• Published 21st Aug 2012
  • 1,931 Views, 13 Comments

Fluorescence of a Tide - Johnjohns

You can't hear the ticking of a clock, unless you listen for it. And what will happen when it stops?

  • ...

Chapter 4: Pinkie Pie

Fluorescence of a Tide
By: Johnjohns2

Chapter 3: Pinkie Pie

The pink earth pony expertly funneled the cake batter into each of the individual cupcake molds, on the cast-iron tray. This batch of cupcakes was lemon flavored. Once each of the molds was filled, she placed the tray on a cart, above ten other trays. When the cart reached its maximum capacity, she would wheel it into the back, and place the trays into the ovens.

It was about six-thirty in the morning, and Pinkie Pie was the only pony awake in the bakery. Ever since the owners; Mr. and Mrs. Cake, hired Pinkie, they were able to get an extra hour, or two of sleep, while she worked downstairs. It was still dark outside, and the sun wasn’t due to rise for about another half-hour. Most of Sugarcube Corner was dark as well, besides the back of the bakery, where Pinkie Pie was baking.

Pinkie finished filling the final cupcake tray with the sweet, and tangy batter. She slid the tray onto the rack, and pushed the cart over to the set of double ovens. She had already preheated the ovens to three-hundred and seventy-five degrees, the perfect temperature for baking cupcakes. After opening the heavy, metal doors, she slid five trays into the first oven, and the other five into the second. Once all of the cupcakes were inside, baking, she pressed a button on the ovens, and started the half-hour timer. She moved the empty cart over to the side, and wheeled out the cart next to it.

On these racks, were numerous varieties of cakes that had been cooling overnight. Chocolate sponge cake, vanilla sponge cake, carrot cake, cheesecake, red velvet cake, and a few others. The earth pony brought these cakes out to the front desk, and began to place the baked goods, neatly into the display case. When she could fit no more cakes behind the glass, she put the remaining into the refrigeration room for later.

Pinkie Pie spent the remaining ten minutes on the timer, washing dishes. One by one, she cleaned each of the dirty dishes, that made up the massive mountain of stainless-steel baking utensils. The oven timer buzzed, which was her cue to inspect the cupcakes.

After drying off her hooves, she trotted over to the ovens, put on her oven mitts, and opened the doors. She was met with the delightful smell of sweet citrus. The tops of the cupcakes were of a beautiful golden brown color. She carefully removed each tray from the ovens, setting them down on the steel table behind her. Using a metal rod, she prodded one of the cupcakes, puncturing the smooth surface, and then she withdrew. No batter stuck to the rod. These cupcakes were fully baked, and ready to be frosted.

“Perfect,” she said to herself.

At that very moment, a yellow stallion with an orange mane came down from upstairs. He wore an apron, as well as a baker’s cap, and an orange and white striped bowtie. Upon seeing him, a huge smile spread across Pinkie Pie’s face.

“Good morning, Mr. Cake!” exclaimed Pinkie.

“Shhh.” he frowned at pinkie. “The little ones are still asleep.”

Pinkie Pie instinctively shoved a hoof into her mouth in order to prevent the outburst, but it was far too late.

“Sorry Mr. Cake,” she apologised.

“It’s alright,” he said. “We should try to let my wife, and kids get some more sleep, so that they’re not in a grumpy mood today.”

“Okay,” she whispered in agreement.

“Very good,” he responded. “Did you get the tasks I gave you, done?”

“Oh yes!” she stopped and took a deep breath, in order to calm herself. “The cakes are ready to be sold, the dishes are mostly done, and the lemon cupcakes are ready to be frosted.”

“Thank you very much, Pinkie,” he said, quietly. “I’ll take care of this for now. I need you to open up the shop, and work the register, for the time-being.”

“You’ve got it, Mr. Cake!” said the excited pony. Mr. Cake cringed at the outburst.

“And try to stay quiet for now, ok?” he asked.

“Okey-dokey-lokey,” she said, pushing the swinging doors open, and walking into the store room.

The store itself was heavily decorated. The walls and ceiling themselves were a normal cream-color, but the wooden trimming, all around the room, had various images of candies, and sweets painted onto the natural surfaces. The pillars which supported the ceiling, were all carved, and painted like candy canes. The design, as well as the numerous actual treats for sale in the bakery, made the building look like a gingerbread house inside, and outside.

Pinkie Pie grabbed a set of keys that was hanging on the wall, behind the counter. She used one of these keys, specifically the key to the bakery itself, to unlock the front door. Upon opening the door, she was surprised to find an unfamiliar pony waiting outside.

