• Published 30th Aug 2017
  • 479 Views, 1 Comments

Once Upon A Time - Fabella

Two sisters play a game of twisted fates in their ignorance and youth.

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There Were Two Sisters...

Luna fell to the ground with a powerful thud as her body rolled some distance from her landing place. The ground underneath shook under formidable impact and cracks could be seen in the firmaments of the ground beneath. She groaned, barely breathing straight as she tried to regain the air that was knocked out of her by her opponent.

Saliva was spat as drool came from her mouth mixed with just a tinge bit of blood. Her wings were slightly bent, dislocated but it was nothing that a simple spell couldn't fix at the cost of horrible discomfort and pain. She gritted her teeth as she tried to standing upon shaking legs. She breathed heavily, picking herself up with blurred vision. She shook her head as to violently straighten her sight. Once up, she fixed her broken wing with a quick snap and scanned the opening until her eyes glossed over a shining silver weapon that glimmered from the raging skies.

She furrowed her eyebrows and took hold of it by her magic. She readjusted her armor that suffered from indents and cracks and claimed back her fallen helmet which had been thrown off her head from her opponents blast. She conditioned her eyes to they sky where immediately a bright light flashed revealing the wicked entity dressed in golden armor that threw her down.

It laughed while Luna growled.

"Well, well, won't somepony come look at this? The soldier of the night still stands! I wanted to see how strong you were but it seems like even a solar blast is not even enough to stop you. Any other pony would have been incinerated by such a thing." She cracked a giggle.

"Your withering taunts does not provoke us foal. I am an alicorn. Daughter to the Dusk. What may kill an average pony..." Luna raised her hooves. "Tis' but a scratch to us!"

The Lunar soldier slammed her hooves down upon the ground viciously and using her magic created stone hedges that made their way to her opponent who blasted them apart when they came within frontal view. Too close for her comfort.

"Is that all that you got? A couple of rocks to throw? I'm afraid that to slay this giant you will need much more than that!"

The mare's lit her horn and shot a strong magical beam of intense heat straight to her sister.

Luna quickly erected a strong barrier that burned at the intense heat that came straight for it. She struggled against it, feeling the effects of the attack pushing her back. The barrier could only stand so much before breaking but she herself have had enough.

"Enough!" Her horn glowed and it blasted away not just the barrier but the flames of the solar empress's attack as well. So well did it do so, that some of the flames of light like fire recoiled upon its deliverer catching her off guard with an element that she could usually set herself immune to.

It stung against her skin as she realized a few, light bald spots that had developed from where the fire had licked her body against her mid section and one of her legs.

She looked at it with shock but such an expression quickly changed to a devilish snarl as her eyes locked onto the culprit. She felt absolutely insulted at the fact that she was harmed by her own attack.

Luna stood her ground. "Enough with these trivial insults you foalish fiend! Show us thou truest might and leave no boundaries unbroken! Come, for we shall deliver you unto where ye belong! Onto hell itself!"

"So dark and gloomy...Hell would be too dark for me but for you..." She laughed. "Not. So. Much."

She charged after the Lunar princess at blinding speed and her counterpart did the same as the ground she jumped from shattered like glass underneath her hooves. They both clashed in magical energy until they were both jolted back by their own strength equally.

The solar empress countered quickly with a quick succession of magical beams as Luna flew close to the ground. Dodging everyone in flight with nimbleness and swiftness never before seen by any pony. The city of the grand capitol was laid to waste as they absorbed the attacks of her sister. Buildings were set aflame, was made to collapse and was bought down into pieces as the two sisters fought.

Luna flew up to meet the solar princess directly with her counter which seeing her, wasted no time in quickly changing blows from magical beams to that of fiery bullets. Luna blocked everyone of them with her moon scythe. Spinning it fast enough that she managed to reflect all her sisters blows. She instead exchanged it with her own set of bullets, magically created small silver daggers that she aimed at her sister.

She shot them at her. So focused was she on delivering pain to her sister that by the time she saw them it was too late.

A cry was heard and the fiery bullets ceased as the bringer of day fell to the ground. Luna flew down to see for herself the damage she had wrought. She cocked an inner smile happy, to see at least a meager spell like this had done some harm.

In truth, she wish not to do nothing more. This, was still her sister.

She had cleverly waited until her sister was distracted by her barrage of attacks to deliver her own. Masking her silver daggers in with her sister's fiery golden bullets.

The solar mare stood and with a single beam of her magic, took hold of the magical daggers and shattered them from her skin.

