• Published 27th Aug 2017
  • 7,605 Views, 74 Comments

Love Sucks - TheNewYorkBrony

An intervention is held to make Fluttershy stop feeding on Sunset so much.

  • ...

Chapter 1

Sunset’s confusion was probably warranted the moment she stepped into Sugarcube Corner with Fluttershy. Her friends had called an emergency friendship meeting after school, and she couldn't figure out why. The cold fall air whirled around outside as she sat down at the table with the rest of her friends.

They all had looks of worry on their faces, and Sunset couldn’t place where they were coming from. She was about to ask when Twilight cleared her throat.

“Concerning the magic that has been coming through the portal, we realize that some things may get out of hand without us knowing, and that things that do go wrong, take time to fix,” she said, fiddling with her bowtie. “And while we respect your decision to be involved in this very precarious situation, it’s just...um..”

“Fluttershy, you need to stop sucking Sunset’s blood so much!” Rainbow Dash blurted, tired of Twilight’s lengthy skirt around the issue.

“Huh—Wha?” Fluttershy responded, taken aback.

“Excuse me?” Sunset asked, raising a brow.

“Darling,” Rarity reasoned, putting Sunset’s hands in her own. “We know that you’ve become a part of Fluttershy’s diet for erm, necessary reasons, but it’s killing you quite literally.”

“How so?” Sunset demanded. “I feel fine! Plus you guys were the ones who suggested I do it since I have the strongest link to Equestrian magic here!”

“We know,” Applejack agreed, “But that was before we saw how much it was taking a toll on you, sugarcube.”

“Name one thing that has gone wrong since Fluttershy has started feeding on me,” Sunset challenged, folding her arms.

“You passed out in gym three times last week, you stare into space sometimes, you’re always tired—oh! And then there’s the time we had to ask Princess Twilight to come through the portal to make sure Fluttershy didn’t actually turn you!” Pinkie counted on one hand.

“All isolated incidents!” Sunset objected defiantly. "Besides, if it wasn't for Rainbow letting the bat get away, we wouldn't be in this situation!"

“Fine! But isolated my ass!" Dash shouted. "Look, I know it's taking longer than we thought to catch that weird bat that came through the crack in the portal and we need to keep Fluttershy alive somehow, but you’re no good to us dead!”

“Or a vampire!” Pinkie interjected. “Who knows what freaky-deaky stuff would happen if you became a vampire?”

“Yeah,” Rainbow agreed. “You’d probably end up sucking all of us dry or something.” she made claws with her hands and hissed at Rarity who flicked her in the forehead.

“You’re no good to me dead,” Sunset retorted dryly with a smirk. “Besides, that’s not going to happen. Fluttershy knows when to stop. Right, babe?”

Fluttershy’s yellow cheeks flushed. “Oh! Um, yes.” Even after becoming a vampire, the meek part of her personality never left.

“Whoa, whoa, whoa,” Rainbow said, holding up her hands. “Back this train up. ‘Babe’? Are you guys a thing now?”

Sunset and Fluttershy shared nervous looks.

Sunset scratched her ear. “Uh...I mean...It kind of just sorta happened...You know with all the time we've been spending together.....And we were going to tell you guys and everything...but...”

“But..?” Applejack repeated.

“But we knew you guys would be against it.” Fluttershy admitted.

“So you decided to hornswoggle us?” Dash barked, drawing some attention from the patrons who were sitting close to them.

Twilight frowned. “Rainbow, I am absolutely sure you just used that word wrong.”

“Oh yeah, you would say that you hornswoggling hornswoggler.” Dash told her, suspicious.

Twilight rolled her eyes.

“Anyway,” Rarity said, bringing everyone's attention back to the subject at hand. “Regardless of you two dating or not, we need to set some rules. Fluttershy darling, if we don’t fix this, Sunset could very well be in danger.”

“I’m not in any danger!” Sunset insisted, slamming her hand on the table. Again the attention of half of Sugarcube Corner was on them and she blushed and winced from the pain in her neck.

Despite the embarrassment, her pain did not go unnoticed from the group, and Twilight was quick to point it out.

“What’s that?” she asked, pointing to the scarf around Sunset’s neck. The nip of winter hadn’t exactly come yet so it wasn’t even bad enough to wear scarves.

