• Published 17th Jul 2017
  • 232 Views, 3 Comments

Bringing the Magic Back - Amaranthine Thought

a thousand years ago, Celestia and Luna slew each other. Five hundred years ago, Starswirl set off to try and find a cure to the curse. And now, six mare are chosen to be Equestria's last chance. If they ever figure that out anyway.

  • ...

Chapter 5

Sweetie waited for a short time when the knock finally came. She counted three, then two, and went to the door, opening it to find a blue unicorn outside, with a white and teal mane. She noticed a slightly broken bajo strapped to her back as she simply walked inside, startling Sweetie a little as she looked around, smiling.

“Nice place.” She said, looking back to Sweetie.

“Are, are you who’s supposed to be watching me?” Sweetie asked her, finding her forthrightness a little disarming.

“I’m watching you.” She said. “What’s your name?”

“I’m Sweetie Belle.” Sweetie told her, wondering. “What’s yours?”

“Lyra. Lyra Heartstrings.” Lyra told her, wandering farther into the boutique. “Love the decorations. Makes me feel like I’m in a shop.”

“The, the front is a shop.” Sweetie told her, following after her.

“That explains that then.” Lyra said, sitting on the couch with a frankly strange manner; she sat upright and leaned back, rather than forward, spreading her front legs out, rather than keeping them close. Sweetie stared as Lyra relaxed, wondering how she managed to sit like she did at all; it was uncomfortable just looking at her.

Lyra patted the spot next to her, getting Sweetie to climb on with her, sitting normally a little away from her.

“So, why don’t you tell me about you?” Lyra asked her.

“…Like what?” Sweetie asked, confused.

“Like what you like, stuff you do, things like that.” Lyra told her, smiling at her.

“Well… I like helping Rarity design dresses.” she said a little hesitantly.

“Who’s Rarity?”

“She’s my older sister.”

“Nice.” Lyra said, smiling. “Family’s always fun. Do you have anything to eat around here?”

“The, the kitchen’s over there.” Sweetie said, point that way. Lyra nodded, getting up and heading that way, Sweetie watching her go before starting to wonder about her. She seemed a little… strange.

An odd sound came from the kitchen, and Sweetie glance back that way, wondering what that was. After a moment, she smelled something burning, and hesitantly went that way, wondering what was happening.

She stopped and then stared, seeing Lyra by the stove, happily watching a pan filled with flames. “F, fire!” she yelled.

“Something wrong?” Lyra asked, glancing at her.

“It, it’s on fire!”

“Yeah! That’s how I know it’s cooking.” Lyra told her, Sweetie staring in utter shock at her. Lyra eyed the pan for a moment, and then suddenly picked it up and flicked it into the air. She then caught it and swiped it over two plates and leaving behind two sandwiches, before tossing the pan into the sink, where it sizzled.

Perfection!” she sang happily, finishing two sandwiches. “Flame roasted rose is just the best!”

“But, but they’re going to be bur…” Sweetie began, before Lyra offered her one of them. It looked fine; lightly toasted, and not at all burnt like she thought it would be. “…nt?”

“Do you like songs? I like songs.” Lyra told her, levitating the two plates after her as she headed out of the kitchen, Sweetie trailing after her. “You even have a stage!”

“That’s not a,” Sweetie began, before Lyra hopped atop the platform and pushed the dummy off the same. With a flourish, she held up a banjo that had seen better days, and adopted a sitting position that Sweetie couldn’t figure out.

Lyra stummed a few notes, the sounds mildly discordant, before she started singing. Sweetie stared, listening; Lyra’s voice wasn't exactly beautiful, the sounds nothing like anything she’d heard before, but the song…

It was the most ridiculous thing Sweetie had ever heard.

She smiled, and noticed the sandwich nearby. She looked at it and then picked it up and began eating, enjoying herself. It wasn't long before Sweetie was singing along, Lyra’s songs catchy and easy to remember.

