• Published 4th Dec 2011
  • 1,526 Views, 24 Comments

The Last Party - Prony Boy

Storm Stripe is new in Ponyville, and wants to help everypony out. Even if that pony is Pinkamina.

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Chapter 4 (20% More Grimdark Ending)

Storm Stripe was trotting slowly towards Sugarcube corner, his body bloody and beaten. He had gone against his own morals and beliefs, and had murdered his own friends at Vinyl’s club. His only justification was that Pinkamina threatened to do “something” to Bright Wing, and that alone was enough for him to take up a knife with murderous intent. More than anything, Storm Stripe was angry. How could he let himself, or Bright Wing for that matter, get caught up in this. He made a mental note to toughen up in the future, and trotted up to the front door of Sugarcube corner. He pushed the door to see if it was closed, and it slowly creaked open. Not even bothering to call out Pinkamina’s name to she if she was there, he silently trotted up the stairs, and opened her room door.

He saw Pinkamina, sitting in the middle of the floor, back turned to him. She hadn’t even acknowledged his presence, but instead remained completely quiet and motionless. Storm Stripe figured he was just being ignored, but spoke anyway.

“I did it. I didn’t want to....not ever....but I did it. I didn’t kill all of them, but my friends...” He choked up a bit, tears beginning to form in his eyes. “They’re dead.” He paused, waiting for Pinkamina to say something, anything. She sat there, back still turned to him, not even moving an inch. Storm Stripe could feel anger beginning boil inside of him.

“Why aren’t saying anything? I just killed my friends for you! KILLED them!” He was slowly approaching Pinkamina, who still remained silent. Storm Stripe didn’t like to get angry, let alone even yell at anypony, but he was starting to feel new-found hatred for Pinkamina. It took a lot for Storm Stripe to feel hate towards anypony, and for him, he had more than enough reasons.

“I did what you asked! I did it! Why....why did you make me do this? What the hell do want from me?” Pinkamina didn’t respond. “ANSWER ME!”

He paused again, waiting for Pinkamina’s response. Nothing. Storm Stripe yelled, in both frustration and anger. He pulled out the knife from underneath his folded wings, and charged at Pinkamina.

Storm Stripe expected Pinkamina to resist, but instead, her body trembled as he drove the knife into the back of her head. Blood sputtered out, and then it slowed down to a constant stream, running down the back of her neck. Storm Stripe stepped back in surprise, releasing his grip on the knife. He watched as Pinkamina’s now lifeless body shuddered a bit more, then fall over on it’s side. He had killed yet another pony. He was about consider hiding her body when he he suddenly remembered something. Bright Wing! He turned to leave the room, when he heard soft hoofsteps come up the stairs. He immediately panicked, thinking it was somepony who had come to investigate all the noise he had made. All he could do was stand still, sweating as the shadow of a straight maned mare began to come into view. It came closer and closer, until the shadow’s owner had stepped into the room. It was Pinkamina Diana Pie.

Storm Stripe could only gasp in confused horror at what he saw. Standing at the doorway was the pink earth pony who he thought he had just killed. He wheeled around, checking to see if the body was still there. It was, and it was still bleeding. His eyes moved up and down the body of who he thought was Pinkamina until they stopped at her flank. Rather than the three party balloons that he thought were there, there was a pair of glowing white pegasus wings, a sunset hovering in between them. It was Bright Wing. Storm Stripe stepped back, realizing what he had just done. He had no words to describe what he felt, just sheer shock and horror. He had killed his best friend. The thought played over and over again in his head, and he began to sob, still backing away from the corpse. Suddenly, he felt somepony breathing down his neck. He turned around, and found himself facing Pinkamina. She wore a smile on her face that would have made Nightmare Moon cower in fear. Storm Stripe didn’t say anything, but just swallowed hard. Pinkamina moved her face closer to his, her mouth just inches from his ear. She whispered into it, her cold breath making his entire body shiver.

“And now, your my only friend.”

She pulled her face away from Storm Stripe’s, who stood stock still, tears rolling down his face. She trotted over to Bright Wing’s bloody body, removing the knife from her head. Blood dripped from it’s tip, leaving a trail as she went back to Storm Stripe, bringing it dangerously close to his face.

“And as my only friend, you’d do me anything to make me happy right?”

Storm Stripe only responded by crying harder, his tears falling to the floor. Pinkamina smiled.

“Then I just want you to do me one last favour.” her face was practically pressed against Storm Stripe’s, his tears brushing against her cheeks. She stared right into his eyes.

“Die for me!”

She plunged the knife deep into Storm Stripe’s throat, causing blood to spray out and bath her face in dark red liquid. She watched as Storm Stripe stumbled backwards, making as loud gurgling noise as he fell onto the floor. The blood continued to leak out, creating a pool around his body. He shuddered a bit, and then went still, tears still pouring out of his dead eyes. Pinkamina trotted over to his body, and peered into the pool of blood. Her reflection revealed her face, half covered in his blood, trickling down her face. She looked up at Storm Stripe’s corpse, laughing manically.

“Friends forever Stormy!”

Comments ( 14 )

Why does The Description Sound so amazing to me?

I'm glad you like it~
Trying to give insight into the story without spoiling it is hard for me...

i Must Say, i Found it Quite Alright, and it makes Me want to give writing a Try(well, Starting with grim, that Is)
So, I shall look into that Aswell, and If it werenmt for me Beeing on an iPod, i'd Point out mistakes,
If i found any...
So sorry, NO constructive criticism Next... 12 or more hours

I'm having a hard time understanding what your talking about.... :applejackunsure:

Good Question...
Congratulations, you have convinced me to write a sequel!
And all it took were two words....

That's why I hate Pinkie Pie, she always kills somepony. Bitch.

51338:pinkiecrazy: that is all

This story needs more views and more likes. I really enjoyed it!
You have no idea how happy it makes me the story says Pinkamina, and not Pinkamena.
You see, in my eyes they are two different things. Pinkamena just being Pinkie's full name and nothing more than that.
While Pinkamina for me is actually Pinkie's second personality.
I wish more people used this name. :pinkiecrazy:


Yeah...when the story was written, some ideas that were mean't to be scrapped turned into alternate endings. That way, I could have my cake and eat it too.

But I'm glad you enjoyed it!

I was actually surprised how well written this story is. You may want to look at the first few chapters and replace some errorous "to" with "too", but other than that, there was a pretty good flow. I just wish it was a little longer.
I'd definitely give it five Derpys (if I wasn't on a phone doing this). But instead, the most I can give you right now is a like and a gratz on a riveting story.


I'm glad you enjoyed it.
This was the first story I had wrote in a long time, so mistakes are a given.
I did have an editor, but at the time, I didn't bother checking his work (a mistake on my part).

2088927her full name (canon )is pinkamena diane pie. PINKAMENA diane pie. :pinkiecrazy::pinkiecrazy::pinkiecrazy::pinkiecrazy::pinkiecrazy::pinkiecrazy::pinkiecrazy::pinkiecrazy::pinkiecrazy::pinkiecrazy::pinkiecrazy:

I feel sick to the stomach now... Uhhg why'd I have to read the 20% more grimdark chapter, anyways

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