Luna cracked a smile in which the solar empress returned with a villainous snarl.

"Don't get cocky."

The solar princess stood upon her hind legs and let her horn glow with a powerful radiance. Luna quickly put herself at battle attention. Ready for whatever the mare was going to throw her way. A powerful magical beam shot like a rocket from her horn to the raging sky above as Luna looked on in anticipation.

A silence befell them both for a short time until the Lunar princess heard a whisk in the wind and saw in the corners of her vision a golden weapon with a sharp edge spinning straight for her.

She quickly moved out of the way, doing a back flip perfectly that was extremely hard to do for equines. Her sister licked her muzzle as she took hold of the weapon with her magic that she had just recently lost. Having had it knocked from her in the midst of a powerful blow that undid temporarily before she was able to deliver one of her own that caused Luna's dislocated wing.

It was summoned and it shook, as though with a mine of its own, with blood thirst.

"Lets make this fight fair shall we?"

"Since whence dost cheaters play fair?"

Celestia charged for her sister and her sibling did the same as their two weapons clashed with each other with great intensity. Celestia slashed and Luna stabbed as the two tried to do a number on the other. Celestia found an opening and tried to ax her opponent, only for Luna to counter by tripping her by her front legs. She lost balance and fell on her mane upon her back and Luna stood on top. Ready to deliver her blow.

She aimed her scythe downward but only hit ground as her sister teleported behind her and hit her hard by the side with the blunt of her weapon. Sending her sister flying across the broken streets. Celestia followed, attempting to gain a blow in while her sister tossed upon the ground. She striked but her sister hopped upon her legs and quickly blocked her sister blows.

She is fast and unpredictable. She works by brute strength while I work by strategy. She is giving me no time to think

Celestia corners Luna towards the ground and slashes her ax at her with great speed and velocity. She slashes, dices, and continues to aim directly for her sister who blocks her attacks desperately with her scythe. The weight of her sisters ax delivers crushing blows and swift damage but its heaviness drags down the recover time of its user.

For Luna, it's perfect. For her scythe, while it does not deliver much and is more fragile it has nimbleness on its side and a quickness unmatched.

Luna recognizes this and quickly, teleports and knocks her sister down behind her. She teleports again and does the same, and again, and again, giving her sister no time to react with her mirage of blows until finally, Luna delivers a crushing swing of her scythe that sends her sister railing into one of the burning buildings. Causing the poor thing to collapse upon her.

A blast clears the debris from on top of the fallen alicorn and with glowing white eyes and body adorned in golden armor she charges for her sister like a meteor with ax and herself surrounded by glistening flames. Luna erects a barrier to keep her sister back but it is quickly broken and she is thrown off balance and sent flying across the plain by the blow. Celestia slams her hooves into the ground to stop her momentum.

Luna teleports and so does Celestia as the two clash blindingly fast in the sky with their weapons. Appearing as nothing but beams of light hitting one another in front of the blinding light of the raging sun. Beneath them , the once beautiful capitol city is ablaze, their castle in ruin and the sun burning at such intense heat that it gives life and renewed energy to flames that would have burnt out long ago.

Their weapons clack and clash and combined with magic the two hardly seem to take even a breather as they try desperately to undo the other. So blinded are they now in rage that the two have left the comforts of the city and now battle in front of their flaming castle.

Celestia is bent on destruction and all power. While Luna, wants nothing more but to put an end to this madness.

"You know not who thou contends with!" Luna shouts. Aiming multiple magically created daggers at her opponent who cares not for the scrapes they cause landing against her but only for the amount of harm that she can inflict. Her eyes and mind are locked upon the lunar princess who flees into the castle.

"And you know not your death is near! The Solar Empire will lead us into a brighter and more glorious-"

Celestia does a frontal spin with her ax at the front. But this time, it is extended and enlarged by her magic. Her ax is no longer the small thing that could be handled by a mere pony but instead a giant one meant to be held by a god.


And just like that the illusion of the ax comes swinging down upon the castle cutting the entire thing cleanly in half. Half of the building attached to the mountain collapses and falls upon the unlucky city below it.

Luna, who is flying from inside the castle hears the crushing loud noise from behind and is suddenly blinded from an influx of blinding light. She realizes what happened and is horrified at what has been done.

The castle...she-!

Celestia appears from behind, Ax still in tow as the two alicorns chase after one another through what remains of the once glorious building. Luna leads her sister through the zig-zags of the building as the solar tempter casts her magical beams at her.

