orders from Saber to displace!” the sergeant called, strapping the sniper rifle to his armor and levitating the missile launcher beside him. “The raiders are getting thicker around the north side of town! Gather your weapons and ammo and let’s move!”

Complying without question, I quickly reloaded the All-Equestrian and levitated the weapon alongside the riot shotgun. Joker was carrying his own weapon along with our medical stash and the two remaining ammo boxes, and with all of our equipment in tow, I took the lead as we made our way back down to the first floor.

We emerged outside into the fray. Seeing the battle from ground level was different, and what I saw was nothing short of a massive riot and a close-quarters gunfight. The north side of town was absolutely filled with black and red as the raiders continued to fire onto the courtyard. Some of them had managed to get close enough to the foxholes to engage the guardsponies in hoof-to-hoof combat. On the east side of town, the windows of two buildings were alight with gunfire. Several other holdouts were also shown within the City Hall’s second floor, gun barrels poking out of the windows as their operators kept up steady fire. There were already several casualties on our own side, and while the raiders had suffered heavier losses thus far, they still had us easily outnumbered.

I focused ahead and fired at two nearby raiders, gunning the both of them down as Joker and the security sergeant galloped past me towards our next position. Having successfully covered their exit, I turned tail and raced after them as they entered the next house. However, I had no sooner begun to run than I had come under fire, and I felt my armor absorb another bullet, which struck my right flank, as I dove into the house. I fell to the floor, my two weapons falling with me, and before I could catch my breath, I heard as the sergeant called, “Joker, put down the supply boxes and sweep upstairs! Gunny, set up at one of those north windows! There’s more invaders advancing behind the buildings!” With a jolt of realization, I understood that the raider ponies were attempting to flank the courtyard defenses. If they got too far, they would be able to surround the town center entirely.

The first floor of our new position was one large room with only an aged stairway to hinder the rectangular shape of the floor; this building must have been an old pre-war restaurant or shop. I hurried to my hooves, levitating the All-Equestrian with me as I skidded to a halt behind the window. Sure enough, raiders were galloping along the western walls of the building, sneaking by while the battle raged in the courtyard. Before the closest raider could call to his comrades that he saw me, I thrust the barrel of my weapon out of the window and opened fire on the group, bringing down another five ponies and forcing the others to retreat back behind the neighboring structure.

“Upstairs, clear!” I heard Joker call from the stairs.

“Move to the second floor, Gunny! Go!” the sergeant ordered, punching my shoulder with a hoof. Displacing from the window, I scooped up my shotgun with my magic and followed the sergeant up the stairs and into the large second-story attic, likewise the only room on this floor. There were two windows on three sides of the room, and Joker was already firing down at the enemy from a west-facing window.

“There’s more moving along the west,” Joker called as I set up. “my twelve o’clock!” Quickly casting aside my shotgun, I approached the window neighboring Joker and aimed to the right to see a line of persistent raiders on the move. Together, Joker and I kept fire on them, forcing them back once again while still killing six more.

I galloped across the attic, switching my focus to the east and peering out one of the windows to look over the courtyard. To my dismay, the northernmost foxholes had been abandoned or taken over, and our allies on the ground were being pushed back. The courtyard was still the focus of the battle, but the Black Blood Raiders were gaining ground; there had to have been at least another hundred of them. Up above, I caught sight of Nova as she gracefully looped in the air before diving down to a target on the ground. Two shots, and then she veered left over the mass of enemy raiders to circle back for another strafing pass. Following her direction, I aimed towards the courtyard, levitating the All-Equestrian in front of my eyes to aim through its iron sights. Quickly finding my first target, a group of raiders firing on two ponies within a nearby foxhole, I fired with controlled bursts. The concentrated fire felled the group to buy some breathing room for the allies that had been under their attack, but now my clip was empty. I fell back down to the floor as return fire struck my cover, and I quickly replaced my weapon’s empty box clip with a new one. But just as I was about to fire again, I heard a short cry next to me, and I saw with shock as the sergeant toppled backwards. He fell back onto his side, his chest facing me to show that he had taken gunshot wounds there, two round piercing through his armor entirely; the sergeant was motionless, eyes frozen open and showing that he was already dead.

“Joker! The sergeant’s down!” I called over the noise, and Joker fell back to the floor to see for himself. But before he could react, he flinched as something bounced off of him, and I caught eye of a metal object as it rolled along the floor away from him… a grenade.

