• Published 14th Aug 2017
  • 3,055 Views, 21 Comments

Sunset's First Day - Evowizard25

Taking place right after her adoption, follow Sunset's first day at the castle.

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The First Day

Sunset was an emotional sort of pony. She more than often let her emotions rule her. However, those emotions were usually sadness and anger. Happiness and excitement, at least to this degree, were never something she thought she’d experience. She softly hugged the white fur underneath her. The little filly felt dwarfed by her new mother and it felt great. She felt so protected and warm, as though a blanket of sunshine was spread over her form.

Her new mother was none other than Princess Celestia. In a million years, Sunset never thought this could happen. She thought she’d be stuck in that orphanage forever. Nope. The little filly was on top of the world.

Well, she was on top of Princess Celestia, but that was close enough.

She was never going to be alone again. She was so happy. A part of her would miss Tender Care though. She was a nice pony, but now she had a family. Everything was right in the world and she was going to enjoy this. All around her, guards patrolled and kept close to the Princess. Close to her. She nearly squealed.

‘I HAVE GUARDS!’ She grinned. Nopony messed with the guards and now that she had some, nopony would mess with her. She was safe. She was secure. She was above them all, ready to order them to do… guard things. ‘My own personal army of guards. As Princess, I will rule them well.’ She cackled inwardly.

It didn’t take them long to get to the castle. The giant castle in the middle of the city. The white castle that basically ruled all the world. Well, only Equestria. ‘That’s basically the world. We are the best after all.’ This castle was so massive, so well built, so impressive that she couldn’t help but grin. This was Princess Celestia’s castle.

This castle was hers now too.

“I hope you come to love it here, Sunset.” Celestia finally spoke. A pleasant warmth tinted her words as though she was giddy herself. “While it can be a bit confusing to traverse at first, it has everything you need and may want.”

“Really?” Sunset asked.

Celestia turned her head and gave a motherly smile, “Really. So Sunset Shimmer, welcome home.” The large alicorn gave her a nuzzle. Sunset couldn’t help but giggle at the furry muzzle rubbing against her. It was so soft and nice.

Sunset couldn’t help but hug it, “Thank you, Princess Celestia.”

Celestia paused and then smiled again, “You are very welcome, Sunset. Though you need not call me that. There’s no reason to be formal with me. Not anymore.”

Sunset nodded, squealing. “Thank you… mommy.”

That really got Celestia. She couldn’t help but look at Sunset. Her eyes seemed to get misty and she sniffed.

Sunset frowned, “Did I say something wrong? Do you want me to not call you that?”

Celestia shook her head, “No, I’m just really happy to hear you say that.” She wiped away a tear and beamed. “Very happy.” She nuzzled her again, chuckling as Sunset giggled.

“So what are we going to do now, mommy?” Sunset wagged her tail in eagerness.

“Well not much,” Celestia spoke. “Just meet a few ponies and then head off to your room. I’m sure your new brother wants to see you, after all.”

Sunset’s grin only grew. She was a big sister now too. Which meant that she was in charge of him, just like the guards. She was gonna be the best big sister ever! “I can’t wait.”

Upon opening the large doors of the castle, a well dressed, if overdressed, stallion walked up to them. The unicorn stallion bowed, “Your Majesty, I assume you were able to accomplish your mission?”

Celestia smiled and nodded, “I have.” She twerked her head towards Sunset, “Here she is.”

The stallion blinked in confusion, “She was the important pony that you wanted to meet? I could have brought her to you easily and you wouldn’t have to have suffered dealing with the rabble.”

Celestia kept her calm smile, “Fervent, I thought a softer hoof was in order. As well, it’s better to adopt a child in person then just send someone to do it for them.”

High Inquisitor Fervent nodded, “Yes, of course. Your wisdom know-” He stopped. “Adopted?”

“Fervent,” Celestia seemed to glow as she looked at Sunset. “Meet my new daughter, Sunset Shimmer.”

“Hi!” Sunset Shimmer waved at him.

Fervent immediately kneeled, “I am so sorry, Princess Sunset Shimmer. I should have known that was my goddess’ intention. You truly are worthy if she thinks so highly of you.”

Sunset’s grin nearly split her face, “Are ponies going to keep bowing to me?” ‘Please say yes. Please say yes.’

