• Published 16th Nov 2017
  • 9,281 Views, 139 Comments

Hail to the King - PrincessMoonzilla

[Displaced] Waking up with a hangover, not unusual. Waking up as Igneel, a dragon that treats fire like a klondike bar? Not normal under any circumstances. Except maybe fanfiction...

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Shattering a Diamond

Chapter 2: Shattering a Diamond

The warmth of my body did wonders for the small equine. It made sense, really. Ultimate Fire Dragon that treated magma like a Klondike bar should have an incredible body heat.

Took until we were a minute away from my cave before I heard screaming and thrashing in my clawed grip.

I sighed. “If you don't stop, I'll drop you back into the snow again.” That stopped it.

“Um… Mister Dragon?” Female voice.


“Why are you here?”

“Because I live here. What’s your excuse for running into an eternal blizzard?”

“... to save my home.”

I perked up at that.

Finally, something interesting! As much as one could love their cave in the middle of Winter’s Grip, I was bored out of my skull. Plus, it meant the one thing that I wanted most.


I may need to visit a psychiatrist.

As I saw the entrance to my lovely abode, I slowly lowered myself down onto the ledge just outside. I could almost feel the pony melting from the comfortable heat that was being emitted.

I didn't know if bringing her close to such a heat source was good for her, so I simply held her in my scaly arms inside the entrance. Damn me and my living in Arizona! Wait… this is a really messed up joke I’m in.

“So… can I ask your name?” Oh shit! What is my name?! I panic and the first thing to greet my mind is Igneel. Sure, why the hell not. After all, better then the Fire Dragon Ted.

“Igneel. Care to do the same?”

“White Pearl.” Ah, Steven Universe inspired OC maybe?

We simply sat in silence as the bitter cold left her. To say it was awkward was an understatement. She was probably contemplating if I would eat her, and I was wondering what I could say that didn't sound threatening.

“Care to explain what you meant? About your home?”

And tell me she did.

Her home was the Crystal Empire, a great place to raise the kids. Beautiful weather, nice neighbors, megalomaniac overlords, low taxes. You know, the works.

This Sombra asshole was currently forcing all his ‘subjects,’ that he inherited after the princess’ death, which he no doubt had a hand- hoof- whatever in, to become mindless drones that only did one thing. Obey him. To take over the world.

Cliche, I know, but this was apparently dark and broody’s thought process.

In all honesty, I've been bored out of my skull for the past month, so what harm is there in a little tyrant toppling? Plus, he sounds like a pompous asswipe. Those are always the best people to f*** with.

I gouged out a small hole into the wall and put her inside. She seemed about as confused as I was expecting.

“I'm going to the Crystal Empire. If a bastard like that lives near by, I don't wanna ignore him until the last minute when he’s at my doorstep. Very bad for property sales, I believe.”

As I was about to take into the air, she shouted for me to wait.

“P-please, please promise me you’ll end him!” The determination in her voice was evident. To have spent as long as she did under his iron fist was very impressive.

I simply smiled her way and took off into the snow and wind.

Where the hell was this Empire?


Sombra watched as his plans were nearing the end of stage one. His soldiers were fully equipped, his slaves were being loaded up with supplies, and his supercharged crystals were waiting for an enemy.

He chuckled to himself. It was almost too easy. None but himself had so thoroughly studied black magic, so that meant none knew how to defend against it.

The isolation of the Empire left little to no outside contact, leaving nopony important to learn of what was going on.

And even though they are powerful, the new princesses of Equestria were but fillies, young minds that were easily corruptible. Not to mention their guardian, Starswirl, was an old stallion, feeble in body, and no matter how much magical power he had, it wouldn't be enough. With luck, he’ll just have a heart attack just looking at Sombra’s army.

Before he could leave his balcony that overlooked his Empire, Sombra felt something bypass the barrier surrounding his land. A big something.

He turned to see what was foolish enough to dare-


It was a bit smaller than a normal dragon. It's body was more similar to a Minotaur than any dragon Sombra ever saw. It's head was of a different shape, not slender but bulky. There were many other differences, but it was, undoubtedly, a dragon.

Sombra steeled himself. Though it was rare, dragons did come to ransack the Empire. Most who tried died from frostbite or left, and the ones that did arrive were weak from exhaustion. Even then, the dark king had spells specifically made to slay dragons. What unnerved him the most was how healthy he looked. His crimson scales shined, with no flaws in them other than the scar on it’s chest.

His pegasai flew into the air while the unicorns charged their spells and the earth ponies prepared the crystals. The dragon just smirked at the attackers.

With a powerful beat of his wings, the dragon tossed most of the advancing pegasai into their earth-bounded cousins. Those that didn't fall were swept aside by his massive tail. The unicorns fired off their spells, only for the behemoth to fly around them in an almost graceful fashion.

Sombra was a little more than pissed as this dragon, who should be a frozen and hungry mess, was treating his army like a bunch of drunken toddlers.

The dragon saw the dark unicorn, and flew into the air, and landed with ground shaking force. He inhaled and threw his head back.

The roar was one of unmatched Power. One could feel the buildings vibrate from across the Empire. Sombra was lucky to have spells protecting himself from most damage, otherwise by simply being near the vicinity of the roar would have made him deaf. Instead, his legs turned to jelly, they would not move no matter how hard he tried.

