• Published 28th Aug 2017
  • 8,845 Views, 43 Comments

Voices Lost - DwarvishPony

Adagio Dazzle wants to sing again. Easier said than done when you can't speak.

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Adagio's Silence

Dulcet tones carried over a mostly empty park, emanating from a simple pagoda shielded by tall hedges. With only her violin to keep her company Adagio Dazzle twirled and danced in time with her music, reveling in the simple pleasure of the act. Faint motes of magical light swirled around the woman, barely visible in the afternoon sun.

The music’s tempo rose and Adagio’s dance became more fervent. Sweat matted her orange hair to her forehead. Her clothes clung to her skin yet she continued, lost in the cadence. She reached a crescendo, tossing her head back and reveling in its intensity until it finally eased away, leaving Adagio panting heavily in the summer heat.


Adagio spun and found herself face-to-face with her least favorite human, Sunset Shimmer. Surprise flashed over the musician’s face, quickly replaced with loathing as her eyes narrowed at Sunset. Eyes that tracked Sunset as she took a step closer. She briefly entertained the idea of using her violin as a club. No, she decided, the violin was too expensive to be used in such a manner.

“I didn’t know you could play the violin.” Sunset said cautiously, taking another step forward. “You’re really good.” Adagio knew that already. “So… how have you been?”

Adagio didn’t reply. She was no longer in the present as vivid memories of a defeat at Sunset’s hands replayed itself. Memories of a beam of magic engulfing Adagio and her fellow sirens. Memories of magical gems shattering, severing Adagio’s ties to the magic within. Memories of pain.

Sunset awkwardly shifted her weight from one foot to another. “What have you been up to?” The words brought Adagio back to the present. Rather than respond, she pointedly turned away from Sunset and began packing away her instrument.

“Listen, I know things didn’t exactly go well the last time we saw each other.” An understatement if Adagio ever heard one. “But if you’re willing, I’d like to maybe start over; a fresh start. What do you say?”

Adagio remained resolutely silent as she finished returning her violin to its case and stood. A sidelong glare was all she offered the other girl as she turned her back to Sunset and started walking away.

“Adagio, wait.” Sunset started after the siren. “Please. We left things on a bad note, but that doesn’t mean we have to hate each other forever.” Sunset reached out and grabbed Adagio’s wrist, hoping to stop her from leaving. “If we just talk—”

Adagio’s reaction was swift and violent as she lashed out at the other girl. Sunset brought a hand up to the angry welt rising on her cheek as she stared at Adagio in shock. The siren spun away again, blinking away tears as she stormed away.

Feet followed a familiar path, leading Adagio far from the park. Down the busy streets of Canterlot she went, hardly slowing her pace even when she bumped into an unfortunate passerby or two. She ignored their complaints, lost in a haze of bad memories and anger.

The relative sanctuary that was her apartment did little to calm the trembling woman as she slammed the door behind her. The violin was carefully placed on its shelf in her room, the only act Adagio put any care into after getting home. A cool bath was drawn immediately after, with a bottle of red wine set to accompany her.


Time passed quickly and Adagio found herself laying in bed too soon for her tastes. The apartment was deathly silent around her. Once there had been the sounds of two other sirens to keep her company. Now there were only echoes of bitter memories of a better time. A long exhale broke the stillness as Adagio gave up on sleep and tossed her covers aside. There was only one thing that could help her shake the frustration that clung to her.

Adagio dressed quickly, throwing on some shorts and a tank top. She slipped out of the empty apartment, violin case in hand, and made her way back down the familiar path to the park.

Nobody was out at this hour, though Adagio wasn’t sure if that was a good thing or not. There was a stillness in the air which only made the stifling heat feel all the worse for it. Still, the heat would probably be enough of a deterrent to keep anyone from poking around in the park.

Adagio was back at the park pagoda, carefully circling the structure and looking for any witnesses before making herself comfortable. She took a seat on the bench in the pagoda, violin in hand, and began playing a melody.

Adagio’s music carried a different weight to it. The melody was careful, hopeful even. Motes of light slowly faded into existence around the siren as she played. The music grew louder, but gentle; a composition that resonated with the very core of Adagio’s being. A warm breeze kicked up as the music rose to new heights, lifting Adagio’s heart with it.

A stick cracked nearby. The tentative illusion of peace was broken in an instant.

Adagio sighed as she slowly let the song end. She stood and, very quietly, walked around the pagoda to the source of the sound.

Sunset Shimmer. Adagio should have guessed the girl would be more persistent. The girl was crouched low, peeking through a gap in the bush, shifting about while she tried catching a glimpse of Adagio again. Adagio obliged the girl by tapping her on the shoulder.

Sunset froze for a moment before slowly turning to face Adagio. “Hey, Adagio,” She said slowly. “funny running into you here completely by accident and not under suspicious circumstances.” A nervous laugh escaped her. “So, what brings you here?” Adagio folded her arms in front of her as she sternly glared at Sunset, who stood and brushed her jeans off as nonchalantly as she could muster.

“Okay, I was out for a walk and heard the music. I wanted to know if it was you again,” Sunset confessed. “can you blame me? Whatever you’re doing clearly involves magic. I just want to make sure nobody’s going to get hurt.”

Adagio rolled her eyes and pulled out her phone. Sunset wavered at the edges of her vision, clearly thinking something amiss. Adagio let her stew in her curiosity, taking a bit of satisfaction in toying with her as she typed on her phone.

go away.” Adagio held the phone in Sunset’s face, blinding the girl for a moment.

“Not until I know what you’re up to,” Sunset said.

Adagio turned and walked back into the pagoda. Clearly this haven was not as secluded as she’d hoped. She would have to find a new spot to play music after tonight.

“Hey, I’m not done talking yet.” Sunset stepped in front of Adagio, blocking her from leaving. “What are you up to?” Adagio tried stepping around the girl, only to have Sunset move to stop her. “Dammit, will you just talk to me!?”

Rage flashed across the siren’s face for a moment and Sunset flinched back a bit, expecting another strike like the last time Adagio’s temper had flared. No attack came.

“Adagio?” The siren was trembling, gritting her teeth in frustration for a moment before opening her mouth to speak. No words came though. “Adagio, just talk to me.” Sunset placed a hand on Adagio’s bare arm for a fraction of a second, only to pull away like she’d been burned.

“You… you can’t talk?” The edge in Sunset’s voice had softened. “But… how?”

Adagio’s heart pounded in her throat. There was no way Sunset should know what she’d just said, yet somehow she knew. More importantly, she’d felt a spark of something in that brief moment of contact. Equestrian magic.

Instinct told her to run, that Sunset would only bring trouble and false hope. Curiosity kept Adagio rooted to the spot. With trembling hands she typed out another short message on her phone.

how do you know that?” Adagio held her phone out for Sunset to see.

“I- how did that happen?” Sunset deflected the question.

your fault. battle of the bands.” The words on the siren’s phone drew a frown from Sunset.

