• Published 2nd Oct 2017
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Power Rangers Guardians vs Power Rangers Revolution X - Banshee531

When a new enemy from another universe threatens their world, the Guardian Rangers must team up with another set of Rangers to save the day.

  • ...

The City of Hope

Our story began almost thirty years ago, when a meteorite crash landed into our world.

When the military of our world pulled it out of the creator it made, they discovered it was giving off a powerful energy reading. When they broke the meteorite apart, they discovered an unusual crystal core at its centre.

Three scientists, the best in their fields, were brought in to examine the crystal. The first was me, Dr Catherine Song, I was the top mind when it came to unknown entities and all things not of the earth. The next was Prof Ryo Davis, the lead scientist in the field of robotics and machinery. Finally there was Dr Mechano, who had studied many aspects of both of our fields and was just as knowledgeable as us.

We spent months studying the crystal, discovering that the radiation it was giving off was not only harmless to humans, but also a source of infinite clean energy.

We named the crystal the X Element and the energy it gave off, X Energy.

We believed this crystal to be a gift from the heaven, a way to rebuild our world into a brighter future and began designing devices and vehicles which would use the X Energy. In this time Ryo and I grew close and fell in love, eventually marrying.

However, things one day took a turn for the worst.

Ryo and Catherine had been enjoying some time together, when suddenly their lab shook.

"What's going on?" Catherine asked.

"I don't know," Ryo said as he got up, "but we'd better go check on the lab."

Catherine nodded and they both rushed off towards their underground lab.

When they arrived, they found the place was a wreak. There were loose wires and busted computers all over the place, along with pieces of the roof which fallen.

"The whole place is coming down!" Ryo said.

"What could have caused this?" Catherine asked as they climbed over the rubble.

"I don't know," Ryo said, "but we need to make sure the X Element is secure."

Quick as they could, they made their way to the lab which held the crystal. It wasn't easy with the whole building collapsing around them, but eventually they found themselves outside the metal doors.

Ryo quickly types in the code, allowing the doors to open and for them to step inside.

This lab was in even worst shape with every single piece of equipment short circuiting. In the centre of the room, inside glass container, was a house sized crystal which had several tube like cables attached to it. This was the X Element, the meteoric core which was glowing brightly. That glow was the X Energy it generated, which was being sucked into the tubes and being sent somewhere.

"What?" Ryo asked as they rushed inside, "who's using the X Element."

"Ryo!" They turned to see a younger none robotic Mechano rush into the room. "Thank goodness you're here," he said, "I don't know what went wrong."

"You did this?" Ryo asked.

"Yes," Mechano said, "I was testing the system, but the computers began to overload."

"I told you we weren't ready for a field test," Ryo yelled over the sound of the out of control machines, "why didn't you listen to me?"

"I thought we were ready," Mechano replied, "but I don't understand what went wrong. I only used five percent of the X Elements power."

"Five percent is enough to light a whole city for a year," Ryo told him, "you channelled it into a single unstable point and now the backlash is going to destroy this whole place."

"We have to evacuate!" Catherine said.

"No!" Mechano said as he began typing away at the computer, "I can fix this. I know I can."

"It's to late," Ryo told him, "the systems already in overload."

"I can do it," Mechano said.

Suddenly the computer he was working at exploded in his face, followed by several other computers.

Ryo and Catherine had retreated back, safely away from the explosions but knew they had to escape.


They turned back to the lab, where they saw Mechano buried under some rubble. He held a hand over the left side of his face, while reaching out for them.

"Please," he called out, "don't leave me!"

"We have to save him," Catherine called out as she tried to go in to get him, but the lab continued to collapse and Ryo pulled her back.

"We can't," he told her, "if we go in there now we'll all die!"

"But we can't leave him," Catherine told him. Ryo then reached around her waist and began pulling her to the exit.

"I'm sorry," Ryo said.

They rushed to the exit and were soon outside, just before the entire lab collapsed in on itself. Seconds later the remains were incinerated by a powerful explosion.

They attempted to excavate the remains, but it was for nort.

Mechano and the X Element were seemingly destroyed, the only thing that remained was an almost microscopic fragment of the crystal.

We mourned Mechano's death and continued on with our lives, giving birth to our first born son.

However, it turns out Mechano and the X Element somehow survived. Mechano had been badly injured and was forced to replace several parts of his body with machinery to live, transforming himself into the half robotic being he is today. It seemed the trauma of the explosion and his cyborganism had driven him insane, as he declared vengeance on the whole of mankind.