Luna figured that instead of just confronting her head on continually, she would allow her sister to tire herself out as she never gave herself time to recoup nor take a breather during this tiresome battle. She was eeratic, brutal and carelessly using precious energy. But she was tired of running and she was tired of the pain and suffering that her lost sister had caused so much.

It did not even seem that she would stop anytime soon.

"I will not let our country and subjects continue to suffer under your stubbornness and pride!"

She faced her directly and with a battle cry, came charging her sister with scythe and horn pointed. Eyes aglow in burning light.

"And I will not sit and watch as they bathe in your precious moonlight!"

The sisters rallied all of their magical strength and greatest cry as the two pointed their weapons at each others hearts.

Do not do this sister! Why are you filled with hate? Are we not suppose to be one?

Celestia surrounded herself in a bright yellow flaming orb of magic as she charged towards her sister.

Luna gave a sigh. "You leave me no choice." She summoned all her strength and did the same, surrounding herself in a powerful sphere of bright blue magic and charged her sister. Their screams filled the air as the two sisters clashed.

Their weapons could take no more as they shattered under increased magical pressure along with their armor. Leaving the two sisters completely bare. The two sisters slammed directly into one another by the front bodies up and gave a synchronized grunt as their magic dissipated at once. The two sisters came crashing down through the castle, winding up in the throne room.

Luna fell in front of the throne while Celestia fell upon it.

Luna gave a moan due to muscular aches as she tried to stand. She looked around in front of her and saw the debris of the castle laid out before her. She looked up and saw the ceiling in pieces and filled with holes. She stood upon, once again, on weak legs and turned around and saw upon the throne the body of her sister.

Her heart sunk.


She walked towards it but paused as her countered princess begun to stand. Head hung down low and wings weak.

"The day...will last...forever..."

Luna furrowed her eyes.

"Celestia stop this nonsense for I do not wish to fight you any longer! You must lower the sun! It is your duty!"

She called out but it seemed as though on fell on deaf ears as the princess before her paid no heed. Head still hung low she said not a word. Until eyes peaked through bruised fur.

"I have...but one duty...and that is...to usher in..." her eyes turned to golden slits. "-eternal day."

Like something straight from the unknown, the sun sparked a blinding flash as ribbons of flames came from the sky and enveloped the star. Intertwining themselves together until a flaming, spinning ball was made around the solar princess like a dangerous cocoon.

The princess's pink mane changed from humble to a violent fire and her eyes to that of a dragon bent on destruction. Her golden armor was now rustic looking and her cutie mark now depicted a cracked, blackened sun as dark as her heart.

The flames ceased and hooves slammed against the ground as the pots of flowers that lined the hall now filled with towering flames.

A laugh was heard to Luna as she gazed upon what was her sister.

"There can only be one princess in Equestria and that princess will be me!"

She was far from saving. She was too weak keep fighting and her subjects would no stand no chance against her. Tears filled Luna eyes as she summoned all her strength to call upon the last forces that may subdue her sister. She called upon the Elements of Harmony as each magical stone appeared before her spinning into view.

Forgive me...sister.

Luna placed the Element of Magic in front and connected her power with the rest and a magical beam of many diffrent colors aimed themselves towards Daybreaker's magical beam which struggled against the strength of the most powerful magic known to ponykind.

Tears filled her eyes until finally a blinding flash and rainbows envelope the solar mare, causing her to break like cement and her body to glow with each section that broke off.

"N-no...No...No, No, No!"

Until finally, there was a blinding flash and the solar mare was no more.

Luna cleared her mind and gaze up at the sky where she saw the silhouette of a pony within the core of it.

she collapsed, as realization soon hit her on what had happened.

She screamed.


The two ponies that laid upon the grass stood up as they gave a standing ovation. One of them, a stallion, carried a valiant starry coat, mane and tail and seemed to be made literally of stars. His wife was a cream colored tall pony that had her cream color gently fade from the tip of her mane, tail and hooves to an illusion of a starry night. It was easy to forget that she wore no hoof shoes and it was only her coat itself that gave an illusion of such.

The two sisters turned and smiled and in return gave a bow to the two alicorns who were all but gracious enough to make time from their royal duties to sit and watch the two sisters. Along with a few of the servants and castle staff who watched from the background, balcony and inside the castle through the glistening windows.

The two both clopped their hooves together proudly.

"Bravo! Bravo! That was truly a wonderful performance my dears!" the mare announced.

"Indeed. Not only that but you both each have drastically improved in your battling skills. Could you make a stallion any more proud?"

