• Published 8th Aug 2017
  • 6,499 Views, 235 Comments

My name is Barry Allen and I'm the fastest pegasus alive - Kaliann25

The Flash arrives to Equestria and turns into a pegasus

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Race 13

Race 13: Suiting up!

My name is Rainbow Dash. Not so long ago, I thought I was a great athlete and was proud of my speed. But it was nothing out of the ordinary; I know that now. After I was hit by a lighting, I could move too fast for the pony eye to detect me, but I’m far for being the fastest pegasus in the world. That’s my friend Barry, my mentor. The day we met, I focused on defeating him, no matter what. But now, that changed. Now, all I want is to show him that I’m a worthy student of the Flash -- no, of Barry Allen.

Spit Fire and the rest of the Wonderbolts were on their way to the training field, ready to start a new day of hard training. But this time, the field was being used by two streaks of light, a red and gold one, and a multi-colored, but mostly cyan, one. The streaks cast a single faint shadow that waxed and waned in the early-morning sun. The Wonderbolts were not surprised; this had been a common sight over the last few days.

The two speedsters stopped their training when they saw the team; it was time to turn the field over to its rightful owners. Rainbow Dash’s mane was messier than usual, but she was smiling proudly. The other pegasus was wearing his trademark red bodysuit with golden hooves.

“Hi guys, is six thirty already?” asked Rainbow Dash happily. “The time flies faster than we do when you're having fun.”

Flash smiled happily and placed a wing on Rainbow Dash’s back. “Rainbow is doing a great job.”

“That sounds great,” said Fleet Foot calmly. “But how’s your control, Dash? When will you be able to train with us again?”

“I’m working on it!” assured Rainbow. “I can move at normal speeds now, but maintaining it is tough. I really have to concentrate, or I'll accelerate without realizing it.”

“Try to not worry about it; you’ll get used to it soon,” said the scarlet speedster with a shrug. “So, why don’t you stay and watch your team train? Maybe it can help you.”

“Yeah, that's a great idea,” said Spit Fire. “You can even use the background music to help you coordinate with us.”

“Sounds perfect; are you ready to join us again, Dash?” asked Soarin.

Rainbow Dash looked skeptically at her teacher. Barry just nodded with a smile, and Rainbow turned back to her team.

“You know what? Let’s do it!” said Dash excitedly.

“But hey!” interjected Thunder Lane. “She hasn’t practiced with us for a while. She doesn’t even know the choreography. Just saying.”

“Well, he’s right,” said Soarin. “But . . .”

“Don’t worry; I also learn fast,” explained Dash. … “Come on! …Just run through your new choreography once, and you’ll see.”

Thunder Lane and Fleet Foot were about to protest, but Spit Fire noticed the smirk on the Flash’s face. She nodded. “Okay, you heard her. Let’s go!”

At her signal, the Wonderbolts lined up and prepared to go. Spit Fire cued the pegasus in charge of the music, who began to play the track they prepared for the occasion. At the introduction of the electric guitar, the team took off line abreast, but when the bass made its appearance, they split into three diamond formations. The groups to the outside performed counter-rotating partial barrel rolls. Now, the three groups formed the points of an equilateral triangle, pointing downward.

Then, when the keyboard joined in, the groups simultaneously did a third of a barrel roll, clockwise. Once they had re-formed the triangle, everyone did three snap rolls simultaneously. They repeated the maneuver until the original center group was back at the center.

The outside groups performed counter-rotating barrel rolls to form up with the center group. Then, everyone returned to line abreast and performed a simultaneous landing.

“So, what now, Dash?” asked Fleet Foot. “Think you can be Tail-End Charlie to the center group?”

Rainbow Dash smirked. “Sure! Put that song again and re-assemble!”

The Wonderbolts smirked, and formed up with Rainbow Dash in the center of their line. The cyan pegasus extended her wings, allowing the tiny multi-colored lightning bolts to run all over her body. The music began, and they took off in formation. Dash’s enhanced senses allowed her to follow her partners step by step, and with the music background setting the tempo, it was easier to coordinate her speed with the others'.

The maneuver went perfectly, and Rainbow Dash landed proudly alongside her astonished teammates.

“So, how was it?” asked Dash.

“How could you learn that by just watching us?!” said Thunder Lane. “We took a full week just to learn the basics!”

Rainbow shrugged happily. “What can I say? Fast learning is one of my new-found powers.”

“Also, you’re getting more control now,” said the Flash happily. “I’ll leave you here so you can practice; I have to get to my day job.”

Wait!” called Spit Fire. “Don’t you wanna join us too? With your skill, you would be a great addition to the team.”

The Flash shook his head, smiling. “Thanks, but no thanks. Now that Rainbow is progressing, it won't be long before I can return home. Now, if you excuse me, I really must get going.”

With that, he disappeared in a red and golden streak. Rainbow Dash watched him leave. Her smile slipped off her face.

“Dash, are you okay?” asked Soarin.