“Wait.” The gears turned in Sunset’s head as she began putting two and two together. “The gems?” Adagio nodded with a grimace.

The strength seemed to leave Sunset’s legs as she took a few steps backwards and sat on the bench. She stared at her feet, unable to muster the courage to look Adagio in the eye. “I’m sorry.” She mumbled lamely. “I’m gonna go.”

‘Great, she looks like a kicked puppy.’ Adagio pinched the bridge of her nose with her thumb and forefinger, letting out a long sigh. ‘Why couldn’t she look like something ugly when it’s kicked? Like a possum?’

Sunset trudged away from the pagoda. Good. That’s what Adagio wanted. So why did she feel guilty?

‘No.’ Adagio decided. ‘I’m not going to stop her. It’s her fault I can’t sing anymore.’ A small, sudden light emanating from the bench Sunset was on caught the corner of her eye. ‘Dammit.’

Adagio set off in the direction Sunset had gone, Sunset’s phone in hand. Mentally, she was swearing, telling herself she should toss the phone in a bush and be done with her. Her feet kept carrying her after Sunset.

Red and gold hair slipping through a doorway ahead was the last glimpse of the other girl Adagio got as she walked through the streets. She took a moment to look at the neighborhood as she approached the apartment Sunset had entered. The streets were cracked and torn, with more than a few potholes. The aged buildings were worn and faded, and Adagio started mentally calculating the odds of getting back out of the neighborhood without being mugged. They weren’t good.

Three knocks on Sunset’s door. Great, now all she had to do was leave the phone and she wouldn’t have to feel guilty anymore. Problem solved. The door opened, revealing a bewildered Sunset.

“Adagio? What are you doing here? Did you just follow me home?” Sunset looked at Adagio nervously.

Adagio thrust the phone into Sunset’s hands, turning to leave before Sunset said anything more.

“Wait a sec. Here.” Adagio turned back just in time to catch a bottle of something. “I picked up a few extras at the store earlier. Its pretty hot out, so… thanks?”

The siren stared at the drink for a moment. ‘Throw it back. You don’t need her pity.’ Adagio looked back at Sunset in time to see her tense up briefly.

“Anyway, thanks again for bringing my phone back.” Sunset waved goodbye and slowly closed the door, leaving Adagio alone on the doorstep to kick herself for not putting Sunset in her place.

She took a swig of the overly sweet soft drink Sunset had given her as she started home. ‘I bet I could guilt little miss sunshine into helping me.’ Adagio mused. A wicked smile touched her lips.


Adagio Dazzle was definitely not on her third day of tailing Sunset. She didn’t follow her as she searched the park for Adagio, she didn’t creep behind a menu at a cafe while Sunset ate, and she definitely wasn’t stalking the girl. That would be weird.

No, Adagio was simply observing. Sunset knew things she hadn’t been told. It wasn’t driving Adagio nuts.

Sunset trudged into her apartment in defeat, kicking the door shut without looking back. Adagio peeked out from behind a newspaper, eyeing the door as if it would fly open at any moment. It didn’t. Adagio swore mentally and tossed the newspaper aside, determined to get her answers by any means necessary, even if it meant doing the one thing that could make her physically ill: being nice.

A sigh and three knocks later, Adagio was already regretting her decision. Of course, there was still time to- the door opened, revealing a surprised Sunset.

“Adagio?” Sunset blinked in confusion. “What are you doing here?”

Adagio’s phone clicked as she typed out a message on her phone. “i didn't follow you.

“Not what I asked, but okay.” Sunset folded her arms in front of her and casually leaned against the doorframe. “What’s up?”

hungry?” Adagio held out a new message.

“Uh, yeah,” Sunset eyed Adagio with mild suspicion. “I could eat. Did you have something in mind?”

food.” Adagio nodded her head to the side as if to say ‘let’s go, already’. Adagio set off down the street with Sunset in tow, leading her through the streets of Canterlot in the waning daylight.

“Where are we going?” Sunset jogged to walk alongside Adagio. Adagio said nothing for obvious reasons, leading Sunset a few blocks away to staircase leading down beneath the streets.

“Oh, I love this place. Totally my favorite restaurant.” Sunset said with an unmistakably sarcastic tone. “You’re not planning on locking me in another basement, are you?” Adagio shot Sunset a suggestive smirk before going down the stairs. She could hear Sunset follow her.

A simple wooden door with the words Autumn Leaves painted on it in flourishing letters greeted the two. The sounds of the street above faded away, replaced by the sultry tones of a live band playing jazzy music. The scent of incense hung heavy in the air, mingling with the smell of stale cigarettes to create an unholy spawn to assault the noses of patrons as they entered.

A young woman in a slinky black dress and pigtails eyed the two as they approached, standing behind a podium with a stack of menus on it. She didn’t say a word as she lead them to a table, then left them with their menus.

“She seems friendly.” Sunset said. Adagio rolled her eyes and began typing on her phone.

how did you find out i can't talk?” Adagio held the message out to Sunset, fixing the girl with a hard stare. Sunset shifted uncomfortably, chewing on her lower lip. Her gaze drifted to anywhere but Adagio.

The restaurant was tastefully decorated with framed vinyl records belonging to what must have been popular musicians at one point. Various instruments hung carefully from the walls, each adorned with a small plaque claiming it had been owned by somebody famous. Her eyes settled on a bass guitar with a polished wood-grain finish.

“So, do you know who this ‘Blue Beats’ guy was?” Adagio ignored Sunset’s question, tapping a fingernail against the table to get Sunset’s attention. When Sunset looked over she pointed at her phone, emphasizing her question.

“I heard it from Sonata.” Sunset said unconvincingly. Adagio scowled, clearly not buying it. “I mean, Aria let it slip.” Adagio reached across the table and grabbed Sunset by the shirt, bringing her close and glaring at the surprised girl with narrowed eyes.

Someone cleared their throat, breaking the tension. The girl from the front had returned with two glasses of water, which she set in front of Adagio and Sunset when Adagio released the other girl. She whipped out a black leather booklet and looked expectantly down at Adagio. Adagio picked up a menu and pointed at a dish, holding up two fingers before passing the menu to the waitress. The waitress scooped up Sunset’s menu as well, leaving the two alone again.

“Okay,” Sunset blinked in surprise at Adagio. “thanks for ordering for me, I guess.” Adagio crossed her arms and leaned back in her chair expectantly. “So… come here often?” Sunset shot Adagio a lame grin.

‘Is she coming onto me?’ Adagio raised an eyebrow, mildly impressed by Sunset’s moxie and disappointed in her lack of subtlety. She started typing the question on her phone.

“What? No!” Sunset hastily answered before Adagio had a chance to show it to Sunset. Sunset gasped and clapped a mouth over her hand.

Hasty deletion was followed by a question on Adagio’s phone. “you know what i'm thinking?” The siren’s expression told Sunset that it wasn’t really a question.

“No, no, that’s just crazy.” Sunset shook her head frantically.

