• Published 16th Nov 2017
  • 5,381 Views, 148 Comments

Filia Noctis - Storylover-Vodhr

Rainbow Dash tries to figure out if it’s treason to fall in love with the Princess's only daughter.

  • ...

et amor somnia

Alright, so maybe hide and seek wasn't the best idea in a huge castle. The place was frickin' huge for starters, and even if it wasn't, she was at a huge disadvantage against somepony who could teleport if they thought that they were about to be found. Never mind the fact that everyone was totally in Twilight's camp and were probably covering for her.

But never let it be said that Dash was someone that gave up. Sure, she might not have a chance in the first place, but that was quitter talk anyway. She'd find Twilight, and then it'd be her turn to hide in the massive maze that was the Castle.

So, without a single thought, Dash shot to the next place she could think of; the throne room. It was kinda unlikely that Twilight was actually hiding there, but there was always a chance, seeing as Twilight was really clever when she wanted to be. So, she'd just have to be quiet, as not to disturb Twilight's mom during court. So, once she arrived at the door, she quietly pushed it open and slipped in.

And to her surprise, it was almost empty, save three ponies. A pair of Unicorns, one quite young and white as stinkin' snow and the other quite a bit older and equally as white, and the Princess herself who was, as always, a dark blue. None of them seemed to have noticed her, which was somewhat nice. Probably better to keep it that way. So Dash silently snuck along the outside wall of the throne room, keeping her eye out for anything purple and Alicornic.

"So, what do you think of my proposal, Princess? Is it to your liking?"

Dash heard the older Unicorn's voice as she snuck past a pillar, and tried to ignore what was most likely boring business stuff. If it really mattered, Twilight or her parents would tell her later.

"Tell me why I should even consider such an offer?"

Dash froze for a second at the Princess's tone, before moving to hide slightly behind the nearest pillar in a panic. Geez, the Princess was peeved. She definitely didn't want to get caught in here now.

In fact... maybe she should probably actually leave. Yeah, that would really be the best idea; if Twilight was in here, she'd have seen her by now; it wasn't like there was places to hide. So, Dash slowly and quietly turned around and started to try and sneak back from where she came. Twilight was smart enough to not hide in the throne room, easily.

"Simply put, milady, it's because there have been no other offers. No one has attempted or even considered to make such an attempt."

Dash continued to quietly sneak around the wall. Yep, things were getting heated, and Dash definitely didn't want to see what was gonna happen to the fool of a unicorn.

"I still fail to see your logic."

The Princess's tone was icy now, if not completely frigid. She needed to get out of her before she witnessed a frickin' murder.

"You know what I offer. My family can be a great boon to you. We are easily the richest in both land and influence, and we have many contacts in many other lands. Lands, I may add, that are on rather unfriendly terms with Equestria as of current."

Dash moved further, and paused behind a pillar. She was close to the door, but that also was the easiest place to get caught. She needed to be careful.

"Not only that, but think of the reception of equestria as a whole. The main line secured, a royal wedding. The morale of the citizenry would soar."

Wait... What? A royal wedding? Was this guy asking to marry the Princess?

Oh, this was not good. If she got caught, she was totally dead. So dead. Banished and put in a hole where no one could find her.

But yet at the same time, she was now very curious. This was big. No, this was huge. No matter what the Princess chose, this was something she had to see. So, she slowly poked her head from behind the pillar. The Princess was sitting silent and looking kinda angry, yet not as furious as she was a minute ago. Wait... was she actually considering this?

No way.

"Your offers do hold merit, but I am not fully convinced."

Dash tried to keep silent as the unicorn replied.

"I beseech you, Milady. We both know this is for the best. It may not be for love, but it will ensure the line of succession as well as further Equestria as a whole. Besides, there have been no other offers."

The Princess didn't reply for several moments, and Dash found herself wondering why she was still here. Yeah, this was huge and all, but if she got caught...

"I... accept."

With that, Dash felt the breath in her lungs freeze. Holy crap.