Celestia and Luna gleefully ran up to them. Smiling big.

"You really think so?" Celestia asked.

"Yeah! Don't say it just so are feelings won't get hurt!" Luna chimed.

"Oh no dears! I meant what I said! It was a lovely story built on tragedy and love."

"I love the principles of ruling that you two touched upon. Sometimes, regardless of feelings we must do what we must do for the betterment of our subjects. Even if that means banishing your evil sister to the sun!" The mare's husband ruffled Celestia's mane.

"Is there anything me and Luna can work on when it comes to the story? Any polishing or whatever?"

"It was a beautiful story. Nothing need be changed. Its much more fleshed out than the last two times you all showed me." the mare complimented. "Is this what you two are going to show for the Crystal Fair Celebration?"

The two nodded their heads as a grin widened across their faces.

"Must I ask you two on exactly how you both came up with this idea?" the king asked.

"Well..." Celestia begun. "Me and Luna were practicing our battle skills with each other and, you know how we're always complaining its boring right? When Starswirl teaches us? Well, we decided to make it fun and started imagining ourselves as heroes and villains and monsters and stuff!"

"And then we took it a bit further. I recommended that for the Crystal Fair Celebration me and Celestia use this idea that we came out of the blue with, evil Celestia and hero Luna to put on a show about. We thought it be interesting enough for ponies and other races to like since we have those from neighboring countries that like coming to the New Year Celebration!" Luna finished.

"Well it certainly was interesting." the stallion smiled.

"The action was so fast paced and the emotion is as well." The mare added.

"Surprising huh? Considering how Moonbutt always walks around looking like Starswirl."

Luna poked her tongue out at her sister.

"Considering that Starswirl has to put up with you two, I would look like him as well." The starry stallion grinned.

"Hey!" The sisters spoke in unison.

The two tall ponies before them let out a gentle laugh.

"Alright you two its getting late. The sun is setting and dinner should be ready by now. I feel sorry for getting the servants to make it so late but then again..." the mare sighed. "...we didn't have much of choice. Between us both having to meet with other royal alicorn delegates, neighboring royalty all day, trying to run a country and keeping our promise to watch you two perform, there was not one second where we could make time for ourselves. At least, if we we're going to have time to watch our favorite fillies put on their performance that is."

"Your majesties." a guard approached. He took a bow before them with helmet in hoof. "The servants are awaiting your arrival in the diner hall. Your feast is ready."

"Tell them that we will be there shortly. Thank you and you are dismissed."

The stallion guard bowed to the king and placed back on his helmet. With that, he returned back through the balcony doors to relay what the king had said.

"Alright then, with that I think its time to head back inside. You two make sure you both clean up your weapons and props. You may just need them for the celebration.We'll be heading back into the castle to freshen up a little before dinner. Make sure that one you both are finished cleaning up to freshen up before dinner as well and make it quick. No one likes cold food. "

"Got it!" the two sisters spoke.

The couple smiled with them and escorted themselves back behind castle doors.

The two sisters immediately went to work and with a few of the servants and the castle staff that had stayed to watch them, managed to get them help carry off the props back into the castle. Celestia and Luna approached the mare who helped them with their performance by reading the narration of their story and gave a small bow before her. Thanking her of her time and skill.

"Thanks Fabella for helping out with our performance." Celestia thanked. " Without you, we wouldn't be able to make our story truly come alive and understood without you. Your speaking skills are amazing."

Fabella smiled. "No need princesses for the flattering but your welcome. I couldn't turn down your request even if I wanted too."

"You'll be sure to make it to the crystal Empire for our performance right?"

"Of course. I didn't out this much effort in writing your narration for nothing. I deserve my recognition as well. It looks like the last of the scenery props have been taking care of which means that I must ask you two, do you want me to relive you both of your weapons?."

"The guards usually take them..." Luna stated.

"Well the guards seem preoccupied right now. Probably with your parents. I can take them for now if you two want just to get them out of the way and hand them to the guards when I see them."

Celestia and Luna levitated their weapons towards Fabella who happily took them from them. With a bow of respect, the unicorn made her way back into the castle, excusing herself from their presence and leaving the two royal sisters finally alone to themselves.

A silence fell over the two as they stared from over their large castle balcony and into the setting horizon. Enjoying teh cool breeze of the late afternoon that blew through their manes.

Luna's countenance fell as her mind begun to disturb her.



