• Member Since 26th Oct, 2015
  • offline last seen May 26th


sometimes ideas pop up that need to be written down


It's a Rick and Morty AU Adventure! Twilight is Rick and Spike is Morty. Read it with the voices; you know you want to.

An idea that spawned under mild inebriation and built strength the longer I thought about it. Not strictly a crossover I think as the characters from MLP are taking on traits from other shows rather than literally meeting up, but seems a worthwhile tag.

Cover art cropped from Rick and Morty + MLP by MXCoriginal, showing this idea is far from original.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 8 )

Funny concept but most of the jokes were just lifted straight from the cartoon almost word for word.

Wow, Twilight's going to a lot of trouble just to find a dimension where they still have that Eastern Unicorn sauce at the Hayburger.

And then Rick realized Twilight was, in fact, a Rick.

Well it is a parody of the pilot episode. Although sometimes it feels like all a parody is these days is having the same story but replacing the characters with ponies.

Well this was a thing. Not entirely sure how I would equate this to being bad, good, or somewhere between the two, but it was definitely a rather random and crazy ride

It's okay, but crossovers like this (called Fusion Fics, technically) need to have more than just the novelty of "This person is acting like this other person' to be memorable. Maybe by playing up the magic angle? And it's worth noting that Ricks's slur don't work as well in prose as they do when spoken. Part of the problem could be that Rick and Morty's pilot is one of its weakest episodes.

Still, its was fine. I hope you try something like this again.

Imagine if the Rick and Morty pilot was the pitch and it got rejected because it was so weak...

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