• Published 14th Sep 2017
  • 5,204 Views, 354 Comments

Scaled Heights - Zephyr Spark

Rainbow Dash discovers Spike has the makings of a great archer to represent Ponyville in the next Equestria Games, but dragon-hating officials, and a dragon-fearing town are bent to bar him, and Ponyville, from the games

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Chapter 9 Thunder Star

At breakfast, Rainbow Dash asked everyone from. She and her roommate Fluttershy looked pensive. When everyone was crammed into the tiny room, Dash showed them an opened letter bearing a royal seal.

“I’ve got some bad news,” she said. “This letter came in earlier this morning from the Games’ patron. And it’s not good. The gist is he heard about the incident last night and thinks everyone’s lives could be in danger. He wants to forbid Spike from participating in Games. If we refuse, he’ll ban our team completely.”

“That’s terrible,” Rarity gasped. “Who would do such a thing?”

Dash smiled wryly, “Your old friend, the ‘pure and righteous’ Prince Blueblood.”

The white mare’s face contorted in rage. “Give me a minute with that arrogant, pompous know-it-all. I’ll show him pure and righteous!”

“So what are we going to do?” Bulk asked.

“Obviously, we fight back,” Dash replied as she crumpled the letter. “That jerk isn’t telling me how to run my team. And he’s certainly not banning Spike from the Games.”

“Maybe we should think about it,” Fluttershy suggested. “And consider our options.”

“What’s to think about?” Starlight snapped. “He’s siding with the aggressors over the victim.”

“Calm down,” Bulk exclaimed. “Let’s hear her out.”

Fluttershy nodded to Bulk in thanks.

“I want to fight back too, but he is the head of the Games. We can’t go in without a plan,” Fluttershy responded. “And when we don’t do what he says, we’ll be disqualified.”

Bulk frowned, “Dash, you’ll lose your four year win streak.”

Dash bit her lip, stifling a curse. “Perfect, just perfect. I can’t tell him off without losing the Games. I can make a Sonic Rainboom, save Equestria from Tyrants, Demons, and Gods of Chaos, but I can’t do anything against one jerk.”

“I’m going to send a letter to Princess Celestia,” Twilight said. “She’d better set her nephew straight before I do.”

“Wait,” Bulk frowned, “Are you saying he’s not straight? Is he curved?”

Twilight rolled her eyes before picking a paper and pen from Dash’s desk. Bulk sat there, wondering why she wouldn’t answer him. He studied her face to look for an expression, but it didn’t look like Twilight’s face was saying anything except maybe, “I swear Bulk does this on purpose.”

“Dash,” Spike said with a heavy voice, “I know how much the Games mean to you. If you want, I’ll drop out so you can compete.”

She gave him a reprimanding stare, “Don’t even think about it. We’re a team. We fight together, and we’ll lose together.”

Everypony voiced their agreement with Dash, encouraging Spike not to surrender, even though he still had misgivings. “It’s one thing risking my dreams, but theirs?” He clenched his fists, as he remembered the spray painted threats directed at his friends. “I shouldn’t.”

Nonetheless, when Twilight finished her letter, he sent Twilight’s letter to Princess Celestia in a puff of flames. Soon, he belched a response. Twilight unrolled the scroll and read.

“So?” Dash leaned forward, “What does she say?”

“Princess Celestia and Princess Luna are trying to change his mind,” Twilight stated. “They both argued Spike’s case to their council and the elites funding the Games.”

“I sense a ‘but’ in there,” Rarity frowned.

“Princess Celestia is worried Baltimare might be too dangerous for Spike,” Twilight said, “even with the royal guard.”

“I suppose she has a point,” Applejack admitted. Spike’s destroyed room was all the evidence they needed to support Celestia’s fears. “But we can’t let all of Spike’s hard work go to waste.”

A stressful headache throbbed in her temples as Twilight read even worse news.

“It looks like most of the elites funding the Games agree with Blueblood.” Said the alicorn. “The Royal Council is divided and doesn’t know where to stand. Princess Celestia and Princess Luna will stand by our side, but they don’t control the Games. They suggest getting the other towns and cities on our side. Maybe, we can outnumber Blueblood’s supporters. Princess Celestia thinks if enough towns send letters of complaint to the council and Blueblood, the council will have to take a side or Blueblood will have to give in.” Twilight folded the letter. “So that’s our next step. We have to get these towns on our side. I suggest we talk to each team and arrange meetings with their delegates. Some towns owe us favors. Time we cash in.”