A few songs later, and Lyra told her, “You have a beautiful voice, Sweetie!”, making the filly blush a little.

“Thank you.”

“Do you have the time?” Lyra asked.

Sweetie hesitated, and then glanced at the clock. “…It’s almost eight.” She said.

Lyra nodded, thoughtful. Then she asked, “Want to go exploring?”


“Yeah! Today’s Remembrance, after all, and there’s some really fun places we can go see!”

“You, you’ll take me?” Sweetie asked, growing excited.

“Sure! Ready to go?”

“Y, yes!” Sweetie said. She hadn’t ever done anything like that yet. Normally, the filly watchers wouldn’t let her do it anyway, because Rarity had told them not to. But if Lyra offered, then Rarity had to have said she could!

The two left, Sweetie eager and excitedly following after Lyra as the two headed off into the new night.

Rarity was still a little awed over it all. The carriage that had taken her to Duchess Gold’s home had been fine, but the Duchess’ own was mostly made of gold. With seats of the finest velvet and dark wood that complimented both the red and gold color. It even floated by itself; one the greatest feats of magic Rarity had ever seen before.

And now, it floated along the cobbles of the city’s ‘high’ district, where the nobility of Dawn’s Light lived, and carried her and the duchess towards the great castle, where the Grand Remembrance would be held.

But she kept herself in check, despite feeling almost giddy. Watching out the window, and being near enchanted by the many colorful lights of the castle, lit for the Remembrance.

“You seem very happy.” She heard the duchess remark, and she smiled as she looked back to her benefactor.

Duchess Gold was a yellow unicorn with a golden mane who less wore her finery than was a part of it. She had perfect grace and regality, and in many ways, Rarity was trying to imitate her, the very picture of unicorn nobility in her mind.

“I am. A year ago, and I never would have dreamed that I would be attending Dawn’s Light’s greatest celebration.”

“You have prepared yourself very well; better than some of the nobility, I feel.”

Rarity smiled softly, and looked down and away, as befit a modest mare.

“…Do you know why I have invited you, Rarity?” she asked.

“I would not guess at the duchess’ mind.” Rarity answered, keeping herself fully aware of her station still. She was invited, sure, but she had no title, and Duchess was second only to Lord. Friend or not, there was a proper way of things.

“It has been… a while, since things have changed in the castle.” The Duchess told her. “And I feel that you would be a very welcome wind of change.” Rarity blinked, and Duchess Gold finished, “When the time is correct, I will request that our Lord grant you your own title: A seat for a baroness has sat empty for some time.”

Rarity was speechless, staring at Duchess Gold.

“Of course, this hinges on your ability to meet and impress the others.” The Duchess told her. “And ultimately, to win the approval of our Lord. The more nobility that finds you acceptable, the more will support my suggestion, and the likelier that our Lord will grant you the title. But it is he that will make the final decision.”

“I, I, I am… I don’t know what to say.” Rarity said, shocked. She’d anticipated that this party was an opportunity for her.

She had not anticipated that Duchess Gold would be actively attempting to get her titled.

“Of course, I expect that you will show proper gratitude, and assist me.” The Duchess told her, Rarity hesitating. “There have been some… worrisome decisions as of late, and having another voice on my side, even brand new, would do wonders for helping the unicorns of Dawn’s Light, and even all of Arcanum itself.”

“Of, of course, Duchess.” Rarity said, bowing her head again, her mind working quickly. The machinations of nobility were partly unknown to her, but they weren’t all that different from the delicate web of high society either.

Every hoof extended sought to gain from doing so. Rarity dearly wanted to ask what the Duchess was planning, though she kept her mouth shut anyway.

Getting a title was exactly what would let her enter the highest circle of Dawn’s Light without the Duchess’ invitation. She did not dare to question it, lest the Duchess decide that she wasn't the right mare.

This was her greatest, biggest chance ever, and she would do anything to ensure that it did not fail.