Using the X Element, he created an army of machines which he used to begin his conquest of our world and he was succeeding. He'd concurred almost all of the world, until Ryo created a place where the remains of humanity could live.

Using the X Element shard, Ryo created a device that would create a powerful dome energy shield. This Particle Barrier was used to create a safe heaven, where people could be safe from Mechano's attack.

This safe heaven became the only place that Mechano couldn't get into and soon became the last safe place on earth. It was humanities last hope and so that became its name.

For seventeen years the domed city of Hope protected the citizens within from Mechano's wrath, but Ryo knew it wouldn't last forever.

For those seventeen years, Ryo worked on a way to protect humanity once the Particle Barrier became to weak and he did it.

He created five weapons, which would be able to allow the user to not only protect themselves from Mechano's forces, but also be able to fight back against them. The Revolution Morphers.

There was only one problem. The Revolution Morphers were so powerful, that they needed an incredible power source. They needed X Energy.

With the X Element under Mechano's control, it seemed the Revolution Morphers were useless. That is until we made a startling discovery. Due to our constant closeness to the X Element, our exposure to the X Energy caused our DNA to be infused with the energy. Though this did not effect us in anyway, the energy infused DNA was passed down to our children.

Christopher, Kade, the twins Daniela and Grant and finally Valarie, were each mutated and were able to generate the X Energy on their own. Though not in the same infinite manor as the X Element, they could generate enough X Energy that they themselves could fuel and use the Revolution Morphers.

Though Ryo and I were reluctant to the idea of letting our children fight against a mad man, when the children learned of their abilities and what that meant they all instantly chose to take on the task.

And so each one underwent training to become the heroes that would save the world. Overseen by our close friend, Commander Thomas Ryn, they soon mastered their individual skills and were ready to face the evil that was coming.

And so it was that after seventeen years of peace, the X Element Shard finally lost the last of its power and the Particle Barrier shut down.

Mechano had been waiting. As soon as the barrier fell he launched an all out attack on the city, but that's when he met them.

After years of training, our five children accepted their destiny and used the Morphers for first time. Becoming the Power Rangers, Revolution X!

With their new powers, the Power Rangers managed to defeat Mechano's invading army and send him packing.

And so the war began. For two years Mechano would send his forces in, lead by more advanced attack bots. One by one the Rangers would defeat these forces, destroying the attack bots along with them, but with each fight Mechano improved his design and built stronger attack bots.

Over time the Rangers would soon find themselves overwhelmed by Mechano's most powerful robot and were almost defeated, until the timely arrival of a new Ranger.

This Neo Ranger saved the Rangers and defeated Mechano's robot, before revealing himself as the Ranger's younger brother Aichi.

He explained how he had time travelled back from nineteen years in the future, where Mechano had defeated the Rangers and conqured the whole world. He and a hand full of survivors lived in fear of Mechano, who had turned their world into a barren wasteland.

Their only hope had been an unusual device they'd found in the ruins of Hope City, a prototype Neo Morpher which Ryo had been working on before the Ranger's defeat. Taking it, Aichi snuck into Mechano's mechanical fortress and found what he needed.

The future Mechano apparently created a device that could create a portal into the past, which Aichi used to travel back to the day when the Power Rangers were suppose to be defeated. With future knowledge, Aichi managed to destroy the robot and save his siblings before joining the team.

With this new Ranger on the team, they managed to keep Mechano at bay but knew they needed to put an end to Mechano once and for all.

After a year of searching, we managed to find Mechano's mechanical city and mounted a full force attack.

Resistance was strong, but with the Ranger's help we managed to take the city and attempted to capture Mechano. However, it seems Mechano was prepared.

He had built an interdimensional portal, one we had only theorised about, which he used to escape us.

But before the portal closed, Christopher and I managed to jump through it.

"And that's how he got here," Catherine said as she finished her story.

She, Christopher and their new friends were in the Guardian Ranger's underground base. After arriving there and meeting up with Shining and Soarin, the group had sat down to listen to Catherine's tale.

"Whoa," Soarin said, "I knew other worlds were real, but to think there's one so similar to our own...minus the whole mad scientist turning it into a wasteland part."

"We're sorry to hear about your world," Shining said, "I can't imagine living like that."

"It's okay," Catherine said.

"I'm used to it," Chris said, "considering I grew up in it."

"But still," Sunset said, "it's truly horrible."

"I'd hate to live in a world like that," Soarin said.

