• Published 29th Jul 2017
  • 2,883 Views, 81 Comments

A Dash Into Blood - PixelMoon

The attempt of a Rainboom. All it was was a crash in The Castle of the Royal Pony Sisters. Life hates us sometimes, you know?

  • ...

Twilight's Past

"I was always a vampire, Dashie. Born from vampires, and raised," Twilight started.

"My parents were the rulers of the vampire kingdom. My mother was a very loved unicorn named Queen Nightshine, and my dad was King Shadowfall, the most feared but loved figure in the kingdom."

It was a glorious night in the beautiful Everfree. The forest wasn't always scary, it became like that because of Princess Celestia and Luna during their fight.

Vamponies of all kinds were running about, having fun. Vampires were a more known race back then, and ponies weren't as afraid.

Queen Nightshine was a kind mare. Her ponies were in need of help, so she decided to join the festivities of decorating the town.

"Thabo you so mich, Queen Nightshine. I fängt Thabo you Enugu for Helling us Deckfarbe for für annähernd Dimitrow," The captain of the planning committee said.

Nightshine nodded and continued her work. The vampire language was not in Equestrian, much so ponies couldn't read any messages that they somehow got ahold of.

"Dear, I've told you thousands of times that you don't have to use our language. It's only in letters. Please." Queen Nightshine ruffled the vampony's mane, who then smiled.

The younger vampire went back to work, allowing the queen to walk away from the festivities for the time being.

Nightshine trotted over to the castle where King Shadowfall was. He was talking to the Second-Commamnder of the Military when he saw his wife trotting over.

He released the commander from his presence. He gave smile to the queen and stared at the bulge in Nightshine's stomach. "How's the foal doing?" he asked.

Nightshine sat down and sighed. "I can feel her kicking more and more. I feel she's coming out soon," she replied. Shadowfall gave a reassuring smile.

His bat wing found its way to the Queen's shoulder and wrapped around it. Nightshine responded to Shadowfall's reassurance by nuzzling the vampony.

"She's going to be beautiful," Shadowfall stated with a kind tone.

Nightshine was about to respond when suddenly she felt a kick in her stomach. "Oof! Go to sleep, baby. Mamma's tired."

But the kicking didn't cease. The kick was followed shortly after by another kick. It didn't dawn on Nightshine until the third kick.

Her eyes widened. She was going into labor! The queen grasped the king alarmingly. "The baby's coming!"

Shadowfall immediately shot up from his position. He then started screaming, "Medic! We need a nurse! A doctor! Nightshine's in labor!"

Every bat turned their heads with panic. Amongst the crowd, two vampires; one dressed in a nurse outfit and the other in a doctor's coat, quickly flew to the queen and king.

The nurse had set Nightshine on a bed while the two medics quickly rushed the monarchs to a hospital. Nightshine had undergone a contraction already, and was wheezing in pain.

"Hang on there, sweets. We'll get there soon," Shadowfall said.

True to his word, the vampires had indeed gotton to a hospital at the castle in no time. As soon as they had gotton a room, the doctor begun to get the baby out.

After several hours of pain and sweat, Nightshine lay in her bed, sweat still rolling down her face. She was panting, while Shadowfall sat next to her and was currently holding her hoof.

Suddenly, the door opened to reveal the nurse and doctor. The nurse had a sweet smile adorned on her face that showed her fangs. In her hooves was a bundle of blankets.

Nightshine immediately smiled. She held her hooves out, and with great care, the bundle was placed in them. The parents smiled warmly and gazed at the baby.

The foal was a girl with wings and a horn. Her mane was black with a dark pink and purple mixed throughout her mane. Tiny fangs poked through the filly's small smiling mouth.

Nightshine gasped. "An a-alicorn!? But how!?"

Shadowfall, whom was just as shocked, shrugged. "I'm not sure, but I believe this is a good thing. Now at least you can teach her magic."

"Yes, I suppose."

"What are we going to name her?" Shadowfall asked.

After a few minutes in thought, Nightshine came to a conclusion. "Twilight Andromeda Sparkle."

Years later, Princess Twilight ran around the castle walls. She was giggling, and behind her was her dad, whom was trying to catch his daughter.

"Twilight! Get over here you dear nugget!" he exclaimed.

The young alicorn suddenly stopped running and had an excited grin on her face. "Oh! That sounds really good! Can we have some dear nuggets?"