A sadistic smile spread across Adagio’s face. There were ways to test her theory. Ways that involved her picturing a demure Sunset Shimmer carefully stripping off a leather jacket. The shirt went next, revealing the curves of Sunset’s body. In her mind’s eye, Sunset reached behind her back and carefully unhooked—

“Alright, yes!” A beet-faced Sunset whispered harshly. “I can read minds. It happened during summer camp. Just- just stop picturing me naked!”

Adagio smirked as she reveled in the small victory over Sunset. ‘So what do you want from me?’ She thought at Sunset.

“I want to help you.”


“Because it’s my fault you can’t talk.”

‘Damn right, it is.’

“Thanks for making me feel better about myself.” Sunset mumbled bitterly.

‘Why should I comfort you? It is your fault.’

“I know…” Sunset’s gaze dropped to her glass as she swirled a straw glumly. “I just— I want to help you.”

‘How noble. Little Sunset Shimmer wants to be the hero again.’

“It’s not like that.” Sunset said lamely. “I can’t even begin to imagine how frustrating it’s been not being able to talk to anyone. Knowing I helped cause that... “

‘You want to know how frustrating it is? Don’t talk anymore.’

“What?” Sunset looked back at the siren in confusion.

‘You heard me, mind-reader. Stop talking. Live in my world for a while.’ Sunset opened her mouth to say something, only to shut her mouth without a word. ‘Good girl.’


Adagio hated Canterlot High with a passion. The sidelong glances from returning students, the furtive whispers as she passed them in the halls, the stern gazes of resentful teachers. She hated it.

She took a seat alone at a table in the cafeteria, eyeing the glop on her food tray with suspicion. Nearby, Sunset took a seat with six other girls, the ones who’d helped Sunset take Adagio’s voice.

“What’s up, Sunset?” a rainbow-haired girl greeted. “How was your summer break?”

Adagio watched with interest as Sunset opened her mouth to answer, only to frown as she glanced over at Adagio. Instead, she pulled out her phone, typed something out, and showed it to the other girls.

“You lost your voice? Goodness me, how dreadful!” a purple-haired girl cried dramatically.

“She spent too much time hanging out with Flash over break!” declared the rainbow-haired girl along with a lewd gesture that caused the rest of the table to react anywhere from furious blushing to offended reprimands. A red-faced Sunset held her phone out for her friends to read again.

“Adagio? That bitch?”

“Rainbow Dash!” the purple-haired one admonished. “She can hear you!”

“So what?” Dash shot back, looking pointedly at Adagio from her table. Adagio feigned disinterest, poking at what could loosely be called mashed potatoes with a plastic spork. “I dunno why she even goes here anymore. It’s not like anyone around here likes her.”

Sunset tapped her phone screen and held it out to Rainbow Dash. Dash scanned the screen briefly before looking back at Sunset. “Yeah, but that’s different. You felt bad.” The phone was held up again. “Yeah, sure she does.” Dash said flatly, “And I’m dating Flash, since we’re totally telling the truth here.” Sarcasm dripped from the girl’s words.

Sunset opened her mouth to tell Dash off only to grit her teeth and stomp away from the table, leaving a confused group of girls behind.

Adagio smiled down at her food. ‘Good girl.’


Adagio enjoyed a change of scenery sometimes. In this particular instance, she found herself playing in front of an open air cafe, seated slightly above the patrons there on a stool. She drank in their adoration, enjoying every appreciative glance as she held the patrons' rapt attention. More importantly, though, she had the attention of her not-least-favorite human.

Sunset couldn’t take her eyes off of Adagio, and Adagio made no secret of knowing this fact. She played a careful melody today, one that somehow told tales of hope and heroics without a single word. Through the whole performance, she kept her eyes locked on Sunset’s.

The last note of the piece came with a quaver that hung over the cafe patrons, promising to remain with the small audience long after the performance. They clapped enthusiastically, and Adagio indulged their praise with a small bow. She sauntered over to Sunset’s table and slid into the chair across from the girl with a smirk as she started packing up her violin.

that was really good.” Sunset held up her phone, looking impressed.

‘I know,’ Adagio thought confidently, drawing a chuckle from Sunset. ‘So what brings the lovely Sunset Shimmer down to see me?’

you lost your voice because your gem broke, right?” Adagio nodded at the words on Sunset’s phone, careful to keep a cool demeanor.

Adagio was guarded with her thoughts, uncertain of just how well Sunset could read her mind. Still, she couldn’t help that her heart skipped a beat at the mention of her gem. What could Sunset be planning? A replacement, perhaps? She drummed her fingers on the table as she idly pondered.

“Hey, guys. What’s up?” Rainbow Dash plodded up to the table Adagio and Sunset shared, pulling a free chair over and spinning it around to sit backwards in it. Adagio narrowed her eyes at the intrusion.

Sunset seemed just as unhappy about Dash’s arrival as Adagio, eyeing her friend with suspicion as she held out her phone for Dash to read.

“Eh, I was just passing by and thought I’d say ‘hey’, ya know?” Dash grinned at Adagio, daring the girl to do something. “I’m not interrupting, am I?”

Adagio shook her head, cutting off whatever message Sunset was about to show her friend. She looked to Sunset and mimed a drink, looking at Sunset questioningly. Sunset nodded after a moment of confusion. Adagio offered the same questioning motions to Dash, but she refused.

The siren shrugged and walked towards the cafe interior, shooting Sunset a warm smile as she trailed a finger across her shoulder. Sunset looked back with a curious expression and the faintest hint of a blush. Adagio shot a passing glance at a simmering Rainbow Dash before sashaying into the cafe to order drinks. Dash was gone by the time she returned.

‘Where’d your friend go?’ Adagio wondered.

she said she had to leave,” came the quickly typed response.

‘You mean I get you all to myself?’

Sunset flushed crimson, but didn’t respond.

A comfortable silence settled over the two as they sipped their drinks. Adagio idly watched the few passersby on the sidewalk, letting her mind wander. It wasn’t unpleasant, spending time with someone else. If anything it was a bit comforting, knowing that there was someone still comfortable with just existing in Adagio’s presence. She’d forgotten what that was like.

In the corner of Adagio’s vision she spotted Sunset resting her head on her hand with her elbow propped on the table. Adagio had to do a double take, realizing that Sunset had been looking at her, and not the people walking past. She shot the girl a quizzical look.

this is nice.” Sunset held her phone up for Adagio to read. Adagio didn’t disagree.

A buzzing sound broke the reverie, pulling both girls’ attentions to Sunset’s backpack. Sunset let out an excited gasp and pulled out a worn looking book. She quickly scanned something written in it before hastily scribbling something in it. Adagio watched with a raised eyebrow.

Sunset flashed a sheepish grin at Adagio before putting the book back in her bag. Before Adagio could inquire about the book, Sunset shouldered her backpack and stood, quickly tapping one last message on her phone.

i have to get going, sorry. talk to you later?

Adagio nodded and watched Sunset as she disappeared down the street. When she was gone, Adagio found herself smirking. Soon enough everything would fall into place.


