• Published 20th Jul 2017
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Sentry at the Charge - Tumbleweed

In volume 3 of the Flash Sentry Papers, it's up to Flash Sentry and Special Agent Golden Harvest to save Equestria from another Changeling invasion ... whether Flash likes it or not.

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Chapter 4: Medals and Meddling

“Step forward, Lieutenant Sentry.”

Princess Celestia and Princess Luna had summoned me to their throne room as soon as the medics had put the last few stitches into my leg. The small bunch of ponies who had gathered to commend me certainly made the term 'quality over quantity' come to mind. Fancy Pants stood at one side of the Princess' dais, and Commander Spitfire stood at the other. A few other ponies were clumped around the first few rows of the audience, but the only one I recognized was Carrot Top (nee Special Agent Golden Harvest).

I stepped forward, still reeling from the implications of the gathering-- and likely from residual shock, as well. After all, mere hours before, I'd been fighting for my life, and all of a sudden I was the toast of Canterlot. Funny how these things work.

Princess Celestia stood, even taller and more regal than the usual. “This is not the first time you have risked everything in service to Equestria-- and, given what I've been told about your character, I doubt it shall be the last, either. You are an exemplar of bravery and selflessness: Equestria would be an even better place were there were more ponies like you.”

Well, thought I, that depends on one's definition of 'better.' I kept my trap shut, of course, because that's simply what you do whenever there's a Princess about.

Princess Celestia made a barely perceptible nod, and Fancy Pants materialized at her side, carrying a long, flat box. Her long white horn horn glowed as she undid the latches and withdrew a silvered disc, quartered evenly by bars of gold.

“For your gallantry and valor in the face of overwhelming odds, it is my honor to bestow upon you the highest honor of the Equestrian Military: The Celestial Cross.*” Princess Celestia floated the medal from its box and draped it around my bent neck.

*The astute reader may have noticed that this is actually the second time Sentry mentions being awarded the Celestial Cross in his memoirs (the first being mentioned offhandedly during his account of the First Battle of Canterlot). Unfortunately, the military records that would clear the matter were destroyed during the Fourth Battle of Canterlot. As such, we are left to conclude that either Sentry was awarded the Celestial Cross twice, or, while writing his memoirs, he forgot the exactly when he received the medal, only remembering that it had something to do with a changeling invasion. Given Sentry's career and character, either option is equally plausible.

Then she bowed.

To me.

The small audience applauded politely but genuinely, and I began to wonder if my wounds had festered to the point of sending me into a fever dream. My befuddlement must have shown, as Princess Celestia soon favored me with a matronly (but somehow still enticing?) kind of smile, and patted me on the shoulder.

“You don't need to say anything, Lieutenant Sentry. Your actions speak louder than any words ever could.”

“I. Er. Thank you.” I murmured, suddenly lapsing back into a blushing schoolboy. Which is saying something, as I'm fairly certain I never was a blushing schoolboy. But I digress.

“I apologize for the ... impromptu nature of the ceremony.” Princess Celestia said. “Given our newly forged friendship with the Changelings, it would be ... impolitic to publicly laud somepony who had fought against them so hard. And yet, such bravery as yours shouldn't-- can't go unrecognized. I wanted to take care of this before we depart for Ponyville.”

“We?” I kept my voice from cracking, if barely.

“Princess Twilight is throwing a celebration to honor her apprentice, Starlight Glimmer, along with her friends. And ... Discord.” At mention the chaos-god's name, Princess Celestia frowned ever so slightly, which was her equivalent of several minutes of obscenity-filled invective. “The next train will be leaving in a little over an hour-- I trust you're feeling well enough to travel?”

“Well enough.” I said. There was something about Princess Celestia that made it very, very hard to lie to her (which is why I tended to say as little as possible in her presence). “But, ah, I wouldn't want to impose. I've never even met Starlight Glimmer, much less any of her friends. Or even Discord.” A beat later, and I couldn't help but add on an afterthought. “Lucky for me on that last part, I imagine.”

Princess Celestia laughed-- just a titter, really, one she hid behind a hoof, but the mere sound of her laughter was enough to kindle a fire in the most cynical of hearts (read: mine). Of course, I could tell that Princess Celestia hadn't the slightest bit of interest in me as anything beyond one of her more loyal (and useful) subjects. Which just meant she was the genuine article, I suppose.

“Well, said, Lieutenant.” Princess Celestia said. “But now, my sister and I must make preparations for the trip. I'll look forward to seeing you in Ponyville.” She bowed her head again, and then made her polite goodbyes to the rest of the little gathering before heading out in a sweep of wings and mane.

The few other ponies in attendance came forward, one by one, to shake my hoof and offer congratulations. But, as one would expect from important ponies along the lines of Fancy Pants or Commander Spitfire, they soon bustled off on their own important business. Within minutes, the only ponies left in the room were Carrot Top and myself. I figured it was all part of somepony's plan, though I hadn't the faintest idea of whose.

“Congratulations, Sentry.” Carrot Top said, if slightly begrudingly.