Shadowfall chuckled. "Heh, maybe some other time, sweetie. But right now you need to sleep. It's almost day time."

Twilight groaned. "But daddd! I'm almost two hundred years old! I think I shouldn't have a bed time anymore!"

"That's exactly why! You're only 196 years old. You need to go to bed if you want to be able to suck the life out of an entire army of ponies."

Twilight groaned but nodded. "Fineee."

As she trotted to the one of many staircases in the castle, a vampire ran into her. He looked up and suddenly looked incredibly scared.

"Oh my Faust! Best apologies, your highness! I wasn't looking where I was going, and- oh please don't drain my blood..."

Twilight gave a stern glare at the cowarding vampire. She leaned over him, her shadow on top of him. The alicorn leaned in further, and when her face was mere inches from his, she spoke.

"...Need some help?"

The vampire on the floor looked up. "What?"

He looked at Twilight's extended hoof. He shakily accepted it, and before the vampire knew it the alicorn had yanked him off the floor.


"It's nothing." Twilight grabbed his chest. "But if you ever run into me again, you know what's coming." She hissed, her sharp fangs glinting in the dawn's light. "Now, what's your name?"

"S-star Tracker, your Majesty."

Twilight hummed in thought. "Star Tracker...as in the captain of the guard?" He nodded. "Well, you are dismissed."

Star bowed down one last time before scrambling away. Shadowfall gave a perplexed look on his face as he and his daughter began to walk to the stairs again.

Twilight stared at the vampire across from her. He had a midnight black coat with a dirty white mane that held black dots near the tips.

"So, Star Tracker..."

The vampire in question glanced up. "Yes? What is it, Twilight, the love of my life?"

Twilight smiled but rolled her eyes. "Okay, mister sweet talker. We get it, we are in love." Star smirked as the alicorn continued. "But I wanted to give you something."

Star's ears perked up with interest. He watched as Twilight grabbed a box with a ribbon wrapped around it. She placed it in his hooves.

Inside the box was a necklace with words written in it. It was in the shape of a crescent moon, and had 'Live, Love, and Kill to Protect' written on it.

Star carefully took it out of the box. He felt a tear fall down his eyes and quickly wiped it away.

"So, what do you think...?" Twilight asked.

"It...It's beautiful. Just like this pony it's from." Star replied. He placed the necklace around his neck. "I love it almost as much as I love you."

Twilight blushed. She got up and walked into his arms. Star stroked her black mane as the two stared at the moon setting.

Suddenly, Star stared to move. Twilight glanced up at him to see what he was doing. "You aren't the only one who has a gift, Twilight."

Twilight got up with an interesting stare. Star grabbed a small black box from the abyss and got up to kneel on one knee. The alicorn got up as well, but stayed standing.

"Princess Twilight Sparkle. The day I met you was the best day of my life. Who would have thought that running into the princess and her dad would lead to them dating? I wouldn't have guessed. But here we are, living the dream that was once thought of as impossible. And let me just say, you've made me the happiest vampire in the land. I'm here to make this official. Princess Twilight Andromeda Sparkle of the Vampire Kingdom; would you marry me?"

Silence filled the world as Star Tracker waited for Twilight to give her answer. Even the crickets seemed to stop chirping as if they too were anxious for the response.

Star held his breath as he waited. Twilight stared with tears running down her face. "I...Star Tracker, I..." She took a deep breath before continuing. "I thought you'd never ask!"

Twilight took Star by surprise as she dove into her fiancé's arms. Tears ran down both of their faces as the sun began to rise.

Several months later, Twilight lay in bed as she quietly read. Suddenly, her fiancé ran into the room, panic scrolled across his face.

"Twilight! The rulers of Equestria are invading! I don't think we can kill them!"

Twilight immediately shot up from the bed, her eyes widened. "What?!"

The two ran out of their room and quickly ran outside. What they saw, was unspoken.

Fire ran throughout the kingdom Twilight grew up in. The castle fell behind the couple as they stood.

Tears ran down the princess's face. Without saying anything, she took flight and flew through the fire and ashes of smoke. When she landed, Twilight was faced with her enemy.

Princess Celestia and Luna stood in front of her. King Shadowfall and Queen Nightshine stood as well. Princess Twilight gasped, drawing attention to herself.

Celestia turned her head and glared at Twilight. "So this is the pathetic alicorn princess? I thought I would see better." The alicorn's horn glowed and she blasted raw magic at the vampire, who attempted to dodge it.