Adagio sat alone in the Canterlot High cafeteria again, watching Sunset and her friends out of the corner of her eye. Sunset was holding her phone out to her friends with an inquisitive look, presumably asking a question, when Rainbow Dash snapped.

“Dammit, Sunset, it’s been weeks! When are you gonna stop screwing around and talk to us!?” A few other students looked over at the sudden commotion. Sunset frowned, typing something out on her phone and holding it for the angry girl to read.

“You think I care? So what? She made our lives miserable! She nearly enslaved the whole school! As far as I’m concerned, Adagio got what she deserved!”

Now Adagio was interested, dropping any pretense of disinterest and watching the scene unfold before her. ‘I wonder if she’ll actually say something.’

To Sunset’s credit, she didn’t. She opened her mouth to say something, only to frantically type something out and practically shove it in Rainbow Dash’s face. The other girl scanned the message for a few seconds before giving Sunset a look that screamed ‘you’re an idiot.’

“Right. I’m sure she has. Now, instead of using magic to brainwash you, she’s trying to play nice so you’ll side with her.” Dash crossed her arms and sneered. “Looks like it’s working, too.”

“Rainbow Dash, perhaps you shouldn’t be so hard on-”

Sunset stood in the middle of Rarity’s attempt to defuse the situation, lifting her tray and crossing the cafeteria to Adagio’s table. She took a seat across from the siren with a huff, angrily digging into her food and refusing to look back at her friends.

‘Good girl.’ Adagio bit the inside of her cheek to suppress her smile.


Life fell into a sort of routine for Adagio. Every day she’d go to school, she’d leave and follow a familiar path to a pagoda nobody else seemed to use for some reason, and she would play that familiar song with its magic-laced notes. Sunset would inevitably arrive, half-engrossed in that book she constantly wrote in, and listen until the sun began to set. Then it would be time to head home to start the cycle anew the next day.

Leaves crunched underfoot as Adagio crossed the park. Sunset was already waiting for her in the pagoda, scribbling something down in that book of hers. A small smile found it’s way onto Adagio’s face. Some part of her had to admit that she liked that quiet intensity Sunset adopted when she was in that book.

Adagio’s music filled the air, complete with the strange dancing lights. Sunset smiled and poked at one that drifted over the book, laughing quietly as it drifted away from her touch. Adagio found herself with a smile that matched Sunset’s.

Sunset’s book vibrated, something Adagio had never gotten an explanation for. Sunset let out a delighted gasp and stood up. She quickly crammed the book into her backpack and started walking away.

“I gotta go.” Sunset broke her silence.

Adagio started after the other girl and grabbed the sleeve of her leather jacket. Some part of her was infuriated. This was their time. It wasn’t dusk yet. Sunset wasn’t supposed to leave. She wasn't supposed to talk, dammit!

“I’m sorry, I know. I’ll be back as soon as I can, I promise.” Sunset clasped Adagio’s hand in both of hers for the briefest of moments— too brief, if you asked Adagio. Sunset set off at a brisk walk, all smiles.

Adagio returned to the pagoda and sat down, staring down at her violin as she held it. Something about the change in their routine pissed her off, which only pissed her off more for being angry in the first place.

‘Stupid Sunset with her stupid book. Why’d she have to start talking again?’ Adagio sat down and tried playing again, but found she couldn’t get into any sort of rhythm. With a defeated sigh, Adagio began packing her violin away as the sun began to dip below the horizon.

The crunch of dry leaves on pavement told Adagio of someone’s approach, and her face lit up as she looked towards the new arrival. Her face fell almost immediately when she saw who it was.

“Yeah, nice to see you, too.” Rainbow Dash said snidely. She stood at the edge of the pagoda with her hands in her pockets, coolly eyeing the siren. “Listen, we need to talk.” Adagio carefully latched the violin case shut and straightened up, gesturing for Dash to continue.

“I need you to stay away from Sunset.” Adagio raised an eyebrow, but made no indication of an intent to follow Rainbow’s order. “I don’t know what you’re up to, but leave Sunset out of it.”

Adagio rolled her eyes and turned to leave. She hadn’t taken two steps before Rainbow caught up to her and roughly spun her around.

“I’m not done here! Tell me you’re gonna leave my friend alone.” Rainbow growled.

Adagio decided she couldn't care less if Dash was done. She tried turning to leave, only for the other girl to grab her collar with both hands and pull Adagio close.

Adagio froze. A lump formed in her throat as a strange tightness seized her stomach. She knew this feeling. She’d felt it only once within recent memory when Rainbow Dash and her friends had taken everything from the sirens.


The world dulled at the edges of Adagio’s vision as her knees went weak. She was vaguely aware of Dash yelling over the sounds of her heartbeat. The violin case slipped from her grasp, landing with a dull thunk against the pagoda’s wooden floor.

The sound snapped Adagio back to the present, and she pushed hard against the other girl, breaking free of her grasp and falling to the ground. She quickly scooted backwards, trying to create distance between the two of them. Rainbow Dash looked down at her with a contrite stare, finally realizing what she’d been doing.

“Rainbow Dash? What’s going on?” Sunset was back.

“Sunset? It’s not what it looks like!”

“You sure? Because it looks pretty bad from where I’m standing.” Sunset’s voice took on a hard edge.

“I was just telling her to leave you alone, is all!”

“I don’t want her to leave me alone! I like spending time with Adagio.”

“She’s dangerous, Sunset.”

“She just needs help.”

“Help? She doesn’t deserve help! Don’t you remember what she did to the school!?”

“Don’t you remember what I did? Or Twilight? Hell, Gloriosa even?”

“Those were different!”

“How, Dash? How was it any different?”

“You guys were sorry for what you did. She’s only sorry she lost.”

“She’s different now, Dash. Give her another chance.”

“She doesn’t deserve another chance. Not after what she did!”

“Then neither did I! Or Twilight, or Gloriosa, or whoever else comes along and does something wrong!” Sunset was shouting now.

“What the heck are you talking about?”

“Second chances aren’t something you can just… pass out to the people you think deserves them. You either give everyone a second chance, or nobody. You’re not some kind of… second chance police who gets to decide you don’t like someone so they don’t get help.”

“You do realize this is Adagio Dazzle we’re talking about, right? She’s up to something, and I’m not letting one of my friends get hurt trying to help her!”

“And I’m not letting you hurt one of my friends!” A tense quiet settled over the park.

Dash couldn’t have looked more shocked if Sunset had punched her. A myriad of emotions crossed her face, from confusion, to anger, to hurt. “Fine!” Dash started storming away. “But don’t come crying to me when she takes over the school again!” Sunset and Adagio watched her go until she’d disappeared from sight.

“Adagio, I am so sorry. I didn’t think she’d pull a stunt like this,” Sunset apologized as she helped the siren to her feet. “Are you alright?” Adagio nodded slowly, angrily willing her knees to stop trembling. Before they could follow orders, Adagio found herself in a tight embrace. “I’m sorry, I’m so sorry.” Sunset whispered. Was she crying?

