• Published 14th Jul 2012
  • 3,955 Views, 9 Comments

Applejack and Spike: Poker for two. - appletini

Applejack and Spike play cards inside the Sweet Apple Acre's barn.

  • ...

Chapter 1

The rain had started to pick up and the game was hastily moved from out on the gazebo to just inside the barn. When they had set up a makeshift table and pair of chairs the two continued on as before.

“I raise.”

“Really?” Spike looked at the cards in his hands, then back at the orange pony, and frowned. “I was sure playing against you was going to be easy.”

Applejack chuckled. “Now Spike, don’t tell me you thought that just cause I was honest meant I wasn’t capable of bluffing.”

“No, well… maybe.” Applejack chuckled again and Spike sighed. His claws clicked nervously on the barrel that served as their table and he instinctively grabbed at the apple that sat on his corner. “This is my last one you know.” He looked up at her and she smiled sweetly. “Hmph.”

“Something wrong Spike?”

“No.” Scowling at the smug pony Spike put the fruit back on the table, only to pick it back up a second later. “Not a word.”

She lifted a hoof up and closed her eyes in mock sincerity.

Spike looked away from her and bit down on his lips so that she couldn’t see him smile. When the fit had passed he turned back and, after a moment of hesitation, placed the fruit that was in his hand with the other one’s at the center of the table. “I call.”

Applejack raised an eyebrow. “And with what?”

Grinning spike spread his cards out on his side of the barrel. “Two pair, sevens and eights.”

“I admit I didn’t think you had it.” Applejack whistled and shook her head in surprise.

Spike’s grin grew and he reached for the pile of apples.

“But…” Applejack put a hoof on the dragon’s paw. “I’m afraid it don’t matter anyway Sugarcube.” With her other hoof she spread her own hand out on the barrel. “Three fives.”

The dragon’s mouth went from a toothy grin into a giant ‘O’ and his eyes nearly circled as big. He dropped his hands to his side. “Not even one hand…”

Laughing Applejack swept the apples into a bucket. “You are getting better.”


“Would I lie?” Pulling an apple out of the ‘chip’ bucket she tossed it at Spike. “Here.”

The purple dragon bit into it gleefully and shook his tail. “Delicious.”

“Best apple’s in all of Ponyville.” Applejack said proudly. Reaching into the bucket again she pulled one out for herself and wiped it on her coat. “So how are things going between you and Miss Prissy Pants.” Biting the apple she snorted happily.

“You mean Rarity?” Applejack just stared at him and he turned red. “Of course you do… um, you know, good… I think.” He gulped down the rest of his apple and refused to look across the table at her, instead turning to stare out the open barn door. The rain was still coming down fast, making loud pops on the ground as it landed and he flicked his tail nervously.

Applejack shook her head and smiled at the young dragon’s bright red face, but decided not to continue the subject. Instead, noting Spike’s dismal view of the rain, she changed the discussion to the weather. “It looks like we’re in for a much overdue massive downpour.”

“You think?”

“Of course.” Taking another bite of her apple before she continued, she noticed Spike had finished his and flicked him another from out of the bucket with a back hoof. “We haven’t had rain in nearly a week thanks to those fancy pegasi and their cloud fluffing lessons… or whatever they do with all that time on training weeks.”

“Rainbow Dash would kill you if she could hear you right now.” Spike stated with a playful shudder.

Applejack took a bite, realized that she’d eaten off all the fruit, and tossed the core behind her back with a giggle. “She would wouldn’t she?” Applejack stamped and sent an apple flying up into an open hoof. Thinking better of it she tossed the fruit back into the bucket and, standing up, stuck her mane and tail straight out. “Applejack…” Starting to crouch she fiddled with her voice to match that of the multi-colored pegasus as best she could. “If you dare to make fun of how I take care of these here skies anymore I promise I’ll make you regret it!”

Spike erupted in a fit of laughter and grabbed at his sides. “Enough, stop, stop! She’ll kill us both now, I know it!”

Applejack returned to her seat and broke out in a giggle herself, wiping at her eyes to keep from tearing up. “Of course she does keep our skies better and nicer than any other in all of Equestria.” She said, her voice returned to its countrified self.

