• Member Since 23rd Sep, 2013
  • offline last seen May 31st


Comments ( 25 )

Please let there be Text to Speech Characters, personality and humor as well.

I'd a like Kitten to be a guide or climbing up the ranks to try and be Captain General.

Or put them in omakes so I can read them.

When in doubt, apply pony hugs:rainbowlaugh:

Oh god... YES! That would be perfect! I so wanna see that!

I hadn't really thought about it, but I can definitely see one somewhat awkward member of the Custodes being assigned to look after the new arrivals.

Oddly enough, I can see him getting along quite well with Fluttershy.

The rest of the Custodes will, to say the least, be a lot more dignified than in that series. :p

Added an omake to the author's notes on the Prologue, regarding the "initial disagreement" on Nuceria.

So much work for the girls. But I have a question:
Many Primarchs fell to Chaos because some of their man followed the Dark Gods, like Erebus of the Word Bearers and Typhon of the Death Guard. And Angron was doomed because of the Butchers Nails - the implants were killing him and the Emperor knew this. Will this be factored into the story?

Oh yes. All of the Primarchs' respective issues are going to be touched on. Princess Twilight and company definitely have their work cut out for them.

The Butcher's Nails are going to factor into things, and while Khorne still has an easier in with him than if he'd ended up on literally any other planet in the Galaxy, he doesn't also have a layer of seething, utterly-justified hate against his father that canon!Angron had. The Emperor has been actively trying to find a way to fix it, but so far his best option only has about a 10% chance for meaningful survival, with a myriad of possible side effects (best-case option other than the extremely slim chance he comes out 'normal', would be surviving, being him, and having absolutely no capacity for aggression, which isn't so good for a warrior).

As for Erebus... he REALLY wasn't happy about the Emperor's surprisingly good handling of things with Lorgar, and will actually be showing up. It's not all going to be sweetness and light around here (if you're familiar with the non-MLP fic Child of the Storm, or the Dresden Fillies series here, it's going to be around that level of GRIMDARK showing up amongst the light), and the Primarchs will get to showcase their combat abilities as well as their issues and softer sides.

And Fulgrim's issues being dealt with are another of the mental images that I randomly had that lead to this fic, actually. :raritywink:

Right Fulgrim and the Daemon in his sword, totally forgot about that. Man the Emperor fucked up badly in canon 40k.

Another question is there a source for the names of all the equerries? I only read the Horus Heresy books up to "Flight of the Eisenstein". And then I got hooked on Nathaniel Garro and his quests to find people for Malcador.

I'm not having them bring their usual Equerries (in fact, the Emperor basically demanded the Lion bring Luther along). The identities of who they picked are going to be revealed next chapter, and some of the choices were made for interesting reasons.

Also, aside from the daemon sword, Fulgrim's thing about wanting to be an artist and being hindered by his need for perfection will be getting addressed.

Bet there will be a long talk between Rarity and Fulgrim, they both have a need for perfection.

So...I await Konrad Curze, the Night Haunter, with the Utmost anticipation, wonder who help him...or vindicate him.

You're saying this happens near the victory at Ullanor, Yet you're also saying that Loken is part of the Mournival. Loken joined the Mournival after Sejanus died in the campaign of Sixty-Three Nineteen, previously the False Terra. That campaign happened long after The Emperor went back to Terra and declared Horus as Warmaster. If Loken being in the story isn't a very important part then I suggest getting a different member of the Mournival or Maloghurst, who actually stands as Horus' equerry. If this is important then I don't mind.

The order of some things has changed around a bit from canon, partially because of Celestia's influence, partially just from random wibbly-wobbly timey-wimey stuff. For instance, the Emperor found Angron next to last in canon, and found him fairly early on here.

For the purposes of this fic, the conquest of what in canon was known as 63-19 happened before the fighting at Ullanor. Mostly because I really wanted to use Loken, who has friendships outside his Legion (including Khârn) and is rather sensible. Blame the Timey-Wimey Ball! (but remember not to taunt it... it may not be as violent as Happy Fun Ball, but it will complicate your life :pinkiecrazy: )

One thing I am keeping from the canon timeline is that the conquest of Laer and Fulgrim's acquisition of a certain sword haven't happened yet.

That's a fair enough excuse for what your working with. And I love how you made the Custodes bodyguard Kitten.

Had the same idea about Garviel. But I must say Loken or Torgaddon would have been my choice. Abbaddon is to ill tempert and I never really warmed up to "little Horus". Sadly there are not many informations about Hastur Sejanus in the books.

I am taking a bit of a hiatus on this while I work on my army and display board for Armies on Parade this year. Once I'm done with that, I'll start work on this again.

There's a project online to construct a full ConLang version of Nostraman from the bits of it in Aaron Dembski-Bowden's Night Lords books, and I used stuff from that for the bits of it I used here.

The Nostraman word in Konrad's reaction to the TTS-verse Custodes vision was pulled straight from that site and means "I'm going to vomit", and his response to the vision of Erebus translates roughly to "My bleeding fucking eyes!".

And yeah, part of what took so long for me to get back into writing this story (and the reason for the stylistic experimentation in this chapter) was, well, getting into the head of Konrad Curze is not exactly comfortable, and I REALLY wanted to use him for this.

Also, as I was writing it, I'd initially just planned on the visions showing the Night Haunter's normal state of being, and the story just kind of shaped itself into making them all true except the one he chose to avert at the expense of his dignity (and nose hair!), and the glimpses of the TTS-verse stuff.

As such, the Wolf’s impressive spit-take hit him instead of Angron. As all of those around him looked equal parts shocked and amused, and Russ looked genuinely mortified, Konrad breathed a sigh of relief at having averted disaster, or started to, anyway. “Eurgh… How do you drink this stuff, brother? I can smell my nose-hair burning away!”

Taking one for the team. Nice job curze!

Goodie. I hope this continues, as it has the potential to be one of the best MLP/wh40k crossovers out here.



It's not entirely dead, but I've been dealing with quite a bit of RL stuff, inspiration for some other extremely random stuff (like an RPG setting that's mostly Shadowrun, but not using that ruleset, and with a MASSIVE amount of other stuff thrown in), and I'd been mostly working on this in Google Drive, which I lost access to at work (which has done far more to delay this than anything else).

I've a number of ideas on where to go from here, to get toward the climax that I've had in my head since the beginning. It's just that having a chance and the inspiration to actually write, is the problem. Since my RPG idea is to the point where I can actually start, and to honor the fact that MLP:FiM has ended and the Horus Heresy is in its endgame, I'm seriously thinking about getting back into this.

Please do this is a really good concept

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