• Published 17th Jul 2012
  • 1,849 Views, 29 Comments

I am Umbra Nova - worst day with sunny sky

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Just the same day

Edited version, still it is not perfect in grammar, so just point them out if you see any of them.


Will the death of one change the fate of the world? If one fades away from his/her existence, will it matter to rest of the world? If I have no true family, no friends, and no one ever pays attention to me, will it matter? Can we call it justice if I am only a harbinger of tragedy to others, and died to prevent that cause? I call it justice. If I am only an antagonist to others, it is the correct thing to be gone. Gone, with smoke and ashes... Just like all the story books. For seventeen years, I have been digging my own tomb. All my natural actions and words displeased every one. My roommates, my family, brother… and so on. I don’t blame it all to my childhood environments, I don’t blame it all to my parent’s unloved care, but I blame it all to myself. Myself to be born. Imagine the world without me. Although no one will notice my death, I think it will be much happier than it used to be. No one having to care about me, or even think about me. Then, when that happens, I think I’ll smile for a first time.

Date 4/22/2012,it is time. And this is supposed to be my cure. No…Cure for all. It was Sunday. When my family went out for dinner, I took this chance. I packed all my belongings to my backpack, including my phone. When I felt enough weight, I unlocked the door, and I walked in to the elevator, like I used to. Because floor 14th doesn’t seems high enough to me, so I pushed 32. It’s the very top of my apartment. It’s an originally restricted area because it is a machine room, but I ignored it. I break in with my chain cutting tool that I stole from tool box earlier. Then, the place become red, and a siren started to ring. I did not hesitate to move to the exit. That exit will lead me outside. Then… it will be done. I heard securities running towards me. I did not look back, I just kept running. Then I tripped over by a little pipe. I fell, but I quickly got up and started running again. The door was now so close to me. I kicked the door and ran outside. Now, it is dead end. I looked behind, and those annoying bastard stopped running and yelled,

“Boy, you got no else to go! So, let’s stop you right here. Now, hold up your hand so I can see them.”

I held my up my hand high, and turned around, only to study them. They were old. Probably around sixty, and both of them were big in other way.

“Now, you are going to tell us about your break in to the machine room boy.”

I backed up myself to the edge, and guys started to freak out.

“Boy, don’t you get close to the edge! You are going to fall.”

So, I yelled back.

“My parents never cared about me, so as my friends, and everyone else! And If I die, will it matter?”

“Stop there right now!”


The guards pulled out their taser gun, and pointed at me.

“That shit ain’t going to stop me dying!”

“Son, I want you to come this way slowly.”

Then there was my last word.

Fuck you.”

My name is Jay. I… live in Korea, (not North Korea. We throw our dildos to North Korea). Not to mention that I am an Asian, but I am not 100 percent Asian. I am half Russian, Half Korean,(That still makes me an Asian) but I do not know how to speak Russian, and don’t even know their culture. Honestly, I don’t give a shit. My Russian father is from elite and has a wealthy family, as well as my Korean mother. I also have brother who is most loved by everyone, while I am the opposite. My brother was superior to everything. He was taller, handsome, highly social, art and music, as well as grades, and he is only fifteen.

I am seventeen, and I have black hair with green eyes. When people met me for a first time, they think me as a foreigner, and walk away from me. Racists… but understandable, for that I more look like Caucasian then Asian. I lived in Korea for 13 years, and lived in America for four years. I also had hard times there, because everyone thought I was an Australian, but I couldn’t speak good English. So, you can kinda imagine how next part was like. Then I came back to Korea once again. Of course, Korean education systems were just too much for me. I wasn’t in high ranking like all the others were. And… I don’t want to go in to further more details. It brings me back bad memories.

I was falling…

The air strike me like a jet engine. It couldn’t close my eyes because the force was just too great.

I felt my eyes drying.

I could not breathe. As I fall, I saw city glowing up in various light, people waking in the park in night. It looked like they were laughing to me.

I tried to ignore them as I tried to close my eyes shut.