Twilight divided her Ponyville friends into teams and assigned each team to a city. She tried putting her friends on cities that owed each of them a favor, like Griffonstone owed Pinkie or Appleloosa owed Applejack.

She suggested Spike talk to the Crystal Empire, just to make sure they were on board. Then, she ordered Spike to wait in the hotel and stay away from the other teams. Accompanied by a royal guard, he went to the lobby, waiting for the team to return from their morning exercises. Once they returned, Spike explained their situation. Lightning Star and his teammates promised to support Spike without hesitation. They would send a message to their delegate, and soon have the support of their entire city. One of the Crystal Ponies went to talk to their delegate while Lightning’s other teammates went to their rooms to write their letters of complaint to Prince Blueblood. Lightning almost left to write his own letter, when he noticed Spike’s worried expression.

“Hey, is everything okay?” He asked.

“Peachy.” Spike did not meet Lightning’s eyes.

“That bad, huh?”

Spike sank into a sofa in the lobby. Lightning did not say another word. He just sat down next to Spike and waited for the drake to talk.

“I can’t keep doing this,” Spike stared at the ceiling. “I can’t keep letting my friends risk all their dreams on me. It’s not fair after all they’ve done for me.”

His eyes fell to his lap where he clasped his hands. His lips trembled, his hands quivered. Spike shook his head.

“I should leave.”

Lightning Star put his hoof on Spike’s shoulder.

“I don’t think you realize, but a lot of ponies need you.” Lightning said, “Some ponies out there don’t even know they need you. If you don’t keep going, they’ll never see you and get inspired, you know?”

Spike did not follow Lightning’s logic. “What are you talking about?”

Lightning retracted his hoof from Spike’s shoulder. He glanced at the royal guard standing nearby. Spike asked the guard to give them some space. Reluctantly, the guard moved out of earshot into the corner of the lobby, but kept them both in eyesight. Feeling more comfortable, Lightning lowered his voice.

“Can I show you something?”

Spike nodded. Lightning pulled a photograph from his saddlebag. He placed the photograph into Spike’s hands.

“That’s my little sister, Thunder Star.” Lightning pointed to the filly in the photograph.

She had fur as white as fluffy bed sheets and a yellow mane patterned with orange flecks. Her electric blue eyes fizzled and cracked with unquenchable life. Just looking at her smile filled Spike with an irresistible urge to smile himself.

But his smile faltered at the breathing tubes hooked into her nostrils. Then, he noticed her legs; metal where there should have been fur. Her hind legs were prosthetic joints; skin melding into metal. In the photograph, her older brother had to support her weight against his side. Yet, she still managed to smile.

“She must be a very strong mare,” Spike said.

“Believe me, she’s one of the strongest,” Lightning beamed.

“If you don’t mind me asking, what happened to her?”

Lightning’s face darkened. “A long time ago, before I joined the Equestria Games, we used to live in this shoddy apartment. One night while I was out being a jerk, there was a gas leak in our apartment. Someone must have lit a match. The explosion took her legs and left her hospitalized ever since.”

“I’m so sorry,” Spike placed his hand on Lightning’s hoof.

“A few years ago, she almost got better. She was living outside of the hospital for almost half a year like any other filly. Then, she got really sick again and had to go back. But no matter what.” Lightning’s eyes reddened. “She never stops smiling. She faces every day with that smile.” He turned to Spike and smiled, “Because of you.”


“When you saved the Crystal Empire from Sombra, you inspired her. You were just a kid, not much older than her, but you saved all of Equestria. Ever since then, she’s seen you as someone to look up to. She said ‘If Spike can be a hero with only two legs, so can I.’ And then when you saved every pony from that block of ice at the Equestria Games, she saw that strength can come from anypony. You taught her that you don’t have to be big and strong to be a hero. That keeps her strong every day. You keep her alive.”

“I had no idea. I mean I knew the Crystal Empire liked me, but I didn’t know I could have that kind of effect on ponies.”

“That’s my point,” Lightning Star said. “Think of how many other fillies need a role model like you. If you do the Games, they’ll see you and maybe you’ll help them like you helped Thunder. You could inspire and save lives.”

