• Published 8th May 2018
  • 491 Views, 8 Comments

Black Forest: Entropy - Alfoals Trottenbauer

Sven, another employee of Black Forest, fights for survival in the collapsing facility.

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V - Residential Area

Sven trotted through the residential buildings doors, a hole busted through them.

He cantered up some stairs, flight after flight.

Someone's quivering breath was barely audible.

"H-help..." They said quietly.

Sven reloaded his assault rifle, then opened the door from which it was originating.

A large section of marble counter was crushing the abdomen of somepony he recognized.

Her eyes lit up as she saw him.

Her fur was a natural light blue. Her snout bled down her chin.

"Sven... Help." Sven's wife, Moonlight asked, short of breath.

Sven lifted the counter segment off of her through sheer adrenaline. Her body was nearly flat and blood had pooled under her.

"Sven... Please... O-our... Our child... Anton... Where is he?"

Sven was at a loss of words. He touched his hoof with hers and eventually took her foreleg into both his hooves. He looked into her deep blue eyes.

"D-don't worry... About me." She asked of him, wincing.

She closed her eyes slowly, weary of this world. She slowly stopped breathing.

Sven sat with her for a minute, thinking of what he had said to her but a few months ago.

"Black Forest is completely safe, I promise you. And Anton will get along just fine with the other families." Sven had said.

"Daddy... Are there going to be any other colts like me there?" Anton had asked him with hope in his grey eyes.

Anton's fur had been washed, since they were going to meet Sven's administrator.

Sven hesitated for a second, looking at Moonlight, then Anton.

"I'm certain."

Moonlight had looked faintly concerned.

"Are you sure?" She had asked him quietly, so that Anton couldn't hear them.

Sven had quickly nodded.

Sven's mind returned to the matters at hand.

He knew he had to carry on.

Sven slowly got up. He looked around. The room was destroyed, the counter was completely ripped apart, chairs and tables were split in half, and splinters were lying everywhere. A body fell from a hole in the ceiling, limp on the floor of the room.

He made himself a vow to find his son.

He went through the door and up the stairs.

He found his son, a mere colt in the corner of the room, dead.

There was a gunshot wound in his head and tears had stuck to the fur on his face. The boy's eyes were wide, the pupils small. He was far too young to die. He was only five years old.

He looked up at something he couldn't see. What had they done? Who caused this tragedy? Where stallion kills stallion and stallion kills colt? Where a stallion could shoot Celestia herself and nopony would say a word?

Sven shed a tear. His heart quickly swelled with wrath.

A marine's radio was giving off static. Sven put a grenade in the launcher under his rifle's barrel.

He calmed his mind.

Three soldiers stood in front of a radio, a large gap in the floor in between them and Sven. Sven took a galloping jump, skidding, and firing an entire clip.

Five soldiers rushed downstairs from the top floor.

"You guys alright down here-" One started.

Sven jumped over the hole, bucking one into the wall. He galloped down the stairs, pointing his rifle upwards and firing a grenade. Bloody chunks of equine rolled down the stairs.

He climbed to the top and out a door into the Black Forest Woods.

Sven darted behind a tree as six soldiers patrolled past him.

The stallion he saw in the test chamber galloped past them, firing a shotgun into the chests of two of them. The other four chased him.

"Squad! Neutralize Sparks!" One shouted.

Sven took this as a chance and galloped the other way into a dark parking lot.

A flaming car was the only light source in the area.

He hid behind the car, since a tank and two emplacement guns rested behind sandbags.

Soldiers were manning the gun and most wielded assault rifles.