Then… All the memories passed by in a split second. From what I can remember, I could not find any happy memories. So, this is how dying feels like…

I hit the ground… but I did not feel anything. The vision started to fade to black, and from far away, I could feel people screaming and yelling. I smell blood. But all that soon faded away quickly. This… is my cure.

This…is supposed to be my cure…

I saw... a silver light with white world. Everything was black, and the silver light was so bright that I could not possibly open my eyes. I held my elbow to guard my eyes. They were just too bright. Then the light stopped, and one female figure started to appear. She had a night like deep blue color with star sparking in it. She also had pale white skin with beautiful deep turquoise eyes. She was wearing a grey-blue colored toga with silver fabric on her shoulder. She also had obsidian- like bands, necklace, and a tiara. Why… does she look so familiar? She came close to me and put her hand on my shoulder and gave me a gentle warm smile. I didn’t know what to say, I’ve never had this kind of impression before. No one ever smiled at me, but… this… how can I ever describe this!!! But I stayed there like I was a stone. This time, she put both of her hands on to my cheek, and said,

“Jay… I know how you feel like to be abandoned by everyone. After all… we are very similar to each other…”

Her voice!!!! Oh My God her Voice!!!! It was like a melody of clear crystals. She signed.

“But Jay… dying isn’t only an option…”

Then my smile faded away and started to stare at her.

“Where the hell am I?”

She turned around and put her hand on her chest.

“This is the basic form of the world. Nothing exists here, except for basic elements. Space, time, and us. Even my sister is not aware of this place.”

“How can I be still alive?”

She turned and again put her hand on my left cheek.

“You are not.”


Then there was an awkward silence, but It was me to break that.

“How do you know me? What do we have in common?”

“I have been watching you for a long time, Jay… and we are very much alike except that I am only millions of years old.”

Then I noticed… is she a goddess?

“Equestria needs a hero. I feel that not soon enough, Equestria will plunge in to chaos.”

I felt little nervous, I smell something behind her, but I wasn’t sure what it was. And Equestria… I thought it’s just an imaginary place. Hmmmm. Bullshit.

“What do you want from me?”

“I want you to save Equestria. I have seen so many different humans and others in my life, but you… I saw something in you that need to be awakened.”

No, no I must be hearing things... Equestria doesn't exist.
This time, she grabbed both of my hand, and said,

“You have no idea how much you had me worried. But I was able to catch your soul and bring it here.”

“Why you didn’t leave me dead, so I don’t have to worry about anything?”

She seemed to be little horrified.

“Jay!!! Don’t you ever say that!!! Do you have any idea, how much efforts we have put in to create life?”

“Well, then that effort was worthless to me.”


She bit her lips and stared at me. Yeah… She just slapped me, and it hurts. I touched my red burning cheek with shape of a palm. She looked pissed. She ran away from me and disappeared. Now I am officially screwed. It was my fault to say such a thing to In front of a goddess. Was I even thinking. Now, I just wanted to die twice. After little while floating in to the void, she reappeared. Somehow she tried to avoid eye contacts. But I also did that too. I needed to apologize, but my mouth betrayed me. Then she ran towards me and hugged? Oh… wha… and is she crying? Why? She pushed me hard and said weakly.

“I’m sorry for all that… I was… I was just…”

I just didn’t know what to say. I’ve never encountered this kind of problems. And this goddess is just too emotional, and soft.

“Jay… You…” She gave out a big sign. “don’t have your original body, so I had to reincarnate your body to fit in, in to Equestria, and it is quite different. Anyway just… go…”

“Wait, What’s your name?!”

“You’ll find out soon enough.”

Then the world started to fade again.

