• Member Since 17th Jan, 2017
  • offline last seen 6 hours ago

Alden MacManx

If you're living on borrowed time, do you have to return it?


This story is set in the Ponies after People universe, crossing over with Jay911's stories "The Coming Storm" and "After The Storm". Rapid Transit and his family head up to Ponytown after winter breaks its hold on the frozen north, hopefully to help raid warehouses to help Ponytown get through future times. What they find upon arriving is something no pony ever expected to find there.

Chapters (6)
Comments ( 12 )

wonder just how fast a unicorn could move say a ten pound rock using Telekinetic power. Could throw five gallon bottles of old gas and then a railroad flare.

Hey, I noticed something of a discrepancy in this chapter:

You say that "bluster and threats wouldn’t work on Joseph" but previously in the paragraph, you said "he only had to raise his voice twice and threaten to telegate Joseph to the Pacific Ocean once". So it seems like that wouldn't have actually gotten him what he wanted from Joseph.

That is from RT's viewpoint. Joseph is such a nerd, NOTHING RT can do would ever shake Joseph. So he rants mainly because he knows his ranting is useless. Joseph was working under orders from Alex to give him the maps he needed. It may sound a bit paradoxical, but it's merely RT's way of having to deal with that self-obsessed bastard...

Thank you. The last two chapters had me held up for months!

Just on the first chapter, I really think water would be the one thing that a capable pegasus would never be short of.

Not when it's so cold the air hurts your face. Remember, this is right after the Event. Who knows how to be a capable pegasus yet?

Storm is capable, especially after getting copies of basic Equestrian books. Cloud walking is half the job done, and Storm had that much figured out before winter.

That she is, but at the time, no one was sure, hence the distiller idea. During the summer, little problem making rain for collection. In winter, not as easy.

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