• Published 8th Aug 2017
  • 2,199 Views, 32 Comments

Le Quattro Stagioni - Cirrus Sky

Four Seasons of Admiring Sunset, from afar and near.

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Russet colours decked the trees, the air was cooling and the days were growing shorter. Fall was fully upon them, having started off with quite the event. But even if Fall was more a season of endings, this particular Fall was a beginning for one student of Canterlot High.

It was scant days after the Fall Formal, that was when she first thought of Sunset Shimmer in a more positive manner. Octavia had the journal entry to prove it. She had remained later after school, many of the other students having left in the initial Final Bell rush. She'd wanted to ask for advice from one of the music teachers. He had attended a music school she was considering. Not her first choice, but it was helpful to learn more.

Walking through the now much quieter school building, she had heard the sound of guitar playing. Rather accomplished guitar playing at that. Too far off to identify the nature of the piece and quite intrigued she had gone off in search of the musician.

Her careful listening had led to a music room and this close she could tell the piece was classical, but played upon an electric guitar. She could count the number of her peers who enjoyed classical music on one hand, and none of them were quite so proficient on guitar. Curious, she'd opened the door to find:

“Sunset Shimmer?”

The redhead stopped playing. “Oh, hey. Octavia.” Sunset spoke with the tone she'd recently adopted; low, inoffensive and apologetic. Octavia had heard Sunset sounding more cheerful amongst the five girls that Twilight Sparkle had left her with, but to everyone else the girl was almost fearful. A far cry from the Queen Bee of before. “Can I help?” Sunset asked, careful and not like someone wishing to cause offence.

“I heard playing and had to discover the source.” Octavia replied. She had quite rudely interrupted the girl and the look of relaxed freedom she had been wearing prior to Octavia's exclamation was gone. In fact, Sunset seemed quite pensive. “It was beautiful.” The grey toned girl offered, “I recognised it as I got closer. Bach's cello suite number one, yes?”

Sunset seemed to lose a little of her tension then. “Just the prelude. It sounds so beautiful and it is nice to play.” The whisper of a smile crossed her face.

Octavia nodded. “It was one of the first pieces I mastered so it is rather close to my heart.” She gestured to the guitar. “That is not really my forte, but it sounded just as good.”

“Thanks.” Sunset ducked her head, this time a pleased smile and a light blush on her face.

“I would not have taken you as a classical music fan however.” Octavia took a seat, the piano stool was near enough and she wanted to continue this conversation. Discounting her fellow orchestra members, no one else professed interest in classical music, even some of her musical peers played in the genre under sufferance.

“It sounds like the music I grew up around.” Sunset said, her arms cradled her guitar. “I didn't take the time to truly listen and enjoy it back then. I heard some when I was browsing the internet and was, touched I guess, by how familiar it was. I like to play it as reminder of happier times.” She patted the body of the guitar, “And it helps me.” One thumb caressed the neck of the instrument, smoothing the lacquered wood.

“Helps?” Octavia gave a quizzical look. Wondering if hers was a situation like Vinyl, the music blocking out the intensity of the world around her and allowing her to interact with it on her own terms.

“Sometimes I need to quiet down my thoughts, shut up the guilt.” Sunset shrugged. “Calm my emotions down.”

“I can attest to that.” Octavia smiled. “I have found my cello somewhat cathartic at times, even when it may be the source of my stress.”

It looked like Sunset was about to say more, but there was a knock on the door and Vice-Principal Luna looked in. “Time to be getting home girls.” She waited for Sunset to stow the guitar and the pair to leave the room, closing the door behind them. Waving them off as they walked down the hallway.

“If you are interested in listening to more classical music, or playing, I would love to join you.” Octavia ventured. Sunset had changed a lot since she had been pulled from a crater that was quite literally a product of her own hubris. The bully was gone and the girl remaining seemed like someone the cellist should get to know.

“That sounds pretty great actually. The girls aren't really into classical music. Rarity only likes it for atmosphere.” Sunset smiled, each she shared a little more genuine than the last. “We'll find some time.”

Now at the front of the school it was time to part ways. “Goodbye Sunset Shimmer. It was nice talking with you.” Octavia said holding out a hand to shake. The other girl took it and shook once.

“Yes, it was. 'Bye, I guess I'll see you around.” Sunset was looking happier than when she'd been interrupted and waved goodbye as they each took their own routes home.

'I believe I may have gained a friend.' Octavia had written that night. 'An unexpected one at that.'