I dropped my weapon to focus my magic on the explosive, and with a flick, I sent the grenade away before it exploded violently outside. Almost instantly afterwards, a second metal apple sailed through the window and rolled across the stone floor of the room. Joker intercepted it this time and tossed it back outside with his magic, and he quickly rose to his hooves to fire a quick burst of rounds before being met with a spray of fire from below. Ducking back in, he faced the stairs. “There’s a lot of them around our building! I think we’re going to have company!”

Setting the All-Equestrian aside, I levitated over my riot shotgun and aimed towards the stairway entrance. Right on cue, an earth pony raider galloped around the entrance and into our room, spraying the wall with fire from his automatic pistol. One flechette round later, and the stallion was dead before another raider, a unicorn mare, barged past the corpse in a battle frenzy. “Eat it!” she shouted as her weapon, a double-barreled shotgun, sprayed buckshot square against Joker, shredding the top layers of his armor before I fired another round with my own shotgun; she joined her comrade in death.

“Joker are you alright?!” I called, still facing the stairs.

“I just got the wind knocked out of me… I’ll be fine. The buckshot didn’t get through my armor.” came his barely audible reply. “I’ll check the stairs! You keep that LMG working!”

As he advanced towards the staircase, I returned my riot shotgun to the floor and focused my magic on the All-Equestrian, returning it to my side and loading the first round into the chamber. But just as I was about to reengage, I heard as bullets struck the wall behind me, the noise of their impact mixing with sub-machinegun fire. Turning again, I saw Joker scurrying back from the stairs while checking his weapon. “Damn, I’m out of ammo!” he called, casting away his now useless SMG as he backed up next to me. “There’s a whole mess of invaders down there… we need to get out of this building before we’re overrun!”

“Jump through the window!” I replied, strapping my riot shotgun to my armor… only to catch sight of a large raider stallion as he rounded the doorway, a flamethrower strapped to his battle saddle.

“Barbeque, anypony?!” he called out sinisterly, arming the gas valve on his saddle.

“JOKER GET OUT!!!” Together, Joker and I wheeled around and dived through the nearest windows, a terrible roar unleashing itself as searing fire chased after us. I felt a quick wave of tremendous heat against me before I fell earthward and landed hard on the ground, my momentum making me tumble over myself before skidding to a rough halt on my right side. I lay there in a daze, the sounds of the battle temporarily muffled as I attempted to regain my senses. I searched around, my vision mostly clear, and I saw Joker as he staggered to his hooves. But in the sky behind him, I saw a pony angling in towards us… and I could hear my name on her voice.

*** *** ***

Fire Rose’s auto loader kicked out an empty magazine to reload my pistol as I dashed to the right, passing over the eastern street as bullets fired from below whizzed up at me. Shooting over the line of buildings, I scooped the air with my wings and arced up in a vertical climb to gain altitude, the one thing that could give me a break from the fire I had been evading for the majority of the battle. My wings ached tremendously, a toll brought by constant aerial maneuvering and fast-paced flying as the battle progressed. As I leveled out in the sky, halting in my climb, I took in the sight of the battlefield as I dived back earthward. The courtyard was almost entirely taken, and more and more of my allies below were being forced to find cover behind the multiple sandbag barricades that formed a defensive wall in front of the City Hall. The body count was hideous, the casualties sustained on both sides making an absolute graveyard of the northern side of town. Even through my focus, my heart still ached at the sight of this massacre. This wasn’t just a battle between a band of raiders and a lonely settlement… this was a conflict that had now ignited into a full-scale war.

I smoothly angled up from my dive, flying parallel to the earth as I selected another target with S.A.T.S., an earth pony mare crouching low in the open as she reloaded her own weapon. Firing one pair of shots with my spell, I scored a hit, catching her in the foreleg before I soared above her and away. Climbing again as I hooked right, I quickly studied the rear lines of the enemy company for larger threats. All of the raider ponies were past the north perimeter of town now, having climbed over the numerous bodies of their dead allies. Though the force had been generally better-equipped than other Black Blood war bands, they had fortunately not brought another one of the mobile heavy guns with them; this company was purely infantry. With this factual confirmation, I quickly contacted Captain Saber through my Pipbuck speaker. “Captain Saber, this is Nova. I’ve searched the rear of the enemy company and found no mobile weapon threats.”

“Understood, thanks.” came his quick reply over the speaker, gunfire mixing with the sound of his voice.

