• Published 14th Jul 2012
  • 2,259 Views, 24 Comments

In the care of Octavia - Borogneir

Vinyl get's shrinked into a filly and sent to a dimentsion where she was adopted by Octavia.

  • ...

Please! Tell me what the buck is going on!

Vinyl had completely forgotten that detail, of course she had school. She was in the body of a filly, so that was pretty much a dead give away. If she hadn’t been distracted by the whole situation, she would probably have figure that out already, but alas, she hadn’t and now she had to pay for her incredibly silly mistake. Vinyl made a nervous laugh to her supposed mother and nodded as she closed the door behind her with a shove of magic. “So, that’s that, what are we gonna do today then?” She asked the crusaders standing in front of her. By her calculations, she was probably also a crusader, one could almost figure out such a thing pretty easily. Vinyl opened her eyes to see the crusaders jaws practically hanging to the ground, she tilted her head to the side in confusion, and then Sweetie Belle pointed at her horn and uttered something.

The sound that came out of the filly’s mouth sounded like amazement, but Vinyl didn’t quite understand what was so special about her horn... Wait, maybe they were referring to her magic? “You have magic!” Yeah, she had totally just called that. Vinyl nodded slowly and the gasps from the three fillies became even bigger. “That’s amazing! When did you learn that? I didn’t know a pony could just learn magic that fast, are you some kind of awesome pony?” Vinyl blinked, she didn’t know how to react, but she still found it pretty enjoyable that Sweetie Belle was the only one of the three able to talk.

Vinyl coughed, breaking the concentration of the three. “Yes, I can magic, please don’t make such a big deal about it. Let’s just do something, I am light headed so I forgot what we were supposed to do, so yeah, sorry about that.” She lied, she obviously had no idea what was going on. Vinyl hoped that the filly’s wouldn’t do something too crazy, but knowing the Cutie Mark Crusaders from her own world, that was something very stupid to think. She knew that the three had the biggest tendency to get into trouble. And then it hit her, she had magic, they were obviously going to make her do something with that. Vinyl gulped and smiled as she nodded in a weird way. “Come on now girls, shouldn’t we, you know, do something?”

The three fillies suddenly stopped being incapacitated and started to nod furiously. “Yes, let’s! Off to the treehouse!” They all shouted in unison. Vinyl sighed to herself as she started to gallop off after them. She giggled to herself, even though she didn’t like the circumstances, she couldn’t help but like the fact that she felt like a filly again, and it was great!

It was weird, she would have thought that the town would have changed in between dimensions, or whatever it was. But, for some inexplicable reason, there was no difference at all, it was odd, to say the least. It made Vinyl slightly unnerved, but no time for that, was her thought. She was too much into the moment to care. She was going to play as a filly again, even if she was a grown mare in spirit, she had always been a child at heart. She had never liked being stuck up with a stick in her butt. No, she had always been laid back and awesome just like a DJ should be.

The group of fillies soon arrived at the crusader treehouse, and first then, did Vinyl notice a difference except herself in the world. The treehouse wasn’t the normal tree color - as she called it - that it used to have. It was blue for some reason, with the frames of the windows being white. It was almost as if the treehouse had been modeled after herself. there had to be a reason, Vinyl just couldn’t figure out what. Not that she cared much about it at the time, but it was certainly something different from her own world. And somehow, that made her feel just a little bit more secure in her situation. As the four of them walked inside it... Ok, Vinyl had no idea what it looked like before, so there was no way to compare the two.

It was lazily decorated with some random painting on the wall, Vinyl had no idea what it was supposed to be, it just looked like somepony had splattered paint all over a canvas and sold it off to somepony. There was a small table in the middle, with four chairs surrounding it. Obviously for meetings or something like that. Vinyl reasoned to herself. Not that these three had any real reason to hold meetings but it was at least a table. In the corner of the treehouse was a small table with a single thing on it. it was a balloon figure that looked really disfigured, but it seemed to resemble some sort of pinkish pegasus with a blue mane. And of course, there just had to be a target mark on the ground. Vinyl didn’t understand what on Equestria this could be, it scared her, because it was a target. She had never liked anything to do with targets, not what so ever, there was just something scary about a flying object designed to hit other living beings. Swords on the other hoof, those were cool.

