• Published 3rd Sep 2017
  • 1,915 Views, 60 Comments

Golden Love - enigmaMystere

A Griffin moves to Ponyville and searches for love, but is everything as it seems?

  • ...

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Nope, no fighting! Why are you so mad?

Less than an hour later finds the two of them walking down the street, the griffon rubbing a talon along a horseshoe-shaped mark on his cheek. "...nothing feels broken, at least..."

Silk looks concerned as they walk. "What even happened? I was helping another customer."

He shakes his head, sighing quietly. “Tried feeling the fabric of some undergarments without checking that no one was wearing them... on another note, your racks have the same color as the mailmare’s fur.”

"You mean the ponnequins or the actual racks?" She clarifies.

“Both.” He shrugs, finally lowering his claw to the ground. “Could’ve been worse. Just a little higher...”

She looks at his injury again. "Are you sure you don't want to go to the hospital?"

He waves a claw at her, giving his best warm smile. “I swear that I’m okay, Silky.”

She tilts her head a bit at him, though whether it's for the nickname or answer is unknown. "Alright..."

He chuckles and leans close to nuzzle her cheek once more... at least, that was the plan before he walked headlong into someone. He immediately snaps to attention, placing a claw on his chest and bowing. ”Terribly sorry, I wasn’t paying attention.”

"Seems like no one in this lame town can pay attention," a grating voice scoffs at him.

Confused, he slowly raises his gaze to the apparently rude teenager. He blinks, realizing he has to look down slightly at the griffon before him.

She gives him the look of someone above him. "Yeah?"

He works his tongue along the inside of his beak a moment, giving him time to think. “...should I know you?”

"Doubt it, I dunno if you're cool enough." She shrugs, moving to pass him.

A claw darts out, stopping her by pressing against her chest plumage. “...listen, maybe you don’t know this...” His gaze turns to her face, eyes cold and steely. “...but allow me to educate you. I give respect to those that earn it. You? You haven’t. If anything, you’re proving you don’t deserve it.”

She snorts, unafraid and staring his predatory eyes down with her own. "Whatever, I think living among these ponies has made you soft."

He snorts quietly, shaking his head. “I disagree. I’m stronger than ever...” He glances back at his side, his injured wing twitching in its sling. “...mostly.”

"Yeah, sure, whatever." She walks by him like she owns the place.

He stops her with his good wing, frown firmly set on his face. “...who did you bump into, earlier?”

"Man, lay off. I didn't bump into anyone, they just didn't get out of the way." She snorts.

“...who was it.” His voice is low, quietly demanding.

"I dunno, some little yellow dweeb. What's it matter?"

His head slowly turns to face her. “It matters because she’s my friend.”

"Okay, seriously, I'm trying to walk down the street here." She tries to move past once more.

He lets her go, still fuming slightly. “Can’t believe she did that to Fluttershy...” He looks to Silk. “Think we should tell Rainbow and the others?”

"I think they would already know by now." She watches the female griffon walk away, the mare giving a little sniff. "A very unpleasant experience, that one."

“Yeah.” He turns to look at her as well. “I honestly expected her to try and punch me...”

"We don't need more damage done to that face of yours." She pats his uninjured cheek.

He just chuckles, a glint in his eye. “She wouldn’t be able to touch me.”

"Now now, no need to puff up your chest for me." She smiles softly. "She seems like a blowhard."

His eyes widen slightly. “Uh... griffins have good hearing, Silk...”

"Oh, so like thestrals." She nods understandingly.

“Yeah...” He glances over his shoulder to make sure the griffon didn’t hear.

She still seems to be walking away, but after a moment, she turns her head sharply and points a claw at them. With that done, she keeps going.

“...not sure if I should be worried...” He shakes his head and looks to Silk. “So, lunch?”

"Yes please." She chirps at him.

He nods, draping a wing across her back as they start to walk. “Let’s stop by my place, real quick, so I can grab my bits.”

"I didn't expect to be invited to your place so quickly." She leans her head against him.

“We were gonna go there to get my art supplies eventually.” He chuckles quietly.

