• Published 14th Jul 2012
  • 2,247 Views, 66 Comments

My life with Nightmare Moon - Dream Writer

Come to here my story of how i came to live with Nightmare Moon

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Time to bring up the past

When I awoke, Nightmare Moon was still asleep, but her hooves were wrapped around me, holding me tight. Her chin was resting on my head, and her breath slowly and gently moved my hair, it felt so nice. I couldn't help but to smile and glance up at her, but when I looked up at the Alicorn it wasn't the Nightmare Moon I had fallen asleep with. This mare had a shade of lighter purple coat and her mane wasn't like it was before. It was like Princess Celestia's in the pictures I had seen..only a dark blue with white dots that looked like stars.

I blinked in confusion up at her, I was going to awaken her, but she just looked so peaceful, and her grip on me was strong enough to kill me if she was angry at me for waking her. Her scent was exactly the same as Nightmare's, except hers wasn't as harsh, she smell had a sweeter tone to it, unlike Nightmare's, who's scent was a bit sour...or bitter...or both.

My thoughts were interrupted when a tall, white Alicorn entered the door. She looked just like Princess Luna's older sister, but that's impossible. She's in the sun, right? I stared up at her, confused, as she walked towards me and the dark Alicorn that was holding me. When she was close enough she bent her head down and gently nuzzled the smaller Alicorn and smiled. She looked at me and smiled the kindest smile I had ever seen and whispered so quietly that I could barely hear, but I'm almost positive that she was saying... “Thank you”.

She slowly disappeared, and as she disappeared the Alicorn that help me grew darker and larger, slowly shifting back into Nightmare Moon. I stared up at her as I realized that I was cuddling with the younger sister of Celestia. How could I have been so dense to have not known that I was looking up at Princess Luna? I felt so ridiculously stupid for thinking otherwise.

She was still asleep after her transformation back to Nightmare Moon, and she still managed to look a little threatening. One of her guards knocked on the door and opened it slowly, peering in. When he saw that Nightmare was still fast asleep he looked at me, there was a bit of jealousy and some fear in his eyes.

“Dinner is ready, I would suggest that you don't wake her the wrong way.” he had said quietly, yet firmly and shut the door. I glanced back up at her and gulped, wondering which way was the wrong way. What would happen if I woke her the wrong way? As I sat and thought, I could only think of one way to wake her, even though it was still a little awkward for me to do what I was about to do, after all, we were both mares, and my mother never told me whether it was right or wrong to feel this way.

I slowly kissed her cheek, it was just a little peck and her eyes fluttered open, glaring down at me. I grinned sheepishly with my ears flat as she muttered coldly “Don't do that with those cold piercings in your mouth.” She let go of me and stood of on the floor stretching her body and her wings.

“One of your guards came in a few minutes ago saying that dinner was ready.” I said quietly as I stretched on the other side of the bed. She waited impatiently for me at the door, and stared at me as a walked towards her with a small smile. As we walked I kept glancing up at her, I couldn't help myself, and I kept imagining her other self walking alongside me smiling and looking back at me.

“So, Taintedsongs, tell me about yourself. Since you will be living here I will need to know about you.” She glanced down at me expecting me to tell her everything. I'll admit there were things I didn't want to tell her, but I stink at keeping secrets. So I told her, and this is what I had said.

I was born in Cloudsdale, like any other Pegasus, but my birth mother was abandoned by my father and was too poor to take care of me. She had no other choice but to put me up for adoption. I was adopted by two very friendly, caring and loving Unicorns, my new mother had a white coat and a long wavy blue mane. She had a cutie mark of the sun, the sun wore a kind smile. I wasn't ever sure of what it stood for, but she was always wearing a warm smile and was always so kind with us, and patient. I was never close with father, he worked longer hours then mother did, I just remember him taking the long rides with me to flight school. He would let me sit on his lap the whole ride, I wanted to be as good of a flier as the Pegasi that were carrying our carriage, but that never happened. Being in Canterlot I didn't have many places to practice flying, and non of the other fillies could fly with me. Eventually mother had to work longer hours, she had worked in the very castle we were standing in. And when she came home to tuck me into bed, she would tell me stories about the beautiful princesses and how kind and hard-working they were.

One day, mother and father never came home from working at the castle, and it went dark, like the sun disappeared, and there was only a moon in the sky. Later that eternal night I found out that none of the castle workers had returned home to their families and that Celestia was sent to the center of the sun. I was a little filly in the crowd when I had first saw you, Nightmare Moon, when you had announced to us the eternal night, and how you were our new ruler of Equestria. I was scared, at the time I was too young to understand what was going on, I didn't know where my parents were, I wanted my mother. I stopped going to flight school, I didn't have a way to get there any longer.

I ended up on the streets of Canterlot, singing for spare bits, eating whenever I could, even if it were leftovers I had found behind restaurants. I ended up hanging around the wrong kind of ponies, always causing trouble, playing harsh pranks on nobles and such. I ended up drinking under age, and getting high with fellow gang members. One day I got a buck to the face by another pony, she was yelling at me and calling me all kinds of names and profanity, and poking at my chest telling me that if I didn't straighten up and take pride in my talents and flaunt my cutie mark I was going to end up dead in the streets as worthless as a piece of trash and not a penny to my name.

After that I begged her to help me get out, and help me onto my feet. She took me into her home, and helped me find a job, which wasn't easy because I wasn't a Unicorn and I had piercings in my ears and lips. She drove me to auditions that restaurants were having for background singers, and we finally found a place that would take me. It was a small coffee shop that had a steady number of customers coming in daily.

I eventually raised enough bits from my job at the coffee shop to move to Ponyville and start my own quiet life. The years I spent there were quiet and I had some close ponies that I suppose that I could call friends. And then one day I bumped into you, and am starting a new life once again.