Adagio reached an arm up and delicately returned the hug. A new sensation assaulted her as her stomach did the macarena. Before Adagio realized it she’d sunk into the hug, squeezing Sunset tightly. ‘Thank you.’

“I’m supposed to be apologizing here,” Sunset choked out a small laugh. “You’re not supposed to be thanking me yet.”


“I, uh, I brought you something.” Adagio could feel the heat radiating from Sunset’s face. She reluctantly let go as Sunset took a step back. “Close your eyes.” Adagio eyed the girl with suspicion. “Don’t be like that. Just humor me.”

Adagio exhaled slowly, making sure her face clearly communicated how she felt about the senseless show Sunset insisted upon. She closed her eyes tightly, resisting the urge to peek.

“Okay.” Adagio opened her eyes to see Sunset holding a simple cloth bag in her outstretched hands. “Surprise!” Sunset smiled warmly.

Adagio gingerly picked up the bag and shot Sunset a questioning look. Sunset nodded, encouraging the siren to open the bag. With a brief sigh, Adagio carefully loosened the drawstrings that held the gift closed and peeked into the bag.

Adagio’s breath caught in her throat as she looked back to Sunset with a wide-eyed gaze and back to the bag. In the waning light, the faintest glint of ruby could be seen within.

‘This is—’ Adagio reached into the bag with trembling fingers and extracted a delicate red sliver from its depths. Sunset nodded with barely contained excitement. Adagio threw her arms around Sunset’s shoulders and pulled her into a tight hug. ‘Thank you.’

“You wouldn’t believe how long it took me to convince Princess Twilight to let me have those. It took a lot of convincing.” Sunset explained. “I was hoping having your gem back would help us find a way to get your voice back. What do you think?”

Adagio nodded, blinking back tears. ‘Thank you again.’

“What are friends for?” Sunset gave Adagio one last squeeze before letting go. “Anyway, it’s getting pretty late. I’m gonna head home for the night. See you tomorrow? Same place?” Adagio nodded weakly before Sunset turned and walked away, pulling out her phone as she left.

Adagio watched Sunset disappear into the approaching night, finding herself captivated by the sway of the girl’s hips. Eventually there was no tantalizing view to keep her lingering in the park, and she set off for home. She quickly shut and locked the front door before heading into the kitchen, where she emptied the contents of the bag Sunset had given her onto the counter.

Keen eyes picked through the shards of what had once been magical gems as Adagio carefully separated the fragments into three piles. When she was finished, she delicately scooped one of the piles up and stared down at them with a mixture of awe and excitement.

She knew these shards. Even without the magic they had once held, there was no doubt that the fragments in her hands were uniquely hers. She could feel it.

‘Just one last thing and everything will be ready.’ Adagio should have been thrilled. So what was this bitter taste in her mouth?


Adagio showed up to the pagoda late the next day, violin case in hand. Around her neck was a simple braided cord holding a tiny bag that contained the shards of her gem.

By the time she arrived the sun already hung low, threatening to dip below the horizon. Sunset was waiting for her, nervously pacing and staring at her phone.

“Hey,” Sunset brightened the moment she spotted Adagio. “I was starting to think you weren’t showing up today. You had me worried.”

‘Wouldn’t have missed it.’ Adagio grinned. ‘I have an idea that may get me my voice back, actually.’

“Really? That’s great!” Sunset gushed, unable to contain her own excitement. “What’s the plan?”

‘That song I’ve been playing. It’s old magic. It’s supposed to heal. I was thinking maybe I could use it to fix my gem?’

“Let’s do it.” Sunset said without hesitation.

‘Not here. I need somewhere with a bit more magic in the air.’

Adagio nodded for Sunset to follow her and she led her through the streets of Canterlot once more. A cool night fell upon them as they walked, sending a crisp breeze to bite at their skin. Before long, the two stood at the gates to the town’s amphitheater.

“What are we doing here?” Sunset looked hesitant.

‘Magic. You can’t feel that?’

A faint tingle of energy hung in the air around the two, making the hairs on the backs of their necks stand on end. Adagio could practically taste the magic—a metallic tang in the back of her throat that brought bitter memories with it. Even months after her defeat here at the Battle of the Bands, the magic that had destroyed the siren’s gem lingered.

Adagio steeled herself and started climbing the gate, pausing at the top to look at Sunset expectantly. Sunset hesitated for a fraction of a second before following.

Adagio made a beeline for the stage, pressed forward by the thought of how close she was to her goals. Her heart pounded in her chest, quickening her steps. She couldn’t keep a smile off her face as she clambered onto the stage. Sunset, however, stood at the stage’s edge, looking up at Adagio.

Shaky hands clumsily unclasped the violin case’s latches and brought the violin to a comfortable playing position. She took a deep breath, exhaling slowly to calm her nerves before putting the bow to string.

Once more, Adagio’s song lit up the world. Once more, Adagio found herself filled with the warmth of the healing song she played daily. Once more, Sunset Shimmer’s smile illuminated Adagio’s world.

Adagio swayed in time with the music, pouring every fibre of her being into the melody. Magic burned under her skin, desperate to flow through the girl as she let herself be engulfed the song. Adagio felt herself lift from the ground, hovering just above the stage.

This was magic, raw and unadulterated. The feeling she’d sought since her fateful clash with Sunset and her friends— an indescribable euphoria that could only be reached through the acquisition of power.

And it still wasn’t enough.

The song ended. Adagio felt for the bag at her neck, only to be disappointed when she didn’t feel a gem made whole.

“Did it work?” Sunset asked hopefully.

Adagio shook her head. ‘I need more magic. I don’t suppose you’ve got anything to help?’

Sunset placed a hand against her chest as she wrestled with her thoughts. After a moment, she nodded to herself and looked up at Adagio resolutely.

“Yeah. I have something.” Very carefully, Sunset pulled a red pendant out from under her shirt, unclasping it from her neck and holding it out to Adagio. “I trust you.” Adagio nodded solemnly and carefully put it around her own neck.

This was it: the final piece. Everything Adagio wanted was at her fingertips, waiting for her to reach out and take what was rightfully hers. With barely contained glee, she began to play once more.

The melody felt sharper as the siren played. Each note resonated with her, pulling the magic in the air closer to her and siphoning it into the gem shards. She could feel the music clawing at the pendant, desperately trying to steal its magic as well. This was it. This was the return of Adagio Dazzle, leader of the sirens and soon-to-be leader of so much more.

‘Please work.’

Adagio hit a sour note, and a few of the magical motes of light vanished from sight for just an instant. They quickly returned as Adagio recovered. Her mind raced as she tried to quickly figure out what the voice in her head had been.

‘I believe in you, Adagio.’

Realization hit Adagio like a freight truck. She was hearing Sunset’s thoughts. But how? As far as she knew, Sunset didn’t have the ability to project her thoughts to other-

The pendant.

