• Published 31st Aug 2012
  • 4,722 Views, 55 Comments

Uncharted: Vought's Vestige - Alicorn_Avionics

Nathan Drake gets pulled into a pony conspiracy dating back to before Luna's banishment.

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The Morning After

Uncharted: Vought's Vestige
Chapter Two: The Morning After

A collective flinch swept the crowd as the blinding light from the left wing flicked off. Silence reigned supreme over the assembled ponies as they continued their scrutiny of the fallen object. It was mechanical, that much they could tell by the tell-tale gleam of painted metal. Soot blackened the faded light blue paint on the right wing around one of the strange bulges, where an odd tangle of charred wires and clockwork sat exposed. Twilight studied the object at distance before a hoof nudged her towards it. She turned to find Applejack behind the motion.

"Well, go on. Yer the one most qualified to figure out what in blazes this thing is." She whispered as though she feared the lifeless machine would react to her speech.

Blue dye bled from Twilight's hooves as she waded into the cold water of the lake to get close enough to reach the ribbed underside of the machine. From within, she heard what sounded like an argument between two stallions. She couldn't catch much of their conversation, the sound muffled by the sheet metal, but she caught enough to understand the machine itself was called a "plane" (although why it was named after a two-dimensional surface was beyond her), and that it was an advanced vehicle the two occupants had used extensively, apparently having lost one several years prior. Wishing to make her presence known and kick-start delegations, Twilight rapped three times against the body of the plane with a hoof, hoping to grab the occupants’ attention.

She did. Sounds of hurried shuffling towards the rear of the plane quickly replaced the heated discussion. Suddenly, a hatch on the left side of the plane swung upwards, before a lower portion swung outwards like a door. In the entryway stood a creature Twilight had only heard legends of. As per the mythical descriptions she knew of, it wore clothing, and was tall at nearly six feet in height. Judging from the crown of silver fur adorning its head and the similarly colored mustache, Twilight guessed it was much older than herself. He backed away from the doorway, allowing another human with messy brown hair take his place. The second human leapt from the plane into the waist deep water, gasping sharply as the chill overtook him. With a soft ca-chik, he activated a small torch which bathed a small area with the same unnaturally bright light from the wing as his presumably older counterpart hung a small ladder from the bottom of the doorway.

"Hello?" Called out the half-soaked human, "Is someone there? We heard you knocking on the hull. We could use some help..."

Twilight froze. It spoke, in fluent Equestrian! What's more, it was asking for help. If it could understand her in turn, there was a lot diplomatic ground to cover, an exciting prospect to say the least! The Princesses would want to hear about this, and maybe even speak with them! She wasn't going to let this pass her by, not by a long shot. "I'm here!" She excitedly called out, having completely forgotten whatever reservations she had.

The light blazed in her face, making it nearly impossible to see the human.

"Oh God... Sully, you didn't keep any of that water from Ubar, did you?" It asked, placing one of his... Lyra said they were "hands..." to his head.

"Why the hell do you think that, Nate?"

"Oh, I don't know Sully, maybe it's because I'm staring at a four foot tall purple horse," the one called Nate shot back in a sarcastic tone.

"Um, excuse me, but I am a pony, a unicorn to be more exact. My name's Twilight Sparkle, Mr. Nate."

The light disappeared below the lake water.

Nate studied the costumed mare in front of him while his brain performed a hard reboot.

+Brain.exe has encountered a Runtime Error.
+Stopping Brain.exe...
+Data in file C:\Reality\Animals\Pony.mem conflicts with data from H:\Eyes and H:\Ears.
+File will be truanced.
+Data in file C:\Reality\Cryptids\Unicorn.mem conflicts with data from H:\Eyes and H:\Ears.
+File will be truanced.
+Data in file C:\Reality\Sentience.mem conflicts with data from H:\Eyes and H:\Ears.
+File will be truanced.
+Re-writing truanced files within C:\Reality to reflect data from H:\Eyes and H:\Ears, please wait...
+Re-write successful.
+Restarting Brain.exe...|

"Twi-light... Spar-kle...?" The mare in question nodded politely. His mind still numb, both from the plane crash and internal crash, he slowly turned his attention to the group of gathered equines. He began to mentally list his observations, hoping some sense could be made from it all Okay Nate, facts: Roughly four feet tall, huge eyes, impossibly brightly colored coats, some are unicorns, some aren- wait! That one has wing- +Re-write successful. -is a pegasus, they can talk, they have names, and they dress up? This can't be real, this is something out of a kid's show...

"You alright, kid? What the hell is going on out there?"

Still, that doesn't mean I can't have some fun while I'm here... Nate added, allowing a wry grin to slide into place. "I'm alright, Sully. In fact, come on out. I want you to meet someone." He waited patiently as Sully eased his aged frame down the stepladder into the cold lake water. After making it well known to everyone within earshot how cold the water was, Sully turned his attention to the mare as he waded up next to Nate. "Victor Sullivan, say hello to Twilight Sparkle. Twilight, Victor Sullivan," Nate introduced, gesturing to each of them in turn.

