• Published 17th Aug 2017
  • 730 Views, 16 Comments

Surprise you are a Draconequus. - Selene Moonlilly

Surprise is a young filly just trying to make friends. However her looks and the fact that strange things happen wherever she is makes it hard.

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Prologue:Chaos sent.

Author's Note:

This is just an idea that floated around in my head for days stopping me from working on my other fics. So I just had to write the beginning of it. Let me know how it is.

It was the middle of the night as a pony in a black cloak rushed through the overgrowth of a dark and forbidding forest. They had a covered wicker basket setting on their back. Whimpering could be heard coming from the basket as the pony took a sharp right to avoid the fireball that came out of the darkness at them.

“Damn almost had her.” A voice said from the darkness followed by the sound of flesh being hit with wood. “Oww. What was that for?”

“Use your head, you idiot. We are in the middle of a forest which has lots of flammable stuff and you decide to use a fire type spell? What were you thinking you could've set the whole forest on fire.” A different voice chided the first. “Besides the boss said not to hurt the dame. Says she is under the influence of chaos magic. So no spells that can harm her.”

“But then how does he expect us to get her?” The first voice asked.

“ I have a spell that puts a ponies limbs to sleep making them unable to move them effectively for five minutes. I’ll use that then you put on the nullification collar on her.” Having heard enough the cloaked pony rushed away while the two were distracted.

The pony took several more sharp turns and teleported across a crevice in the ground. Five minutes of more running through the forest, the pony arrived at the entrance of a cave. Upon entering the cave the pony was greeted with the sight of a huge crimson colored crystal tree. The pony trotted up to the tree and a violet aura enveloped the basket and lifted it off the pony’s back. The basket floated to just in front of the tree and then was lowered onto the ground. The pony then sat on their hunches and lowered the hood of their cloak revealing a azure colored unicorn mare with a crimson mane and violet eyes. The mare removed the cover off the basket and looked down at the baby draconequus laying in the basket. The draconequus had the same azure colored fur as the mare and a golden mane. The draconequus was sleeping, though whimpering occasionally and moving her tiny lion paw as if to fend of an attack. The mare reached out her hoof and gently rocked the basket back and forth. After a couple of minutes the foal quieted down. “Don't worry my little Surprise, mommy won't let that monster get you.” The mare then turned her attention to the tree,she then lit her horn up and sent a pulse of magic into the tree. “Oh great Amorfos, keeper of the dimensional scales and god of balance, heed my summons and answer me in my time of need.” She chanted as her horn grew brighter. After about three minutes a deep voice answered her in her head.

“It has been some time since any being has summoned me to this realm. What do you desire of me?” The voice asked.

“I ask that you send my foal somewhere safe and far away from here so the monster looking to harm her can never do so.” The mare answered.

“I can send the child to another dimension safely, but she is destined to be the balancing force of chaos in this one. If I am to send her away, I need you to take the foal’s destiny upon yourself and balance the scales of order and chaos. This is the price I demand to grant your wish.”The voice informed the mare.

The mare took the information in stride and as she was about to answer a loud roar came from outside of the cave.

“Come on out Azure Spark! Bring me the chaos tainted tartarus spawn. If you do I promise no harm will come to you. We must sacrifice it before it can grow up to become a threat to order!” A commanding voice barked out from the cave’s entrance.

Azure looked at her baby and then back at the tree. “I will take on my foal’s destiny Lord Amorfos, please hurry and get her to safety!” She begged the entity.

“A bargain has been agreed to and balance will be kept. Your wish will be granted.” The voice of Amorfos said as a red light surrounded the mare and the baby in the basket. At that time an older looking black colored unicorn entered the cave.

“What is happening?” The unicorn asked. He looked on as Azure’s body started changing before his eyes. “No it is already corrupting you! I must stop this.” He exclaimed as he charged his horn and shot a fireball at the basket.

Just before it hit a snapping sound was heard followed by a flash of light. When the light cleared the basket was nowhere to be found. The unicorn then looked at where Azure was only to recoil. The pony that had once been Azure had been replaced by a azure furred draconequus with a crimson mane. “Azure what have you done?” The stallion asked in disbelief of what he saw.

“What have I done father? I have done nothing more than protect my foal. You on the other hoof have killed my husband and tried to do the same to your grand foal. All on the word of a power crazed night loving alicorn.” The newly made draconequus stated in a venomous voice. “Oh and don't call me Azure Spark anymore, that name no longer fits. From now on I am Misfortune the spirit of chaos. I will bring the tyranny of order to it’s knees.” The voice once belonging to Azure said. She then looked at the old unicorn with a creepy smile. “ It’s too bad you decided to chase me here, well too bad for you that is. I on the other hoof am now in need of a new practice dummy to try out my new powers. Thanks for volunteering.” Misfortune said as she snapped a couple of her digits on her lion's paw together. A bright azure light flashed and the the cave was empty of everything but the crimson crystalline tree.

A blue furred purple maned pegasus mare and a white furred red maned unicorn stallion were walking away from ponyville general hospital both looking quite distraught. “What are we going to do Hasty? We've been to every expert and they all same the same thing, there is no magic or procedure that can fix our problem. I will remain barren and unable to give you any foals. You should divorce me and find somepony who can give you offspring.” The mare all but sobbed out. The stallion then put his foreleg around the mare and pulled her into a hug.

“I would never leave you just because you can't give me any foals, Morning Mist. I knew that there might be a problem with compatibility when when you revealed that you were a changeling but that didn't stop me from proposing to you. I married you because I love you and nothing will change that.” Hasty said trying to cheer Morning Mist up. Mist felt all of his love flow into her making her feel loved. She then snuggled into her husband's embrace and the two stayed that way for a couple of minutes. “ You feel better?” Hasty asked to which Mist nodded her head.

The couple then continued on their way back home. After about fifteen minutes of walking through Ponyville they came up to their house. The building had a sign hanging over the door that read Mortar and Pestle. However ,there was a basket in front of the door with a note attached. The unicorn and changeling looked at each other then back at the basket. Hasty then levitated the note towards him and proceeded to read it out loud.

Hello my name is Surprise. My mom is no longer able to care me so she left me here in hope that I will have a better life. Please take me in!

While he was reading Mist lifted the cover of the basket and gasped. Inside sat an azure furred gold maned pegasus foal. But instead of both wings being feathered one of them was bat like. The cover being removed exposed the foal to the cold waking her up. She opened her eyes revealing mismatched eyes, one being gold the other silver. Upon seeing Mist the foal babbled happily. Mist felt a lot of love coming from the foal directed at her.

“Let's keep her.” Mist said as she picked up the basket in her mouth.

“Are you sure?” Hasty asked Mist as he opened the door to their house. Mist just nodded her head and trotted in the house. Hasty then followed her in then closed the door.