• Published 27th Aug 2017
  • 2,318 Views, 105 Comments

The Blue Mage - Nebula Star

Gifted with extraordinary power, Apple Bloom must learn to control it and try not to lose herself in the process.

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Chapter 19: Daughters of the Purge

The Blue Mage
By Nebula Star

Chapter 19: Daughters of the Purge

Apple Bloom set a quick pace as she trotted out toward her family farm. She was nervous about seeing her friends, but she wasn’t going to let that delay her seeing her family again. She hadn’t really thought about how worried they must have been. Now that Twilight had reminded her, she was feeling more than a little guilty.

“So I take it your family didn’t know where you were or what you were doing.” Daring said walking easily alongside her.

“No.” Apple Bloom admitted with a sigh. “Ah didn’t really think about how worried they must be.”

“Oh, dang. Well, I guess I’m not really one to talk; the first adventure I went on, I didn’t tell my parents either and I was even younger than you.” She smiled thinking back. “I was gone for three days. My mom grounded me for a month. But I knew it was because she loved me.”

“Yeah, AJ will probably ground me too.” Apple Bloom said with a small smile. “Ah know they’ll be happy to see me, though.”

Daring glanced at her. “And your friends?”

She was silent for a moment, kicking a small pebble in the road. “We had a fight… well, Ah guess it’s more Ah had a fight with each of them; but they were kind of about the same thing. Sweetie Belle; she’s Princess Twilight’s student and has magic lessons with her a few times a week. When Ah got my magic, Ah asked if Ah could practice in the library while Sweetie had her lessons. Ah just wanted to spend more time with Sweetie, but Ah guess she thought Ah was showing off. And Scootaloo thought Ah was showing off at our flight lessons too. Ah wasn’t trying to; just, once Ah got flying it was hard to hold back…”

“I believe you, but it does sound like they were a bit jealous. Not that I can blame them; I mean, that magic of yours is pretty impressive.” Daring said with a smile. “But, from what the princess said, it sounds like they feel pretty bad about it.”


Daring reached out with one wing and gave the filly a quick hug as they walked. “Give them a chance. As I was reminded not too long ago, good friends are usually worth it.”


“Speaking of…” Daring looked up as a familiar blue pegasus dove out down from above. “Hey, Rainbow Dash.”

“What are you doing here!?”

“Hey, Rainbow.” Apple Bloom said with a smirk, realizing Rainbow hadn’t noticed her.

Rainbow looked, then did a double take. “Apple Bloom!?” She glanced back at Daring Do. “What are you doing with Daring Do!?”

“Walking home to see my family.” She answered bluntly.

The sound of ponies galloping up the road made them all look up in time to see Applejack and Big Mac come around the next bend followed by Rekaj in his pony illusion, and then Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle chasing after. “Apple Bloom!” Applejack cried in relief, seeing her sister.

Daring took a step to the side just in time for Apple Bloom to be bowled over by her sister. “Apple Bloom! Where have you been!?”

“Sis… can’t breath!” Apple Bloom wheezed, as Applejack held her in a crushing hug on the ground.

Applejack loosened her grip a little, but didn’t let go. “What were you thinking, running off like that!?”

“Sorry, Sis.” Apple Bloom said softly, returning the hug. “Ah had some things Ah needed to work through.”

“We know… Rekaj told us what he thought you were doing.”

She was silent a moment just enjoying her sister’s affection. Rainbow and Daring took the opportunity to slip away, leaving Apple Bloom with her family and friends. “Ah’m not afraid anymore.” She said, finally.

“Oh, Bloom…”

“Ah’m okay, Applejack. Ah’m sorry Ah made you worry.” She hugged her a moment more, then looked up at their brother. “You too, Big Mac.”

“We’re just glad you’re alright, Apple Bloom.” Big Mac said with a gentle smile.

Smiling as well, Apple Bloom wriggled free of Applejack’s grip and jumped up to hug Big Mac as well. A hug he gladly returned.

