• Published 8th Aug 2017
  • 1,089 Views, 31 Comments

I'll Find You. - Adorkable

From the sunlight Diamond Tiara calls into the abyss, she wishes that a reply will call back. No matter how long it takes, she will lead her back.

  • ...

No Escape.

“I told you, I wasn’t escaping! I was just taking a stroll!” The lavender mare hid a fit of giggles as two strong stallions lead her back to a room.

Each stallion wearing an orderly uniform, keeping a close eye on the petite mare before them. She was small in size, but big in trouble if given the chance. The mare came to a stop before her room door, plopping down on her plot with a thud as she waved her hooves sarcastically in front of the frame.

“Open Sez Me!” The mare gave an eerie howl through the empty hallway, a stallion rolling his eyes as he simply unlocked the door and opened it.

“Ahhh! It’s magic!” Screwball quickly hugged onto the large stallion beside her door, her swirled violet irises glowing dimly.

“Hmmm. Be good now.” The stallion pushed the mare off, nudging her backside as she cantered into the room.

Inside was a small room of white, nothing really decorating the cramped space at all. A simple small window was near the center, though the cozy feeling had been lost by a set of bars blocking any escape.

A small oak table was placed off towards the corner of the room, big enough to only sit two at most. A plate of cookies placed atop it, as a small child was already sat on the right side. She was an odd one, wearing a tiara atop her mane as her coat was a light lavender tone.

She had icy blue eyes which quickly locked onto the grown mare, giving her a wild set of shivers. This filly was frowning and mad about something, perhaps that she was stuck in this place, like so many others.

“Heehee! Are you me as a kid? I don’t quite remember being so rich!” Screwball bounced over to the table and jumped onto the plate of cookies, causing crumbs to spray across the room.

“Phst No! I’m here to visit.” Diamond Tiara sighed aloud as she placed a small hoof atop her cheek.

“A VISIT! I thought this wasn’t my room, too much sunlight!” Screwball burst into a wild fit of giggles, rolling onto her back as she simply spun off the edge with a crash.

“Are you done?” Tiara asked with a soft sneer, the mare rising up from behind the left side of the table calm and collected.

“Why yes dear I am. Jeffery the tea please.” Screwball lifted her front lip, speaking in a fancy mare voice, nose lifted as high as it could into the air.

“Why did you escape?” Tiara asked with an eye roll, her attention on a crushed cookie before her, softly tracing a hoof across the fallen crumbs.

“Because this place is a MAD HOUSE! A MAD HOUSE!” Screwball smashed her hooves onto the table as Tiara jumped back surprised, the two stallions slowly entering before the filly waved them off.

“This place is here to help.” Tiara groaned in defeat as she locked eyes with this insane mare.

“This place is here to fish for yelps?” Screwball locked gazes, her eyes narrowed in confusion.

“Grr! Stop that!”

“Brrr. Top Hat!”

“Stop It!”

“Hop Ship?” Screwball yelled out in confusion, her hooves waving side to side in the air.

“Ok enough.” A stallion sighed as he walked into the room, glaring annoyed to the mare acting out.

“What am I doing? This brat is the one who wants to hop ship! Doesn’t she know that is mutiny?” Screwball hid her muzzle behind her hoof, whispering to the orderly in secret.

“Want to just call it day?” The stallion asked Tiara who shook her head no, a angry frown growing across her face.

The stallion sighed and walked out of the area, allowing for an odd silence to fill the room. Tiara gazed back to this mare in defeat, yet found her smiling happily to her from across the table.

“Are you…” Tiara felt herself be cut off as the mare lunged forward, swiping the tiara off the child’s head and placing it onto her own.

“Look I’m Celestia! I can lift a megaton star with my butt!- YUP-YUP-YUP!” Screwball yelled aloud in glee, standing back atop the table in a poised pose.

“GIVE THAT BACK!” Tiara screamed in anger, lunging forward to the mare who did a backflip off the table, landing oddly enough on her two hind hooves.

“TA-DA! Look Ma I’m Human!” Screwball yelled out in joy as she toppled over in laughter.

Her maniacal giggles set apart by something odd, the sound of sobbing could be heard wafting across the air. Screwball blinked her long lashes slowly, seeing that her visitor was curled into a small ball atop the table crying.

“Please. It belonged to my mother.” Tiara hid her tear soaked eyes behind small delicate hooves, the mare folding her ears back slowly.

“Oooo. Sorry safari.” Screwball sighed and slid the tiara off her head, holding it out to the small child.

“...” Tiara sniffled as she gently reached for the item, only to have it yanked away at the last second.

“Psyche! I’ll wear this and escape as you!” The mare smiled wickedly, rubbing two hooves together like a insane genius.

“Grrr! I’m Done! I’M DONE!” Tiara yelled out to the door between sobs, shaking her head side to side in anger.

Both stallions rushed through the door, one grabbing Screwball from behind as he pinned her down onto the floor. The second quickly swiping the small tiara off her head, as he returned it back to the child, who roughly pulled it back into her possession.

“Jeffery! Why have you turned against me!” Screwball fought under the stallion softly and playfully.

“Time to get some rest.” He spoke into her ear as he allowed her to rise up, the mare rolling her eyes and getting to her hooves.

“Buh-Bye! Hope you had fun, when I made you cry!” Screwball waved to the child in glee, the small filly glaring in hellish anger.

The door to the room closing shut, as laughter could be heard echoing down the hall.