Celestia sighed and nodded, “You’ll get used to it, but never let it go to your head.”

Sunset nodded, “Got it, mommy.” Celestia brightened up at the term. ‘Now ponies will bow to me forever. I truly am a Princess!’

“Is the room ready?” Celestia asked as the small group made their way through the castle.

Fervent nodded, “As you ordered. Prim and proper. Just what an aspiring princess needs. Do not fret, Princess Celestia. She was find it to her pleasing.”

“Good,” Celestia nodded. “And Spike?”

“He is doing well,” Fervent said. “He is being doted upon by the best maids and butlers we have at our disposal. Only the best for the son of a goddess.”

Sunset grinned, squirming atop Celestia. Ever since she hatched the dragon she got to name Spike, ‘It was the first name I could think of’, she was eager to meet him again. A dragon for a little brother was so awesome. He could burn down everyone she didn’t like and nopony could do anything.

Then she could ride him around the sky. Everyone would be beneath her. Literally.

“Very good,” Celestia smiled. “I am glad I have someone as trustworthy as you at my side, Fervent.”

Fervent beamed, “I’m happy to help, Your Majesty.” He stood up and motioned for her to follow. “Right this way. It might take awhile to get there, but he is in a safe location. None could penetrate that far into the castle and with enough enchantments to make any army blush with envy.”

Celestia chuckled, “You needn’t go that far. He is safe here.”

“It is better to be safe and cautious, than simply just safe.” Fervent countered. “You are right, however, as always. I shall be less cautious in the future.”

“I actually admire your dedication to my son’s protection.”

“Then I shall be more cautious in the future.”

“As you always are,” Celestia nuzzled him, causing the Inquisitor to fluster for a moment.

Sunset pouted and tugged softly at her mane. She was the only one who should get nuzzles from her mommy, “Mommy, I want some nuzzles too.”

Celestia chuckled, “As you wish, my little princess.” She moved back and gave her belly a little nuzzle, causing Sunset to squeal in delight.

Fervent wasn’t kidding when he said it would take a while. The winding twisting path would be a nightmare for any large for to travers. Just as intended, but it was so boring. Sunset mulled about on her new mommy’s back, wondering what she was going to do as princess.

‘Maybe I can make a ‘Appreciate Sunset Day’, or make a decree that allows a princess to eat as many free cookies as she wants to at any store. That’s a start.’

Her thoughts were interrupted when they finally reached the door. Fervent closed his eyes and pointed his horn at the metal doorway. Layer after of layer of magic, each brimming with near luminescent colors, sparkled as they flowed to the side of the door. A moment later and it was clear.

Fervent bowed and used his magic to open the door, “Your room awaits.”

“Thank you,” Celestia said before going inside. It was very large indeed and spacious. It was white with sun decorations about.

Sunset couldn’t help but gasp at how many bookshelves she had now. All of them were filled with so many books. She squealed and jumped up and down on Celestia’s back, “Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes, yes.”

Celestia laughed, “I see you like it.” She bit onto Sunset’s scruff, which didn’t hurt, and moved her to the ground. She nuzzled her. “All these books are for you and if you ever desire for more, feel free to use the royal library. I assure you, you will never run out of books.”

“Never…” Sunset’s eyes widened. “Run out of books?” Celestia nodded and Sunset gasped. She latched herself onto Celestia’s leg. “Thank you. Thank you so much, mommy.”

Celestia sat down and pulled her into a hug, “You’re very welcome, my sweet daughter.”

Something about those words broke a dam inside Sunset. She started to sniffle and cry into Celestia’s coat. It all came to her. She wasn’t an orphan anymore. She had a family. She was loved, very much truly.

Faint crying broke the moment. The two ponies looked over to a nearby crib. Celestia chuckled and let go of Sunset, wiping away the little filly’s tears with her wing.

“Oh Spike,” Celestia peered down into the crib. She nuzzled the little baby dragon inside. “Did you think mommy would forget about you? You silly baby. Mommy wuvs you so much.” She kissed his forehead, earning a babyish gurgle of happiness. He clawed at her snout, but it didn’t hurt her. He wasn’t that strong yet and she was still a goddess. It was still cute though.

Sunset peered up at the crib and stood up on her hindlegs. She huffed when she realized she wasn’t big enough to peer inside it, “Mommy, I want to see my baby brother.”