“Yeah. It's just that I’ll miss him, like a lot,” sighed the cyan pegasus.

“As long as it doesn’t interfere with your training, miss him all you want,” said Spit Fire with a shrug.

Rainbow nodded, and the Wonderbolts continued with their training.

Practicing the routine was routine, until the the pegasus at the PA system accidentally cut power to the stereo. Suddenly deprived of her cue, Rainbow Dash maneuvered too tightly and stalled just above ground level, bouncing into a wall.

“Dash! Dash! Are you okay?” asked Spit Fire, flying to the fallen athlete.

“Dang it, what just happened?” asked Rainbow, rubbing a wing that hung at an awkward angle.

“My bad!” apologized the music pony.

“How bad it is?” asked Fleet Foot, frowning.

“We’ll figure it out soon,” said Spit Fire, biting her lip. “Medic!”

A minty-blue pegasus, with white mane and a stethoscope around his neck, came to examine Rainbow Dash. He probed the injured wing, taking careful note of Rainbow Dash's reactions. The other Wonderbolts cringed at the cries of pain. The medic shook his head as he encased the wing an an inflatable splint and wrapped it against her body.

“The wing is broken. Sorry”

“This is just what we needed!” said Thunder Lane with a frown. “She just re-started today!”

“It's no big deal!” assured Rainbow, standing when the medic finished wrapping her broken wing. “Let’s grab a snack or three, and continue training after quesadillas.”

“Dash, you’ll need to rest at least for a week,” said the medic. "You won't be ready to fly for at least six."

“Don’t worry; I heal fast, too. It's one of my many powers,” replied the cyan speedster, with a smirk.

“If you say so,” said Spit Fire, sighing. “Okay then, let’s go eat something. But if you haven’t healed by the time we're done, you’re going home!”

Rainbow Dash simply grinned at this and nodded. The team then went to the mess hall, where an assortment of high-protein snacks awaited, along with fresh fruits and vegetables. As they ate, they review their performance, with Spit Fire going through the fine details with each member.

Refueled and refreshed, they returned to the training field. Rainbow Dash smirked as she offered the side of her body to Soarin. "Do you want to do honors?"

Soarin shrugged and gently unwound the bandages. Rainbow Dash gingerly flexed her injured wing before moving it with confidence. It was completely healed. It was truly unbelievable; how could an almost-fatal accident give her such a great gift? That wasn't important; the Wonderbolts were just happy that she had fully recovered.

“It’s a shame that the guy in red wouldn’t like to join us.” said Soarin with a smile.

“Yeah, but he knows what he wants,” said Spit Fire. “Anyway, let’s continue with our training!”

After training, Rainbow Dash took a leisurely flight back to Ponyville. As she completed her fifth hypersonic circuit around the town, she heard a familiar voice call out, “Rainbow Dash! Rainbow Dash!”

Rainbow Dash homed in on the voice and landed before Rarity. “Hey Rares, what’s up?!”

The white unicorn simply smiled mischievously. “Well, let’s just say that I have something for you, but it is in my boutique. Care to see it?”

“Sure!” said Dash excitedly, before disappearing in a cyan blur.

Rarity arrived to her boutique a couple of minutes later, where Rainbow Dash was tapping a forehoof impatiently on the doorstep.

“Come on Rarity! I’ve been waiting for, like ages!” complained the cyan pegasus.

“Next time, wait for me to open the business, okay?” sighed Rarity as she opened the door. “Come on, your new suit is right here.”

Rarity guided Rainbow to her showroom, where a mannequin was dressed with the same suit Rainbow Dash saw in her dreams. It was blue, almost the same shade as her Wonderbolt’s uniform, but a little darker. A stylized version of Rainbow Dash’s cutie mark was emblazoned on each flank, and holes that exposed the mane, tail, and wings allowed for unfettered flight. As a finishing touch, sky-blue goggles were perched on the head.

Rarity smiled proudly. “Creating a material strong enough to resist Barry’s speed was a bigger challenge that I thought. You have no idea all the trouble I got through, and all the spells I had to combine.”

“But you made it!” said Rainbow Dash excitedly.

Rarity nodded. “And to be extra sure, Barry helped me to test the prototypes!”

“Wait! Seriously?!”

“Uh-huh,” said Rarity with a smile. “He really wanted you to have a quality suit; he cares a lot about you, Rainbow Dash.”

Rainbow Dash sighed heavily. “If he really cared, he wouldn’t leave”

“Rainbow, you know his friends need him at Central City,” said Rarity in a soothing tone.

“I know; just forget what I said, okay?” asked Rainbow. “And now let’s try this new outfit!”

The multi-colored streak surrounded the mannequin, and half of a second later, Rainbow reappeared wearing her brand-new suit. “Whoa, this feels amazing, Rarity”

“So, you like it?”

Rainbow Dash grinned, and went to do a test lap around Ponyville.

“I love it! Thank you Rares!” cheered the cyan pegasus when she returned.