"Good evening, Mr Sullivan!" Twilight chirped, beaming at her newly acquainted friends. "Welcome to Ponyville!"

Barely visible in the moonlight, the silver-'stached aviator's eye twitched. The rest of his face was frozen in silent shock as his tired brain tried to comprehend just what he was seeing. "Horses. They're all goddamn horses... that can talk..." He mumbled, massaging the sizable bruise on his forehead. "Jesus, I need to lay down, get my head straight..." He, Nate, and Twilight all made their way to dry land. A half-circle of curious onlookers formed around the nose of the still-beached Goose, all wanting to get a good look at the humans, but cautious not to get too close. Sully gingerly set himself down to rest while Nate continued studying the group around him. Before long, Sully was out cold, sleeping off what remained of his headache. Nate was slightly disappointed in Sully's lack of a satisfying reaction.

"So, mister Nate," Twilight began, after Sully had become comfortable enough to snore, "these are my friends: Applejack, Rainbow Dash, and- hold on, where's Rarity, AJ?"

"Wha-? Oh, tha' consarned snake-in-th'-grass..." Applejack's eyes traced the tail end of the rope as it slowly snaked its way ever closer to the edge of the crowd. In all of the confusion from the plane's landing and Nate's appearance, Rarity found her warden had neglected to maintain her hold on the rope, and subsequently slunk into the crowd. After all, it was very unbecoming of a lady to be introduced to a guest in such garish clothing! She had been making marvelous headway towards the edge of the crowd, keeping her head low all the while to avoid recognition. Just a few more rows and she was home free! The excitement of being so very near to putting the whole night behind her was causing a tightness in her chest she just couldn't- oh, wait, no it wasn't. That's the rope...

She yelped as she was dragged back though the crowd, but felt there was no use fighting. She would have her revenge, eventually. Now though, she merely wore a look of flat, simmering loathing as she was brought back into the half-circle with Nate and Sully.

"An' dish here's Raridy!" Applejack explained through another mouthful of rope. Her friendly smile faded slightly as she looked to Nate's face twisted into abject horror. That multi-colored wig! Those striped pants! That shirt! It could only be the one thing truly feared. Here, in this world of friendly equines, where nothing but pleasant greetings had been exchanged, one of them had found him. Nathan Drake, the one-man-army willing to strike head-on against thousands of mercenaries, brave enough to plow through zombie hordes, crazy enough go toe-to-toe against ferocious yetis, and cocky enough to taunt his enemies with a loaded gun held against his temple...

Shrieked upon laying eyes upon Rarity in her clown costume.

"SHIT!" He instinctively reached for his Para 9 as he leaped back in wild fear. Thankfully for Rarity (and all present), the gun caught on the holster, causing Nate to lose his grip. The gun clattered to the ground at Twilight's hooves while the fear-fueled human stumbled over his own panicking feet, sending his skull crashing into the Goose's solid metal keel with a resounding CLUNK. The world around him slowly swam into darkness before he faded into unconsciousness.

Nate awoke to a splitting headache, occupying a bed which was much too small for him. He rubbed the back of his sore head as he sat up and sized up the room. It wasn't a jail, thankfully, a thought which passed once he noticed the cleaned and pressed bed covers printed with stars and moons, the miniature vanity at the wall opposite the bed, and the small nightstand nearby with a copy of The Historically Accurate History of Historical Inaccuracies Throughout History, 8th Edition sitting on top, a red pen saving a page for a later time. He carefully stood and made his way to the window on the adjacent wall, careful not to knock the telescope out of alignment.

Outside, the same thatched-roof buildings he and Sully had buzzed the night before stood in the bright early-morning light. In the streets below his second-story perch, ponies were busy cleaning up after the previous night's excitement. Nate squinted at the alarm clock perched on the night stand, which reported it was only 8:42 am, wherever this "Ponyville" was located. A sound at the door brought his attention to Sully, his hands full with two heaping servings of fresh apple pie.

"Ah, so you're back from the dead again, are ya? Here you go Nate, eat up." He said while offering a plate of the delicious homemade treat. He took his and sat on the small bed, leaving a puzzled Nate standing by the window.

"Really, Sully? Pie? At this hour?"

"Nate, it's either this... or grass." He replied around huge mouthfuls of pie. "Besides, that farmer... uh what's her name... real southern belle... orange fur... damn. You know who that was?"

"You're thinking of 'Applejack,' Sully." Nate corrected, shoveling a sample of his own slice into his mouth. It was delicious, roughly fifty times better than any he had tasted before. Granted, the only place he'd ever had apple pie were the grungy dives and roadside diners he and Sully frequented on their long treks, but this was far beyond any of their caliber. He stopped chewing, wishing to savor the unique, perfected flavors.

"Ah, right, Applejack. The father must've named her..." Nate choked on his pie, sending sticky, cinnamon-coated apple bits flying. "Anyway, she's the one who made us this. Damn good, ain't it?"

"Yeah, *cough* great, Sully, just great." He looked down to find most of his shirt covered in remnants of his perfect pie. As he began to brush himself off, his eyes fell to his holster. His empty holster. Sully noted his look of panic.