Pain. Pain was all I could feel, and nothing more. It felt like I got muscle cramp on every single one of my muscle. Closing my eyes shut, I yelled aloud, because the pain was just too great.
“Fuuuuccccckkkkk!!! God Dammit!!! ARGGGGGGGGG!!!!”
I felt tears forming around my eyes. I could only concentrate on to the pain and nothing more. I couldn’t think. I don’t know how long have I stayed there, but I stayed there long enough until all the pains were seized. I was heavily panting. I let breaths in and out. As I slowly opened my eyes, The world was just blurry, and nothing more. Then as the time passed, the images became clear. There were trees everywhere and I could feel soft grass beneath me, and the moon was high up in the air. Then I realized, ‘Where the hell am I?’ It took me some time to process all the thoughts and remember what she said. It said something about Equestria needs me… I thought to myself, ‘Bullshit.’ (Please understand me I did not believed in her. I am an asshole.) Okay, if Equestria really needs me, than why just don’t they use Elements of Harmony against it? And what are the princesses doing? Nothing!!!! They just sit around and watch mane six do all the work. And at the wedding, Celestia did attack the Queen, but seriously? The(THE) Sun goddess defeated by a power of love? Sun is thousand time bigger than earth, and has potential power to blow up the entire solar system, and what? The answer is obvious, Celestia was just being a lazy ass, and just wanted to give all the work to Elements. So, there is the truth about Celestia. Ultimately, that leads me to one big conclusion, I am NOT in Equestria, and she doesn’t need me. So, that leads to me next question, Where the Fuck am I? Without a further of due, I decided to stand up to get a common sense around the places. Various trees were stretched out to the horizon and I must say… trees were quite small. They only came to my waist. Hmmm That is strange… Maybe I am now in some sort of miniature land. And in distance, I saw large group of tropical trees concentrated area. That was basically a jungle. Everything was just too unusual, and weird. The moon was in the middle of the night. Then, I stepped on to something. It was hard, but also cold. By lowering my body, I was able to see that it was my bag.
'At least she gave my stuff.'
I reached out for my bag with military camouflaged color, and opened the zipper to see what is has. It had my computer and its Ac adapter, a headset, a Logitech mouse, with some of my game CD. Game CD, and my computer? Shit, I could play a game right now. I immediately check my game CD, and yes! Crysis 2 and Skyrim were still intact. But I figured that it’s not a good idea to play a game in middle of the mini forest. I also checked other pockets, and there was my iPhone, and a tablet with the digital pen. And this is where my phone gets handy. I connected my headset to my phone, and I started to listen to my favorite song. Then… I noticed something strange. I had small spikes on side of my head, and there were multiple size of spike on back of my head. I nervously touched my face, my mouth was elongated forward, and also had spikes on them as well. My skin was replaced with rock hard, black plates and black scales. My jaw also had spikes. I touched my neck which was roughly same length as my neck used to be, and I felt two small spikes were running down to my back and merged on a part where the neck, and the back meets, and it got bigger as it continued on my back. And my shoulder blades were replaced with… Spiky pair of bat-like wings. Freaking wings!!! I tried to move them, but they just only twitched a little bit. I thought to myself, ‘Learn how to move my wing.’ Anyway, impressed with my wings, I looked down. My body was also full of black plates, especially on my chest, and my belly. Those spiky plates ran down to my…jewel, and connected to my tail. Shit!!! I have a tail, too. My tail was roughly about length of my body, and also… spiky. My hand had long claws at tip of my fingers. That also goes for my feet, but my feet only had three toes. Holding my back pack, I quickly ran up to the nearby lake, and I saw reflection of myself. I was a Gigantic, Evil looking. Black Dragon… I also had black eyes with glowing red iris. I looked straight down evil, and muscular. Not to mention that I looked super AWESOME, too. I looked to my reflection with huge grin, and I saw sharp teeth. Fuck Yeah. This was the great time to hear one of my greatest battle music.
Strength of a Thousand man by Two Steps From Hell.
So, I figured that the forest isn’t small; I just got big, as well as my belongings. Now that I am a dragon, it gave me a confidence to explore around this place. First thing that I needed to do was find a shelter… Like a cave.

Princess Celestia was feeling a little strange for a moment. She felt some sort of magical flux coming out from Everfree, but wasn't sure what. She decided to ask to Luna. She approached Luna’s chamber, and guards immediately noticed her, and saluted. Celestia asked,

“Sister, may I come in?”

“Yes, sister. For you are always welcome.”

“Thank you, sister.”

Luna’s guards opened the door, and let their princess in. Celestia saw that Luna was standing on her balcony and looking for something.

“Luna, May I ask you a question?” Celestia asked her sister carefully, not wanting to disturb her sister.