Finally, she released him and dropped back to the ground.

“Sorry Ah used your magic so much, RJ.”

“I gave it to you to use, Apple Bloom,” he told her dismissively. “And to be honest, I did expect you to do this eventually. Just not this soon.”

She gave a hesitant smile. “What good is a power if you’re afraid to use it?”

“I did the same thing when I first created the spell,” he told her, understandingly.

“Well Ah’m not afraid anymore… still don’t like it though.”

He laughed. “I should hope not.”

Apple Bloom grinned, then took a deep breath before turning toward the last two. Both Sweetie and Scootaloo lowered their eyes as she looked at them. For a moment an awkward silence fell over the group. Sweetie’s lip trembled slightly. Eventually, she couldn’t take it anymore. Without warning, she leaped forward, throwing her hooves around Apple Bloom.

“I’m sorry! I’m so sorry! I didn’t mean it, Apple Bloom! I was just being stupid, and jealous… I’m so sorry!” She apologized, crying into Apple Bloom’s shoulder. A moment later, Scootaloo joined the hug, adding her own tearful apologies.

Apple Bloom was genuinely surprised. Twilight had said they felt bad about what they’d said, but she hadn’t expected it to be to this level. “It really hurt… what you both said.” She said softly, prompting another round of apologies. She endured it a few moments more, then sighed. “Ah heck; Ah can’t stay mad at you girls. Ah forgive you.”

She felt some of the tension leave the other crusaders at those words, though they didn’t let go. Finally, Apple Bloom reached her hooves up to return their embrace even as a content smile spread across her face.


Twilight watched Apple Bloom lead Daring out of sight before turning toward the owner of the wagon currently parked in front of the library. “Trixie, don’t go and skip town just yet. There’s something we need to discuss later.”

Trixie sighed. “As you wish, princess,” she said, sounding resigned.

Twilight glanced at Feather, and she nodded in understanding; the guard would make sure Trixie didn’t leave.

That done, Twilight turned to the two alicorn fillies. “Come on inside;” she said, gesturing for them to follow her. “I imagine you’ve had quite a day.” She opened the door and stepped inside, holding it for them.

They still seemed hesitant at first, but then Ania put her wing around Adikia and with a determined look, led her sister into the library.

Twilight smiled reassuringly and gestured toward the side table. “Grab a cushion and have a seat. I’ll make us some tea and we can talk.” She told them as Feather entered, closing the door behind her. They both did as Twilight said sitting at the small table. Twilight stacked the scrolls Daring had given her on an empty shelf, then went to the kitchen to make some tea. A few minutes later she returned with a tray of snacks, cups, and a teapot full of one of the sweet teas she remembered liking as a filly.

The fillies were silent as she set the tray down and poured the tea. Done, Twilight sat down facing them, levitating her cup as she did. “It’s alright, you don’t have to worry about offending me.” Twilight said in a gentle tone. “You two have obviously been through a lot and I’m sure you have a lot on your minds; a lot that you’re worried about. So why don’t you go ahead and ask your questions first? I’ll answer as best I can.”

They hesitated a few moments, and Twilight waited patiently. “Has it really been three thousand years?” Ania asked softly.

Twilight smiled sadly and nodded. “Yes, it has.”

She looked down. “What do we do now?”

Reaching out with one wing, Twilight gently lifted her chin to look into her eyes. “You begin anew,” she said with a comforting smile. “And you’re not alone. I promise, I’ll be here to help you every step of the way.”

Ania looked up at her, seeing the sincerity in her eyes and for the first time in a long time, felt real hope for the future. “Thank you.”

“You’re very welcome.” Twilgiht told her with a smile. “So is there anything else you’d like to ask?” she asked then took a sip of her tea. As she did, she noticed Adikia taking a sip of her tea as well. The younger filly winced and set her cup back on the table. “Is it too hot?” Twilight asked her. She shook her head.

“She does not like tea.” Ania explained.

Twilight’s eyes widened slightly. “Oh, I’m sorry; would you like something else? I have some apple juice, milk, or just water if you’d like?