"And you won't," Chris said, "because I'm gonna stop Mechano and finally end this once and for all."

"And you'll have us there to help you," Flash said, "you helped us and now we're ready to return to favour." He held out a hand, obviously expecting him to take it in agreement.

Chris looked at his hand and then held up his own, staring at it as if unsure. In that moment, Catherine took hold of his hand and placed it in Flash's.

"Christopher," Catherine said, "we can't do this on our own. We're alone in an unknown world, with no idea how to contact our friends. We need them."

Chris stared at his mother for a moment, before smiling and grasping Flash's hand. "Okay," he said, "you're all right. I do need your help."

They all smiled and nodded, ready to take on this new threat to their world together.

"With that out of the way," Celestia said, "we should get to work."

"She's right," Luna said, "and the first thing we need to do is find a way to stand a chance against Mechano."

"Yeah," Twilight said before turning to the Rangers, "you guys took the Guardroids down easy enough, but your weapons barely even scratched the Megabots and most likely will have even less effect on anything stronger."

"Right," Lyra said, "we need a way to fight back."

"I can help with that," Catherine said as she moved over to the lab. "I have the specs of all of Mechano's machines, which we can use to re-calibrate all your weapons so you can fight back."

"Perfect," Micro said, "we'd better get to work." He, Twilight, Sunset and the principles moved over to the lab.

"While they do that," Starswirl said, "I thing it would be prudent for Christopher to help you all train for your next confrontation with Mechano."

"No problem," Chris said, "when I'm done you'll know every move programmed into those machines."

"Righteous," Sandel said.

"Lead the way Chris," Sweetie said.

With that the group headed out to the gym, ready to learn how to fight against Mechano and his metal death machines.

While this was happening, Mechano was back in his hiding place.

After arriving in this universe, he'd sort out an abandon factory and had converted it into a makeshift lab to build his army up.

Currently Mechano was sitting at a desk, Guardroids marching around him as they worked to repair his fallen minions. Now that he was out of his ship, it could be seen that his left leg had been replaced with a metallic one.

Mechano did not look happy, as he was currently mulling over what had happened in his last battle. Suddenly he slammed his fists into the desk, the robotic one causing it to crack, as he stood up. "I can't believe he's here!" He yelled, "and no doubt Catherine is here as well. I have to find a way to stop him and the other Rangers before they ruin everything."

Suddenly a Guardroid stepped up to him.

"What is it?" Mechano asked.

The robot replied, speaking in beeps and whirls that Mechano understood due to his robotic implants.

"It's ready?" He asked in surprise. After the Guardroid nodded, Mechano rushed over to a corner of the factory.

Once there, he stepped through the curtain that was keeping the things behind it from view and looked up at his finished creation. "Tremendous," Mechano said with an evil smile. He then reached up and pressed a button on his robotic temple, causing info to stream through his mechanical brain. Doing so caused him to frown. "Curses," he said, "even with the X Element, I don't have enough energy to power it and my forces."

He stepped back out from the section and moved to another one, where what remained of the meteor's crystal core stood. The X Element which had once been the size of a house, after decades of overuse and abuse, had been reduced down to the size of an average man. Despite this, the X Element was still a constant form of energy though it was a thousand times less then it had once been.

"I need something that equals your power," Mechano said, "but what? There has to be an energy source in this universe that can equal yours, but where?" He thought for a moment, then remembered what had happened earlier that day. "Those Rangers," he said, "their power was on the same level as the others. If I can find out what they use to power their tech and take it for myself, I can use it to power the project and use the X Element for my forces. I must capture one of them, but to do that I will need a robot with tremendous power...or five."

With that he rushed over to another section for the factory, where he was keeping all the attack bots he'd brought to this universe. That section was filled with large metal tube like pods, lined up one by one. Moving through the rows, Mechano looked around for the ones he wanted. Finally he found them, five slightly smaller pods. They were red, blue, yellow, green and pink.

Staring at the pods, Mechano once again pressed the button on his temple. "Awaken."

The five pods activated, before the front of them slowly opened and released a stream of mist. Seconds later, five figures stepped out of the the pods.

"I have a job for you," Mechano said.

Back at the school, six of the eight Guardian Rangers were in the gym with the Red Revolution Ranger. The mane six, minus Twilight, were also there to watch.

Currently they were sitting on the bleachers as Flash and Chris were on the mat, practising the hand to hand maneuvers he'd been showing them.

"Remember," Chris said, "these robots are designed to follow patterns. Be to obvious with your attacks and you'll be an easy target."