He was tall, grey, and had a short brown mane that was cut just above the forehead. He wore a brown saddle bag, which matched the color of his mane. What Pinkie couldn’t understand, was how she had never seen him before. He must be new in town, right?

“Hi there!” she said, with a heartful of joy.

“Hello,” he said. “Is the bakery open?”

“It is now,” she squeaked. “Come on in!”

“Oh, well thank you,” he said, following the pink pony inside.

She happily skipped over, behind the counter. He took his time, taking in the colorful surroundings as he walked across the room. She was very eager to make his acquaintance.

“Is there anything you were looking for in particular, or may I make a suggestion?” she asked.

“I actually am looking for something in particular,” he said. “Would you happen to have cannolis?”

“Why of course!” Pinkie exclaimed. “We make the best cannolis out of every bakery west of Canterlot!”

“Wonderful!” he said with joy. “Cannolis are my favorite kind of pastry, and I haven't had one in quite a while. I’ll take a dozen.”

“Twelve cannolis?” she asked. “Are you sure?”


“Alright,” she said. “I just need to go into the back for a minute, and fill up the shells. I’ll be right back.”

“Take your time,” he said, and began walking around the store, looking at things.

Pinkie pie passed through the swinging, half-doors and into the back room. On a table to the left of the door, was a large glass jar, filled with cannoli shells. She removed the lid, and used a pair of clear, plastic tongs to pick out twelve, perfectly made, crunchy shells. Next to the table, was a small refrigerator. Inside the refrigerator, were a few pastry bags, and Pinkie picked up the one that had ‘cannoli filling’ printed on it.

Resting the bag over her back, using her right hoof to guide the nozzle, and her left to hold each cannoli shell, she quickly filled each shell with the sweet, creamy filling. She neatly placed each cannoli into a white box, and tied it up with some string, then carried the box into the store.

“Alright,” said Pinkie. “One dozen cannolis, ready to go.”

“Great!” his face bore a huge smile. “How much do I own you?”

“Twenty-four bits,” replied the pink pony.

He fished around inside of his bag, and one by one, counted out each of the twenty-four gold coins, placing them onto the countertop. She handed the box to him in exchange.

“Thank you so much!” exclaimed pinkie. “Hey, you never told me your name.”

“Uh... huh?” he seemed confused.

“Your name?” she asked. “What’s your name?”

“I... uh... I’m just visiting,” he replied. Sweat was starting to form on his brow, and his face was turning red. “I... I don’t live here.”

Pinkie Pie was beginning to grow impatient with the stranger. He wasn’t getting out of this one, she wouldn’t allow it. Pinkie Pie knew every single pony in town, and a whole lot of ponies outside of town, and she wasn't about to let that change.

“Listen, Mister,” she leaned across the display case, and looked him right in the eye. “I know everpony that has ever set foot in Ponyville, and those who I don’t know, I find out. So, we can either do this the easy way, or the hard way.”

She wrapped her right fore hoof around his neck, in a kind of choke-hold. He gulped. Fear. Perfect. Soon he would have no choice but to introduce himself.

“Pinkamena Diane Pie!” shouted a stallion’s voice from behind. “Release the customer this instant!”

She immediately withdrew her hoof, and whirled around. Mr. Cake was standing in the doorway. He did not seem pleased at what he saw. He rushed over to the counter and pushed Pinkie Pie aside.

“I am so sorry sir!” he apologized for the pink pony’s actions. “I can assure you that she is not usually like this.”

“That is quite alright,” his voice quivered. “I need to be going.”

Without another word, her picked up his box of baked goods, in his mouth, and ran out the door, closing it loudly. Pinkie Pie looked down at the floor, and Mr. Cake turned to face her. He took off his cap.

“Pinkie Pie,” he said calmly. “You are a wonderful help around the bakery. We’ve been selling more goods than ever, these past few years.”

She continued to stare at the floor, not wanting to meet the stern eye of Mr.Cake.

“Your exuberant attitude towards life is really inspirational,” he continued. “You are friends with everypony around town, and that is truly wonderful. However, you sometimes get a little carried away. You just have to accept the fact that some ponies just aren’t in the mood to make your acquaintance. Perhaps they had a bad day, or maybe they just don’t feel comfortable...”

“I just wanted to know his name,” she said suddenly, the sadness evident in her eyes.

“I know, I know,” he said. “But you just have to accept the fact that not everypony may want to be friends. It is painful, I know, but that is no excuse to make somepony nervous.”

“But... but,” she began.

