• Published 22nd Aug 2017
  • 839 Views, 2 Comments

A Different View 4: Ultimare Universe. - Polaris Solarmoon

This is a whole new universe, that we're going to explore.

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Chapter 1: The Interviews.

Chapter 1:The Interviews.

Hello my name is Random Question, I'm a reporter for the "Manehattan Times", which is a newspaper company that I work for and I am currently heading to the home of Stardust Nova,a famed monster hunter and powerful magic user that is usually backed up by her partner/friend Spyke the dragon ,hopefully this interview with her goes well,I still have to interview the rest of the "Ultimare Six" for this article I'm working on and make it back to work in one piece...

I make it to Stardust's home within a few minutes( it only took me so long,'cause I took a cab ride there), I had then knocked on the door a couple of times and waited for an answer, sure enough I got one.

"Oi 'old on a second, will ya ?!"a somewhat heavy Hoofstralian accent said.

Eventually the door open and out came the famous monster hunter Stardust Nova.

"Hello my name is Random Question of the Manehattan Times and I'm here to get an interview with you for this article I'm working on,it's about the personalitys and lifestyle of the Ultimare Six."I said.

"Alright, so do ya want to know ?"Stardust asked me.

"Well for starters tell me about yourself,your hobbies,likes and dislikes and such,that way it'll help us both."I said.

"Huh....,not much oi could say 'bout myself,but oi could try,let's see 'ere..."she explains all that she could about herself as I made sure to write down what she's said,when she finished, I thanked her then asked as to where Cottontail lives.

"It's not that far, just a few blocks from 'ere it tis."Stardust said.

"Thanks,I'll go check it out."I said.

"No problem mate,see ya." she says before I left.

I wave goodbye then head over to Cottontail's home, I remembered the last time I had talked to her ( I wasn't working at the time)and shuddered at the memory, hopefully nothing like that ever happens again.

I continued down the street to Cottontail's home,however I accidentally bumped into somepony, which resulted in them dropping a drawing pad.

"Whoops,sorry 'bout that mam, wasn't lookin' where I was going."I said apologetically.

"Oh no, it wasn't your fault,it was more of my own for not paying attention to my surroundings.."The pony said in a soft voice,from that I knew the pony was mare,she had pink coat and mane and had a cutie mark of three word balloons, from those I realized whom this was.

The mare was about to but I stopped her by saying:"Wait a second,aren't you Ink Blot, that famous Cartoonist who makes comics for the Manehattan Times ?"

"Umm...y-yes I am, why do you ask ?"Ink said.

"My name is Random Question and I would like to interview you, I work at the same place you do !"I said.

"Oh..., That's nice...,okay,come with me,my studio's not far"Ink said.

"Oh right...,forgot that you prefer privacy, alright let's go."I said.

As we walked over to Ink's studio,I was suddenly tackled by a yellow blur.

"Rawr !*giggles*,got ya !"it said.

"Gah!"I said. "Get off of me !"

The being who tackled me got off and I was able to see that it was a yellow pegasus mare who had a pink mane and was currently wearing cat ears ,she seemed to have a small fang sticking out of her mouth,when I saw that I knew that this was Cottontail.

"Sorry 'bout that,but you have to admit it was funny,right ?"she said.

"No..."I said flatly.

"Aww, your no fun..., So where are you going ?" Cottontail said.

"T-to my studio..."Ink said.

"K, well see ya Inky !" Cottontail says before she suddenly puts on a bunny hood and then hops away.

"Err...um...what was that about ?"I asked Ink.

"I'm not really sure,it's best not to question it.."she says before pointing at a nearby building"oh we're at my studio."

"Alright !" I said.

"Come on in."Ink says before going inside.

"Sure"I say as I follow her.

When I had went inside, I saw a whole bunch of drawings on the walls.

"Wow this is amazing..."I said.

"Thank you,but didn't you have something to do?"Ink Blot said.

"Oh right the Interview, ok so tell me about yourself,your hobbies,likes and dislikes and such."I said.

"Ok,I'll try..."Ink said

It took Ink Blot a few minutes to tell me about herself, but she finished in almost the same amount of time Stardust Nova took.

"Thank you so much for this Interview, now I have to get toCottontail's home, do you know where that is ?"I said.

"Umm actually yes I do, come I know a shortcut."Ink says before leading me to the back of her studio.

She eventually stopps at a drawing of a door and says" Through here...",before opening it (Somehow!) and stepping inside.