"What do you think, will turn one of us evil anyway? Like, we see ourselves as good and want to be good but its always fun thinking of alternatives. What would it take to turn us to some evil version of ourselves?"

Celestia glanced at the ground lost in thought. "I really...don't know. But I would assume that it may take something terrible. Well...I for instance see myself maybe becoming corrupt with power. Maybe trying to usurp the throne from underneath one of us or something. I've always liked the idea of being in power, ruling over a race who will adore and love me. But not as a corrupt dictator but as a kind and benevolent ruler. You don't win ponies hearts by being mean."

"Yeah...you got a point. Maybe, I'll become evil the same way as well. They said absolute power corrupts so maybe we'll just become corrupt with power. Each wanting the power of the throne to ourselves completely."

"But that's only if we were rule together."

"Yeah, your right but lets say we do both rule together, what if we turn against one another? What then? What if raising the sun and moon is what our cutie marks represent? What if I wanted a kingdom of eternal night or something? What will you do then?"

"Hm...Oh! I can see it now! Battle of the Sun and Moon...no no, Battle of the Two Sisters. An epic battle of fates!"

"So your going to fight me?"

"I wouldn't want to but I'll do it!"

Luna chuckled. "Try me sister!"

"Honestly Luna. I can't see you becoming evil. You have such a strong sense of justice and protection. You know when to be nice and hard when needed. You have all the skills to lead. Me?" she sighed. "I'm kind but weak when it comes to difficult decisions and crucial moments. I get pressured and stressed easily. I'll probably become evil before you do."

"You know, sometimes I feel sorry for the moon."


"Because the sun gets all the praise and glory. Its been the main deity worshiped through time, giver of life and destroyer of it. The moon? Just a forgotten thing. You hear everypony say 'what a beautiful day' but hardly ever 'what a beautiful night'. It may not create it's own light but it changes every night and its not so bright that you can't stare directly at it. It allows you to see its true beauty and the true beauty of all creation. The stars, nebula's and comets...its seems forever doomed to be under the shadow of the sun."

"I've...never thought of that. Your right, you gotta feel sorry for the moon when it comes to it."

Celestia looked to her sister. "What if I don't want the moon to be raised? To trap the world in eternal heat? Will you fight me?"

"Like you said, I have a strong sense of protection. I wouldn't want to but if I have to I would."

"What if...I end up banished to the sun? If its even possible. Will you miss me? Will you still love me?"

"What is wrong with you? Of course I'll still love you. Your my sister and my only sibling! You could be in a whole 'nother galaxy and I'll still love you."

"Aren't you loving sister."

Luna smiled. "I guess ruling is hard. I mean, think about it. How many times in history have we heard of ponies having to fight a relative or slaying their own foal because they had too. IN defense of the country. I can only the pain they must have felt."

"You gotta do what you gotta do. The fate of one above all, or the fate of all above one. That's the scary part of ruling.....Daybreaker."


"Daybreaker...my evil name. Sound's cool huh?"

"Oh please, it sounds cheesy."

"Oh yeah? Well moonbutt, got something better?"

"Ye-yeah...just let me think about it..."

"Mmhm." Celestia grinned.

Luna gasped. "Nightmare Moon!"

Celestia tried to hold back but busted out laughing. "HAHAHAHA!"

"Whats so funny?"

"Nightmare Moon? Really now? The only thing thats a nightmare is your lack of creativity."

"Excuse me? Its a heck of alot more fear inducing than 'daybreaker'. So scary woo. Atleast mine says to be scared. Yours sound like something to run towards."


The two sisters laughed and laughed and laughed, each hurdling back and forth humorous insults and poking fun.

"Come on, we already wasted a lot of time. We should have been washed and in the dining hall. Lets take a quick bath and call it a day. Mom and dad are going to be upset if we show up any second later."

"Maybe at you but me? Nope, not if I hop in the bath first!" Luna zipped into the castle.


Her sister soon followed as the castle halls were now filled with the robust laughter of the two alicorn sisters who filled with vitality in their youth cared not nor worried about the future. For now, they can relish in each other's presence and build memories for only time could tell them if their fantasies would become dreams or worse, their nightmares.

Author's Note:

A short practice on battle scenes and a story that ended up way longer than intended.

Comments ( 1 )

Bha an sgeul math! Bha gràdh agam air leasachadh charactaran agus mar a ghluais thu eadar seallaidhean! Rinn an cunntas agad mi toilichte agus tha mi an dòchas gun dèan thu gu math! Dèan cinnteach nach cuir thu an siùbhras anns an nigheadaireachd!

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