Sunset had handed Adagio the ability to read minds with almost no hesitation. Adagio felt a lump form in her throat. Sunset was worried for her, not the magic pendant. Even now, as Adagio’s plans came to fruition, Sunset was only looking out for her friend.


The word lingered at the forefront of Adagio’s mind. When had she ever been able to look at someone and use that word to describe them? She knew the answer: never. Adagio Dazzle had never felt so isolated as she did in that moment.

“Adagio?” Sunset was at her side onstage, nothing but concern in her eyes. The music had stopped. Adagio had been so wrapped up in her thoughts she hadn't noticed she wasn’t playing anymore. “Did it work?” Adagio shook her head slowly as she reeled from her epiphany.

Sunset frowned and reached a hand up, wiping away a tear from Adagio’s face with her thumb. “Come on. Let’s get out of here.”

Adagio numbly followed Sunset away from the stage, accepting her help to climb back over the gate without protest. When Sunset gently took her hand to lead her home, she showed no signs of being aware of the touch. Before Adagio knew it, she found herself on Sunset’s doorstep, being gingerly lead inside.

“Why don’t you crash here tonight? It’s been a pretty crazy night.” Adagio nodded as she was lead to a small couch, where she blankly stared at the wall and grappled with her emotions.

Everything had been perfect. Weeks of planning and nudging. Driving a wedge between Sunset and her friends. Carefully convincing the girl that Adagio was trustworthy. Even regaining her shattered gem far sooner than anticipated. So why didn’t she go through with it?

Gentle hands at the back of her neck brought Adagio back to reality as Sunset’s delicate fingers glided along her skin.

‘Kiss her. No don’t kiss her!’ Sunset’s thoughts echoed in Adagio’s mind.

Adagio felt the room go warmer. She glanced at Sunset, who was definitely a few shades redder than before.

“I’m just taking the necklaces off.” Sunset reassured as she gingerly removed her pendant from Adagio’s neck, along with the small bag of gem pieces. She quickly slipped her pendant on.

‘Why did you let me use your necklace?’

Sunset shrugged. “I trust you.” She paused for a moment. “Thank you, by the way. I kinda heard your plans before I let you use it.”

‘And you still gave it to me?’

“Like I said, I trust you.” Sunset gave Adagio a warm smile and placed a hand gently on the girl’s shoulder before getting up and walking towards a loft. Joy bubbled up in Adagio’s chest, a lightheartedness that made her feel like she was going to burst.

“I don’t know if it means anything coming from me,” Sunset paused and looked over her shoulder at Adagio. “but if you ever need someone to just listen, I’m here for you.”

Adagio slowly got to her feet, driven by a singular desire. Sunset heard the movement and turned to face Adagio.

“What’s u-”

Adagio reached out and grabbed Sunset’s shirt, pulling her close so that their lips could meet. Sunset’s hesitation gave way to reciprocation as she wrapped her arms around Adagio and pulled her tighter into the kiss. An eternity passed and the kiss ended too soon.

Adagio’s hands made their way upwards cupping Sunset’s face as she looked deeply into Sunset’s eyes. Their lips met again and Adagio found herself longing. Her kisses became more urgent as she savored the taste of Sunset’s strawberry lips.

Sunset met Adagio’s passion with equal intensity.

Hands probed, seeking edges of clothing. Adagio found her shirt discarded. Sunset’s leather jacket hit the floor. Sunset’s hands fumbled under the back of Adagio’s shirt, drawing a grin from the siren.

Adagio found herself moving backwards, pulling Sunset with her. Together, they toppled over the arm of Sunset’s couch. Sunset laughed. Adagio looked up at the girl with half-lidded eyes before their lips met yet again.


Adagio woke slowly, finding herself tangled with Sunset’s sleeping form. It took some careful wiggling and maneuvering, but she was slowly able to extract herself from the other girl’s grasp and sit up without waking her. She stared down at Sunset with the faintest hint of a warm smile, running a gentle hand through Sunset’s red and gold hair.

She slipped out of the bed and down to the kitchenette tucked away under the loft. Kitchenette was a generous description for it. The cooking area consisted of a mini fridge, microwave and, thankfully, a coffee pot. Soon enough, the scent of fresh coffee wafted through the small apartment. ‘Next time, we do this somewhere I can make a real breakfast.’

“Next time?” A groggy voice asked from the loft above.

‘Didn’t anyone tell you it’s rude to read minds when someone makes coffee for you?’ Adagio thought grumpily, grateful that Sunset couldn’t see her smile.

“Well, if you made coffee…” Shuffling overhead accompanied the approving grumbles as Sunset presumably climbed out of bed.

Adagio drifted over to the window, cradling her warm mug and watching gray clouds roll in. Gentle footsteps sounded down the steps behind her, followed by the sounds of coffee being poured. “Oh, sweet, delicious coffee. I love you so much.” Adagio snorted at Sunset’s proclamation. “Oh, like you don’t like coff—Why are you still naked?”

Adagio looked over her shoulder and gave Sunset an immodest smirk. ‘Does the view bother you that much?’

“No, I just expected you to have clothes… You’re aware people out there can see you, right?” Adagio shrugged, showing no shame in her lack of clothing. “Okay, I’m just gonna close this for now.” Sunset maneuvered around Adagio and closed the curtains, obstructing Adagio’s view of the world as the first drops of an autumn rain started. A stillness settled over the two as they sipped at their drinks.

“So,” Sunset hesitantly broke the quiet between them. “about last night…”

‘What about it?’

“I just thought maybe we could talk about it?” Sunset set her drink down, looking uneasy. “I’ve… never done anything like that.”

‘You could have fooled me.’

Sunset’s cheeks flushed an adorable shade of red, unable to think of anything to say. Neither of them spoke as they struggled to find the right words. Adagio took a pensive sip of her coffee. A low chime cut through the silence and Sunset pulled her phone from her pocket.

“It’s Dash.” Sunset stared at the text message on her phone but didn’t elaborate.

‘Tell her I’m sorry.’

“You think she’d believe that?”

‘Well, I’d tell her over the phone, but…’ Adagio waved a hand wistfully as she let the thought trail off.

“Right.” Sunset typed a message out and hit send before returning to being awkwardly silent with Adagio.

“So,” Sunset chewed her lower lip, nervously shifting her weight from one foot to another. “where do we go from here?”

Adagio mulled the question over, finishing her drink and setting the mug aside. Things were certainly different between them, Adagio had to admit, and not just because of last night’s intimacy. She found Sunset’s presence tolerable— enjoyable even. One question lingered at the forefront of the siren’s mind, however.

‘So are you just going to keep talking, now?’

“I-” Sunset’s eyes widened at the realization and she quickly typed something out on her phone. “did you still want me to not talk?

Adagio stepped forward and gently placed a hand over Sunset’s phone and gently lowered it before pressing her forehead against Sunset’s and pulling her into a tight embrace. ‘I don’t care anymore. Just keep listening.’

“I can do that.” Sunset smiled and returned the hug in kind.

‘As for where to go from here,’ Adagio mused, ‘I’d say breakfast is a good start.’