Twilight now had a step dad.

"I hope your son is a fitting match for my daughter."

And with that, her blood followed. No. Nononononononononononono-


Dash didn't even think for a single second before she shot out from behind the pillar and into the throne room. She was angry. No, she was livid. Furious, murderous, everything!

She couldn't believe that the Princess would just sell her daughter out like that!

"And who are you, little pegasus?"

The unicorn's tone was slightly teasing, but Dash didn't pay the flank-head any attention. She instead chose to glare at the Princess, betraying still stinging.

"How could you!?"

The Princess didn't react much to Dash's question, and instead ignored her completely.

"There was no one else. Who would marry a useless little excuse for a Princess?"

At that, Dash turned around toward the now heckling Unicorn. He deserved a brick upside the head. In fact, not even a brick. She was gonna kick his flank right here. It didn't matter that he was twice her size.

"He's right. Who else would marry my daughter?"

Dash turned again, back to the Princess, even angrier. What was she even saying? Everyone would want to marry Twilight!

"Who else would marry Twilight?"

"She's plain."

"She's boring."

"She's a nerd."

The voices came from all around her, from the unicorn, his son, and the Princess all at once, and Dash felt her anger grow and grow until she finally snapped.

"I will!"

And, like that, everything stopped. The unicorn froze in place, as did his son, and the Princess looked blankly ahead. And, for several moments there was nothing but deathly silence, but Dash didn't even notice, and instead sat there and slowly gathered both her wits and her breath. In fact, it actually and took a few moments for her to realize that they still weren't moving.

"Do you mean that?"

Oh, the Princess finally deemed her worthy to look at.

Dash was still angry, furious even, but she nodded anyway. At least she'd treat Twilight right.

"Yeah. I wanna marry Twilight Sparkle."

There was another moment of silence as the Princess stared at her, as if contemplating, before finally the Princess nodded, her face as impassive as ever.

"Your request has been duly noted."

Dash woke to a flash of lightning, and found herself staring at her ceiling tiredly, the remnants of her dreams slowly coming to her.

It took her a few moments to properly register what had transpired, her groggy and sleep drunk mind taking its sweet old time, but once it pieced it all together, she let out a groan.

She thought that she had been over this. But no, since the party her gut and heart kept on messing with her. Wanting more hugs from her best friend, occasionally bringing up the whole near kiss thing when she wasn't really thinking, sometimes when she was actually trying to do something important.

It was getting annoying. No, actually, It was getting ridiculous.

But what could she do? Denying everything wasn't working at all, and trying to ignore it was even worse, because then she wasn't expecting the feelings when they did suddenly appear, which made hanging out with Twilight suddenly awkward.

But what else was there? Acknowledging the dumb feelings? The very idea went directly against Dash's stubbornness, almost making her angry just thinking about it. But there was literally no other options. She couldn't dig a deep enough hole to bury the stupid feelings, and she couldn't pretend that they didn't exist at all because they were as stubborn as she was.

All there was left was to work with the flow.

Heck, that was a pretty good way to think of it actually. Yeah, you could fly against the wind and everything, but it was always so much easier to just to fly with it. And sometimes when you flew with the wind, it even helped you with what you were trying to do in the first place. It pushed you, helped you turn, gave you that extra oomph to make that sweet twist you've been trying to do for the past week.

Eh, what the heck. It couldn't hurt. So, Dash took a deep breath, and whispered into her room.

"I think.... I like-like my best friend."

Hmm. Yes.

Wait, no.

Nope. That made it soooo much worse.

Author's Note:

Tic-tac-toe, three in a row!

So, the dream sequence felt wonky, but that may or may not be a point in its favor. I am unsure.

So, standard disclaimer; if it feels off or weird, tell me in the comments.

And speaking of comments, I apologize for not responding to any. I’ve been a tad busy, and I want to work on the story as much as I can when I am able, so I admittedly let responding to comments fall to the wayside. But I read all of them, I swear!