"Right," Flash said.

With that, Lyra rang the bell and they began. Flash started with a few jabs, which Chris managed to block, followed by a right hook and a left leg strike. Chris however, manged to block each and every one of his moves.

"Flash is moving to predictably," Shining said, "it's like Chris said. There's no way he can take those robots down like this."

"Come on Flash," Rainbow said, "get the lead out."

Flash tried another jab to the face, but Chris merely caught the teen's fist in his hand and then used it to pull him closer and knee him in the gut, before throwing him back on the mat.

"Come on," Chris said, "I've seen you guys fight, you're better then that."

The winded Flash managed to push himself back up, before turning back to Chris and raising his fist in a boxing manor.

"Bring it," Chris said.

Flash charged forward and threw a few more punched, which Chris decided to start dodging and cause Flash to grow annoyed.

"Come on," he said, "stop trying to hit me and hit me!"

Flash yelled and threw another punch towards Chris, who leaned back in order to dodge. However, it seemed as if this was Flash's plan. Using the force of his punch, Flash leapt up and did a front flip bring his foot down. With all his strength, Flash threw his right foot down and struck Chris with his ankle. The force was enough to knock Chris off his feet and make everyone flinch at the attack.

Flash was the first back to his feet, before looking down at Chris.

"How was that?" He asked.

"Unexpected," Chris replied before smiling, "brilliant."

Flash smiled and offered a hand to help him up, which Chris took to get up.

"Great work Flash," he said once he'd dusted himself off.

"Thanks," Flash said.

"You were both great," Sweetie said.

"Best hand to hand fight a've ever seen," Applejack said.

"Hopefully this will help you in your fight," Rarity said.

"And when you take that meany down," Pinkie said, "I'll throw you all a victory party."

"Sounds like fun," Chris said.

"I'm quite impressed by your fighting techniques as well," Shining said, "I've trained for many years but the way you fight is as if its hardwired into you."

"I pretty much is," Chris replied as he sat down on the bleacher, "I've been training since I was eight years old, preparing to take on whatever Mechano threw at us when he arrived."

"That's so sad," Fluttershy said, "children should be playing, not training."

"I chose to do it," Chris replied, "we all did. We didn't have much in Hope, but it was better then nothing. We weren't gonna let Mechano take that away."

Everyone frowned hearing this. It was as if Mechano had stolen Chris's childhood, forcing him to hide away from the world and spend his life working to become a hero. The Guardian Rangers took their roles seriously, but even so they still had lives outside of that. Being a Ranger was Chris's whole life."

"Well don't worry," Soarin said, "with out help you'll take this freak down and put an end to his insanity once and for all."

"Yeah," Rainbow said, "then all you'll have to worry about is what your gonna do once your world's safe."

"Oh I already know about that," Chris replied, "I've been thinking about it ever since I started my training. All my siblings have."

"Really?" Lyra asked, "what so you wanna do."

"Well first there's Kade. He's a military man," he said, "no doubt he'll join Commander Ryn's troop when we're done. Then there's Dani, whose a great pilot, she's been considering going into search and rescue. Grant inherited the most of our parents brains, the guy could build a computer out of paper clips and strings. And then there's Val, when she's not training she spends her time looking after little kids. She'll probably work to educate the next generation of our world."

"And what about you darling?" Rarity asked, "what are your prospects for the future."

Chris seemed to need a moment to think about it. "Well," he said, "I've spent my whole life trapped inside a domed city. When this is all over, I think I want to go out and see the world. Who knows, maybe Hope isn't the only group of humans who survived. If their out there, I'd like to find them and help them rebuild."

Everyone smiled and nodded. That was certainly a noble cause.

Suddenly the doors of the gym burst open and Micro Chips rushed inside.

"Guys!" He called out.

"What is it?" Flash asked, "is Mechano attacking again?"

"No," Micro replied, "you won't believe this. We managed to make contact with Chris's world."

This caused Chris's eyes to go wide. "What?" He asked in disbelief, "are you serious?"

Micro nodded. "After we finished tuning our weapons, we started working on a way to try and contact your team. By combining your mothers data with our own interdimensional knowledge, we were able to get a fixed location on your worlds point of origin and when we sent a single we got a response. The others are working to open a stable channel."

Chris's face was one of major confusion. Obviously he didn't understand a word of what Micro had said, but he didn't care because he'd finally get to see the rest of his family again.

"Come on," he said, "let's go." With that he rushed towards the entrance of the base, the rest of the group.