Celestia grinned. Her horn lit up and little Sunset was gently pulled up to her mommy’s level, “Spike, it’s your big sis. She wants to say hi.”

Sunset peered down at Spike. He looked so tiny. She didn’t remember him being so small, but she hadn’t gotten the time to see him much, but now that she had a good look, she couldn’t help but smile. “Hi, Spike. I’m gonna be a good big sis and you better listen to me. I’ll keep you safe. Big sis promise.”

Celestia giggled, “You better~” She kissed Sunset’s cheek. She picked up Spike and placed him and Sunset gently on the bed before her. Her large chest made for a comfy pillow for them to lay against. “Now, who would like a story?”

Sunset gasped. Princess Celestia, the Princess Celestia, was going to read her a bed time story? She squee’d and looked to Spike, “Spike, Spike, our mommy’s going to read a story. Can you believe it?”

Spike gurgled, looking confused.

Sunset frowned and looked up, “He doesn’t know what a story is, mommy. That’s not possible.”

Celestia chuckled, “He is only a baby.”

Sunset crossed her forelegs, “No excuse.”

“Tell you what,” Celestia placed a book before them. ‘Goldiehooves and the Three Bears’ was the title of the story. “Would you like to help me teach him about stories?”

Sunset gasped once more and smiled brightly. She nodded, “Yes.” She looked to Spike, “Pay attention. Big sis is going to teach you about how stories are great. I really like this book and you’ll like it too.” The baby dragon smiled. “I knew you’d see it my way.” She giggled when Spike leaned over and smushed his face against her.

“Awwww, he likes you already.” Celestia beamed. “Shall I start now?”

Sunset nodded, “Yes, mommy.” She hugged Spike close to her, which he seemed to like.

“Good,” Celestia cleared her throat. “Now forgive me if I don’t do a good job. It’s been a long day.”

Sunset nestled against her, “You’ll do great, mommy.”

Celestia beamed, “With praise like that, of course I will.” She looked to the book and opened it. Rich illustrations painted a nice and sweet picture. “Once upon a time, there was a little filly named Goldihooves…”

Author's Note:

I wanted to try something cute and simple. Hope you enjoy it.

Comments ( 21 )

Well congratulations, you've just gave everyone who read this diabetes.

One often overlooked element in building a 'verse is that its whole new world with lots of different kinds of stories that can be told. I really liked this, and hope we keep seeing variety in this AU!

*foams at the mouth and collapses*

I'm going to favorite this story just in case I need a picker-upper sometime in the future. Nicely done!

Then my job is done.

Thank you. I try my best and I did want to expand on this universe.


I'm really glad you enjoyed it and I'm glad to see this story get a warm reception.

Dangit Evo, your story hit me right in the feels!

This was a giant ball of fluff, and I love it! I wonder if Sunset ever pushed Fervent into questioning the wisdom of the goddess with her attitude?

I also wonder if, as an adult, Sunset ever writes letters to Tender Care or something.

Very nice alone it is necessary to see now to sunset in his stage of the adolescence:3

Not sure why, but this reminds me of the Shimmerverse where Spike and Sunset are siblings.

....... This is part of the Shimmerverse. I put this as a sequel.

She has and she still does.

8365938 8366599
Thank you.

8367094 Are you sure this isn't a prequel? This seems like it should predate the Shimmerverse as a whole but then again...

A very cute little piece of fluff indeed; young Sunset bonding with Princess Celestia is always endearing, and Sunset's inner monologue was quite entertaining as well (if not a bit foreboding considering what becomes of her later :raritywink:). Thanks very much for the very cute read and entry to Poniverse's summer contest, it was most enjoyable indeed!

Well this is a nice insert!

Well this was adorable.

Sunset nodded, “Got it, mommy.” Celestia brightened up at the term. ‘Now ponies will bow to me forever. I truly am a Princess!’

Until she meets the insufferable asshat that is Flare. Also, Tia is totally showing Ammy this story and the subsequent photo album that follows.

This is fucking adorable I love it!!!


HHHGGGNNN! Too cute! Where's my insulin?

This is beyond adorable, the mommy role is D'AWWW!

SO CUTEEEE I really want more of momlestia and sunny.

Sunset nodded, squealing. “Thank you… mommy.”


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