“No buts!” he said sternly. “I can’t have you working the register, if you are going to frighten away the customers!”

“I... I understand,” she said. “I'm sorry. It will not happen again.”

“Thanks for understanding, Pinkie Pie.” he smiled.

“No problem.”

He walked back through the doorway. She watched him leave the room, and then turned to look across the room, and out the window, in the direction the stranger had left. Mr. Cake may have control of what happens inside Sugarcube Corner, but anyplace outside was fair game.

“This isn’t over,” she said to herself.

The morning continued on without any more incidents. She already knew everypony who stopped by. No more strangers. Ditzy Doo stopped by to get a chocolate-chip muffin, Lyra bought a red-velvet cake, and even Mayor Mare, the mayor of ponyville stopped by to buy some cupcakes.

At around eleven o'clock, Pinkie Pie’s good friend; Rainbow Dash came flying in the door. Pinkie Pie was immediately and completely filled with glee.

“Dashie!” exclaimed the pink pony. “How are you today, I’m very well today, but what about you, It’s nice outside right, how is...”

“Pinkie!” interrupted Rainbow dash. “I’m sorry. I really wish I could talk right now, but I still have to go get Rarity, so I need...”

“Why?” asked Pinkie Pie. “What’s wrong?”

“It’s about Twilight,” explained Rainbow. “Something has happened to her, and she’s in the hospital. I don’t know all of the details. I need you to go there, and meet up with Fluttershy, and Applejack. They will tell you what’s going on, but right now I gotta fetch Rarity.”

Pinkie Pie had so many more questions to ask, all of which factored into Twilight’s ‘welcome home’ party, but Rainbow didn’t seemed to be interested in the subject of parties. The pegasus left as quickly as she had arrived.

Pinkie Pie hastily walked into the back room, where Mr. Cake was busy icing a cake. He looked up to see a very distraught employee.

“Mr. Cake!” cried Pinkie.

“What?” he asked. “What’s wrong?”

“It’s about my friend, Twilight Sparkle,” she blurted out. “Something just happened to her, and she is in the hospital. Can I go see her, please?”

“What?” he asked, in shock. “Is she ok?”

“I’m not sure,” she panted. “Rainbow Dash just stopped by, but she didn’t tell me anything except...”

“Ok ok, just go,” he commanded. “Let me know what happened, later, ok?”

“Yes, Mr. Cake!” she acknowledged.

With incredible speed, she galloped out of the bakery, and into the summer air. She was about to head straight to the hospital, but then she remembered that she didn’t have a get-well gift for Twilight. What was the perfect gift to give somepony, who isn’t well? Then it hit her.

“I should buy some flowers for Twilight,” she said to nopony in particular.

She hurried down the street, to the florist, to browse through the assortment of mixed floral bouquets. The shop was only a block away, so it took no time at all for the earth pony to arrive. The door was held open with a brick, so Pinkie trotted right on in. Thankfully, there were no other ponies waiting to buy flowers at the moment, so Pinkie Pie was able to get right down to business.

“Good morning, Rose,” Pinkie Pie said.

“Good morning to you, Pinkie Pie,” greeted the white earth pony. “How may I help you?”

“Well, I’m in a bit of a situation,” she shrugged.

“Uh... oh,” Rose widened her eyes. “What happened this time Pinkie?”

“Oh, it’s nothing I did,” explained Pinkie Pie. “It’s just that, my friend Twilight Sparkle was just admitted to the hospital, and I wanted to buy some flowers for her but unfortunately, I didn’t bring any bits with me.”

“Oh my goodness!” Rose brought her hoof up to cover her mouth. “What happened? Is she alright?”

“I’m not exactly sure on any of that right now. I just found out about this.” explained Pinkie.

“Oh, well, don’t worry about the bits,” she said, picking up a purple vase of flowers. “Here we have a nice selection of lilies, carnations, and daffodils. This is perfect for a get-well gift!”

Rose put the flowers into a bag, and passed it to Pinkie Pie.

“Thanks!” said the party pony. “Tell you what, stop by Sugarcube Corner sometime, and I’ll make a free cake for you!”

“Oh, don’t worry about it,” said Rose.

“I won’t, because I already have the perfect cake in mind!” said the overjoyed pony, while walking out the door.

“Do tell me how she is doing, later!” called Rose.

“I will!” Pinkie Pie yelled back.

Carrying the flowers in her mouth, she began to gallop in the hospital’s direction. She was busy mentally preparing herself for whatever condition her friend could be in.

“Whatever happens, just make the most out of it,” she told herself, and continued on her way.