I circled back around, having arced with a wide enough flight path to put myself behind the enemy force, approaching from the north. With the fight still raging in the town center, attacking from the rear, where the least amount of enemy attention would be focused, was an ideal tactic. However, just as I was about to pick a new target to engage from the air, a flash of light caught my eye, and I looked to see a massive wave of flame roar out of the second-story windows of one of the western buildings; I halted in the air with shock. I had been keeping track of the movements of most of my allies on the field in order to ensure that I provided cover to the right sectors at the right times. The inferno immediately reminded me of Gunny; the building that was now in flames was the last building that I had seen him move to! But as I hovered, frantically studying the building and the surrounding areas, I could see to my instant relief that Gunny had made it out, looking to have leapt from the window in order to evade the fiery death that had nearly caught him. But now, he was laying dazed in the midst of the battle, and he would be an easy target without support.

Dashing forward, beating my lightly hurting wings furiously, I angled in towards my friend. Nearby, I recognized Joker, the two of them stumbling to their hooves together as bullets struck the concrete around them. Though they were under fire from two different directions, I spotted one of the two stallions’ assailants as he reloaded his weapon. The raider stallion was out in the open, and as I charged forward, I lined up a shot with S.A.T.S.. With just enough space between us to make the shot, I bit down on my saddle’s firing bit and my two weapons fired two pairs of shots; the second pair took the stallion in the back, and he fell on his side as I shot past him.

“Gunny!” I cried over the noise as I angled in towards him, hovering in to land nearby. Galloping the rest of the distance, I skidded beside him as he shook his head. “Are you alright?!”

“I just jumped out of a second story window and fell on my face… that’s all…” he replied with brief and faint sarcasm before he found his LMG and used his horn to bring it to his side. “Some of the other security ponies are on the move! We need to get out of the kill zone and find some cover outside of the courtyard!” At his word, I fell in beside him as the three of us galloped away towards the City Hall, which was rapidly becoming one of our last holdouts; with the multiple gun barrels and levitating weapons sticking out of its windows, the City Hall was becoming less a simple structure and more a fortified castle as gunfire further illuminated its walls, giving it a rather impressive and intimidating appearance.

Ahead of us, as we neared the fortifications in front of the building, I saw Shore waving to us behind his own barricade of sandbags. Swiftly closing the distance, Gunny leapt bodily over the barrier as I skidded around the side and fell to my belly to catch my breath; Joker followed quickly and fell low behind our new cover, scooping up a spare rifle that was leaning against the nearby wall. “I was beginning to think that you didn’t make it!” Shore called to Gunny over the noise, who was hurrying to his hooves to crouch against the sandbags.

“It was nothing!” Gunny replied, peeking over cover before ducking back down. “Who’s left?!”

“Plenty of ponies!” Shore replied, rearing up and firing a pair of shots from his energy weapons saddle before returning to cover.

“I meant on our side!” Gunny stated, looking temporarily irritated.

“Same! A lot of us fell back into City Hall to take up positions on the second floor!” Shore repeated. “Captain Saber and Lucky Hallion are just down the line of barricades! You should go see them!”

“Alright. Nova, Joker, come with me!” Gunny called back to us, and staying low, the three of us half-walked and half-crawled along the line of barricades as the torrent of gunfire continued.

Sure enough, crouching behind cover near the City Hall’s northeast corner was Captain Saber, currently relaying an order through his Pipbuck which I quickly heard through my own device’s speaker. “Attention all allies! Those who have not fallen back to the City Hall are hereby ordered to retreat from their posts! I repeat, abandon your posts and fall back to the City Hall!” As he lowered his foreleg, completing his message, he caught sight of us and waved us over with a frantic hoof. “Gunny! I saw your building after it went up! How the hell… never mind! Get over here damn it!”

“Joker and I leapt out of the second floor, but the sergeant with us was killed, sir!” Gunny replied, skidding to a halt beside the captain as we joined up with him behind his cover.

“I’m just glad you’re back! Listen up, all of you!” Saber ordered as I came to a halt beside Gunny. Around us were two other guardsponies as well as another security sergeant; Rocky was also there with his .30 cal, laying prone just outside of the sandbag cover before he rolled over to safety to hear Saber speak. “Lucky Hallion says that he has a weapon he needs to retrieve in the armory! We’re going to cover him while he advances and we’re also going to cover any others that come back from the courtyard!” At the signals of confirmation from the ponies nearby that made our temporary group, Saber gave a nod. “Hallion! When you run, hug the wall and then cross the street! The wall should give you temporary defilade from most of the enemy fire! Wait for my command!” In front of me, I saw Lucky Hallion as he gave a nod of confirmation before holstering his lever-action shotgun and preparing himself to run. Beside him was Marian, who I had not seen before, staring with focus at the road as she crouched low to the pavement. “Three…” Saber began, and I fanned out my wings, ready to hover up over cover and fire. “Two… one… covering fire!!”

