• Published 5th Jul 2017
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The Rotten Pear - Catrina37

A stallion is terrorizing all fruits that are not pears. Grand Pear reveals to Applejack, Big Mac, Applebloom, and Megan who he is and why.

  • ...

The Divorce of the Pear Parents

Chapter Five: The Divorce of the Pear Parents

Everyone was shocked to hear about Posy wanting a divorce, including Apple Bloom, who had no idea that something like this would happen.

"So...you wanted the divorce, Nana Posy?" she asked.

"Yes. Ever since our move, I resented Grand Pear for forcing me to leave your mom and my dream behind.” Posy said.

"Though looking back, it was my fault for caring more about the Pear business and being so short when things go wrong," Grand Pear said.

"Like with Mom and the water tower?" Big Mac asked.

"Yep. Anyway, the next day came the hardest part about our upcoming divorce."

"Let me guess. Is it tellin' the youngins?" Granny said.

"Bingo!" Grand Pear said.


In the flashback of the next day, Posy and Grand Pear gather Peary, Pear Blossom, and Big Bosc into the living room, unsure about their reaction.

"You called us, Daddy?" Pear Blossom said.

"Yes," a middle-aged Grand Pear said, "Your mom and I have something to say, and it's hard for us to say it."

"What?" Peary Bits.

"Well, Peary, before we say anything, know this,” Grand Pear says, “You'll always have a mother and a father who love all three of your very much."

"Dad? What are you saying?" Peary asked.

"Well," Posy sighed, "Your father and I decided that we're better off if we separated."

"For how long?" Pear Blossom said.

"I'm afraid I don't know that. But long, that’s for sure.” Posy said.

"I don't understand." Peary said.

"Don't you get it, Peary?" a teen Big Bosc huffed, "Mom and Dad are getting a divorce!"

Peary and Pear Blossom gasped.

"Big Bosc!" Posy shouted.

"Why not! It's about time you threw him out of our lives after he disowned Pear Butter!"

Peary's eyes filled up with tears and yelled, "It's because of Pear Butter leaving us, isn't it? I followed Dad to help find her when I heard you two talk one final time!"

"You were there when she declared herself an apple?" a shocked Grand Pear said.

"It's because of her our family is torn apart!"

Peary ran to his room crying and slammed the door. A downtrodden Grand Pear lowered his head, while Posy and Pear Blossom glared at Big Bosc.


"A week later, Posy and I traveled to Canterlot and told Celestia of our situation. We wanted her to decide which of us gets the kids..." 

The two to-be-divorced parents stood before Celestia as she was on her throne.

"This is a very serious matter," Celestia said, "Are you certain you can't work out your marriage."

"I'm positive, Your Highness," Posy said, "Grand Pear refuses to swallow his Pride and let me see my eldest daughter."

"Ex-daughter," Grand Pear said curtly.

Celestia glared at him.

"To determine which of you get the children, I must hear from friends and family who know you well enough first."


“For weeks, we had close neighbors and friends come before Celestia to plead our case,” Grand Pear narrated, “Unfortunately, most of them said stuff about me and my pride and how I once yelled at Pear Blossom for mailing a letter to Pear Butter. Before long, Celestia called us to her to tell us her decision..."

"After hearing friends and neighbors who know you, and careful consideration, I have decided to finalize your divorce, and present Posy custody of the Pear Foals."

"I understand, Princess," Posy said.

"But, Princess,” Grand Pear tried to say.

"I'm sorry, Grand Pear, but considering how hard you were on your eldest filly and how you put hatred and pride before family, I don't think you're the right role model for them. Especially Peary Bits," Celestia lectured, "You encouraged your family to hate the Apples, even though it was Granny Smith who founded Ponyville, and you disowned your daughter for showing more love and understanding. I'm sorry, but it is what's best for your foals."

"Yes, Princess.” Grand Pear sighed with understanding.

He bows his head with sadness, knowing that he was likely never going to see his children for...who knows how long.