“I’m glad you liked it, darling. This is just my second time making a super-hero suit; I think there’s a market there. And this new material is great; I even made brand-new outfits for Blue Blood and myself!” said Rarity dreamily.

“He asked you to make him a new suit? Wait, and you said your suit?” asked Rainbow Dash in disbelief.

Rarity shrugged. “Yes, if I’m going to join Blue Blood, I’ll make sure to do it right. And as for him, I respected his original design, with the hoodie and all, but this version gives him more freedom of movement. I hope he likes it.”

Rainbow chuckled. “You really care about him, don’t you?”

“Of course, even if I can’t explain why. But it's not what you think!” Rarity added when she saw Rainbow’s face. “It's just that I have a feeling that if we leave him alone, he’ll start killing again, giving the Princesses no choice but lock him away. He says he has failed Equestria, but if I don’t help him, the one who has failed Equestria would be me.”

Rainbow Dash didn’t say anything; she understood. After all, the Cutie Map sent Rarity to the Arrow the same day it guided her to the Flash.

Iron Gate Prison, Solitary Confinement :

The former drug lord, Street Junk, was in a constant state of paranoia. Any sound alerted him, making him jump away each time he heard hooves approaching. It wasn’t that he was afraid to die; he knew his sentence was settled, but why couldn't he die when they first came for him? Damned Arrow, damned Flash. Junk barely ate, barely slept, as he waited for his death. The boss would get him, of course; it didn’t matter that he was under custody of Celestia’s prized Guards. But he wished they would hurry and put him out of his misery.

And then, it happened; the door opened violently, and before Junk could react, an arrow pierced his shoulder. Junk fell, and looked up, seeing not the Arrow, not the guards who were supposed to watch him, but a threatening-looking unicorn, muscular and all covered in scars.

“What do you think?” asked the unicorn, aiming a bow with his magic. Junk looked at the arrow, the same that the vigilante used. “I got a bunch of these after he showed up to mess with our business again.”

Street Junk closed his eyes. “Do it quickly. Just do it.”

“So, what now?” asked the thug as he walked out of the prison to join his partner.

“Do you still have some of those arrows, right?”


“Good. Because there’s somepony else the Arrow is going to kill.”

Blue Blood was exercising as he meditated about the current situation. He was stuck; all he knew was that a noble from the Crystal Empire was the head of all this, but he had no more information. It was frustrating; there had to be something he was overlooking. Maybe if he cleared his mind by pushing his body to the limit, it would guide him to some neglected detail. What he really needed was a miracle.

Somepony knocked at the door.

“Coming!” groaned Blue Blood. Barry went shopping not so long ago, but super speed was no match for slow cashiers.

When Blue Blood opened the door, several ponies jumped over him as another bunch began to ransack his house, destroying his furniture, and leaving some papers.

“What’s the meaning of this?” Blue Blood asked calmly.

The thug in charge walked calmly, and kicked Blood on the gut. The prince bent in pain, but didn’t say anything. A second thug came in, and aimed an arrow to him, and, one of his arrows? He grinned.

“So, you’re telling me that the masked vigilante is just a bunch of morons? What do you want with me?”

The leader kicked him again as he smiled. “You don’t need to know, but the Arrow is about to kill again. You see, apparently you are the new leader of Canterlot drug dealers.”

Blue Blood grinned again; this was just the miracle that he needed.

“I have nothing to do with that,” he said, trembling in mock fear.

“I know, and you used to be a great costumer Blood, but we need a little help from the Crown to get rid of the Arrow. And there’s nothing better to make Celestia react than killing somepony close to her.”

Blue Blood nodded silently. Not only did these ponies want to use him to harm his aunts, but also, they planned to blame him for their recent operations in Canterlot. He laughed.

“Why don’t you tell us the joke as your last words, Blood?” said the leader.

Blue Blood grinned. “Of course. What was it that masked fool was always saying? You have failed Equestria.”


Blue Blood performed a quick backflip, escaping the two ponies holding him. One of them tried to attack Blue from the back, but the prince knocked him out with a solid buck. Then, the white unicorn grabbed his latest victim with his magic and used it as a living shield, blocking the arrow the leader shot at him. Blue Blood released the injured pony, and faced the group, who went speechless.

“You have got to be kidding me . . .” mumbled the leader.

Blue Blood smirked, and made his horn glow to blind his attackers. The leader groaned, covering his eyes, and Blue Blood took the chance to take the bow and arrows from him. When the leader could see again, he saw the prince aiming the weapon at his head.

“Talk, if you don't want to get the point.”

A pair of unicorns charged through the door, hitting the prince with stun blasts just as their boss dropped to the floor.

As his minions moved to unpin his tail, their leader said, “We’re not going to kill this one; the boss would be pleased to have a little conversation with him.”

They kicked the unconscious Blue Blood again, and dragged him away.

Author's Note:

Hey guys, sorry for the delay, but as I told my editor, this last weeks had been crazy for me. But anyway, here it is the new chapter, this story-arc is about to end. And as always, I hope you liked it, and:

Read ya’ later!!