• Published 2nd Sep 2017
  • 3,534 Views, 70 Comments

The Reaper - Blade Trail

Commander Gabriel Reyes, now the black-robed terrorist known as Reaper, is thrust into the magical world of Equestria after an encounter with an artifact charged with ancient dragon magic. An Overwatch crossover.

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Chapter 12: Move Out

Twilight, after recovering from her shock, determined that the map had called Rainbow Dash, Rarity, and Reaper to a place called Minos, the capital city of the Minotaur Kingdom, which was also named Minos. The city wasn’t directly visible on the map because it was built deep inside of a mountain located beyond the Western borders of Equestria. Coincidentally, the mountain was also named Minos. According to the book Twilight used as reference, Equestrian historians had argued for years on what was named after which before ultimately deciding that the early minotaurs must have just really liked that name. Minotaur historians, if indeed there were any, could not be reached for comment. That piqued Twilight’s interest, so she proceeded to spend the rest of the day and night researching all that she could about minotaurs and minotaur culture, growing more and more excited as she went along.

The following day, a baggy eyed, sleep deprived, and irrepressibly excited Twilight lectured her friends - who had all shown up to see the map’s chosen off - on all that she had learned as she led them to the hot air balloon that Rainbow Dash, Rarity, and Reaper would be using as transport.

“...And while we’re on the subject of pony-minotaur treaties, did you know that the minotaurs are among the most reclusive races on the planet?” Twilight asked her not-so-captive audience. “In fact, Equestria has had so little contact with Minos that Iron Will may very well be the most significant minotaur in Equestrian history! And we’ve met him! Isn’t that exciting?”

“If you say so, Twilight,” Spike said, stifling a yawn.

Fluttershy opened her mouth to comment, but then decided against it.

Oblivious to her friends’ lack of enthusiasm, Twilight continued speaking. “It’s why you’ll have to take the balloon to get Minos - the city, not the country or the mountain...although, technically, both of those too! - there are no roads or train tracks that lead out there. Kind of like Yakyakistan. Now that I think about it, the minotaurs and the yaks share a lot of similarities. They appear in legends and ancient history - participating in wars and battles and whatnot - then, poof! They just vanish. Well, not completely. We know that they’re still there, and they send an ambassador over every now and again, but other than that, nothing! You three might be the first Equestrians to set hoof in Minos in over a thousand years!”

“Like me with Yakyakistan!” Pinkie said.

Secluded ancient warrior race, huh? Reyes’ voice commented. Sounds like a real friendly bunch.

“Doesn’t sound like we can expect a warm welcome,” Reaper said. “Will we have to fight our way in?”

“As awesome as that would be, I doubt it,” Rainbow Dash said. “We’re being sent to solve a friendship problem, after all.”

“That does bring up the question of why nopony’s been there in so long, though,” Rarity said. “Is it forbidden? Did something happen between our nations?”

“Oh, don’t worry, it’s still legal to travel there,” Twilight said. “In fact, anypony - or minotaur - can travel between Equestria and Minos freely thanks to our standing agreements. It’s just that nopony really has a reason to. Plus the whole no roads and no train tracks thing. So while this is a groundbreakingly exciting adventure, it’s also a perfectly legal slash diplomatic visit.”

“What do you mean...diplomatic?” Reaper asked.

Twilight used her magic to pass a scroll to each of the map’s chosen, her excitement waning a bit as she did so. “While I can’t go with you on your journey - the map didn’t call me...again - I’ve taken the liberty of writing out these letters labelling each of you as official Equestrian Friendship Ambassadors, so you’ll be visiting in an official capacity.”

“Uhh...why do you think we’ll need these?” Rainbow Dash asked.

“Just a precaution,” Twilight replied. “While your visit is perfectly legal, it’s also completely outta nowhere, so I figured these might help smooth things along. Besides, it’s true! You are going as friendship ambassadors. I’ve just made it official.”

“Do you really think they’ll recognize any of that stuff, Twi?” Applejack asked. “I mean, if we’ve had so little contact with these minotaurs...well, I guess what I’m saying is, you haven’t been a princess all that long...”

“Oh, don’t worry,” Twilight said reassuringly. “I had Princess Celestia ratify these documents and helped her write up a letter explaining the recent shifts in the Equestrian system of government. Which means that, as bearers of this information, you three will also be acting as the official Equestrian Political Ambassadors as well. Isn’t that great?”

“Oh my...” Rarity said. “I’m sure this is quite the honor, Twilight, but...are you sure you want to be placing all of this responsibility on us? Friendship, we know a lot about, but politics? Negotiations?”

Rarity glanced nervously at Rainbow Dash, who appeared to have been distracted by a group of passing clouds. “The clouds weren’t supposed to come in until after ten!” Rainbow Dash murmured. She slammed her front hooves together threateningly. “Somepony’s slacking! They think that just because I’m not on regular weather duty anymore, they can let loose? Just wait 'til I get back...”

Rarity swallowed, then continued, “It’s not that I don’t have faith in our group’s...charms, darling, it’s just...well, we haven’t exactly studied these treaties you mentioned, no? There’s quite a lot that we don’t know.”

Twilight waved off Rarity’s concerns. “I’m sure it’ll be fine. All you have to do is give the papers, and then you’re free to go look for the friendship problem you have to solve. Princess Celestia and I have already taken care of everything. Isn’t that right, Spike?”