Author's Note:

Woo! That was a fun one to write!

Need more Sunset shipping? Check out the rest of the entries.

Feel free to PM me if you find any errors!

Comments ( 42 )

I do love it when the bad guy gets the chance to change things themselves, to actually have the all-important Magic of Friendship™ stir something in their hearts, not just be forced into it. That it ends in Sundagio with a chance of non-evil voice-fixing (or so I would guess? I would think if it works to the stated degree, it can work to a smaller one) is icing on the cake. :rainbowkiss:

And, I wish I could say Rainbow being the designated bitch (granted, she was pretty tame here compared to some examples) was the least bit out of character, but canon (especially that of EQG lately) tells me that's just not where we are anymore. :applejackunsure:

Excellent fic, though Aria and Sonata's absence makes me sad.:fluttershysad: Never liked the idea that they all drift apart for one reason or another after their defeat. Still, AdagioxSunset is definitely one of my favorite ships, so 10/10.

This has many nice touches. I liked the approach you took with Adagio not speaking, and how Sunset then foregoes speaking for a time too. And Adagio with the violin was a lovely image.

Mute!Sirens is a headcanon I'm glad to see. The descriptions in here were great, and the pacing was as natural as the shipping. I liked Sunset's dare, and how phones were used to convey the dialogue when needed - very much like in Speechless. Adagio trying to find a way to experience music through means other than singing was sweet.

A touching story with excellent execution. Bravo, Sir/Madam.

Jesus God I didn't like how much of a cunt Rainbow was here. That, and the fact Sunset knew what adagio was planning. I feel like there was a great drama-opportunity missed there. It could have been awesome! I can just imagine sunset's ruined state after hearing that Adagio was going to use both gems, after all Sunset has done for her, to revert back to her old ways.

It could've be been dope. Overall is pretty dope. A very good read and i'd say definitely up there in the contest, but maaaaan I dunno if anything can top Aragon's shit.

Here, have thismedia.tenor.com/images/4f23c59d45934728dd1b33bf0100ca8e/tenor.gif

Mmm. Adagio and Sunset kissing... so many shades of orange :rainbowkiss:

I really liked the idea of having the sirens go mute. Oro's contest gave me a good excuse for writing it. I'm a bit bummed I couldn't fit the other two into the story. I kinda wanna know what they're up to...

Wow. This was really good. It was a great idea that was executed wonderfully. I really liked it. :twilightsmile:

No sequel planned, as of right now. I won't rule out the possibility, though.

please make this into a full length story instead of a one-shot

I haven't read this story yet (definitely going to) but is this at all based on the anime film A Silent Voice? I haven't seen the film (also going to) but they sound like they share similar themes.

Never heard of it, actually. I'll have to look the movie up.

With voices lost and voices gained, all performed amidst a living hail of self-discovery and pain.
Upon the currents drift two souls betwixt a world of unrest, their natures and love providing a final test.

Interestingly enough, the story was originally going to be from Sunset's perspective. I'd written most of the story before it dawned on me that Sunset's perspective didn't offer the same tone as Adagio's would.

I'll have to see if I can flesh out Sunset's motivation a bit more. I guess that part was lost a bit in the perspective shift.

Thanks for the input :twilightsmile:

I was itching to finish my own entry so I could read this one, and I can honestly say I was not disappointed. This was awesome, a wonderful take on both Adagio and Sunset and well worth both the read, like, and favorite. Great work!

Okay, I have to admit, this was an interesting take on the Adagio/Sunset relationship and about one of the only ways I can see it happening realistically. Granted, Rainbow being a bitch, if not without good reason as this is Adagio we're talking about, and as 8393006 mentioned it is tamer than other examples but it still kinda puts me off a bit... But still a good story either way.

Well, this was a nice little Sundagio story. I gotta say, this is the first one I read with the concept of the Sirens being mute after the Battle of the Bands, it's a pretty interesting idea.

It's a shame that we didn't find out exactly happened to Aria and Sonata in the story. If they lost their voices, too, than they faced their own challenges as Adadio did.

Other than that, great story!

Ooh, I'm saving that art.

I thank you, haven't read a good story like this in long awhile now. Thanks for making my day

‘Great, she looks like a kicked puppy.’ Adagio pinched the bridge of her nose with her thumb and forefinger, letting out a long sigh. ‘Why couldn’t she look like something ugly when it’s kicked? Like a possum?’

Luna might find that offensive.

Very nice! Excellent pacing and characterization, :raritywink:

I'm . . . kind of torn. To begin, I'll start with the praise because I don't want to make it out that I don't like this story. I enjoyed your characterization of Adagio here because she didn't actually plan on being with Sunset in the end. That was just a fluke, in the moment kind of thing. That made this whole thing feel far more believable. I also very much enjoyed the idea that all the Dazzlings are mute now. That is unique, and it offered you the unique perspective of Adagio that you used throughout the story. I loved that, and I love it when I come across unique ideas that actually work.

But . . . I have some issues. To begin, I am fairly sure that Sunset does not possess the ability to read all thoughts, all the time. I don't know if you have watched the shorts (and I'll censor it for other people just in case), but when Sunset touched Juniper Montage, that's when she was able to read her memories. Within the short itself, I think it explicitly explained that is exactly how it works. For this story, I understand that it might not have worked anywhere near the way it did without Sunset being able to read minds all the time, but you could have packed on the romance far more if you went that route. You know, she has to touch Adagio just to talk to her, so I am sure they would enjoy each other's embrace after a while. :rainbowwild:

Second, I cannot get over the fact that it just seemed . . . unnatural to me. It felt like Sunset had preconceived feelings for Adagio before this happened because with all the interaction that we saw the two go through, there was nothing truly redeeming about her going on. I guess that they could have had great conversations on the days you skipped over, but that seems like it's rather important. However, this does not exclude the fact that Sunset had no motivation to go mute for Adagio whatsoever. Why would she do that for someone that she just got through battling? The Dazzlings had destroyed the Rainboom's friendship for a little bit, not to mention all the other awful things they did. Rainbow Dash is right to be as abrasive as she was towards her.

Once again, the only way it makes sense for Sunset to go mute for Adagio is if she already had feelings, but that's impossible. And even if it were, it doesn't make for good story development. But I think the even odder thing, to me, is that Adagio and Sunset . . . did the do. That felt over the top. That's totally cool and all, and it definitely happens, but with the history those two have, and all the time they have spent together that we didn't get to see, them doing that is way out of the ball park, not even mentioning the fact they even gave each other the light of day.

I will give you the benefit of the doubt that Adagio is the one who coerced Sunset into even associating with her, and the only reason why Adagio was associating with Sunset is for revenge. Both of those things make it really easy for Sunset to catch feelings, but I just cannot shake the feeling that the execution of it all is a little lackluster.