“A scarf? I’m sure you know what that is,” Sunset retorted, eyebrow raised.

Twilight rolled her eyes. “I mean you weren't wearing that at school.”

Rarity nodded. “Pink isn't your color, no offense darling,” she said, giving Sunset a sympathetic look. “So that means that scarf must belong to Fluttershy.”

Sunset was on the defensive. “She loaned it to me because I was cold.” she deemed that excuse good enough until Pinkie chimed in.

“You couldn’t have been! It was like, eighty degrees today!” she said, waving her arms. “Unless...” she gasped. “Fluttershy got an after school snack from you!”

With inhuman speed, Pinkie ripped the scarf from Sunset’s neck to reveal that bandages had been wrapped around it. “Ah-ha!” she shouted, making people look their way for the third time. “Detective Pinkie strikes again!”

“So things got a little rough!” Sunset blurted, making excuses. “It’s not like she meant it!”

“Yes, but you could still die. Meaning it or not,” Rarity reminded her.

“I-I wouldn't—I-I couldn't—" Fluttershy stammered, growing worried by the minute.

Applejack gave her a comforting smile. “We know, sugarcube. We know you. We just don't know what vampire you is capable of. And judgin’ by Sunset’s neck, it's a lot.”

“Yeah! Try explaining that one to Principal Celestia tomorrow morning!” Rainbow agreed, pointing to the bandages.

“We’ve dealt with she-demons, sirens, and wood mages. She probably wouldn't even care at this point let alone have a solution for a situation out of her league,” Sunset reminded her. “Remember how easy it was for The Dazzlings to put her under their control?”

“Point taken,” Twilight responded nodding. “But, maybe we should cut down on the feedings? Just a little bit?”

“If it means that much to you guys, I don't see why not,” Fluttershy decided, looking at Sunset.

Sunset rolled her eyes. “Fine. If you guys are so worried about it, I won't let Fluttershy feed on me so much.” she checked her phone for the time and got up. “I've got some homework to do. I'll see you guys later.”

Fluttershy got up too. “I’m going to help her with that homework,” she announced getting up and taking her leave too.

The door jingled as it shut behind them.

“They're not going to listen to us, are they?” Rarity asked, blinking.

“Nope,” Rainbow said, shaking her head. “We got hornswoggled.”

A little later, as the cool fall air whistled through the gold and brown trees, Sunset and Fluttershy sat perched atop an oak tree overlooking the town.

“Do you think we fooled them?” Fluttershy asked, licking Sunset’s blood off her lips.

Sunset let out a tired yawn. “Hell if I know. Sure seemed like it,” she responded, holding her hand to her neck. “Jeez ‘Shy, don't bite so hard next time, will ya?”

Fluttershy blushed. “Sorry. I just can’t help it when I'm around you.”

Sunset smirked. “I'm no good to you dead, babe,” she reminded her, kissing her and tasting her own blood on her lips a sharp, new hunger stirred within her.

Fluttershy smiled back, staring into pools of turquoise that slowly turned red. Her grin widened.

“Good thing you can't die then.”

Author's Note:

You have no idea how hard it was to come up with something for my contest entry. I went through 5 pairings and five different fic concepts. This was the one that I liked the most to be honest. I hope you guys like it too and wish me luck! Thanks for reading and don't forget to support me on patreon! Bye!

P.S. 1000 points to anyone who can guess where i got the hornswoggling thing from.

Comments ( 74 )
OmniFox #1 · Aug 27th, 2017 · · 1 ·

If Flutter-Bat wanted Sunset's juices then she should aim low.

From what i understand The ending suggests they are BOTH vampires?

Yep. They were worried fluttershy would turn sunset but she did anyway

So now they will drink each other's blood?


You get an upvote for the title alone. Now I just have to actually read it. :derpytongue2:

Now i enjoyed this story so i will make this joke as a compliment:
A MUCH better lover story than twilight

Talk about a hornswaggling.

That was the alternative title lol

This was a cute and funny story. :twilightsmile:

Cute story cover, and good story as well. You get an upvote from me!

This is one of your best works yet, I loved it

Hornswoggle: To get the better of someone through deception.

Other uses: The stage name for a leprechaun character in WWE.

“You’re no good to me dead,” Sunset retorted dryly with a smirk.

I imagine her saying that all tough, like she was quoting some movie mobster.