"Don't worry kid, the purple one... uh, Twilight Sparkler has your gun, said she wanted to see how the thing works." Nate's expression didn't improve. "Will you calm down? It's not like she can fire the goddamn thing! She's spent the past hour or so dismantling it anyway!"

Nate didn't like the idea of a being from another world picking apart his trusty Para 9, but as long as it wasn't in any shape to be fired while out of his possession, he could somewhat relax. With the relative complexity of its pieces, the only problem which he could foresee was Twilight losing the firing pin. The two continued to eat their respective pies in silence. Once all that was left were crumbs, Sully stood and bade Nate to follow.

"Come on kid, I'll give you the ten-dollar tour."

"Any word from the Princesses about the humans, Spike?" Twilight asked as she focused on figuring out how the pieces of Nate's device, his "gun" as Sully put it, interacted with one another. It was a difficult concept to grasp, made even more so with the pieces neatly laid out on the basement workbench in front of her. Sketches and rough scribbles detailed how each piece had been found within the gun, but even then nothing seemed to click. Her number one assistant, so far only assisting in documenting her frustration, replied.

"Nope. I haven't gotten anything since sending that report last night. Not even Princess Cadence has sent anything. Come to think of it, she hasn't sent you anything at all. Wait, does she even know how to send letters to me- uh, to you- no, to me to give you?"

Just as Twilight was about to remind Spike that her new sister-in-law had never been taught just how to transfer letters, Nate and Sully entered the basement.

"...and I've been speakin' with them since. They ain't half bad, really."

"Sully, how is it you've adjusted so well to all this?"

"Kid," Sully began in a flat tone, "I've seen so much unexplainable shit in the past four years alone, it barely affects me anymore."

"Oh, Mr. Sully and Mr. Drake! Good morning!" Twilight greeted. "How was the pie?"

"Aw, Twilight! They got pie? How come I didn't get any?" Spike whined, displaying his age.

"Whoa, talking ponies and talking lizards? This place has it all, eh Sully?"

"Hey! I'm not a lizard, I'm a dragon! I don't do that tongue... 'thing.'" The little drake replied, crossing his arms in frustration and giving his best "tough guy" look. It didn't last long however, as his face quickly scrunched up and cheeks puffed out in the process of receiving the royal mail. With a loud belch, he sent a ball of flames towards Nate, which quickly materialized into a scroll with the official Canterlot seal.

"Easy there, tiger, I didn't need a demonstration! What the heck was that?"

"Oh, Spike here just got a message from one of the Princesses, Celestia by the look of it." Twilight took the scroll, unfurled it, and began to read:

To my faithful student, Twilight Sparkle,

Thank you for notifying me quickly of Mr. Drake and Mr. Sullivan's arrival.

While a human's appearance in Equestria is a rare occurrence, more-so

with the arrival of machinery, I cannot meet with them today. I have

delegations with the Griffon nations which cannot be put off until a later date.

Luna would happily visit in my stead, but unfortunately she has overindulged

in her Nightmare Night offerings, and is ill with a stomach ache (I have not

yet told her of Mr. Drake and Mr. Sullivan, for I know she would immediately

want to visit).

From what you have described to me, their demeanor is a pleasant one, and

I see no problem with allowing them to stay within Ponyville for the next few days.

In fact, you might do well to introduce them to your friends!

I look forward to making their full acquaintance within the next few days.

~ Princess Celestia


A mare happily trotted down the cobblestone streets of Canterlot towards Union Station, eager to head for her home in Ponyville. She had spent this past Nightmare Night with her family in the glistening capitol city, and while it was nice to spend time with relatives, she couldn't wait to get home. Her saddlebags were filled with all manner of sweets and confections her family had insisted on her taking home, both for her and her partner. Her pleasant jaunt was interrupted as she slammed head-on into a stallion, landing on her flank and spilling her precious cargo everywhere.

"Aw, ponyfeathers," The stallion said as he got up, having been floored as well by the encounter. "Are you al-right miss? I-I-I'm sorry about that. I-I wasn't looking where I was going." He stammered nervously, face flushing crimson after making and breaking brief eye contact.

He helped her to her hooves and aided in collecting the spilled treats. Before long, all had been collected and the mare was on her way again after a few quick goodbyes. But, something wasn't right. A soft rustling could be heard from the bags that wasn't there before. Curious, the mare stopped and searched her bags, only to find a parchment she knew she didn't have before leaving her parents' house. Had that stallion put it in her bag by mistake, or was it purposeful? Was it a confession of love? Sure, she was taken, but it didn't make the gesture any less cute. She unfurled the parchment and began to read.


We've confirmed two have made themselves known within Ponyville.

Meet with 09 in Saddleton, they have intel, then move in for disposal.

~ ∞

The mare huffed. Not even one day after spending time with family, she was back on the clock again. Oh well. She stuffed the work order back into her saddlebags and continued her trek to the station, in a much less cheerful mood than before.

"At least the squints are getting more creative at assigning targets, and having fun with it," she grumbled. "I guess that's all you can do when you're stuck behind a desk all day. I just hope I'm not after any more of those test subjects..."