He almost tasted fear.


God do I love dramatic intros! And what was more dramatic than that! I am a f***ing badass!

The black unicorn that I’m guessing is Sombra just stared at me, trying to hide behind a poker face.

I pointed a claw at him.

“You Sombra?”

“Y-yes! I am Sombra, the Black Diamond! Who are you to break into my Empire?”

“Name’s Igneel, and you’re going to be toast.” That sounded so much cooler in my head, but it got the reaction I wanted out of him.

As he just stood there in a moment of confusion, I leaped forward and tried punching him. Emphasis on tried. I had apparently not broken all of Sombra’s toys.

Explosions hit me on my side, sending me flying a good hundred meters. I wasn't hurt, thankful for my apparent immunity to most magics and heat. It did feel like I was hit by a football in the ribs, so points there.

Really quick, just wanted to point out that this American will mostly use meters because frankly, they’re easier to understand. Down with the Conformists!

I stood up to see that large red crystals, easily half my size, were shooting fireballs at me. I was once more impacted by the force of the blasts, not the actual explosions themselves.

I landed in front of some purple ones, this time shooting lightning at me! If it weren't for the fact that I only felt slightly tingly, I would've thought this was overkill.

I heard a classic villain laugh to my right, seeing the smug bastard on top of a small chariot.

“You didn't think that I would've had countermeasures against your kind? Well, prepare to feel utter agony, you overgrown lizard! ANTI-DRAGON CRYSTAL BARRAGE!

With that, black crystals erupted from the ground, aimed right at me. I crossed my arms and folded my wings over myself in order to- huh.

You guys know the feeling when a cat walks across your back? That's the pressure I'm feeling. It was actually kind of cute, in a rejected Chucky doll kind of way.

He did the whole evil laugh at his oh so clever insult as I stayed still for a moment. Honestly, you’d expect some hero to take advantage of that. Oh, wait!

I spread myself out, shattering the dark crystals. Sombra stopped laughing at the sight. I flew a few meters into the air and tested something out.

See, if I could eat magma, and Igneel taught Natsu to eat fire, was it really much of a stretch to see if I could eat fire?

As I inhaled, the flames from the previous explosions started entering my mouth, and I could feel the power rushing to me. As I did it longer, I noticed that torches around the block started going out, and trails of fire were coming from further away. My stomach ballooned to almost twice in size before I unleashed hell.

I used my tail to knock Dracula’s result of beastiality into the air, getting the tyrant into my sights away from any major buildings. His horn started glowing. And I Roared.


A torrent of flames escaped past my jaws right into the smug bastard before he did whatever it was he wanted to do. The heat was so intense that I saw some of the buildings get a slight red glow and the ponies had to cover their eyes. My Roar lasted a good half minute before I decided that was enough overkill.

There weren't even ashes.

I looked around, and saw the fearful denizens, all of them wondering if I was going to treat them as a BBQ as well. Or maybe take over with a worse iron fist. Hoof? I don't even know anymore…

I needed to change that. I didn’t like being looked at like a bad guy, not even in Skyrim! At worst, I’d be that one Sith that followed the Light Side of the Force and make a few sarcastic comments here and there.

I flew higher into the air and thanked my luck for such a loud voice.

“Ponies of the Crystal Empire, hear me! Sombra is dead, and those under his control have hopefully been set free from his influence! He stole your freedom, and now I give it back! Celebrate, find loved ones, and cherish this gift that had been stolen from you! And I'm sorry about the property damage, please don't fine me.”

With that, I flew back to my cave. I'm guessing that they had a herd mentality, and the dragon that quite literally fired their king didn't do well for their night of celebration. You know, common herbivore vs carnivore scenarios.

Plus, I needed to get White Pearl out of my cave before she did something she regretted. Like sleep in my bed. That shit was comfy!


A week after that whole ordeal and I'm sorting through the piles of treasure. If I've been here for this long and no one claimed this for themselves, then I'm gonna use it. Maybe. Probably not.

It was just going to look pretty and decorative in all honesty. I might give some of it away if someone would present me with some cola and small talk. I’m very generous for a fire breathing lizard of death.

I had just finished putting the gems into their own little corner when I smelled a familiar scent. Ponies.

It wasn't unexpected that they’d find me. After all, I did return Pearl back to the Empire, albeit making myself as unseen as possible. And leaving her a good kilometer away. Was that a dick move? Naw.

I exited my newly claimed treasury to find at least a dozen ponies at the entrance of my cave, all wearing winter clothing. Six were pegasai, four were unicorns, and the last two were of the normal variety.

Two of them removed their helmets, revealing a mare with an orange coat and white mane, the other was a deep blue stallion with a red mane. But the most memorable thing about them was that they looked like they were made of crystal.

“Are you the dragon Igneel,” the mare asked, showing no fear. Just a mask that cracked, revealing excitement.

“I am. May I ask why you decided to pay me a visit?”

And then I was royally confused (I did pun!) for what had to be the fifth time of my life. All of them bowed to me!

“We the citizens of the Crystal Empire have come to a consensus. We would be honored if you were to be our King.”

I was going to be doing a lot of paperwork, wasn't I?

Author's Note:

Yeah, I already had this one written around a week ago, so sorry for this wait. Just dealing with family problems.

And now hail to your new king, Igneel, the Red Diamond!