"True." She shrugs and keeps walking with him. "Should I wait outside?"

“No, but I feel I should warn you about my lack of furniture.” His gaze finds the house by the library. “I don’t normally get visitors.”

She waves off his comment with a wing. "Sounds about normal for some bachelors. I don't mind."

He shrugs, pushing open his door to show a single couch and a lamp in the first room. He walks towards the stairs past the overwhelming lack of anything.

"Oh... no knickknacks?" She looks surprised.

“Could never find any I liked.” He stops, thinking a bit. “Of course, I still haven’t put out the bookshelf Twilight recommended... but why put it out if I don’t have any books?”

"Knickknacks." She repeats with a smirk.

“Still haven’t found any,” he reiterates, then starts up the stairs.

She laughs. "Well, I don't think you'll find anything you can show off on a shelf from my place."

He pauses at the top, looking down at her. “...I could always take a picture of you.”

She giggles, her tail swishing. "Oh, you..."

“Or I could put that picture the others gave on it.” He disappears into his room, leaving her in the barebones den.

"Huh?" She looks confused at that one, thinking on it while she waits.

He comes back down with a saddlebag and two photographs in his right claw. He holds them up to her, showing a picture of Applejack and her family settling down for dinner, and Rainbow crossing a finish line.

"Well, those look nice" She nods her head. "You could get frames for them."

“Yeah, but I don’t know where.” He shrugs, moving over and setting his bag down so he can slip them inside.

"Well, if I had to guess, I'd say... maybe along this wall?" She points to one. "Spread them out in a bit of a random scatter, and you can have enough more there."

He stares blankly at her. “I meant to get frames.”

"Oh." She clears her throat.

He just smiles and pulls her into another hug. “Maybe that’s another thing we can do. I’m gonna be with you all day, right?”

"I don't mind." She hugs him in return.

He grins, slipping his bags on and putting her on his back. “It’s a date!” He hurries out the door, skidding to a stop mere inches from Spike.

"Oh, hey!" Spike offers them a wave as he looks at a list.

“Oh, hey.” He scratches the side of his head. “I thought you had today off? Is it tomorrow?”

"No, I'm just doing a few favors for Pinkie." The drake smiles. "I get a VIP experience at the party for it."

“Oh?” He smirks, patting his shoulder. “I’m glad more of them are trusting you with stuff.”

"Yeah, plus, maybe it can get Twi to do her own chores." He snickers to himself.

He blinks, looking over at the library, then back to him. “...it doesn’t look like it’d be that much trouble for her...”

"She just gets too into things to realize there's a mess, or that she's making one..." He grumbles that last part a bit.

He tilts his head to the side, turning so they can walk to the market area. “...so... should I stop by later to make sure it’s not a wreck?”

"Huh?" He looks towards the library. "Nah, I'll just clean it tomorrow if it's too bad."

“If you say so.” He reaches back and pats Silk’s hoof. “More time for me to spend with you, hmm?”

Spike tilts his head as the mare nods, touching her side to his. "I hope so. Now, where shall we eat?"

He looks up at the sky, rubbing his beak. “I dunno. I’ll eat anything, though... except tomatoes.”

"Noted." She nods. "How about a fruit place?"

His brow furrows slightly. “...but I thought tomatoes were fruit?”

"Ugh..." She puts a hoof over her eyes. "I'm not having this conversation again."

He nudges her gently. “...if it helps, it’s mostly raw tomatoes that do it...”

"Fair enough." She straightens back up. "So, think that works?"

Flick nods, pulling her back against his side as they start walking. He looks to the dragon beside them. “Say, you know anything about another griffon around here?”

"Huh?" He looks up from his list again. "Oh, I think Pinkie mentioned one, I didn't hear any specifics though."

“Ah.” He clucks his tongue. “Darn. Was hoping to at least figure out her name...”

"You can see her at the party." He offers.

“...oh, I guess she’s the grump, then.” He slowly nods. “That makes sense.”

"If you say so." He looks up. "I need to turn here, see you guys later?"

Flick gives him a little salute, then looks to Silk. “So... where’s this place you were talking about, again?”

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