• Published 11th Oct 2018
  • 1,670 Views, 28 Comments

Devils - rillegas08

When life exists only underground, two groups, the female Femescubi and the male Mascubi, thrive. Past and present conflicts within each threaten their way of life for better or for worse.

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03: Tales

The next few days are spent preparing for the arrival of their Mascubi compatriots. Sisters all across the subterranean compound polished their armors and made sure their rooms were as clean and as organized as could be.

The evening before the arrival of the Mascubi, Sister Hellfire walks though the passages amidst the bustle and din of her Sisters ensuring their chambers are presentable to their male counterparts. Hellfire's room is relatively untouched from its state a few days earlier before she arrived at the meeting. Her aim is the Mothers' Den, where the four Mothers reside when not in public, and where Sister Hellfire knew Mother Midnight likely was.

Hellfire turns the last corner and sees the familiar figures of Sister Pallid and Sister Thundercloud on either side of the door to the Mothers' Den. She hesitates, then continues forward as her heart beats faster.

"Halt!" commands Sister Pallid. Hellfire stops, and Sister Thundercloud glares at her. "State your business."

"Sister Hellfire requesting the audience of Mother Midnight."

Sister Pallid nods and knocks on the door. After a few seconds, a panel slides open to reveal a pair of purple eyes. They glance to the sides to see which guard knocked, then darts back to where Sister Hellfire is standing. Mother Midnight opens the door and steps into the hall.

"Sister Hellfire? What are you doing here?"

"I'm requesting permission to be escorted to the surface."

"You're going back up there?" asked Thundercloud. "You know that's forbidden!"

Mother Midnight immediately turns to face Thundercloud, her arms folded across her chest. Her face holds an expression that is unamused and, even moreso, annoyed. Thundercloud swallows.

"Only without the presence of a Mother, which Sister Hellfire has explicitly requested this time." she says as she steps closer to Thundercloud and spreads her wings. "This shows an improvement in her behavior. However, this is the second time you have berated your Sister in front of me in the last week, Sister Thundercloud. Should it happen again, there will be unpleasant consequences for you. Do I make myself clear?"

Sister Thundercloud quivers. "Yes, Mother Midnight. It will not happen again."

"Good." Midnight turns to face Hellfire. Thundercloud makes a face at her orange Sister, but Hellfire says nothing. Sister Pallid hides a snicker behind a smile. Mother Midnight gestures to Sister Hellfire to lead the way, and they make their way to the closest shaft to the surface. The two winged guards bow their heads to Mother Midnight, allowing them both to pass. As they make their way up the stairs, Hellfire breaks the silence.

"I'm honestly a bit surprised you agreed to come with me, Mother Midnight."

"We're out of earshot of the others, Hellfire," the purple woman replied. "You don't need to use my title. Would you have come up here anyway if I hadn't?"

"Not so soon after getting reprimanded."

Midnight nods. "So why are we going to the surface?"

"Honestly, I hadn't thought that far," Hellfire admits. "I didn't think my request was going to be accepted. I almost didn't ask. The guards could have turned me away, especially after I saw Sister Pallid and Sister Thundercloud there. Any of the other Mothers could have answered and said no, given my reputation. Even you could have said no."

"What makes you say that?"

By this time the hole on the surface is visible. Hellfire looks up and hesitates. Mother Midnight pauses behind her. "You're a Mother. You don't need a reason to be obeyed."

Midnight lets out a sigh. "Hell, need I keep reminding you I used to be a Sister like you?"

Hellfire starts walking up the stairs again. "It's not that, Mid," she replies. "Every Sister down below is used to how the other Mothers act, and expects you to act the same eventually."

They continue the rest of their journey up in silence, standing together at the edge of the hole.

"I heard what happened with Sister Extinction the other day after I left you to prepare for the meeting." Midnight turns to her old friend, a firm expression on her face. Hellfire sees and stammers trying to find an explanation. Midnight giggles and gestures to a nearby ruin. "I'm kidding, Hellfire. Come on. Tell me all about it, like old times."

Hellfire lets out a sigh of relief. "I was minding my own business, cleaning the dust off, when Sister Extinction came up behind me, talking in that annoying better-than-thou voice she has. I accidentally-on-purpose splashed some water on her just to get a rise out of her."

"Surely it did."

"It did. She grabbed a towel to clean off the drops. She asked how I was going to manage to clean all the surface dust off in time for the meeting, and I pointed out that she was already ready like for a Mascubus lover but for some reason had gone out of her way to see me. I was sitting on the edge facing her, so I decided to tease her. I leaned back and spread my legs."

Midnight gasps, putting a hand over her mouth. "You didn't!"

Hellfire nods. "I called her by her old nickname and suggested she was there to flirt with me, which she did not care for in the slightest. That angered her more than the splashing did. She leaned in, called me 'hellion', and I pulled her into the fountain, making a quick exit."

Midnight giggles again, then sighs. "I miss being a Sister sometimes, especially when I miss scenes like that."

Hellfire nods. "Your turn to tell me a story."

