• Published 16th Jul 2017
  • 950 Views, 22 Comments

My Little Pony Meets Nicky, Ricky, Dicky and Dawn - Cutest Boxer Puppy Ever

Nicky, Ricky, Dicky and Dawn is a Nickelodeon series and will meet the main 6, but what will happen if they do?

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Now They Meet

Nicky, Ricky, Dicky and Dawn were fighting. “Shhhh! What's that noise?” Dawn whispered, the qauds looked up.

The main 6 screamed. “Ahhhhhh!” Then fell on them.

“Get off me, wait are you ponies? And please get off us!” Twilight said.

“Yes we are ponies and we will get off you now,” Twilight said, the main 6 got off them. “Wow! This is a strange world.”

The Quads freaked out. “Ahh!”

“Thank you for getting us out,” Dawn said.

“Kids what's going on?” Anne said, coming down the stairs. “And why are there ponies?”

“We don't know!” The qauds said, shaking their heads.

“But can we keep them,” Dawn said, nodding her head up close.

“Well ok,” Anne said.

The Quads jumped, “Yes!”

“But it's a big responsibility,” Anne said.

“Ok!” The Quads said.

“You are forgetting that we talk,” Twilight said.

“They can talk,” Tom gasped.

“Ruff!” Squishy Paws barked, standing on two feet on the couch.

“Ok kids, I will leave you to it,” Anne said, and went up stairs.

“So what do you do siblings?” Twilight said.

“No, we are the Qaud Squad.” The Quads said.

“Ok but what do you do?” Rainbow Dash said, they jumped on the couch, 10 minutes later they stopped jumping on the couch.

“Ok, let's have some ice-cream,” Dawn said, they all ran in the kitchen and got some ice-cream then they sat on the couch.

“Mmm these are yummy ice-creams, so do you like the ice-creams donkeys?” Dicky said, licking his ice-cream.

“Dicky, they are ponies,” Ricky said, looking at Dicky.

“Oh, then who are the donkeys,” Dicky said, with a confused face.

“There are no donkeys, now I’am going to make some food for our special ponies,” Nicky said furiously, Nicky walked inside the kitchen then and started to sing.

Pizza, pizza for my pizza lunch.
Pizza, pizza for our special guests.

“Oh these ice-creams are so cold, darling may I please have some hot soup,” Rarity said.

Anne came down the stairs. “Kids, did you eat a whole packet of ice-cream.”

“No we ate-” Dicky said.

“15 packets of ice-cream,” Rainbow Dash said.

“And we are still hungry but we finished them all and Nicky is giving us healthy dessert,” Fluttershy said.

“Kids and ponies you are going to get sick,” Anne said.

“Don’t worry mum we won't, we can handle this.” Dawn said.

“Yeah I even eat candy all the time hehe,” Pinkie Pie snorted.

“Ruff!” Squishy Paws barked.

“See, even Squishy argess,” Dawn said, nodding her head and everyone else.

“You finished all of them! Well ok then don't say I warned you kids and ponies,” Anne said, then she went up the stairs.

“Yes!” said everyone.

“Kids you have to listen to your mother,” Tom said.

“We will!” The qauds said.

Nicky came in, “Here is your healthy dessert.”

Everyone and everypony had a bite, “Mmm!” With a dreamy face on them.

“Mmm this is so yummy,” Pinkie Pie said.

10 minutes later, they were all full.

“I think I can't eat another one. There is just one full spoon of soup left but I need to eat another one!” Dicky moaned, and he ate it 10 minutes later, they weren't full.

“Ok let's go somewhere like, Tom’s get sporty,” Dawn said, they went inside.

“Wow!” the main 6 said, they went to the counter and sat down.

“Hey, Josie can we please have smoothies and these are ponies, they can talk,” Dawn said.

“Ahh! They can talk prove it,” Josie said.

“Ok,” Dawn said.

“Hello my name is, Twilight Sparkle,” Twilight said.

Josie had a surprised face. “Wow!”

“I know, right!” Dawn said.

Mae walked in, “Oh hey, Dawn.”

“Hey, Mae,” Dawn said.

“Hi, Mae,” everyone said, waving at her.

Then Mae sat down. “Hi Dawn, why do you have ponies?”

“Not just any ponies, talking ponies,” Dawn said.

“Can you prove it? Mae asked.

“Oh, I can proof it all right,” Dawn said.

“Mmm! This smoothie is so yummy,” Fluttershy said.

“Cool,” Mae said happily.

“Is there anything else you can show us ponies,” Twilight said.

“We have some games for you donkeys,” Dicky said.

“For the last time! It's ponies not donkeys,” Ricky said.

“Then who are the donkeys?” Dicky said.

“There are no donkeys!” Nicky said, then they all kept on fighting.

“Um, Twilight what do we do?” Fluttershy said.

“Just let them fight for a little while,” Twilight said, 5 minutes later, they were still fighting. “Ok that's enough,” they stopped fighting. “Aren’t you going to show us ponies the games.”

“She’s right let's show them the games we have here,” Dawn said, they walked to the video games.

“Wow!” the main 6 said.

“Come on everypony let's play some games,” Rainbow Dash said.

“Yeah!” the main 6 said, they started playing games 3 hours later.

“That. Was. Fun let's go over to the Harpers,” Rainbow Dash said, they started walking there. “I think we can't walk anymore.”

“Ok, we can stay here for a while it's totally fine for us,” Dawn said.

“Thanks,” Twilight said, the ponies lay down 10 minutes later they could walk.

“Ok let's show you to our cafe,” Dawn said, they went into the cafe.

“Wow,” the main 6 said.

“We can order some food for you,” Dawn said.

“And you can sit there and relax,” Ricky said.

“That's right donkeys,” Dicky said.

“It’s ponies,” Nicky said angrily.

“There you go now you can have some fresh food,” Dawn said.

“Mmm, thank you!” The main 6 said.

“After this we have to go back to Equestria,” Twilight said.

“Ok our last words are we loved having you around,” Dawn said.

“Yeah we loved having you here,” Nicky said.

“We loved you showing us around and seeing what this world is like,” Twilight said, 10 minutes later, they were finished they went back home.

“We are so going to miss you,” Dawn said.

“Us to!” The main 6 said.

“Bye!” Twilight said.

“Bye!” The Harpers said.

Twilight cast the spell again and the main 6 were back in Equestria.