“I, er. Thanks?” I looked down at my suddenly-heavy Celestial Cross, hanging on its ribbon around my neck. “Honestly, I'm surprised they didn't give you one. You certainly earned it, after all.”

“Maybe.” Carrot Top shrugged it off. “But it'd blow my cover.”

“Oh. Right.” I said. Silence hung in the air for a few moments longer-- and, in one of the few moments of genuine bravery I've ever shown, I asked a simple question. “Do you want to, er, talk? You know. About ... us?” And once again, I found myself wishing my award ceremony had an open bar.

“Us?” Carrot Top arched a brow.

“As in you and I.”

“Wait.” Carrot Top held up a hoof. “There is no 'us,' Sentry. There's you, and there's me. Two adult ponies who don't have to explain themselves to anyone.”

“Even ourselves?”

“Especially ourselves.” Carrot Top crossed crossed her front legs, stubbornly. “We both know that these kind of ... complications never end well.”

“Right. On account of being too complicated.”

“It's probably just a base physical attraction, that's all.” Carrot Top said. “I mean, it's not like you're not decent looking or anything.”

“More than decent, I'd say.” By reflex, I reached up to smooth my mane. “Though you're rather fetching yourself. Objectively speaking, that is.”

“Thank you. I think. But we both know that getting too ... attached to anypony is a recipe for disaster in our line of work.”

“In your line of work, Carrot Top. You just drag me along whenever things get especially terrible.”

“Trust me, Sentry. Things are always terrible. It's just a matter of whether you know it or not.”

“How optimistic of you.” I said, deadpan.

“Look.” Carrot Top said. “What happened ... happened, okay?”

“But do you want it to happen again?” I asked before I could stop myself.

“Do you?” Carrot Top blurted, just a hint too quickly.

“Well.” I scratched at the back of my neck. “It wasn't exactly unpleasant. Objectively speaking.”

“Just a little something to ... take the edge off. Stress relief.” Carrot Top thought aloud.

“Exactly.” I nodded. “Perfectly understandable, given our circumstances.”

“We just need to keep things ... casual, that's all. Shallow, even.”

“You once called me one of the shallowest ponies you've ever met.”

Carrot Top smiled, and gently took one of my hooves in hers. “Got me there. Not like either one of us would ever settle down, anyway. I mean, Sweetie Drops tried it with that unicorn, but I still don't see how she does it. Can you imagine a 'normal' life, Sentry?”

“What, with Picket fences?” I said.

“And neighborhood association meetings.”

“Jointly filed tax returns.”

“Two point five children.”

“It's nauseating.”




“Sounds like we're in agreement, then.” I said, and the two of us started laughing so hard we had to lean against each other for support. At least, that was our excuse.

“C'mon, Sentry-- we'd better get ready for the Ponyville trip.”

“Right, right. Celestia's orders.” I shook my head. “No rest for the wicked, eh?”

“It'll be fun.” Carrot Top said with surprising conviction.

“If you say so. Just seems like short notice to put on the apparent social event of the year.”

“You really never have been to Ponyville, have you?”

At a glance, Ponyville was (and, as I understand, still is) just another small town-- pleasant in its own little way, but otherwise unremarkable. Of course, that's discounting its alarming proximity to the Everfree Forest, or the crystalline tree-castle-thing in the center of town. It was in that crystalline tree-castle-thing that Princess Twilight Sparkle held her ceremony. I don't know who the Princess of Friendship's party planner was, but I imagined they must have been some sort of brilliant, calculating logistician in order to put together such a large party seemingly overnight.

I'm presuming you, dear reader, are familiar with the story of Starlight Glimmer, and how she and her pals were able to turn a hive full of changelings into a completely different species through the power of friendship. Which led to one of the odder parties I've ever been to, in that half the attendants were changelings. At least, people kept telling me they were changelings, even if they didn't look anything like any changelings I'd seen before. They were still hideous, of course-- only now their carapaces were green instead of oily black.** That, and none of them were trying to gnaw my skull open, which was a rather novel experience.

**There are multiple theories as to the true nature of King Thorax and his changelings. Most accounts of the time attribute the sudden morphological transformation of the Changelings to their sudden change of heart and discovery of how to give love as well as consume it. Other historians posit Starlight Glimmer joined forces with her ally (and possible lover, according to some interpretations), King Thorax in order to overthrow Queen Chrysalis. Still others consider King Thorax and his refined changelings as a mutation within the changeling species, able to replace their more predatory kin through simple (if surprisingly fast paced) evolutionary process. It is a fascinating convergence of sociology, historiography, and biology that warrants further study from more qualified scholars than I.

I stayed close to the exit at the back of the room, just in case.

As per the usual, Carrot Top was braver than I, staking out a spot in the front row, right next to a particularly mandible-y looking changeling. Princess Twilight Sparkle said a few words (far fewer than I'd expected), passed out a couple of medals, and the rest of the party was free drinks and idle chitchat.