I caught a brief glimpse of Hallion and Marian as they galloped away before I rose up and took aim with the others. Gazing ahead at the battlefield through S.A.T.S., I targeted a raider pony advancing down the east street, undoubtedly already going after the two sprinting unicorns. Aiming for the raider’s torso, I bit down on the firing bit and fired off two pairs of shots; both pairs found home and the raider toppled over, dead. With my first target down, I changed my focus to another raider who was firing on a trio of retreating allies. With S.A.T.S. recharging, I lined my body up with the raider in the courtyard and fired another pair of shots… a miss.

I lowered myself back down behind cover as my markspony carbine’s autoloader ejected an empty magazine and reloaded. A second later, I rose back over cover and took aim with S.A.T.S., finding the same pony yet again. With the spell assisting my aim, I scored a hit and forced the raider to fall back into a foxhole; the shot emptied another clip from Fire Rose, and I returned to cover as the autoloader reloaded the pistol.

As I waited, I looked left to see as other security ponies joined us behind our cover, successfully having retreated from the courtyard. When I looked right, I saw as Gunny crouched down beside me, having emptied another clip of the All-Equestrian. Behind him, Saber and his security sergeant peeked around the wall before promptly returning to cover as bullets struck the stone above them. “They made it!” Saber called to the rest of us as he reloaded his own rifle.

“Now what the hell do we do?!” his sergeant called to him before firing his assault rifle blindly over cover.

“Now we wait!” Saber replied as he peeked over cover again. “I hope whatever Hallion’s got planned works! The raiders are still thick in the courtyard!” As my curiosity commanded, I peeked over cover again. There were still several dozen raiders ahead of us, only kept partially at bay by the steady fire put up from the City Hall. But they were beginning to close in as the courtyard became empty of allied ponies, and we were now completely boxed in as the raiders attacked us from three different directions at once.

My attention was drawn away from the courtyard as I heard my name, and when I searched for the source, I saw Saber looking back at me, trying to get my attention. “Nova! I need you back in the air, now! If there’s one pony that can avoid being pinned here, it’s you!”

“I can’t leave you all down here!” I shouted back over the noise of the gunfire around me.

“That’s an order, Nova!” Saber snapped back at me sternly. “Things are getting worse… and if the worst comes, I need somepony to make it out of here alive and get help!”

I stared back at him, puzzled and not a little alarmed at his statement. I had never seen it before, but the captain’s face showed that his confidence in our odds of success was beginning to dwindle. It was strange to see him loose his normally hardened temperament, to see it replaced with one of deep concern as the battle raged… but no! This was my town, and there was no way in HELL that I was going to loose a second home! “No sir!” I shouted back defiantly. “There’s no way I’m leaving this spot!” Refusing to give him the chance to retort, I reared back over cover, placing my fore hooves on top of the sandbag barrier and taking aim with S.A.T.S.. Targeting the closest raider, a stallion making a dash from the courtyard toward our last line of cover, I bit down on my firing bit, my carbine and Fire Rose roaring as I fired off two pairs of shots, killing the stallion with a messy pair of headshots.

Bullets struck the protective sandbags covering my torso, impacting with dull *thuds* as the packed dirt absorbed the force of the projectiles, and I quickly hid again as S.A.T.S. recharged. A few seconds later, my spell replenishing halfway, I reemerged from cover and took aim at a raider that was dead ahead of me, firing from an open position just in front of the center of the courtyard. Activating S.A.T.S. once again, I targeted the mare’s torso and took the shot. But just when I thought the bullets would strike my target, the mare disappeared in a blast of green fire as a tremendous explosion erupted before my eyes. The deafening detonation tore me from my focus, and I instinctively threw myself down behind cover again, other ponies beside me instantly doing the same. After collecting my wits, I reared up over cover again, immediately fearing the possibility of another mobile weapon in the hooves of the Black Blood. But as I looked straight ahead, my eyes went wide as I beheld a green mushroom cloud that had taken shape within the courtyard, engulfing nearly half of it; in that instant, I realized that the blast had occurred inside the courtyard, among the ranks of the raiders. The battle had come to a screaming halt, both sides ceasing to fight as the spectacle loomed in the center of the battlefield. There had been dozens of raiders in front of us before the blast. The explosion however, had carved a hole right into the middle of the raiders’ ranks, and I saw several burning and partially dismembered corpses within the courtyard, green balefire eating away at the bodies of former Black Blood ponies.