She looked out the window again as the carriage floated through the outer gates, the pristine and decorated lawn coming into view. Magical lights illuminated the edges of the path in beautiful shades of blue, orange, and yellow, and after a moment, the carriage pulled to a gentle stop before the castle gates, their golden gilding brilliantly illuminated.

Duchess Gold stepped out, and Rarity followed, taking a brief moment to look up at the beautiful, shining towers of the castle that rose so high over her. Then she followed the Duchess towards the grand gates, where a few other ponies had gathered.

“Duchess Gold.” An older stallion greeted, bending his head just slightly.

“Duke Strong Heart.” The duchess greeted, slightly tipping her own head. “A fine Remembrance this night, is it not?”

“Truly so.” The duke answered. “They have exceeded last year in their preparations this time, I feel.” He glanced at Rarity, and then asked, “Is that the seamstress you have spoken so highly of behind you?”

Rarity kept herself, despite that her mind was reeling from hearing that. “Her name is Rarity, Duke Heart.” The duchess told him. “And remember: I have approved her.”

“Of course, of course.” The duke said. “A fine choice, I am sure.”

The duchess only nodded, and Rarity firmed herself. She had to make the best impression. She stepped a little forward, and took a graceful curtsy, one she had practiced many times before. “I greet the duke.” She said, keeping her head down.

“Very proper, I see.” he told her, Rarity only then standing back up, keeping her face bright, with a small smile; the proper form of happiness. “I hope you and Duchess Gold enjoy yourselves this night.”

Duchess Gold walked past, and after a moment, Rarity followed her, the two entering through the gate.

The inner hall was massive, with a long red carpet and made of pristine white stone. Guards stood in shining silver armor, standing tall and perfectly still, lining the hallway. Duchess Gold didn’t even glance at them, and Rarity followed suit, keeping a few paces behind the duchess.

A unicorn waited as they came to the end of the hall, standing next to the large doors there. “Duchess Gold.” He greeted, bowing his head. Rarity noted his horn lit for a moment, and then the duchess told him, “Rarity is my guest this night. My respected guest.” She added, to Rarity’s interest, the stallion looking at her, his face kept perfectly neutral.

“Then, pardon, my lady.” He said, his horn lighting. Rarity wondered why before she startled suddenly, feeling a magical touch across all of her. “May I introduce you?” the stallion asked the duchess as Rarity stared, trying to figure out if she should say something or not.

“You may.” the duchess said, and the stallion nodded, walking through the doors.

“Is, is that normal?” Rarity swiftly whispered to the duchess, hearing the stallion announcing them.

“Any new unicorn must be inspected.” The duchess whispered back. “Ignore it.”

Rarity nodded, feeling a little unsure all the same. Duchess Gold suddenly moved forwards, and she followed suit, and was unable to not stare at the room beyond.

It was truly massive, the ceiling rising high above. Three massive chandeliers hung overhead, shining with magical lights, and the far wall had several massive windows in it, looking out over the city, glittering in the dark night.

The castle did not have windows when seen from outside.

The walls were beautifully carved, and parts of them had grand tapestry covering them, tasteful plants set where they would complement the whole design. On the far end of the room sat a massive table, a throne set in the center, looking towards the room. Just behind that, a curled set of stairs swept up to a double door, where a massive portrait of the Lord hung.

Several tables were set about the area, holding fine food, servants drifting about the room, bearing flutes of wine. Little magical things flitted about, spreading a sparkling mist behind them, and making the ceiling and lights seem to shimmer. Gentle music came from nowhere in particular, filling the room.

The nobility of Dawn’s Light was here, unicorns in the finest silks and clothes, speaking with one another quietly, spread about the room in small groups.

A swift count suggested that there were enough to at least mostly fill the massive table’s seats. As Duchess Gold walked away, Rarity readied herself.

She had many very important unicorns to meet and win the approval of.

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