“Apple juice, please.” Adika said softly.

Twilight smiled and nodded. “Alright, I’ll be right back.” She got up and started toward the kitchen. Halfway there, she heard the front door open and both she and Feather looked to see who it was. The guard relaxed visibly as Spike entered.

“Hey Twilight, I’m back.”

“Did Apple Bloom find AJ and the others?” Twilight asked.

He nodded. “AJ, Big Mac and the crusaders took off at a gallop as soon as Feather sent the news. I saw them as I flew over…”

He was cut off by a gasp one of the fillies. He looked to see who it was and his eyes went wide. Twilight felt magic building even as Spike began to react. He raised one claw, his own magic bursting to life and projecting a barrier in front of him. It was barely in time. His barrier took form even as a wave of ice spikes sped toward him from across the room. They slammed into his defense with enough force that he was thrown back into wall next to the door.

“WHOA!” Twilight shouted casting her own barrier between Spike and his attacker, Ania. Even as she did, Feather put herself between the filly and her princess taking a defensive stance. Ania was still glaring at Spike, her horn glowing with surprising power while her sister huddled behind her. “Whoa, easy! Spike is a friend!”

Ania looked at her with confusion and fear. Then, after glancing back at Twilight’s barrier, shifted to defense, casting a small bubble shield around herself and Adikia.

Spike groaned. “Nice to see you too, Ania,” he said sarcastically.

Twilight turned to him, shocked. “Spike? Do you know them?”

He looked back seeming surprised that she had to ask. “Twilight, these two are daughters of Achlys.”

Twilight looked back at them, her own eyes going wide. Ania looked back, defiantly; her eyes full of both fear and determination, as her sister hid behind her.

Author's Note:

This is going to be it for The Blue Mage, obviously this isn't the end of the story for this series but while Apple Bloom is going to be involved, the focus is going to be shifting away from her for a bit. For now I've been working on a prequel to this series that is about The Purge and Achlys' role in it, which will also include, among other things, the origin of little Ania and Adikia as well as why they were imprisoned and not just killed like most young alicorns.

It will be a while before I get that one ready to begin publishing and I have a couple other in progress stories one of which is near completion as well, so I'm going to finish that one up before starting anything else.

Anyway, hope you've enjoyed the story so far, there's definitely more to come.

Comments ( 9 )

They were kids of an op alicorn, of course people are scared of them and vise versa

well that certainly complicates things, so does this make her an aunt or sister or did anyone ever figure out how that relationship worked at all

He looked back seeming surprised that she had to ask. “Twilight, these two are daughters of Achlys.”

Twilight looked back at them, her own eyes going wide. Ania looked back, defiantly; her eyes full of both fear and determination, as her sister hid behind her.

Comment posted by Kichi deleted Jun 21st, 2020

so... Twilight has 2 sisters. or are they technically Twilight's Biological Daughters. you know you really put twilight in an odd spot if you think of it, in a way she is both their mother in body and sister by spirit, while being older then them in body, yet younger in the number of years :applejackconfused:

so... are they her older sisters or younger sisters

It's definitely an odd relationship, they'll have to take some time to figure it out.

Yep. You are definitely going to break a hip with all these excellent plot twists. Good job on this really nice story and get well soon!

Definitely not denying taking some ideas from there at least when it comes to the different flights having different powers. I think I even mentioned in the notes of another chapter that one of Rekaj's mates was named for Onyxia though it was shortened to Nyxia after Nyx from Greek mythology. But I've used a lot of other influences as well, mostly from books I've read; Dragonriders of Pern, Eragon, and Age of Fire to name a few that had dragons as the focus.

He looked back seeming surprised that she had to ask. “Twilight, these two are daughters of Achlys.”

Twilight looked back at them, her own eyes going wide. Ania looked back, defiantly; her eyes full of both fear and determination, as her sister hid behind her.

Well that is a twist I did not expect!:pinkiegasp:

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