I'm snickering at Rainbow unintentionally using 'Hornswoggle' correctly.
Followed by faint and mildly confused mutterings about vampires feeding on vampires.
But mostly snickering.

Well Fluttershy had turned Sunset at the end so she wasnt a vampire before then. Should have made that clear :twilightsheepish:

Not gonna lie. I saw that picture on google and thought of something similar to this. Nice job.

needs a full story hwo did fluttershy get turned and all that still was enjoyable thoe kinda short

i usually don't like this pairing but I guess you hornswoggled me

“Oh yeah, you would say that you hornswoggling hornswoggler.” Dash told her, suspicious.

Have you been watching DWK? :pinkiehappy:

Ding ding ding! 1000 points go to you! Yes i have. He is one of my favorite mlp reviewers right now :twilightsmile:

Cute and Funny. But kind of short

Why did Fluttershy turn Sunset. When was that?

Also when will you do a Never Have I Ever 3?

Could you please expand the acronym 'DWK'?
Acronyms aren't that useful when performing a search, as it could mean almost anything.

Pretty damn good, I must say.
Though how the vampire fruit bat managed to find its way into the mirror isn't explained...
Nice art too.

It's not an acronym. The youtuber is called DWK. You may know him from "totally legit recap".

8392641its kind of implied at the end. And sooon

I made some minor edits so that things are a little bit clearer. :twilightsheepish:

Alternative title: Love Bites.

How can a vampire feed off of another vampire?

Fluttershy turned Sunset at the end. Thats why hereyes changed color.

Ah so it just happened. I thought it was implying that sunset wasn't worried about dying or changing because she had been one all along.

Clearly hornswoggle is offensive to unicorns.

Great story. Now when can we expect a full length sequel?

nice little story, when can we await the sequel? xD :pinkiehappy:


Wait, that's not how vampires work. They don't have their own blood, hence why they need to drink other's. Doesn't this mean they'll start preying on the city?


No, it's fine. I'm just wondering who they'll eat next.
They're so cute!

vampires have lots of different interpretations all that really matters is if they strike some of the major keys. Keys such as drinking blood and avoiding sunlight. Beyond that it's dealers choice.

This fan fic is based around a different fan fic titled sunlight. In it vampires can indeed feed off of each other. It's not even a new concept vampires do that sometimes.

DWK stands for don't wanna know. He explained it on a pod cast he was on.

" hornswoggling " Well its been around for a hundred year or more.

1000 points? I thought 5he points don't matter

(True, but knowing that would've made searching him harder rather than easier^^)


That's true.

an their it is the plot twist sunset is a vampire in disguise, but over all very good i liked i'm add it to my favorites :pinkiehappy:

I gotta be that guy when I say that ordinarily Vampires can't feed on other vampires, but I suppose it's magic so I'll leet it slide.

Other than that, I gotta say this was a great story and I liked it.

Don't know why but I can't help thinking of a continuation where the girls tell Principal Celestia...

"Actually, girls, I have just the thing for Fluttershy."

"Wait a minute, you have a cure for her?"

"In a final sense of the word."


".....what's that?"

"A wooden stake and mallet."

"We know what those are but what do you expect us to do with them?!"

"Well, first you place the stake over the area where her heart is point down, then you..."

"NOT THAT! What makes you think we'd do that to Fluttershy?!"

"I'm more curious about why she even has those in her desk."

"Some members of my family come from a older line that hunted sparkly vampires......before those d_mned Twilight books came out!"




"Do you want to see the instructional film?"



"Umm, Vice Principal Luna? What's this about?"

"Fluttershy, I just heard from my sister that you've recently turned to vampirism."


"As you've no doubt heard I too was once ensnared by the darkness. That's why I called you down here."



What had landed on Luna's desk were a thick stack of pamphlets. Fluttershy carefully picked up a few.

"'Emo No Way-O', 'How to Quit Goth Makeovers', 'The V8 Way', 'Just Say NO to Stephenie Meyer'?"

"These educational pamphlets weren't around when I turned to the darkness, perhaps if they had been I wouldn't have had to go.....there!" A peal of loud thunder could be heard as lightning flashed through the window blinds.






"Please.....not the Disney movies!"

"....I'll just let myself out then."

[So a bit less of the potential horror and more of a....well....'Dracula: Dead and Loving it!' vibe]

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