At the end of the day, I really feel that the one thing that I feel is the biggest problem with this story is length, and that might seem odd to you considering this is a pretty long one shot. What I feel this should have been is more parts. It can still stand alone as a one-shot, but if you paced yourself correctly and developed their relationship in more detail, it would have been perfect. Basically, one chapter isn't going to cut it with this one. I feel like it should have been two parts, chapter one and chapter two. However, there is only so much you can do for a contest with time constraints and word limits.

Overall, I really enjoyed this, but if I were to rate it, it'd be a 7/10. Still a great score, but needs improvement.

theres a good bit to enjoy here- in particular i enjoyed how adagio was made mute by the events of the movie, and how she has been working around that. it was a bit odd with sunset's powers, but mental stuff will always feel a tinge unstable to me, i suppose.
i love how Adagio fell into the idea of liking sunset though. that it was all a plan that was put away... nice touch.

Kill me slowly, why don't you.

This was beautiful. The pacing was on point, nothing was too exaggerated... I loved this so much.

i have to say i was not a fan of how you made rainbow dash out to be in the wrong she had a very valid point

a person has to want to change adagio didnt until the last minute

I have reviewed your story! Thank you for putting in the time and hard work into the creation of this piece. :twilightsmile:


I'm pretty partial to Sundagio, I admit.
Overall, it's okay. I don't really like how Rainbow gets portrayed here. Admittedly, in canon, Rainbow is usually the douchiest out of everyone, but here, it doesn't feel natural.

“Oh, like you don’t like coff—Why are you still naked?”

Adagio looked over her shoulder and gave Sunset an immodest smirk. ‘Does the view bother you that much?’

“No, I just expected you to have clothes… You’re aware people out there can see you, right?” Adagio shrugged, showing no shame in her lack of clothing.

The 'zero filter' Adagio never stops being funny.

Author Interviewer

If Adagio ever shows up in one of my stories playing the part of Lindsey Stirling, you'll know why.

The short Sunset Shimmer Is Overpowered.

Who's Lindsey Stirling?

A violinist. She's pretty damn good. Look her up on YouTube.

Author Interviewer

Some good moments in this story. You did a great job portraying Adagio in a sympathetic light and a pretty good job of making Sunset's support for her believable. I do however find that the romance angle seemed to move a little fast--Sunset goes for it a little too easily and Adagio does her about face a bit too quickly and cleanly (though this kinda works with Sunset's unerring trust in her). I'm also not a fan of Rainbow Dash being stereotypically bone-headedly antagonistic. It'd have helped a lot to have others of the Mane 6 interact as well. Rarity's small attempt to defuse the situation is a good example.

This is the cutest thing I've ever read.

I'm glad I finally got around to reading this.

You did not disappoint.

I love how you brought out the theme of friendship and forgiveness while keeping everyone in character.

The romance felt rushed, but it wasn't tedious.

Adagio’s reaction was swift and violent as she lashed out at the other girl. Sunset brought a hand up to the angry welt rising on her cheek as she stared at Adagio in shock. The siren spun away again, blinking away tears as she stormed away.

That was unexpected? :applejackunsure:

“You… you can’t talk?” The edge in Sunset’s voice had softened. “But… how?”

Wow, I don't believe it! Guess the title was accurate after all. :rainbowderp:

“Wait.” The gears turned in Sunset’s head as she began putting two and two together. “The gems?” Adagio nodded with a grimace.

Wow, she lost her voice after they were destroyed? But she spoke with a terrible singing voice after they were goners, same for aria and sonata. So how does adagio not have her voice then? 🤔

Adagio set off in the direction Sunset had gone, Sunset’s phone in hand. Mentally, she was swearing, telling herself she should toss the phone in a bush and be done with her. Her feet kept carrying her after Sunset.

Wait, did sunset drop it?

She took a swig of the overly sweet soft drink Sunset had given her as she started home. ‘I bet I could guilt little miss sunshine into helping me.’ Adagio mused. A wicked smile touched her lips.

I got a bad feeling about this. :fluttershysad:

No, Adagio was simply observing. Sunset knew things she hadn’t been told. It wasn’t driving Adagio nuts.

That kinda still counts as stalking adagio. 😒

“I heard it from Sonata.” Sunset said unconvincingly. Adagio scowled, clearly not buying it. “I mean, Aria let it slip.” Adagio reached across the table and grabbed Sunset by the shirt, bringing her close and glaring at the surprised girl with narrowed eyes.

Guess that means it only affected adagio. 😯

A sadistic smile spread across Adagio’s face. There were ways to test her theory. Ways that involved her picturing a demure Sunset Shimmer carefully stripping off a leather jacket. The shirt went next, revealing the curves of Sunset’s body. In her mind’s eye, Sunset reached behind her back and carefully unhooked—

I did not see that one coming. :pinkiegasp:

‘You heard me, mind-reader. Stop talking. Live in my world for a while.’ Sunset opened her mouth to say something, only to shut her mouth without a word. ‘Good girl.’

I'm still questioning how sunset is able to communicate with her via theirs minds.

Adagio was guarded with her thoughts, uncertain of just how well Sunset could read her mind. Still, she couldn’t help that her heart skipped a beat at the mention of her gem. What could Sunset be planning? A replacement, perhaps? She drummed her fingers on the table as she idly pondered.

Like that's gonna happen.

Adagio nodded and watched Sunset as she disappeared down the street. When she was gone, Adagio found herself smirking. Soon enough everything would fall into place.

What does she have planned. 😠

“Dammit, Sunset, it’s been weeks! When are you gonna stop screwing around and talk to us!?” A few other students looked over at the sudden commotion. Sunset frowned, typing something out on her phone and holding it for the angry girl to read.

Dang she's still doing it after weeks have gone by, I'm impressed it also feel bad for her. :fluttercry:

“Yeah. I have something.” Very carefully, Sunset pulled a red pendant out from under her shirt, unclasping it from her neck and holding it out to Adagio. “I trust you.” Adagio nodded solemnly and carefully put it around her own neck.

Are you serious right now! 😨

‘Kiss her. No don’t kiss her!’ Sunset’s thoughts echoed in Adagio’s mind.

Lol :rainbowlaugh:

Adagio drifted over to the window, cradling her warm mug and watching gray clouds roll in. Gentle footsteps sounded down the steps behind her, followed by the sounds of coffee being poured. “Oh, sweet, delicious coffee. I love you so much.” Adagio snorted at Sunset’s proclamation. “Oh, like you don’t like coff—Why are you still naked?”

Guess she forgot or didn't feel like it.

How did I not know that this work of art has a sequel. I know what the sound track of my next work day is going to be.

A sadistic smile spread across Adagio’s face. There were ways to test her theory. Ways that involved her picturing a demure Sunset Shimmer carefully stripping off a leather jacket. The shirt went next, revealing the curves of Sunset’s body. In her mind’s eye, Sunset reached behind her back and carefully unhooked—

“Alright, yes!” A beet-faced Sunset whispered harshly. “I can read minds. It happened during summer camp. Just- just stop picturing me naked!”

the best way to test for mind readers, think X-rated thoughts and look for blushes.:ajsmug:

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