However, I had no more time to puzzle out the shocking occurrence as gunfire once again sounded around me, and I ducked back down behind cover. At the same time, I heard Captain Saber as he shouted a new order to the ponies near him; his voice carried a triumphal tone. “Hallion’s got a balefire egg launcher! He punched a hole through the enemy offense! Counterattack and drive those bastards back!” One by one, security ponies left cover and opened up on the raiders in front of them, and as I looked back over the sandbags again, I felt a tidal wave of hope wash over me at the sight of the remaining Black Blood ponies on the retreat; they were running!

With fresh strength, I unfurled my wings and beat up into the sky, driving upward to pass over the courtyard before diving back down. Ahead of me, the force of raiders had been notably cut down in size, now looking much smaller from the last time I had acquired an overhead view of the enemy company; the balefire egg had done massive damage. As I angled in for an attack, I targeted a raider stallion below who was attempting to cover his retreating allies with rifle fire. Lining up for the shot and targeting the head, I fired two pairs of shots with my targeting spell, taking out the raider as I dashed over the retreating enemy remnants. Snapping my wings and banking left, I arced around in a tight turn to face the enemy for another pass. Without S.A.T.S., I lined myself up with a separated cluster of ponies below and fired off another two pairs of shots, wounding another raider before pulling up and away. With the remaining Black Blood focusing on their retreat, I met no enemy return fire as I flew on by, but just as I turned for another strafing run, my pistol’s autoloader loading another clip into Fire Rose, another mighty explosion erupted below as a new green mushroom cloud sprouted on the ground at the northwest corner of the courtyard, brutally blasting away several more raider ponies; that second balefire egg had done the trick!!

Every remaining raider pony was now throwing down their weapons and abandoning Hopeville entirely, even those who had been flanking the City Hall. The enemy fled in all directions away from the town, only a pathetic couple dozen of them remaining of their once proud company, and as the Black Blood retreated fully from the area, the gunfire gradually coming to a halt, cheering sounded forth from the town below me. That cheering, becoming clearly audible as I slowed in the air to hover, was the most relieving sound I had ever heard.

Since the demise of Stable 181, the situation had looked grave, the chances of survival within the wasteland appearing slim to everypony. Then, after two days of wandering, we found Hopeville, a town with hope written into its very name; it was a new home and a second chance at life. The Black Blood Raiders followed our movement, persistent in their objective, and aimed to take everything else away from us including our lives. Then they attacked us once again in our second home. The battle was fierce, and they had come so close to succeeding in their goal to finish what they had started in Stable 181. And yet, with the potent skill and leadership of Stable security, the tremendous kindness and generosity of a wasteland friend, and the indescribable value of Hopeville itself, we had now emerged triumphant against one of the Equestrian wasteland’s greatest evils. With each other, our friends, families… with Hopeville… we had survived our greatest trial thus far; now we could truly begin to rebuild ourselves.

I smiled at these thoughts, closing my eyes and taking in a long breath of air through my muzzle and slowly releasing it. And as I opened my eyes to gaze down upon my home again, I recollected a memory… a very defining memory… a declaration.

This is me trying to get my faith back from the wasteland. But in honor of you and dad, I wont let it take my faith away. I’ll find some way to keep that from happening.

I had spoken those words six days ago in front of my mother’s grave. It was a promise - a way of honoring my parents and everything that they had done for me in my life. And as I recollected those words and the memories that came with them, I understood with a strong sense of pride that I had now fulfilled this promise. Hopeville had been the means of preserving my faith, and it was Hopeville, as well as all the Stable ponies with whom I had fought alongside, that had given me strength in the wasteland. I now carried this strength proudly, and I gave a nod as I contently stored my thoughts away. With my mind now at comfortable ease, I once again took in the new peace that was settling over Hopeville, and looking up to the evening clouds above, I said, “I told you I wouldn’t let my faith die.” I let my own silence reign… only briefly as the statement sunk in, and with a smile I dove back down to reunite with my friends and the cheering below.

Somewhere in the heavens, my mother and my father were smiling at me…… they were smiling at all of us.

Footnote: Level Up!!

New Perk: Gun Nut (Rank 2) - Bullets over lasers, that’s how you fly! Each rank of this perk increases your small guns skill by +5.

Quest Perk: Hopeville’s Blessing - Hopeville has truly lived up to its name, and it has given you new strength through hope and faith, just like the Stable once did. You gain a permanent +1 bonus to Luck and an additional 5% chance to score critical hits.