The other three crusaders placed themselves at the table and brought up something from beneath the table. Vinyl sat down on the table as well as she saw what it was. It was a blueprint. Not just any blueprint. A blueprint for a trebuchet... Vinyl gulped. “As you know, we have been building this catapult to try and earn our cutie marks as living projectiles—” Sweetie Belle was interrupted by a seemingly annoyed little orange pegasus.

“Proje-what now?” She looked at Vinyl. “What she’s trying to say is that we want to build this catapult thing to earn our cutie marks in the art of being thrown through the air.” Vinyl rolled her eyes. That was certainly an eloquent way of putting it to say the least.

“Yes, so as I was saying, now that you have magic, we can actually finish it, because we haven’t been able to deal with this thing-a-ma-bob right here.” She said as she pointed at a seemingly random spot on the blueprint. She certainly didn’t point at the contraption itself, just somewhere random on the paper. Vinyl guessed she just had to play along, so she did, and nodded towards the white filly. “Good, now, wait here, we don’t want you to see it in it’s current form. Just wait here and we will build it and then you can finish it for us.”

Vinyl nodded slowly as she was trying to comprehend why she wasn’t allowed outside. And then, she was suddenly the only pony left in the entire treehouse. Vinyl didn’t understand anything, what the hay was going on? Why didn’t she jsut help with the construction? There had to be another reason than them simply not wanting to see it in it’s current state. There had to be a reason, right?

She started to think to herself again, that seemed to happen a lot during the last two days. It probably had something to do with the fact that she had turned into a filly... Or not, yeah, that couldn’t be it. It had to be the lack of alcohol for two days. She used to drink at least every other day. And then, something very unexpected happened. As she was thinking to herself, something very unexpected happened. A certain filly stepped into the treehouse. A filly very known for her horrible attitude to ponies without cutie marks in general. “Hello?” Vinyl said as she stood up from her chair.

Diamond Tiara quickly hushed her as she shuffled over. “Hush! You don’t want them to hear me, do you? I’m here to give you this, remember? You asked for it three days ago, or did you forget? It’s been hard to get away from my father, but I know you will use it in the right way.” Vinyl didn’t react, she hadn’t even noticed what she had been hoofed, she was just looking at the pinkish filly with confusion.

“I am sorry, but I seemed to be rather confused at what’s going on. I have slight amnesia, so I’ve forgotten anything that happened before yesterday.” VInyl lied, it was better to do it this way, there was no point in even telling them about her apparent dimension change.

Diamond Tiara looked at her with a serious expression that practically shouted out in annoyance. “Well, that’s not good. You have to be reminded of the pan then. Remember, when they finish their... Whatever it is, apply this to the seat, to make sure that their bare flanks are even more noticeable than before. Quick take it before they come back with refreshments!” She almost shout as she threw a tube-like object at Vinyl, she grabbed it out of reflex and looked at it. It was super glue.

“Vinyl? I’m coming in with some juice to drench that thirst of yours.” Apple Bloom said as she could be heard moving up the steps to the treehouse.

“Horse-apples!” Diamond Tiara swore as silently as possible as she ducked beneath the table to try and hide herself from the incoming crusader.

“Huh, what was that? Is there anyone in there with you, Vinyl?” Apple Bloom asked with concern.

Vinyl had no idea what to do, so she looked under the table at the pink filly, who drew a hoof over her mouth that signified silence, so Vinyl understood what she had to say next. “What? No, no, no, there’s nopony in here with me, why would there be? It’s not like i have any other friends than you three, right?” She said with confidence. Which seemed to be recieved with a smile from Apple Bloom as she entered the treehouse.