"That's fair," the purple Mother says. "What would you like to hear?"

Hellfire takes a deep breath. "Tell me about your Elevation."

Midnight closes her eyes and sighs. "That's fair. I'll start at the washroom."


Sister Hellfire and Sister Midnight sit next to each other on the edge of the central fountain in one of the compound's washrooms. They are both completely undressed and their feet are resting in the water as they take turns washing each other's bodies. Sister Midnight pushes her breasts into Sister Hellfire's back, rubbing her sides and nuzzling her neck and shoulder. Hellfire's eyes are closed, and she breathes out a contented sigh. Sister Hellfire brings her hand up, caressing her lover's cheek.

Two Femescubus guards walk through the washroom's entrance, followed by Mother Daybreaker. Every Femescubus turns to face their Mother, lowering their heads in respect. Mother Daybreaker passes by, giving no indication whether she notices her subjects or not.

"Sister Midnight," she says, prompting Sister Midnight and Sister Hellfire to stop washing each other and stand straight up. They lower their heads.

"Sister Midnight at your service, Mother Daybreaker."

"Once you are clean, don your armor and follow me to the Mothers' Den. Make it quick."

Sister Midnight and Sister Hellfire give each other a concerned glance, and quickly finish washing the purple Sister. Sister Hellfire towels her off, refraining from their usual play as she does. Sister Midnight puts on her armor and bows her head to Mother Daybreaker. Mother Daybreaker snaps her fingers, and the two guards turn about, leading Mother Daybreaker and Sister Midnight out of the washroom.

The journey to the Mothers' Den is made in silence. As they near the Den, the two guards part the doors. Mother Daybreaker passes through, as does Sister Midnight after a brief hesitation and insistence by one of the guards.

The dome-shaped Mothers' Den is uniquely decorated and furnished, a stark contrast to the plain chambers of the Sisters. The main chamber consists of silks and linens draping from the ceilings and walls, and the floor is covered in soft, colorful pillows and cushions. The chamber is lit by ornate wall sconces that contain torches, and the smoke from each torch crawls up the curved walls to a hole at the top, leading somewhere outside. Directly across from the main door lies another door emblazoned with the symbol of Mother Daybreaker's fiery orb. On either side are two other doors, one emblazoned with the crescent and stars of Mother Nightmare and the tarnished crystal heart of Mother Dissonance.

Mother Daybreaker leads Sister Midnight to a fourth door, one with no symbol on it. This chamber is much darker, where Mother Nightmare and Mother Dissonance are waiting. Mother Daybreaker tells Sister Midnight to stop and stand still before taking her place between the other two Mothers.

"Sister Midnight, today is an auspicious day for you, for you have been chosen to join our ranks as a Mother of the Femescubi. As such, you are no longer required to follow the rules of the Sisters once expected of you."

"Which means I can speak freely around other Mothers?"

"That is correct," states Mother Nightmare.

"Why me? What made me stand out from hundreds of my Sisters?"

"This orb and water," says mother. Mother Dissonance produces a shallow bowl of water, on which floats a perfectly spherical crystal. "These are said to have been sent from the heavens eons ago when what was beyond the clouds was not a mystery. When used together with the proper incantation, we are able to glean the past, present, and future with great accuracy. We have seen you as a Mother among us."


"My initiation began right away. I was stripped, given a concoction to drink, and then I felt sharp pricks on my body. Soon I was in a lot of pain. The next thing I knew, I'd grown two more horns and a pair of wings. My Elevation was announced the next day."

"Did the Mothers ever tell you how long the process had taken?"

"No. I asked once I'd regained consciousness, but they didn't see how it was relevant so I stopped asking."

Hellfire's body is shaking as she holds back a rush of emotions. "Mid, it was almost two weeks from the time we last bathed together to your Elevation ceremony." Midnight's mouth drops open. "Two weeks with no word from you or the Mothers what had happened to you. Two weeks without my lover, which turned into an eternity as soon as I saw you'd been Elevated."

Midnight wraps her arms around her old friend and lover. Hellfire immediately buries her head in Midnight's neck and cries, holding her close.

"It broke your heart," Midnight says, repeating what was on Hellfire's lips that she is unable to speak through the tears. After a moment Hellfire breaks the embrace and wipes her eyes.

"I waited every day for word of what happened to you. None of the Mothers or guards would tell me anything."

They sit together in silence, leaning against each other.

"As a Mother, I'm able to access the orb at will. Not even Mother Daybreaker knows exactly how it works, just that it can show the past, present, or future. I used it after the meeting where we announced the arrival of the Mascubi."

"What did you see?"

"I saw you from years ago looking up at the sun, and I saw it and something blue beyond the canopy."

Hellfire smiles and lightly whacks her friend's back with her tail.

"I told you it was real."

Author's Note:

Originally I was going to have the third chapter focus on the Mascubi, but as much as I wanted the flow to work that way, I had a lot of difficulty figuring out how to create that society and make it both similar to and different from the Femescubi. So instead I decided to continue Hellfire and Midnight's story for now and I'll introduce Mascubus culture as needed.