I reluctantly follow inside...,only to wind up right inside Cottontail's home!

"How did you...-"I said before realising that Ink Blot had somehow managed to disappear.

"Never mind.."I muttered to myself.

I didn't even take two steps further into the home before I was tackled yet again by Cottontail.

"Rawr *giggles*,got ya again !"she says, now dressed as a lion.

"Is this gonna be a thing every time we meet ?"I say flatly as she gets off of me.

"Maybe,so...what cha doin' ?"she asked me as she almost instantly puts on her rabbit ear hoodie.

"I need to interview you."I said.

"K, sure I'll tell ya everythin'"she said happily.

I made sure to take down as much notes as possible, it took a little longer with Cottontail than it did with Ink Blot but it was worth it, I then ask her as to where Prism Wing is, she simply says to to outside and look up,I followed her words and then left her home.

Before I was able to go anywhere Cottontail stopped me.

"Hey wait a second !"she said." here I want you to have this."

She then gives me a small hoof knitted doll that looked like a Changeling.

I just now realized that she had somehow saw through my pegasus disguise,needless to say I was shocked.(yes I am a Changeling don't be too surprised..)

"How did you know that I was not a pony"I said in a confused manner.

"Weeeell,I could tell ya, but the author wouldn't like it" she says randomly.

"Wait what ?"I said confused.

"K,Bye"she says before hopping away.

"W-what just happened ?"I had asked myself in my head..

"I wouldn't question it if I were you,it keeps one sane if you don't question the impossible." a cyan pegasus says as she floats down next to me, I noticed that her mane and tail had all the colors of the rainbow in it.

"Your Prism Wing aren't you?"I said.

"Yes I am,Cottontail had told me about you and she had wanted me to see you."Prism Wing said.

"I'm a reporter for the Manehattan Times and I would like to interview you."I said.

"Hmm...,ok I'll tell you what I can."Prism Wing says calmly.

After a few minutes, she was done and I had made sure to write down as much as I could.

"So uhh, do you know where Ivory is?" I asked.

"She's possibly working at the mines at the moment, So it would be best not to bother her now,howeve Sparkling Cider lives just around the corner,so why not go to her instead." Prism Wing said.

"Thanks,I'll go there now,goodbye Prism."I said.

"Farewell Mr. Random Question,till we meet again."Prism says before flying off into the clouds.

After the meeting with Prism Wing, I went to find Sparkling Cider and sure enough,her home was right around the corner from where I currently was,so I went over to it and knocked on the door.

"In a minute Dearie,I'm rather busy at the moment."a mares voice with an upper Manehattan accent said.

I waited a couple minutes and then the door had opened,revealing Sparkling Cider in all of her glory, however she wasn't alone, As next to her was the mare I was originally looking for Ivory.

"Why hello dearie, how are you ?" Sparkling Cider said.

"I'm fine,I'm here to interview the both of you."I said.

"Really now?"Ivory said." Alright we'll do it darlin'."

The two of them each took turns, each interview took about the same amount of time as the other, however they both didn't have much to say about themselves.

"I'd like to thank the both of you for participating in this interview with me."I said.

"Your welcome dearie,oh and do come back later for some of my family's home made apple cider."Sparkling Cider said.

"Well,I gotta get back to the mines, see ya later darlin' "Ivory says before leaving.

I say my goodbyes then head back to my office, on the way I heard somepony say my name.

"Oi,Random Question, 'old up sec will ya!"by that accent I knew that it was Stardust Nova.

"Oh uh hello Stardust, is something wrong ?"I said.

"Yah mate,Cotton said ya dropped t'is" Stardust said.

She then gives me a small hoof knitted doll that looked like a brown pegasus with a black mane and a (?) cutie mark, I realized that it was me, so I put it in my saddle bag.

"Huh I could of sworn...."I had mumbled under my breath.

"What was that mate?"Stardust said.

"Never mind, thanks for getting picking that up for me"I said.

"No problem mate, see ya around." Stardust says before leaving.

I made sure to say goodbye before I hailed a cab and headed back to my office, this has been a very interesting day for me and I really hope that my article on the Ultimare Six gets put in the newspaper.

Author's Note:

Random Question is my first Changeling oc and will probably be the last, he was raised by pegasi and got his "cutie mark" and name due to his bad habit of asking too many random questions.

Oh and one more thing, I'm not 100 percent sure if either Ink Blot or Cottontail are able to break the 4th wall, so I had Cottontail do so...