Under normal circumstances, I'd be in my element-- an open bar and a bevvy of unattached mares are the foundations of a pleasant evening, after all. Of course, the presence of a gaggle of supposedly reformed changelings, not to mention that of an even more supposedly reformed Discord made things more than a little awkward, as one could imagine. I stuck to the periphery, watching the other ponies socialize and dance to the beat of a frankly ludicrously sized sound system. To think, mere days before, the only place to see so many changelings and ponies together was on a battlefield. But now, the only screaming was coming from some pink pony on the dance floor with a lampshade on her head.

“Excuse me,” a nasal, almost prepubescent voice said from somewhere behind me. “Are you Flash Sentry?”

“That's me.” I said-- though a moment later, I wished I hadn't.

King Thorax stood taller than any changeling I'd ever met, even before the antlers that gave him the profile of a coat rack. And yet, despite his stature, he had a wide (if multifaceted) eyed look of innocence about him.

“I'm King Thorax.” He said, rather obviously. “I was hoping I could talk to you.”

“Oh?” I forced a smile, even as I instinctively took a half-step backward. Admittedly, Thorax was a little taller and far spikier than I was, but I wagered I could take him in a brawl if it came to it. Or, better yet, I wagered my feathered wings would be faster than his beetle-ish ones, especially if the likes of Special Agent Golden Harvest could start stomping on them before I fled.

King Thorax must have noticed the wary tension in my wings, as he gave his own a little flutter. “I ... I've heard about what you do, Flash.” And damn if he didn't take a step back of his own.

“And just what have you heard?” I couldn't help but ask.

“You ... you fight changelings. You kill changelings.”

By reflex, I fell into my old 'taciturn hero' routine. “When I have to.” I said, and stared off into the middle distance. “But that's behind us now, right?”

“R-r-right!” King Thorax stammered. “It's just ... I wanted to apologize.”


“I ... I can't imagine what you've been through. Changelings have done some terrible, terrible things-- I'm sorry you had to resort to violence to defend those you love.”

“All in the line of duty.” I said.

“I know, I know-- but I'm going to make it up to you, I promise.” Thorax nodded with nigh-boyish eagerness.

“I suppose I'll look forward to it?” I said.

“It'll be worth the wait, I promise!” King Thorax shook my hoof enthusiastically, and then trotted off to chat with Starlight Glimmer and some pony in a wizard hat. I stared after King Thorax for a moment-- I still couldn't quite process a conversation with a changeling that didn't end in blood and screaming.

Carrot Top materialized at my side, and foisted a glass of wine on me. “Mission accomplished. Good job, Sentry.”

“Wait.” I groaned, and drained half the wineglass in one go. “What kind of awful spy business have you dragged me into this time?”

“Not espionage. Politics.”

“That's worse.”

“I know.” Carrot Top smiled ruefully, and shook her head. “But for once, I'm not the one to blame. Inviting you was Princess Celestia's idea.”

“What? Why?”

“Oh, it's simple. The Changelings have ... changed, but Princess Celestia isn't stupid. So she brings a war hero along in her entourage, just to remind King Thorax what ponies are capable of when threatened.”

“That is ... surprisingly devious.”

“Isn't it? There's a reason she's ruled for over a thousand years.” Carrot Top shrugged.

“Mmm. Well, now that I've fulfilled my mission, I think I'll be going.”

“Going where?”

“Someplace with fewer heads of state hanging about. I figure it'll be safer.” I finished my wine and set the empty goblet to the side. A thought struck me. “Say, you live here, don't you? You could show me the sights.”

“Ponyville hasn't got much to see.” Carrot Top said, smiling. “You'd get bored before long.”

“Well.” I sidled a little closer. “Perhaps we could find a better way to pass the--”

“Lieutenant Sentry.” Princess Celestia's voice, melodic but must-be-obeyed, stopped me in my tracks.

“I apologize for the interruption.” If Princess Celestia was at all surprised or scandalized by the faint flirtation between myself and Carrot Top, she didn't show it. “But I have some good news.”

“Good news is always, ah ... good.” Not the most clever of things to say, but I was distracted by the fact that King Thorax was standing next to Princess Celestia, wearing a smile that was entirely too wide to be encouraging.

“Go ahead and tell him, King Thorax.” Princess Celestia said in that gentle, encouraging tone of hers.

“Right!” The changeling said, and stepped forward. A smaller, bluish-greenish changeling scuttled up beside him and unrolled a too-long scroll, holding it up for Thorax to read. King Hatrack cleared his throat, and then did his best imitation of a proclamation as he read the scroll.

“As a gesture of friendship between the Changeling Kingdom and Equestria, I, King Thorax, first of his name, ruler and protector of the hive, do formally invite you, Lieutenant Flash Sentry of the Royal Guard, to visit our lands, observe our culture, and help us strengthen the ties of friendship between our respective peoples.”

“I ... I'm honored?” I said, for lack of anything better. A quick glance to Carrot Top showed she looked just as shocked as I did-- apparently there were some things that even Special Agent Golden Harvest was unaware of.

“Congratulations, Lieutenant.” Princess Celestia said, smiling. “I know you'll be a wonderful ambassador.”