Spike, who was on the verge of falling asleep on his feet, jolted awake. “Huh? I mean, yeah! Yeah...everything. All night. Every...little...zzzzz”

Spike tripped on a rock and nearly fell over, but Fluttershy caught him.

“Poor little guy,” Fluttershy said. “You’ve been up all night, haven’t you?”

Spike nodded.

“Here, just take a break. We’ll get you back to bed as soon as we’ve seen the others off,” Fluttershy said. She lifted Spike up onto her back, where he promptly curled up and fell asleep.

Meanwhile, the group had reached the hot air balloon, which appeared to have been filled to the brim with travelling bags.

“Rarity!” Rainbow Dash said. “I told you to pack light! This thing will never get off the ground with this much baggage in it!”

“I’ll have you know that I’ve gotten much better at ‘roughing it’, Rainbow Dash,” Rarity said. “While I can see why you’d come to that conclusion, I assure you that these bags aren’t mine.”

“Then whose are they?” Rainbow asked.

Starlight suddenly scooped Reaper up in a hug. After holding him tight for a few seconds, she set him back down and put a scarf around him. It was far too large for his small frame, and so more closely resembled a large towel than a scarf.

“Promise me you’ll be careful, okay?” Starlight said to Reaper. “I tried to pack all the essentials, but we know so little about your race that I didn’t know what the essentials were, so I just packed everything I thought you could possibly need. There are extra clothes, swimwear, coats, mittens - clothes for any weather, really - packed in the suitcases. The backpacks have camping gear like lamps and flint. I made sure to include three toothbrushes for you - one to use, another as backup, and one more just in case you ever need to use a toothbrush for anything other than brushing your teeth. There are extras for each in case you lose any of them. And extras for the extras.”

“I don’t even -” Reaper tried to interrupt.

“There are also spell books and scrolls,” Starlight continued unabated. “I know you can’t use magic, but I’ve enchanted the scrolls to cast the spells by themselves. The books are there for reference. Be very careful not to hurt yourself and look up any spell before you use it. I know how dangerous magic can be, so I’m putting a lot of trust in you to be responsible, okay? Rarity, you’ll supervise, right?”

Rarity saw where this was going. “Starlight, I don’t think -”

Starlight, however, had already gone back to fussing over Reaper and listing all of the things she’d packed for him, which now included items such as tissue boxes - in case he got sick - and fifteen different types of crackers - in case he got hungry.

“Well, I guess that answers that question,” Rainbow Dash said with a shrug. “Who knew Starlight could be so fussy? Hey, Twilight, do something about this!”

The only response from Twilight was faint snoring. With the group no longer moving, and with her long lecture interrupted, her exhaustion had finally caught up with her.

Rainbow Dash slammed a hoof on her forehead in exasperation.

Applejack chuckled. “Alright, settle down now, Rainbow. We’ll get this sorted out. C’mon, help me get these bags outta the balloon so y’all get get on your way. You too, Rarity. Fluttershy, get Twilight over to the side a bit. Pinkie, go get Starlight away from Reaper.”

Under Applejack’s leadership, everything was soon sorted out and ready to go. When Rainbow Dash, Rarity, and Reaper finally climbed into the balloon and took off, they waved down to a smiling Pinkie, a content Applejack, a worried Fluttershy, a teary-eyed Starlight, and the still sleeping Twilight and Spike.

After Ponyville had disappeared into the distance, Reaper settled in to the balloon - which was surprisingly spacious after all the excess baggage had been cleared away - and readied himself for the long haul. As he put away the scroll Twilight had given him into the one bag he had randomly chosen to keep out of all the others Starlight had packed, he noticed that his scroll contained an extra set of papers. Curious, he unfurled it.

Flipping past the Friendship Ambassador papers, he read the next set of documents. When he reached the end, he paused, then read them again.

“Reaper?” Rarity asked. “Is something wrong?”

“These are...citizenship documents,” Reaper said. “Twilight’s made me a citizen of Equestria, a legal resident of Ponyville, and...my address is listed as the Castle of Friendship.”

“That is where you are staying, isn’t it?” Rarity asked.

“It’s listed as my permanent address,” Reaper said. “But that’s her home, not mine.”

Rarity smiled. “Did she ever make it seem that way?”

Reaper did not reply. He merely stared down at the documents again.

“It’s no big deal, Reaper,” Rainbow said. “Twilight’s just taken you in, is all. She did it with Starlight, and now she’s doing it with you. Castle’s big enough for hundreds of ponies anyway.”

Reaper shook his head. “Hundreds of ponies. I’m not a pony. I’m not here to stay...”

Rarity waved her hoof. “Semantics, darling. It is the Castle of Friendship, and you are our friend.”

“Yeah,” Rainbow agreed. “Whether you manage to get back to your world or not, you’ll always have a place here. You’re one of us now. The map even called you! Equestria is as much your home as ours. Twilight just made it all legal and junk.”

“A pity she burned herself out doing it,” Rarity said. “I’m sure she would have told you herself otherwise.”

“I don’t...I mean…” Reaper began. His voice quivered slightly, and he found that he struggled to find words to say.

“It’s really quite simple, Reaper,” Rarity said. “You belong.”

“And you always will,” Rainbow added.

Reaper’s face betrayed no expression, but deep within the confines of his mind, Gabriel Reyes wept.