Spike nodded. “Even if does mean the occasional downpour.”

“Which I suppose is good for the apple trees anyway.”

They sat in silence for a few moments and listened to the rain falling.

“I should probably be heading back….” A bolt of lightning followed by a loud clap of thunder caused the dragon to go quiet once more.

“Nonsense, I won’t hear a word of it.” Applejack pointed a hoof at the crack in the barn doors. “Besides it’s not even dark yet.”

“Are you sure, I don’t want to impose on you or anything.” He got up to go but, as he eyed the downpour outside, twiddled his fingers together and flicked his tail in nervousness as he had done before.

“Don’t be ridiculous.” She got up and trotted over to one of the many piles of hay that dotted the inside of the Sweet Apple Acres barn. Plopping herself atop it with a sigh she continued. “The rain won’t let up for another hour or so at least, and there is more than enough room in here for the both of us.” She swept a hoof out in an arch, motioning to the hay piles all around the room.

Spike didn’t need to be told twice and zoomed over to pounce on the pile closest to the orange pony’s own. Applejack fell back laughing when he disappeared inside the mess of straw. It lasted a moment and then his head guiltily appeared ears once more bright red with embarrassment. “I guess I shouldn’t have jumped so high.” He said pulling himself gingerly out and on top.

They lay there, staring up at the rafters that crisscrossed the ceiling like needlework. The rain could be seen coming in at certain corners of the planks and it pooled in tiny droplets at the base.

“Thanks for having me over again Applejack.” The young dragon said suddenly and turning his head her direction smiled. “I needed the break.”

Applejack, for her own part, turned away from him and blushed. “It ain’t nothing.” She said quickly then she closed her eyes and snored loudly, pretending to be asleep. When she woke up an hour later, the rain had stopped and Spike was already up and stretching.

“Looks like it’s still bright out.” She yawned and lifted a sleepy hoof to her face, rubbing at her eyes and mane. Her other front hoof started patting the hay behind her in search of her hat.

“Thank goodness!” The little dragon smiled sheepishly. “If I’m not back soon, Twilight will miss sending her letter out to the princess and I’ll never hear the end of it.” Sliding off of the hay he bounced onto the dirt with a giggle. “Same time next week?” He asked as he walked over to the barn door. He pulled on the wet wood with both claws and kicked his feet in place as he pulled. The door didn’t budge.

Placing her hat atop her head Applejack Stepped off the straw mound and trotted over to the struggling dragon. “Only if you’re willing to get your little purple tail whipped again.” She raised a back hoof and bucked the creaky door wide open.

Spike, who hadn’t let go, went sliding out with it and he tumbled onto the road. His cheeks went red for the umpteenth time and he quickly pulled himself up and started away from the barn. “You’re on!” He yelled, waving at her over his shoulder. His feet leaving tiny tracks as he ran further down the wet dirt road towards Ponyville.

Smiling and shaking her head Applejack waved back. Then, leaning up against the barn’s remaining closed door, she watched him disappear out of sight.

Comments ( 8 )

pretty cool; for short attention spanners :pinkiecrazy: but still really really really dumb.

I liked it! :pinkiehappy:

I have to disagree with you. This is a rather well written story. It's not really supposed to have an extended storyline, seeing as the only tag on it is "Slice of Life". I found nothing objectionable about it except for "twilight" not getting capitalized. Two friends in a friendly game of weekly poker; What were you expecting to find? A confession of love?

Again, nice job on this one-shot. It's not often a one-shot like this can actually contain something worth reading, yet not have a disappointing ending. Well done.:ajsmug:

Very well written, almost like it was taken straight from an actual episode :pinkiehappy:

912091 I actually understand exactly what you mean. :twilightsmile: As stated it was written to be a short little 5 min read in between projects, since these shorts tend to get me going and provide ideas for the much longer pieces. It's not really intended to have any real story line, as PhysicsInvers kindly pointed out, just as most slice of life pieces don't really give much plot so to speak.

912481 Thanks for the kind words :twilightblush: Yeah I wasn't so sure how the ending would go over so I'm glad to hear it played out nicely. Twilight is now capped too, thx for the catch.

912233 :yay:

912648 You're too kind, thanks a bunch :raritywink:

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