When they arrived at the base, they saw the others gathered around the holotable which was projecting a static image.

"How's it going?" Flash asked.

"We're almost there," Twilight replied, "it's finding the right frequency that will completely pass between the dimensional void that's the problem."

"Hang on," Sunset said, "I think something's coming through."

She was right, as the static began to slowly flicker into an actually image. It was a man who looked like an older version of Chris, with greying hair and a pair of glasses over his eyes.

"Dad," Chris said as he and Catherine smiled.

"Hello," he said, "are you reading me?"

"Yes we read you?" Catherine said.

"Catherine," Ryo Davis said happily, "thank goodness. I'd hoped it was you sending us that signal." Suddenly he was pushed out of the way, replaced by five younger people.

"Mom!" The male brunette wearing a blue jacket said, "Chris."

"Hay Kade," Chris said, "having fun leading the team in my absence?"

"I wish," Kade replied, "Dani won't do a thing I tell her to."

"Well maybe if you asked nicely," the female brunette in a yellow jacket told him.

"I'm surprised you managed to send an interdimensional beacon," a male brunette wearing glasses and a green jacket said, "the universe your in must be very high tech."

"As high tech as ours Grant," Catherine replied, "it's thanks to our new friends that we were able to create it."

"New friends?" A girl with black hair and wearing a pink jacket asked.

They looked around and saw Flash and the rest of the gang.

"Who are they?" A black haired boy in a silver jacket asked.

"They, Aichi, are the Guardian Rangers," Catherine replied.

"More Power Rangers?" Kade asked.

"Yeap," Chris said, "and they've agreed to help us fight against Mechano."

"That's good," Ryo replied as he squeezed into the front of the group, "until we can get the Dimensional Gate working, we can't send you any reinforcements."

"Well now that you've got our dimensional signal," Twilight said, "you should be able to open a portal here once it's done."

"Indeed," Ryo replied. In that second the image began to once again grow blurry. "Our signals beginning to fail," he said, "we're losing you."

"Dad!" Chris cried as he got closer to the monitor.

"Don't worry bro," Kade said, "you just keep doing what you're doing. We'll be there as soon as we can."

"Good luck Chris?" Valarie said.

"Don't do anything I wouldn't do," Dani said.

"More like don't do anything she would do," Grant joked.

"Be careful," Aichi said.

"Don't worry," Catherine said, "we will."

With that the image cut out and the group were left in silence. Chris sighed, before he felt a hand on his shoulder. Turning around he saw Flash smiling at him.

"Don't worry," he said, "you'll see them again."

Chris just smirked and nodded, before an alarm cut the moment short.

"What's that?" Catherine asked.

"Security alarm," Celestia explained.

Twilight began typing at the computer, causing an image to appear on screen. It showed images of Guardroids and Megabots attacking Canterlot again, but they weren't alone. With them was an eight foot tall silver robot, with a dome shaped head and rocket shaped arms.

"That's more advanced then before," Micro said.

"It's Missile Wrist," Chris explained, "he's an attack bot that Mechano's sent against us a few times."

"We'd better get out there," Flash said.

"Wait," Twilight said as she types away and another screen appeared, showing Guardroids and Megabots attacking a different part of Canterlot.

"Two attack points?" Lyra asked.

"Mechano's favourite tactic," Catherine explained, "divide a conquer."

"What's the plan?" Sandal asked Flash.

Flash thought for a moment, then nodded. "Me, Lyra, Micro, Sweetie, Sandel and Chris will take out the group with the attack bot," he explained, "Soarin, Shining and Sunset will deal with the other force. There are no attack bots there so it won't need as many Rangers to deal with."

"I'm going to," Rainbow said, "those Guardroids and Megabots won't stand a chance against my speed."

"And my strength," Applejack said.

"I'm going to," Rarity said.

"Me three," Pinkie said.

"I want to help to," Fluttershy said quietly.

"And me," Twilight said, "our powers can help us deal with them."

"Powers?" Chris asked, only for his and Catherine's eyes to go wide when Twilight levitated a nearby book to her hand. "Whoa," he said.

"Okay," Flash said, "but listen to Shining okay." He turned to the Silver Ranger. "Think you can lead them."

Shining nodded.

"Alright," Flash said, "then let's get this done."

"RIGHT!" The fourteen others said before they all turned and headed out, ready to take on whatever Mechano threw at them.

Author's Note:

Hope you liked The Revolution Rangers backstory. I know it's similar to RPM's but you take what you can get.