Spike thought about Lightning’s words. He thought about that filly’s happy grin.

He said, “I’ll keep trying then. Thanks.”

“I should thank you.” Lightning Star grinned, “Seeing my little sister smile every day keeps me going. So please, don’t ever give up.”

“I’ll try.”

“And hey, if I’m there to see you break my record, I’ll be glad. Cause then you’ll give me something to aspire to.”

Spike bumped his hoof, “You’re the best.”

Lightning tilted his head, “I’m sensing you want a hug.”

“I guess?” Spike shrugged. “Can guys hug each other?”

“I think so.” Lightning rubbed the back of his neck. “I don’t see why not.”

They hugged for a brief moment before letting go. Though now, Spike was twiddling his claws.

“I’d really love to meet your sister,” Spike said.

“She’s in Baltimare, I could take you to her right now if you’d like.”

Spike remembered Twilight’s order to remain in the hotel. But he had to meet Thunder Star. He just had to. He couldn’t offer any rational reason why.

He beckoned his royal guard. After telling the guard about the poor little filly who wanted to see him, Spike asked if he could go visit. The guard wanted to say no, but he couldn’t deny the dreams of a tiny filly, his heart wasn’t hard enough. With a sigh, he nodded, on the condition that he accompanied Spike.

Twilight sat in her room, waiting for her informant to return. While talking to the other teams, she decided to investigate the incident with Spike’s room last night. She reached out to one of Spike’s dear friends and asked him to spy on the other teams.

So far, almost half of the town delegates pledged to support Spike. Applejack convinced Appleloosa to help them without any issue, and Canterlot readily accepted Twilight’s request. Spitfire hesitated to join Dash’s friends, worried that she might instigate further strife. However, she agreed that banning Spike and Ponyville was unfair. Thus, Cloudsdale joined with Ponyville. Griffonstone ended up siding with Blueblood’s supporters, despite Pinkie’s best efforts. They were scared of being banned themselves. Their loudest opponents were Fillydelphia, Baltimare, Manehatten. Yellow Bolt declined their request in his usual, brash, noisy way. He would awake next morning to find a Pinkie Pie prank waiting for him: a face-full of glitter. Silver Shine also refused to help. Twilight felt he had less malicious intent behind his refusal. He just wanted this monkey show to end.

A knock on her door. She peered through the peephole and spotted her royal guard. She let the orange stallion in and closed the door.

“Nopony saw you?” She asked.

He shook his head.

“So, did you get anything from Fillydelphia? Anything connecting them to the incident with Spike’s room?”

“No, they all had alibis. Even that meanie Yellow Bolt. He was with his team all day, and he never left his room that night.”

“You’re certain?”

“Yeah,” he said, “the other teams confirmed it. Do you still think Yellow Bolt did it?”

“No,” Twilight admitted. “I don’t think he’s clever enough to pull off something like this. If he did it, I think it would have been sloppier. What about Silver Shine?”

“Him?” The guard raised an eyebrow. “He might be stuffy, but I don’t think he’d do it.”

“I don’t think so either. He doesn’t want trouble that could cost him his last Game. But I’m not ruling out anypony. Where was he last night?”

“When he wasn’t with his team?” The guard shifted uncomfortably. “Alone, in his room.”

“So no pony but he could confirm that he was there?”

“Dark Spectre saw him go into his room,” he said. “Beyond that, I don’t know. He wouldn’t tell me what he was up to in there. Said it was personal.”

Twilight nodded. “Anything else?”

“Sky Chaser was in the lobby reading a book, so he couldn’t have done it either. Unless he could be in two places at once.”

As Twilight gathered her thoughts, the guard wondered how Spike was doing. He had not seen his best friend, much less told him that he was working undercover for Twilight. Maybe it was better that way. Spike did not seem like the kind who liked keeping secrets. He wouldn’t want to force Spike to do something he didn’t like.

“Alright, thanks.” Twilight said. “I want you to continue monitoring the other teams. See if you can get anything else from Manehatten.”

The guard bowed and headed back out the door. When he came to a corridor out of eyesight, he dropped his disguise, revealing his changeling form. Thorax shape shifted into a Manehatten pony to infiltrate their team. Spike was counting on him. He could not fail his friend.