“Always, sister.” Luna said with her head turned towards her sister.

“Am I…”

“No, you are not. So what’s the question?” Luna snapped

“Did you felt strange flux just few minutes ago?”

“You did, too? Oh dear me! Well, yes. That’s why I am searching for the origin. I believe that it came out from the Everfree. “

“Do you know what it is?”

“Well, that’s why I’m here, to ask you.”

“ Well, I think there is only one option to solve this anomaly.”

“Do you think that Elements can able to do it?”


“Luna, I think that Elements are strong enough to hold their selves up. After all, it is them who saved you from Nightmare.”

Luna had to agree this point. They did save her from wicked evil, and also saved Equestria from the rising chaos of Discord. So, She let Celestia write the letter to her Student. Celestia let out her quill and a paper, and started to write.
After Celestia sent away her mail, Luna did nothing but gave out a smile.

“Luna, mind if I ask you what you are smiling for?”

“Oh, nothing. Just nothing.”

“Alright!!! After all those hours!!!” ( I love my new dragon voice)
I was finally able to find a very nice big cave. It was big enough to fit twenty dragons inside. It was total joy for me that I found some place wide. I decided to leave my bag in there to make sure that this cave is now mine, just in case. Now that I am getting hungry, I decided to go out for something to eat. Wait a minute… Now that I am a freaking dragon, what the hell am I suppose to eat? Am I still an omnivore? I walked some more, and I could not find anything that looked edible. While on my back home, I saw apple trees. Hmmm I wonder why I haven’t found those yet. I got closer to have some apples, but these apples were different. It had rainbow color. I thought,’ What the hell? Is this a zapapple?’
I looked around that tree, and I was able to find about twenty zapapple trees. And That also made me to ask whether I am in Equestria, or not. Maybe it’s just a coincidence. Anyway, I was able to collect most of the apples without much effort. Then I realized that bringing my back pack would be so much better. Anyway, after I reached to the cave to put down all my zapapples and gathered wood. Thanks to my strength, I was able to pick the entire tree including the root. Fire should be no problem at all. I let my concentration to my lung and tried to breath out a fire, which I failed. Okay, about that fire thing… I… was wrong. It took me couple of times to figure it out, but I eventually succeeded. It was rather small than I thought, but it was big enough to let the woods burn. I sat in front of my newly started camp fire ,and started to eat zapapples. They were goooo…..d. I felt hot breath on my back with low growing. I slowly turned by head, and…. Shit….

Twilight quickly gathered all her friends to accomplish what the princess asked her to. And, soon all the ponies gathered entrance with worries. An orange pony with Western accent spoke up.

“Hey Twi, Are ya sure this is a good idea? I know we’ve been there few times already, but it still freaks me out a bit.”

A purple pony answered, “Applejack, your sister goes in there for almost every day. She’s just a filly you know?”

Applejack responded. “ Ay I know she’s just a filly, but this time, we don’t even know what we are after.”

Then a cyan Pegasus with rainbow mane mocked Applejack. “Bwa ha ha ha ha ha !!! Applejack, I thought you were tough, but now I think you are just a whimp who is scared about going in to Everfree.”

And Applejack responded and was clearly annoyed. “Quit it, Rainbow Dash. It ain’t funny.”

Then pink pony suddenly shouted, “Oh come on, everypony!!!Cheer up!!” Then she threw cupcakes to their faces. Then, a white unicorn commented, “Ewww! Pinkie, please don’t throw that at me!!! And Twilight, I do not want to go in to that miserable creepy forest because...it’s simply disgusting.”

Twilight said, “But it’s from the princess, and she asked us to find an anomaly in the Everfree forest.”

“Well, in that case… I might suppose, but in one condition.”

“That is..?”

“You will help me to find new gems if we are done with this.”

“Yeah, sure. Hey Fluttershy!!! Are you ready for this?”

So, the yellow Pegasus spoke, “I guess… I kinda want to find what this is about and… ,maybe it’s a new animal…”

Then Twilight said with confidence. “It’s settled then. Come on, we can’t disappoint the princess!”