“No, I suppose that’s true, I was just worried is all.” She said as she approached Vinyl with a glass of juice on her back. “Here you go.” She said as she pushed it off onto the table.” Juice is served.” The farm pony said with a smile, which was answered with a slight smile from Vinyl. “Now, i gotta get back to the other two, you just wait here.” Vinyl nodded and the filly went outside again.

Vinyl winked under the table signaling for Diamond Tiara that it was safe to come out. The pink filly looked at Vinyl with a stern expression and said with an authoritative voice, “Remember, the glue goes where their flanks go, that way, their coat gets ripped off as they shoot themselves away in that stupid machine.” Was all she said before she practically jumped out one of the window.

This was all too much for Vinyl to handle, so she grabbed her head and screamed in her mind. What on Equestria is going on!? Who are my real friends in this universe? If Diamond Tiara is my friend, then why am I even around the Cutie Mark Crusaders? And if the Crusaders are my real friends, then why is the apparent other me trying to ridicule them in front of everypony!? It makes no sense whatsoever! Please! Celestia, help me! And if I don’t apply the glue, Diamond Tiara will suspect something. And most important of all, why is the crusaders treating me like some kind of goddess? Is it because of my magic? No, that can’t be it. There has to be some other reason, but i can’t just flat out ask them, now can I? That would ruin my believability. I seriously have no idea what’s going on. I just hope somepony explains it to me before all the craziness goes to my head and it implodes on me. I can’t have that, now can I?

Her train of thought was stopped when the voice of Scootaloo could be heard from the outside. “Come out now, Vinyl! The catapult thing is ready now!” This made Vinyl react, she had to act like everything was normal, she didn’t want to seem suspicious. Even if she had no idea how to play the other her, because she seemed pretty out of character for what Vinyl classed as her personality. Of course, she had always like a little chaos, but revealing three ponies entire bare flank? That was a little too much. But she had to, didn’t she? Yes, yes she did. Diamond Tiara seemed to have hinted at somepony else getting the blame for what would happen. And besides, Vinyl was really curious as to how funny it would look when the three crusaders would look when their entire flanks are bare, without a single bit of coat left.

Vinyl rose from her chair and stormed outside. Scootaloo was standing at the edge of the glade as if she was leading the way somewhere. Vinyl trotted over and walked past her. She soon arrived in a small glade in between the apple trees. And there, stood the biggest trebuchet that she had ever seen. Though, this was the only trebuchet she had ever seen, but still! It was massive, at least as big as five stallions standing on their back legs and stretching as far into the air as they could. It was a trebuchet and it was massive, and it scared the living horse apples out of her! The crusaders wanted to get thrown by this?

This day was about to get a lot more interesting.

Author's Note:

ERMAHGERD! I am releasing more of this, finally! Right? Yes, it's finally time for more. I am sorry for not updating this at a more frequent ratio, I would have been able to if I could, but alas, life has it's tolls and I ahve other things to do. What with having a girlfriend now among other things. (She's both a brony and a gamer, for those curious :P )

Anyway, I hope you enjoyed this, I am finally getting into teh main plot, though, it's not quite there yet, if you noticed a certain something that's not too big, as a reference for the future, i will give you a cookie. Do any of you have any clue what's gonig on in the story? i know I do, and it's good.

Not relevant right now, but i am very forgetfull, does any of you remember wheter or not she still has her cutie mark? 'Cause the story differs depending on what the asnwer is. Wow, i am forgettting my own story... I raelly am lazy, aren't I? Yes, yes I am. Anyway, I'm not gonna check it myself, because I am simply too lazy to do so. The story won't differ THAT much, just a teeny tiny bit here and there, nothing to worry about.

Sorry about being lazy, hopefully I will be a man and try to update this soon again, don't count on it though.

Comments ( 2 )

(Joke) Alt. Title: Mi madre le gustan la música clásica
I thought I thought of the idea of Octavia raising Vinyl first. Well, I guess I'm the first one to do it comically.

hope this gets continued some time.

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