She reacted too late. The magic pulsed through her body as she screamed in agony. Her mother called her name, but the voice fell silent after Twilight heard another blast of magic.

Voices began to fall away as Twilight to struggled to keep her eyes open. The last thing she heard was Shadowfall scream.

Twilight opened her eyes. Star Tracker stood above her with worry written on his face. "S-star..." Twilight murmured before she fell into a fit of coughs.

Star gave a relieved stare. "Thank Faust you're okay!"

"Why wouldn't I be...?"

Her fiancé grabbed her hoof to help her up. They stood in what used to be a kingdom full of hope and love. What was left was ashes of corpses. Little fire remained, but the area where the most fire was next to Twilight.

Twilight suddenly forgot about her soreness. She walked towards the fire and saw that it had something burning in it. Or rather, two figures.

She trotted forward to the flames, but almost immediately regretted it.

Twilight sat down at the edge of the flames, tears that fell burned into a mist from her eyes. Star walked over and wrapped a wing around his fiancé.

"I guess I'm Queen now..." Twilight sniffed. She stared into the flames of the former Queen and King. Suddenly, she glared.

Twilight got up and walked away from her misery. After all, a Queen didn't have time to sulk.

Queen Twilight trotted alongside her fiancé. It had been years later, yet she never got the chance to properly marry Star Tracker.

The death of her parents had finally numbed. Life was going a bit better, and Twilight could finally enjoy herself.

At least, she's hoped.

"So, are we ever going to actually get married, or do I only get to call you my fiancé?" Star Tracker spoke.

Twilight giggled. "Fine, how about...this Saturday?"


"I'm afraid you two won't be able to make it to that day," a voice spoke.

Twilight's horn immediately started to glow. She turned around at the sound of a stick cracking. Standing behind the two was no other than Princess Celestia of Equestria.

"You!" Twilight exclaimed, hated filling her voice.

"Me," Celestia mocked.

"Where's your petty sister?" Twilight asked.

Celestia's face saddened. "She's gone."

Star joined in. "Oh, so that's why she's in the moon! I thought she finally got sick and tired of you like us."

Celestia glared at Star Tracker. "Shut your stupid mouth, you bat!"

The alicorn grasped Star in her magic. "Let's see what happens when you hurt myself or my subjects, monsters!"

"Let him go!" Twilight screamed.

Celestia answered by shoving him into the ground. Before doing anything else, she cast a spell that locked Twilight and froze her.

Twilight tried to move her hooves, or her eyes for that matter, but couldn't. She was forced to watch whatever Celestia was going to do.

The princess grasped Star's wing and twisted it. A sick crack rang throughout the alley everypony was in. She did the something to the other wing.

Star screamed in agony as his wings broke. Twilight felt tears falling down her face as she was forces to watch. Celestia grabbed his hooves and twisted all at the same time. The pain was quadrupled.

Lastly, Princess Celestia's horn glowed. Flames sparked to life underneath Star Tracker. Twilight felt a burn in her eyes as she watched her soon to be husband burn to death at the hooves of an alicorn who brought her world down.

"T-twilight..." Star called out as his body burned to ashes. "Before I leave this world forever, take this." He through a slightly burnt necklace at the frozen Twilight.

The necklace read 'Live, Love, and Kill to Protect'. Twilight felt tears run down her face as Star tried to say one more thing.

"I'll always l-lov-" the flames of Celestia devoured his whole body. He last breath rang out through the alleyway as the alicorn princess stared with satisfaction.

Twilight didn't care anymore. She simply didn't. She broke the spell and launched herself at Celestia. "How. Dare. You!"

"You're a monster. You should have seen it coming," Celestia spoke.

Twilight's eye twitched. "You're calling me the monster?! You went out of your way just to kill everything I love! It's one thing if it's my family, but my love of my life?! You've gone to far. Burn in Tartarus, you little bitch!"

The queen leaned in and bit Celestia's neck. The princess screamed in agony as her blood was drained.

At last minute, Celestia cast a spell that flung Twilight off of her. She quickly flew away, blood falling down her side.

"Be careful, Celestia. Revenge will come sooner or later."

And with that, Queen Twilight Andromeda Sparkle lost her emotions for anything in the world.

Author's Note:

Sorry for the wait! I hope the action in this chapter make up for it!

And the feels! I almost cried while writing the death of Nightshine, Shadowfall, and Star Tracker.