Twilight heard a second knock on her door. A letter slipped under her door, followed by the sound of hoofs trotting away. The letter was addressed to Spike, from the hotel clerk, Caramel Breeze. The alicorn hoped this wasn’t some threat or hate mail. She unfolded the letter and read.

At the Baltimare hospital, a nurse greeted Lightning Star and updated him on his sister. She did not seem bothered by the royal guard or baby dragon. In fact, she was quite pleased to see Spike with Lightning. Thunder would love to meet her idol. She directed them to Thunder’s room. When her gaze turned, a journalist, River Drop, snuck past her, bent on discovering why a dragon was in the hospital. She had trailed the trio to the hospital, following a gut feeling that there was a story in the making.

Thunder Star was going out of her mind until Lightning visited. Hospitals didn’t give a lot of entertainment options. She wanted to go explore Baltimare or do something fun, not hang around in a room all day. Thankfully, her big brother showed up.

“Hey,” she smiled.

“How you holding up?”

“Well, I’m bored out of my mind, but otherwise I’m alright.”

“I brought someone with me,” Lightning grinned. “Someone you’ve always wanted to meet.” He turned to the door and told his friend to come in.

As her purple-scaled guest opened the door, Thunder’s heart began to thud. Could it be? Yes! Her favorite dragon entered the room and walked over to her.

“Spike!” She exclaimed. “I can’t believe you’re here.”

“You must be Thunder Star,” Spike smiled as he came to her bedside. Her voice, higher and softer than Sweetie Belle’s, warbled with excitement.

“Oh my gosh, oh my gosh, you know my name.” She flushed red. She glanced at her brother, “He knows my name.” and back to Spike, “You know my name.”

“Sure I do,” Spike said. “I’ve wanted to meet you for a while now.”

“Really? You wanted to meet me?” Her eyes sparkled like sapphires catching the sunlight.

“Lightning told me all about you,” Spike said. “How you’ve been pushing through some hard times, and never giving up.”

“It’s all because of you, Spike.” Said Thunder. “Whenever I felt like I couldn’t do it, I just remembered you, fighting against Sombra. You saved my home when no one else could, going on through life without your parents.” Her eyes watered and she almost choked on her emotions. “It helps me know that I can do this. I was in a dark place, depressed and scared. But you helped me get back on my hoofs. I owe it all to you.”

Spike wrapped the filly in a gentle hug, as she dampened his scales with tears, overwhelmed at embracing her hero.

“Listen, I want you to know that you’re the hero. You’ve pulled yourself up in spite of the challenges you’ve faced.” Spike rubbed his eyes. “There have been times when I’ve felt scared, alone, and helpless. But, my friends will always pick me up if I fall and carry me through, just like I would them. Your brother, Fleetfoot, and me? We’ll always be here to pick you up and help you. So don’t ever give up.”

She nodded, her face red with sadness and pride.

“Because you’ve inspired me to keep trying,” Spike said. “You’ve saved me.”

“I have?”

“Absolutely,” he placed his claws on her shoulders and drew her into another hug. “Thank you.”

They sat in silent embrace for a good half-minute. They parted, and Thunder Star asked Spike if he could tell her some of his adventures. Spike told her every story he could think of: his mission to the Crystal Empire, his journey to Dragon Town with Princess Luna, his adventure into the Dragon Land and the Gauntlet of Fire, then meeting Thorax. He poured his heart into his meager stories, and she never once stopped smiling or moved her eyes from the purple dragon.

From outside the room, River Drop struggled to halt the tears in her eyes. This scene was too joyous and precious. How could she have even thought Spike capable of hurting this filly? She changed the headline of her story: Spike the dragon makes a Hospitalized Filly’s wishes come True: Peace in Times of Hostility. River Drop would ask Spike and Lightning for an interview as soon as they finished. Maybe, if she hurried, she could make the evening edition.

Author's Note:

This is the last of my prewritten and preedited chapters. I have written nothing beyond this point that my editor has seen. I am honestly uncertain when I will finish the next chapters or when I might post them. To be really honest, I'm a bit disappointed with the low views and discouraged, but I guess there's nothing I can do about that. Please understand I'm not blaming any of you. I thank each and everyone of you who think this story is worth following, but healthy motivation isn't coming to me right now. Anyways, thanks for reading my stuff. Hope to write more soon.